Ancient War

Chapter 75 Conflict of Interest

In such a large and unknown dark hall, thirteen dark temple monarchs all went out for the incomparable interests and rights that are always inaccessible. Desire drives these dark monarchs to search and look for something in the unknown dark hall...

However, in the gathering place of the ancient people, all the people are constantly deduce the five elements of Taiji and the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra. After all, due to the continuous recovery of cultivation the day before yesterday, there were more or less similar problems in everyone's bodies. If these problems are not solved, it will definitely lead to disaster in the future.

However, how can the participation method of the Taiji five elements of gossip handed down by the dragon against the sky and everyone be so simple? The mysterious motto and the obscure formula. It plunged many ethnic groups into boundless confusion.

In the face of everyone, the dragon can't take care of many things. Because all this depends on yourself. If you can't participate in a thorough or epiphany, even if the problems in your body can be solved with the help of external forces, you will definitely not be able to extricate yourself in the future because of the increasing cultivation, but the mood has not been improved accordingly. In the end, you will fall into the boundless demon and unable to extricate yourself...

At this time, the dragon no longer pays attention to the situation of the clan's deduction of skills, and countless information is constantly searched and integrated in the sea of knowledge...

"In the unknown dark hall, there is likely to be a way to focus on ancient times..." From time to time, the situation before the death of the wind traveler appeared in the sea. There may be a way back to ancient times in this extremely large unknown dark hall. In this way, how can you not make the dragon excited...

"Two predecessors, Huang Yin and Long Su, Brother Yan Lion. At this time, he was trapped in the demon space. The ancient 'knife realm' depends on you to protect it. I don't know how everyone is doing now? I don't know how long I've been stuck here. I hope the 'knife realm' can be safe and sound under the protection of the two predecessors and brothers. But I just don't know what will happen to the sky and Moyou? Although I don't have a friendship with Jianwen, he still has great kindness to me for the 'knife realm'. At this time, all I can do is find a way back to ancient times. Although it will take tens of millions of years to face the 'war between gods and demons' again, if we don't recuperate in ancient times, I'm afraid we won't be able to resist the invasion of the two races of gods and demons at that time..." The dragon fell into boundless meditation for a moment.

Because the dragon against the sky learned from Fengxingzi, there seems to be a way to return to ancient times in the unknown dark hall. In the boundless meditation, he thought of the people far away in ancient times. After all, the "knife alliance" and the "magic hall" attack the "knife realm" together, adding thousands of killings to the ancient disciples. However, at this time, the dragon is deeply trapped in the demon clan and can no longer take care of everything in the "knife realm". In his heart, he has been thinking about the "knife realm", and I hope that the "knife realm" can be safe and sound under the protection of Huang Yin and others.

At this time, the dragon is constantly searching for information in the sea of knowledge. There is not only the inheritance from the star Wu clan, but also the information from Feng Xingzi, as well as everything that has happened since the birth of the dragon against the sky, and the scene of epiphany in chaos. Countless information is immersed in his sea of knowledge. The only purpose of the dragon against the sky is to see if it can find a hint of opportunity from the information immersed in the sea of knowledge...

There seems to be a conflict in the unknown dark hall. Since the powerful and unshakable existence in the dark hall has spread to magic knowledge. Thirteen dark palace monarchs led their subordinates to search and shuttle through the unknown dark hall. The purpose is to find the existence of the dragon against the sky...

The weaknesses and desires in the hearts of the thirteen dark temple monarchs are different, but the seven most powerful demon gods of the demon clan can still pass on various orders according to the different characteristics of these dark temple monarchs. At the same time, the promised benefits and rights are also the ones they want to take most in their hearts. Get it...

When the magic knowledge came out, many dark temple monarchs got the news from the magic knowledge. Each* expands, and the desire is incomparable. For their own interests and desires, they personally led their subordinates to look for signs of dragons and ancient humans in the unknown dark hall. And from time to time, because of interests in the unknown dark hall, the monarchs of the dark hall will break out or major or small conflicts...

"Raspel, how dare you slaughter my subordinates like this? Do you want to fight to the death with me? A tall demon god with a demon body that has never appeared. There is a thick layer of armor on the tall demon body, and the color on the armor flashes from time to time is enough to show how strong the defense of the armor is. Between the shaking of the magic body, the breath of the innate superior exudes a burst of magic power from time to time...

"Ji Jie... Richardson was about to ask you, how dare you drive your subordinates down to provoke the dignity of the monarch. How dare you let your subordinates disrespect the monarch so much? How can I let these ants go? Richardson is the same as the monarch of the dark palace. How can you indulge your subordinates so much? Do you have the intention to provoke the monarch? After playing cat-and-mouse games with ancient ants for tens of millions of years, I can't find fun. How about we fight together?" The demon god known as Rasper is also one of the monarchs of the Dark Temple. It seems that he slaughtered his subordinates known as Richardson.

"Humph, Raspel, don't you think I know what you think? What about fighting with you? Although thirteen dark kings are out to look for the traces of an ancient human. But today, you not only slaughter my followers, but also provoke the monarch so much. Will I be afraid of you?" Richardson's demon body was shocked, and the violent evil force protrud. On the huge claws, a black energy ball mixed with lightning is slowly lifting. There is a possibility of launching a tyrannical strike at any time.

"Wait a minute, Richardson, although I really want to fight with you, how about we find the ancient human first? If Cortina or Crane and others find it, our position in the unknown dark hall may be hit. You should know that your ex was killed by Cortina. Richardson, there must be a war between you and me, but now is not the time..." Raspel spoke when the same powerful magic power gushed out. At the same time, he is also guarding against Richardson's every move.

Raspel's subordinates showed signs of starting to retreat at this time. It turned out that when Richardson appeared, Raspel had already felt Richardson's anger. After all, he slaughtered many subordinates, one of the monarchs of the Dark Temple, and Richardson's strength should not be underestimated.

If Raspel really fights Richardson, even if he can retreat completely, Raspel's subordinates will lose a lot. And once the war starts, it will definitely attract the attention of other dark temple monarchs. At that time, once they are robbed by other dark temple monarchs, they will be attacked behind their backs during the war between the two. I'm afraid that my status can no longer be maintained...

"Hmm, Raspel, after the slaughter, my subordinate has wanted to retreat like this. Delusional... Why is this not the right time? I think it's the right time. Rasper will definitely fight with you today..." Richardson seems to be a little angry. But the black energy ball on Richardson's huge claw is slowly getting smaller. In fact, how can the monarch of the dark temple not know the current situation?

Once the war starts, it will definitely benefit other monarchs. It's better to try to preserve your strength. Even if you can't get that huge benefit in the end, at least you will have a place in the unknown dark hall in the future. Otherwise, your strength will be damaged. If you are replaced by other demon gods, it will be too late to regret...

"That's fine, Raspel, I will definitely remember what happened today. I will definitely compete with you next time..." The black energy ball on Richardson's claw slowly disappeared without a trace. Then the tall demon body disappeared and disappeared into the dark unknown hall. In fact, Richardson did not want to fight with Raspel. At that time, whoever finds the ancient human first can gain unimaginable benefits and strength.

Whether it is a demon god or an ancient human being, anyone wants to have a strong power to become a strong person, thus bowing down to all sentient beings. And at this time, it is not so easy to find that this ancient man can bring benefits to them, which is why many dark lords have gone out.

In terms of strength, Richardson is not weak with Rasper, and even surpasses Rasper. However, now Richardson can't care much about his strength and interests. Whoever finds the ancient human first can get the greatest benefit. But the thirteen dark monarchs will eventually have a war. For the greed of the demon god, no one will easily give up the immediate interests to the other party. Even if there is a war between the monarchs in the dark palace, they will not hesitate to fight.

"Obis, get out of here quickly, take your department and get out of here, otherwise, I will strangle you, get out... Such humble strength can even pull Drakan from the position of monarch of the dark temple. I don't want to know what your strength is now? You're not my opponent yet. Get out of here..." The powerful evil breath is mixed with infinite magic power, constantly impacting Orbis and his subordinates. However, although Obis showed incomparable anger in the devil's eyes at this time, he seemed to be a little helpless in the face of the other party.

The part behind Orbis has retreated from the beginning. This is strength, and everything below strength is an ant. Because of the gap in strength, Orbis had to choose to retreat...

The demon body several feet high, the magic wings behind it keep swinging, and countless golden bone tips exude a sense of infinite horror. From time to time, the light of thunder and lightning on the devil's tail crackled in the dark and unknown hall. On a dark golden one-horn above his head, countless magic runes are slowly swimming. It was Crane who despised Orbis so much.

The tall demon body, the strong defense shown on the scales on the body, and the magic power emitted from time to time on the one horn, its strong strength and the breath of the innate superior made the newborn dark temple monarch Obis afraid.

"Cline, you are also the monarch of the Dark Temple. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Since I can become one of the monarchs of the Dark Hall, I will definitely have the strength to become the monarch of the Dark Hall. What about the new students? Although you are the strongest of our dark palace monarchs, I will never be afraid of you..."

Obis's magic eyes are spinning back and forth. At this time, I don't know what he is thinking? As the new king of the dark palace, how can Obes not know the strength of Crane? However, in the face of such contemptuous words today, there is no intention of concession. Does Obis have any hidden strength?

"Why, Obis, you are always an ant in my eyes. How dare you talk to me like this? Don't you know that confronting me would be your most wrong choice! I don't mind erasing you directly here..."

Obis actually provoked Crane's dignity so much. As the strongest dark temple monarch in the unknown dark hall, in the face of Obis' disdain, he just wanted to scare him to leave here quickly, but now Crane's claws waved, and a black energy ball is forming at a speed visible to the naked eye. The evil spirit around Crane is even more vigorous. The black energy ball is getting more and more solid, and there will be lightning around it from time to time. The terrible pressure went straight to Orbis and his troops.

"Lord Orbis, we can't resist Crane's pressure. It's too horrible. Crane will turn us into fans. It's terrible..." One part of Orbis began to tremble from the demon body. Horror and fear made this demon god very strong. In the face of Crane's so much pressure, he began to be submissive and afraid in the face of the superior...

"Clane is so horrible. I'm not waiting for him. He can slaughter me all with one blow. I can't do it, I want to..." The part behind Orbis faced Crane's rising magic power and the earth-shaking blow that will be launched at any time. These departments have been retreating from the beginning.

The level of the demon clan depends on strength. As one of the strongest dark palace monarchs in the unknown dark hall, Crane is extremely powerful. Although the thirteen dark temple monarchs have their own subordinates, these low-level demon gods are all avoided when they meet Crane. Because he is not only afraid of the superior, but also because he is an ant-like existence, he will be arbitrarily erased by the strong.

At the same time, in another place in the unknown dark hall, Cortina's beautiful eyes were angry, and bursts of explosions were waved from time to time.


The screams also kept coming. Cortina was so angry that her hands waved black energy balls and kept throwing them out. The bursts of explosions and screams showed how horrible Cortina's strength was. I would rather provoke Crane than provoke Cortina..." Cortina rarely got angry, but at this time, Cortina poured black energy balls so crazily and roared angrily from time to time. It is unknown who dares to provoke Cortina's majesty so much in the dark hall.

"Stuat dares to block this seat and flirt with me. How can you provoke me? No one has made me angry for a long time, and even if Crane is here, he will not easily provoke me. Stuart, how dare you do this? Humph, I want to see how strong you are..."

Although Cortina's body is like an ancient human woman. However, as one of the unknown dark temple monarchs, its super horror strength is the existence that many low-level demon gods look up to. Countless demons in the whole unknown dark hall do not want to touch Cortina's fragrance. But few of the dark monarchs are willing to face her. However, at this time, it seemed that Stuart blocked Cortina's way, and his words were mixed with disrespect for her, which led to her great anger.

From time to time, there will be conflicts among the monarchs in the whole unknown dark hall, all of which seem to be caused by the dragon against the sky. Because if you find a dragon against the sky, it will bring unimaginable benefits and strength to these dark monarchs. The energy turbulence and continuous explosions in the unknown dark hall show the intensity of the conflict.

However, the current dragon does not know that the big and small demon gods in the whole unknown dark hall, under the leadership of their respective monarchs, will find his signs at the cost of conflict. It can be seen that the demon clan is also based on interests. The message from the unshakeable power in the deepest part of the unknown dark hall made many dark temple monarchs find the existence of the dragon against the sky at all costs for their own goals and interests. Nowadays, the dragon is still hiding in the gathering place of the ancient people, and constantly searching for the sea, just to return to the ancient road...

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