Ancient War

Chapter 76 Clues

At this time, the dragon has been immersed in the sea of knowledge, constantly filtering and searching in the face of vast information. However, in the unknown dark hall at this time, there is a struggle between the monarchs of the dark palace from time to time...

"Cortina, I have always wanted you to be my wife. Now I have the opportunity to surpass Crane. As long as I succeed, I can be in charge of the whole unknown dark hall alone. At that time, why don't you be in charge of my wife and the master of my harem at ease? Come on, as long as I think of you, I will be able to resist the desire in my heart... Jie Jie..."

Stuart looked at Cortina in front of him as if he were looking at an existence that could be arbitrarily ** and humiliated, the rising fire of evil desire in his eyes and the flirtation and provocation of Cortina in his words. How can Cortina not be furious?

Cortina was already furious in the face of Stuart's naked flirting. In the whole unknown dark temple, Stuart, as one of the monarchs of the dark temple, does not seem to be as strong as the new Orbis monarch. It's just that the other ten monarchs are constantly strengthening their strength over time. However, Stuart was addicted to the joy of the harem all day.

In fact, Stuart is not like this. When Stuart became the monarch of the Dark Hall, he walked step by step to the throne of the Dark Hall in the continuous killing and devouring the essence of his peers. When Stuart was one of the low-level demon gods, he was lucky to see Cortina, who was already the monarch of the Dark Temple. At that time, Stuart kept trying to kill with the purpose of making Cortina his own woman. Eventually, he became the monarch of the dark palace at the same level as Cortina.

When Stuart became the monarch of the Dark Temple, he still believed that his strength was underground and he was not qualified to be compared with Cortina. Now, through his own efforts, in killing and devouring, he has finally become the monarch of the Dark Hall. One of the 13 powerful people in the unknown dark hall. Stuart has this perseverance, mainly for Cortina. However, Stuart has done so much that it is just a unilateral wishful thinking.

How could Cortina see Stuart, the new monarch of the dark palace? The monarchs of the dark palace in the unknown dark hall all have evil thoughts on Cortina. In terms of strength, Stuart is just the bottom. But Cortina doesn't seem to be interested in the monarch of the Dark Temple.

After becoming the monarch of the Dark Palace, Stuart finally summoned up the courage to go to Cortina one day. However, Cortina doesn't disdain to talk to her. In the end, a serious conflict broke out between the two. But the consequences can be imagined. Stuart retreated to his sphere of influence in confusion.

Since then, Stuart has been depressed. It is no longer easy to improve your strength and make more plans for the future. Because of Cortina's disdain, he can no longer raise his confidence to improve his strength. I am addicted to the joy of the harem all day long. Thousands of demon beauties of other races were sent to Stuart's harem in batches, with desire all day long. How can the strength be improved?

However, Stuart has never forgotten Cortina's appearance. But he knew that everything was empty until his strength could not be matched. It was not until the dragon appeared that Stuart began to appear from his harem.

The horrible and unshakable existence in the unknown dark hall, the magic knowledge given to Stuart is: "After finding this ancient human beings, I will satisfy the desire that you can't let go of, and at the same time, I will also improve your strength level and make you become in the unknown dark hall. The most powerful existence besides me. Let Cortina always be the slave of your desire, so that you can always trample and abuse her at will..."

That's why Stuart sent his subordinates to search in the unknown dark palace at all costs. But when he met Cortina, his desire was infinite, and Stuart could no longer control the desire in his heart. The desire to take Cortina for herself rises again...

However, Stuart didn't know. In these tens of millions of years, except for the dark palace monarch who was bombarded by Cortina, the whole unknown dark hall looked around, and any big and small demon god thought about Cortina at most. If other dark temple monarchs meet, they will flirt verbally at most. Few people treat Cortina like this because they can't stand their own desires.

What kind of existence Cortina is in the unknown dark hall. Even the unshakable existence in the deepest part of the unknown dark hall is intended to make Cortina his wife, and promises that once Cortina succeeds, she will become his wife and the eighth strongest demon god of the demon clan. In this way, the other twelve dark temple monarchs in the unknown dark hall are no longer in Cortina's eyes. In fact, Cortina is not alone, just because she is the only female dark temple monarch in the unknown dark hall, and even Klein is unwilling to provoke easily. It can be seen that Cortina is definitely a powerful demon god with strength and appearance.

But Cortina did not know that the horrible existence at the deepest part of the unknown dark hall made her a victim, which made Stuart go crazy to look for the dragon and the existence of ancient human beings.

Few dark temple monarchs in the whole unknown dark hall know that Stuart can become one of the thirteen dark temple monarchs. The motivation of all this is that Stuart wants Cortina to be his woman. It is not easy to have such motivation to become a powerful existence step by step. It seems that Stuart is willing to do everything for Cortina. But the premise is that Cortina must be his woman.

In order to get Cortina, Stuart got the promise of interests and desires. I can no longer suppress the desire in my heart. The purpose of mobilizing all his subordinates is to find the existence of ancient human beings such as dragons against the sky. However, Stuart unexpectedly met Cortina when he was looking for a dragon against the sky, and his desire became uncontrollable...

Any dark king in the unknown dark hall does not have the existence of the one who does not want to be contaminated with Cortina. But Stuart has been thinking about how to make Cortina submit to him and become a member of his harem, which can make him humiliate him arbitrarily.

But strength is the capital to speak. Originally, Stuart had been forbearing. Whenever he was in the middle of the fever, he would look for a female demon god similar to Cortina to vent his desire in his heart. After knowing the appearance of the dragon against the sky and the powerful information that cannot be shaken in the depths of the dark hall. The incommeable desire instantly filled Stuart's sea of knowledge, but unexpectedly, Cortina's strength exceeded Stuart's imagination.

"Damn Stuart, I must kill you on the spot. Such a wasteful strength still wants to touch me. You don't want to think about your qualifications to get involved in this seat. The power is so low that the brain is full of waste by desire. Among the monarchs in the Dark Temple, only your strength is the most useless one. You are not even as good as the newborn monarch Orbis. Stuart, you ignited my anger today. I will definitely make you regret doing this..." At this time, Cortina was already ashamed and angry. Could it be that the dark monarch who was bombarded by Cortina will be the portrayal of Stuart today?

Cortina has been searching for signs of dragons before being met by Stuart. In order to find the dragon against the sky and those ancient humans in the hidden and unknown dark hall as soon as possible. However, Stuart suddenly appeared, causing Cortina, who was already aware of it, to break the clue. In this way, how can you not be angry?

Stuart not only stopped Cortina's way forward, but also spoke so rudely. You should know that Cortina has long thought that she must have become his wife and the eighth strongest demon god. In the face of Stuart, who was so powerful, Cortina had no more nonsense, and the crazy attack followed.

"Well, Cortina, it should be your honor to be looked at by me. I will soon become the most powerful existence in the whole unknown dark hall. Do you have to trample on your dignity when I become the strongest? While Stuart kept resisting Cortina's attacks, his desire and flirting words continued.

I don't know if Stuart was impacted by desire at this time, and the magic knowledge was actually thinking without any intention. The thirteen dark temple monarchs in the unknown dark hall are constantly looking for signs of ancient humans, and they are all working for the best interests. However, at this time, Stuart is constantly pestering Cortina for desire. It is still unknown who can find the ancient people such as the dragon against the sky among the thirteen dark kings. At this time, Stuart can be equivalent to a fool of desire.

Thirteen dark palace monarchs may find the dragon against the sky. But before the dragon was found, everything was empty talk. However, Stuart, a foolish man of desire, did so. You should know that Cortina's strength can be said to be the most difficult to see through the monarch in the dark palace. The actual strength is by no means as simple as it is shown. Because even if it is as strong as Crane, it will not easily provoke Cortina...

"Stuat, I will definitely let you know what the real strong man is..." Cortina said nothing more, and the black energy ball disappeared. Suddenly, the freeness visible to the naked eye and the energy in the whole unknown dark hall formed a whirlpool and kept rushing to Cortina's place.


"ci ci..."

Countless free energy is accumulating more and more, and the black energy ball is becoming more and more crystal clear. If you can observe it carefully, you can vaguely observe that there will be skeletons in the energy ball from time to time, as if the dead are making countless wailings.

Cortina's eyes at this time revealed an boundless murderous intention. The black energy ball is constantly compressing, and the energy contained in it is getting stronger and stronger. The energy of the free and unknown dark hall is constantly gathering, and the horrible energy will bombard Stuart's place at any time. However, Stuart did not seem to care about the crisis he would face at any time. This is really the source of all evil.

"Cortina, you will treat your future monarch like this. I have been tolerant of several attacks just now. At this moment, you dare to kill recklessly. Today, I want to show you my real strength..."

Stuart seems to be showing signs of rise. The tall demon body suddenly stood up, and the strong breath continued to condense. As one of the monarchs of the Dark Palace, Stuart always has some strength to match his Dark Temple monarch. At this time, he didn't care about Cortina's violent murderous and horrible energy ball. With a wave of the magic claws, the same black energy ball was sacrificed, and Stuart opened his ferocious mouth and spit out a mouth of magic blood. The black energy ball instantly absorbed the essence of Stuart's blood. In an instant, the black energy ball was as crystal as the substance. There were countless magic runes unique to the surface of the energy ball along the mystery. The track is running slowly.

"Well, waste is waste after all. How can the blood essence of the demon god be applied like this? Stuart is for a fool like you. I haven't understood what I got after becoming the monarch of the Dark Temple, and now I dare to treat this seat like this. Let you bear the anger that has been suppressed for tens of millions of years. Welcome..." There was a trace of bloodthirsty desire in Cortina's eyes.

The monarchs of the Dark Temple still have hidden strength, and their magic blood essence will never be wasted on ordinary energy balls. Only when they use the strongest killing moves will they not hesitate to use the essence of their own magic blood to erase each other. Therefore, Cortina saw Stuart's simple attack and had to use the magic blood in her body to enhance her attack power. In this way, how can Cortina not despise Stuart more...

The monarchs of the Dark Hall, the real confrontation and the battle to the death, feel that there will be a collision of the boundary. Only the collision of the boundary is the resistance between life and death. The essence of the demon blood of the monarch in the dark palace is the strongest move that will be used in order to sacrifice the boundary of his own life and death. Stuart wasted his own magic blood essence under such a simple attack. This shows that Stuart's strength has indeed not been substantially improved after becoming the monarch of the Dark Temple...

The black energy ball actually emits a crystal color in the dark and unknown hall. I saw that the space in the dark hall was shaken. The violent energy seems to explode at any time, the power of terror. Suddenly, Cortina waved her hand, and the black energy ball roared at Stuart's place, and the originally quiet space was swinging.




The black energy ball was like a flash of lightning, and in an in an flash, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder. The explosion kept ringing where the energy ball passed. The horrible energy, with the energy to destroy all sentient beings, instantly bombarded Stuart with its destruction.

The extremely violent energy arrived in an instant, and a trace of timidity appeared in Stuart's eyes. At this time, Stuart never thought that Cortina would have such strength. He has always thought that the saying "I would rather provoke Crane than Cortena" circulating in the unknown dark hall is false. I didn't expect that my momentary desire would fall to the point where I would die at any time.

Stuart also did not realize how much his strength was different from that of other dark monarchs. Cortina is so disdained. Is your magic blood essence so wasted?

Stuart doesn't think so. When he sacrificed the black energy ball, the magic blood essence was injected, and the black energy ball was stronger. Before he became the monarch of the Dark Hall, he relied on the essence of blood to promote stronger strength. He walked step by step to the position of the monarch of the dark temple in the killing. No wonder Cortina despised him. After becoming the monarch of the Dark Temple, she would get something from the seven strongest demon gods that could make her stronger. However, Stuart has long forgotten what he got...

Seeing that the violent energy was about to hit his place at any time, Stuart was speechless, and the timidity in his eyes had turned red.

"Puff, puff..." In order to save his life, he retreated all over his body. At this time, Stuart seemed to spare the magic blood in his body. For a moment, several mouthfuls of magic blood sprayed into the black energy ball he sacrificed. In an instant, the black energy ball was like substance, and the energy contained in it did not seem to be weaker than Cortina's horrible blow.


Stuart waved his claws, and the same violent black energy ball bombarded Cortina's place. As one of the monarchs of the Dark Hall, although Stuart's desire deepens throughout the day, he still has the strength to be the monarch of the Dark Hall, although he is only one of the lowest in the Dark Hall monarchs. But after Stuart's blow, the demon body kept retreating and pushing the part behind him from in front of him. Stuart was still afraid of Cortina's angry blow.


Two powerful energies collide with each other in an instant.


After countless corridor walls in the unknown dark hall were affected by these two energies, they all collapsed into powder without any sign of recovery. It seems that tens of thousands of corridors in the unknown dark hall were hit by two dark temple monarchs and thought they were flat...


Stuart's department did not even make many screams and directly turn into flying ashes. At the same time, Stuart's body retreated, and his tall demon body continued to collapse thousands of corridors in the unknown dark hall.

"Huh... Stuart, you piece of shit. I thought you were so tough. I didn't expect that I couldn't even stop the blow of this seat. After all, waste is waste..." Cortina's magic knowledge swept through the battlefield, and Stuart's breath disappeared without a trace. After several explorations of magic, Cortina's eyes disappeared with disdain and contempt...

After a long time, a gloomy and horrible voice came out of the cloister of tens of thousands of unknown dark halls. Cortina, I will remember what happened today. It's an honor for you to take a fancy to me. Humph! After I succeed, I must let you kneel down in front of me. As a slave who can never turn over, Ren Wu trample on..." The tall demon body appeared again, and Stuart's demon body was a little bloody. But at this time, Stuart's momentum was stronger than when he played against Cortina.

Stuart's strength does not seem to be as low as it shows. The use of magic blood essence is the foundation of his life. In fact, Stuart didn't know how to use the blood essence in his body at the beginning. During a battle with ancient humans, he saw several ancient humans, who were originally very weak and their attack power was extremely low. But after the blood essence in the body is integrated into the attack. The attack power shown is very strong. Therefore, Stuart is also constantly trying in future battles. Finally, Stuart took him to the position of the monarch of the dark palace step by step because of this life-saving blow.

Cortina thought that Stuart would die under one blow. However, because she was eager to find the trace of the dragon against the sky, she actually forgot the death of the monarch of the dark temple or the renewal of the throne, and there would be some visions. At this time, that's not what Cortina was thinking at all. Finding the ancient human beings such as the dragon against the sky is the top priority at this time...

However, just after the battle between Cortina and Stuart. The shock brought by the collision of energy has also attracted the attention of the other ten dark temple monarchs in the unknown dark hall. But the dragons in the gathering place of the ancient people also woke up from the sea of immersion. The violent blow actually made the dragon feel something.

"Well, there seems to be some traction..." Inexplicable words came from the dragon's mouth against the sky.

What did the dragon feel from the battle between Cortina and Stuart? Or what did you find? Everyone doesn't know all this.

D is there anything wrong with the dragon? According to common sense, the dragon is thinking about how to find a way to return to the ancient times. However, the battle between the two dark monarchs actually made the dragon say an inexplicable word against the sky. The next action of the dragon against the sky is likely to be related to the fate of everyone. Let's see how he does it slowly...

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