Ancient War

Chapter 288 Repeat

"In this case, we will abide by the will of the Lord. However, since Agares is so strong that he can win the favor of the Lord, should he lead his subordinates to find the ancient ants hidden in the unknown dark hall?

The appearance of killing demon gods made many dark temple monarchs eventually outweigh their gains, which not only caused a lot of losses, but also made them unable to gain their reach. If it is really because of the secret of the demon clan, many dark temple monarchs have no choice but to withdraw their troops, but they can't follow their patience and anger. After all, his loss is there, and anyone can hold his breath in his heart. Otherwise, Mourinho would not have said such words, but his words also brightened the eyes of many dark monarchs.

"We can't forget our losses in vain. Hundreds of millions of tribes were killed in battle, and in this way, the words of the Lord completely disappeared? Absolutely impossible, we must let Agares pay the price, otherwise how can we stand in the demon clan..."

Louis Hunt is resentful at this moment. After all, no one can accept the situation at this time. Although he retreated in confusion, such a loss could never be tolerated, allowing Agares to gain a foothold in the unknown dark hall.

"It seems that we need to ask the Lord for instructions together..."

Klein's eyes lit up and returned to his palace with many dark monarchs. Because in their own palace, they can pass on their ideas to the palace of killing demons through a special connection.

How can killing demon gods make the monarchs of the dark palace under their command suffer losses in vain? After all, the unknown dark hall is his territory, and the appearance of Agares also surprised him. If it hadn't been for the secret of the demon clan, I'm afraid that he would not have been able to stand the existence of an alien. After all, Agares would have put his plan on the ground, and his recovery period has slowed down due to Anthony's death. In order to catch up with the "God and Demon War", he can completely recover, so he spread his breath, because the monarch of the dark temple is the key to his recovery of strength, which is why he wants to prevent the melee from continuing.

"My loyal followers, I will never let you suffer for nothing. Brother Aino will let more demons enter the unknown dark hall, and you can collect them at will. The ancient ants in the unknown dark hall seem to have an extremely strong place. I have given Agares a place to occupy a place in the unknown dark hall, so that he can lead his subordinates to completely clean up the ancient ants, otherwise I will personally appear and drive him directly out of the unknown dark hall. As long as you complete the task I have assigned, I will definitely give you unexpected benefits when the 'God and Demon War' comes back..."

I didn't wait for many dark temple monarchs to ask for instructions to kill the demon god, and a message that made them excited came from the depths of the unknown dark temple. At this moment, the eleven dark monarchs no longer have the decadence when they retreated, but are replaced by the fire of desire that cannot be concealed.

"Agares can make them retreat, but you have to promise me one condition. All the ancient ants in the unknown dark hall must be removed, that is, because you open the door of the unknown dark hall and let an ancient alien enter the dark hall. Now it has begun to threaten all the plans for the 'God and Demon Wars'. So as long as you clean them all, I will not only let them retreat, but also give you a foothold, okay?

How powerful it is to kill the demon god. Although it did not appear, the breath emitted made Agarez a little afraid. After all, this is in the unknown dark hall. Even if he is extremely strong, if he really faces the killing of the demon god, although Agares has the help of the tyrannical army, he still can't compete with the strongest place of the demon clan. In fact, it's not that the demon god Aino can't control him, mainly because of the secret of the demon clan. In order to completely occupy the ancient times, the demon god Aino turned a blind eye. Otherwise, it will really provoke his majesty. If Agares really has no use value at all, I'm afraid he will have died.

It was precisely because of the current situation that Agares agreed to the conditions to kill the demon god. Otherwise, once he opposes his mind, he will definitely be hit hard. Although the secret of the demon clan records that if the members on the 72 demon statues can merge into one of the strongest places of the demon clan, if a few members are missing, they can also become a powerful place, but their strength is not strong enough.

"Brother Atisian, I agreed to the conditions to kill the demon god. However, my brother has also been surprised why when he was in the land of the demon clan, the demon god Aino issued an order, saying that there were ancient aliens in the dark temple empire. However, when we entered the unknown dark temple, we even said that there were ancient aliens when we killed the demon god. What the hell is going on? However, for the sake of the 'God and Demon War', I Agares must not allow the existence of ancient ants. For countless years, I must not let my wisdom be destroyed because of this..."

Agares is sitting on the throne of the palace at this moment. He keeps thinking. Because he doesn't know what's going on, why there have been ancient aliens from the beginning to entering the unknown dark hall. This incident surprised him. Why did this happen? If there were no ancient aliens, how could he fall so far? This also increased his hatred for the ancients.

The dragon sensed the message from Agares. At this moment, he didn't know what to do. Although he got half of Agarez's soul, he couldn't control Agarez's behavior. Because there is still the place to kill the demon god in the dark hall, does all this have to repeat everything about the original dark temple empire? Even if he leaves, what should millions of clans such as Xing Chi do? With the strength of Agares, once he strives to find the ancient people, these people are afraid that the only final result will be death. What should be done? The dragon is at a loss for a moment.

"Forget it, in this case, in order to protect the people, I have to do so and take risks to see if I can find the opportunity to return to ancient times again. Otherwise, all my people will die. For the sake of the ancient future, we can't let them face such a dilemma for the time being..."

Long's eyes tightened against the sky, and now he has decided his fate. Now his strength, even in the face of all the dark temple monarchs, he can also face it calmly, but there is the alien Agares, and his strength has recovered many times to kill the demon gods. It seems that this move is more or less auspicious, but if you don't face it yourself, all the remaining people will die tragically. In this way, he had to attribute all the pressure to himself. It seems that repeated mistakes are inevitable, and only in this way can the loss be minimized.

"The predecessor of Xing Chi, the strong man who now dominates the unknown dark hall, has issued an order for Agares to start cleaning up our ancient people. Out of consideration of the current situation, I will definitely face this dilemma. Because if I don't show up, once the people are found. I'm afraid that in the end, they will face death. So in order to save you, so that you can contribute in the most difficult times of ancient times. Now everything is up to me..."

Long has made a decision at this moment, but if he appears alone, he will never be able to divert his attention. At this moment, people must make sacrifices.

"The terrible demon power just now issued the order to slaughter the clan. Therefore, some ethnic groups must make sacrifices to achieve the purpose of diverting their attention. Alas, everything is my fault. I'm too optimistic. I didn't expect that even if I could become a demon god, I still couldn't escape the attention of the strongest demon clan. Although they couldn't determine who it was, they could sense my existence..."

Jing Chi and many other ethnic groups also feel unprecedented pressure on the dragon's words against the sky, because if the situation can still be controlled, the dragon against the sky will never say such words, but they can't bear to let the dragon against the sky face everything alone again...