Ancient War

Chapter 289 Stand up

"Senior Xing Chi, Fengran also sensed the murderous intention contained in the supreme magic power just now. This time, such words against the sky also confirms the current fact, and Agares is a subordinate under the command of the sky. In order to lead tens of thousands of people against the sky, it is okay for us to die for the ancients to die..."

Cold Fengran's eyes showed a final color at this moment. After all, the situation of the unknown dark hall is no longer what they can control. In order to protect more people, they appeared when they were most needed in ancient times, so some people must make sacrifices at this moment. But such a sacrifice is worth it.

"Senior, my cultivation is the lowest among all ethnic groups, so it is us who make sacrifices. You should keep a useful body. If you can return to ancient times one day, don't forget to make a crown for me..."

After hearing this, tens of thousands of relatively weak people flocked forward in an instant. Their words made the people behind them burst into tears in their eyes.

"Brother Fengran, don't argue with us. Remember to kill some demon ants for us when you fight against the demon clan. Now it won't be long before we will face the 'God and Demon War' in ancient times. You have to give a heavy blow to the demon clan before the war. For the sake of ancient times, I have no regrets..."

When Ying Can said this, tens of thousands of people behind him showed the same look in their eyes. After all, the current situation is so critical that if they can't divert attention, all their people will die.

"No regrets...No regrets..."

Tens of thousands of people's eyes are resolute, and their mortal belief will make them burst out beyond imagination.

"Cen Chi, Fengran and all the seniors. I have no choice but to do it against the sky at this moment. For the sake of ancient times, in order to leave a fire of hope for ancient times. Therefore, there must be people who make sacrifices. Now that the predecessors have made up their minds, other seniors should not have any more ideas..."

The dragon looked at tens of thousands of people such as the shadow remnant, and felt the deathful thoughts they burst out, and his heart was full of emotion. But there is nothing we can do about it. We can't let all the millions of people in the gathering place die in battle.

"Well, seniors, you will definitely return to ancient times again, and will definitely come to the unknown dark hall again before the 'God and Demon War' begins. I swear with my own life that as long as I am still alive, I will never be occupied by the gods and demons in ancient times. Say goodbye..."


instantly led tens of thousands of people away. Although Xing Chi and others are reluctant to give up, they have to do so for the sake of ancient times. After they left against the sky, Xing Chi and other people immediately restrained their breath, and at the same time tried their best to disguise the gathering place. At this moment, they began their own latent cultivation, and tens of thousands of clans and other people died generously, which has made them feel their insignificance while being angry. At this moment, they can only devote themselves to practicing the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra to raise their cultivation to the extreme, and burst out the strongest combat power when they were most needed in ancient times.

"Farewell, my people. I really didn't expect that everything would end up like this. I'm not willing to do this. Absolutely not. It's abominable demon god Aino and the killing demon god. Since you can detect my existence, the death of our people will definitely be doubled. Humph, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely stay in the demon clan and wait for the opportunity to give you the hardest blow.' The war between gods and demons 'never be won by you ants..."

The dragon was furious. Originally, everything was according to his plan, but now the situation is exactly the opposite. Many things start smoothly and become almost impossible to end. This made him very unwilling, for the sake of ancient times and for the ancient sentient beings. At this moment, the dragon has made a conclusion in his heart. Even if you want to die, you have to challenge yourself to kill the demon god in the end. See if there is a chance...

"Againt the sky, we and other people are all at your orders. What should we do next..."

Ying Can led tens of thousands of people and now followed the dragon against the sky.

"When you see the ants of the demon clan and kill them with one blow, the greater the noise, the better. It is mainly to attract their attention, turn all their attention to us, and let them besiege us. Seniors, it is likely that we will all die in this move. Are you afraid?"

Long knew that once he turned his attention to tens of thousands of people, the final result was death, but he had to face all this.

"Well, even if you die, you have to kill as many ants of the demon clan as possible. I want to let these humble people know that they want to occupy me in ancient times, which is really delusional..."

The shadow disabled and tens of thousands of people behind him have an incomparable murderous intention in their eyes at this moment. Although their cultivation is relatively weak among all the people in the gathering place, once they break out, they must not be underestimated. With the emergence of death, their life and death have been ignored. The extremely strong murderous intention has condensed into substance at this moment.


Tens of thousands of hot knives and swords appeared in the unknown dark hall. The demon gods in the whole corridor were all bombarded with one blow, and the dragon began to lead all the people behind him to slaughter the ants of the demon clan in the unknown dark hall.

"Hmm, these humble ancient ants dare to appear in the unknown dark hall. Since I promised to kill the demon god, I must do it. The Atian brothers didn't reply to me. What the hell is he doing? The dark palace empire ran from the land of the demon clan to the unknown dark hall. Everything was according to his arrangement, but now he disappeared after entering the unknown dark hall. Hasn't there been such a large-scale scuffle with the monarchs of the Dark Palace? Can't he be the alien mentioned by the demon god Aino and the demon god?

While Agares was angry with the sudden appearance of the ancient people, he was also surprised. After all, as a superior demon god, he is still relatively ** in his grasp of some things, but he can't be sure of the authenticity of his ideas. After all, the strength shown by Atisian is indeed the strength and breath of a superior demon god. How could an ancient ant have such a powerful power? So this is also something that Agares can't figure out.

"Adonia and Leblanc led millions of members of the tyrannical legion to eliminate the ancient ants rampant in the unknown dark hall. Remember not to leave one. If the monarchs of the dark hall come out to disturb the situation, I will appear as soon as possible. There is a will to kill the demon god, and I don't dare to mess around with the conditions we have talked about..."

After the spread of Agares' magic, Adonia and LeBron led millions of members of the tyrannical legion to leave. But they don't know that they will face the ancient people led by their master.


The red-black knife light instantly bombarded Obis's sphere of influence, and a huge explosion came out, and the knife light mixed with the power of horror and evil appeared. Unparalleled lethality and combat power slaughter all the vitality. The reason why the dragon against the sky bombarded the blade with infinite demonic power is also to confuse the public.

"Damn, who the hell is it? ......”

Unknown that there was originally a calm situation in the dark hall, because the appearance of the dragon led the clan against the sky made the monarchs of the dark temple riot again.

Obis's sphere of influence was attacked, and Obis was furious because he felt the powerful evil energy.

Agares never thought that the bodies of the ancient people appeared at this moment.

"Damn ancient ants, kill me..."

At this moment, Adonia, together with LeBron, led millions of members of the tyrannical legion and finally found them. Although there were only tens of thousands of ancient people, the appearance of dragons suddenly made Adonia feel great pressure. Because they have not seen an ancient people, they will have the strength to make them feel scared.

"Hmm, the humble place..."

The dragon against the sky has long been the master and servant at this moment. With a wave of one hand, a hot knife light immediately appeared...