Ancient War

Chapter 332 Reflect on each other

"One thought of magic barrier, one thought of Qingming. As long as we can remain firm, we can certainly ensure that we are still. Even if the ants of the gods and demons try their best, they will not shake our determination and obsession. If so, whenever and wherever, we will take the lead. This time, all selfish thoughts are abandoned, and all hearts are ancient. No matter when and where, the existence of ancient times is their own responsibility. In ancient times, all sentient beings will exist, and in ancient times, all sentient beings will be destroyed.

All four emperors have overcome their magic barriers and ensured the greenness of their minds. This time they got together again, and Emperor Han said these words. Indeed, as he said, after all, a large part of the reason why the gods and demons made such a move is that they were afraid that the ancient emperors could push a joint attack to resist their army. Therefore, Emperor Han officially combined all the events and came to this conclusion. However, although the four heavenly emperors of the Cold Emperor have overcome their own magic barriers, it is difficult to guarantee that the gods and demons will not use any conspiracy and tricks.

"It's really abominable. I didn't expect that the ants of the gods and demons would not hesitate to make such a move in order to invade ancient times. We are participating in the method of joint attack. Is it because the method of joint attack that we have learned together makes them afraid? It seems that the gathering of our four heavenly emperors is a huge impact on the strong men of the gods and demons. However, thanks to your angry rebuke of Emperor Han, I'm afraid that the three of us are still trapped in trouble and can't extricate ourselves.

After hearing the roar of the cold emperor, Yan Lion woke up from the magic barrier in an instant. At the same time, with his emperor-level divine consciousness, he sensed the two more horrible energies from ancient times. The supreme strong men of the gods and demons did not hesitate to consume the two forces of gods and demons to prevent them from participating in the joint attack. From the current point of view, it can be seen that the supreme strongmen of the two races of gods and demons can do anything in order to achieve the purpose of swallowing and enslave the ancients in one fell swoop, and they have gathered the strength of the whole clan this time, and the army attacked ancient times, and they are all unremitable masters.

"Why did the two masters, the strongest of the gods and demons, suddenly prevent us from participating in the method of joint attack? Is it the joint attack performed by our four emperors that can pose a great threat to their humble ants? Or is it because our hearts are not firm enough, and we are taken the opportunity to enter by the two clans, which makes us fall into a trapped magic barrier and can't extricate ourselves?

The reason why Jianwen said this is that he believed that there was no sign of tacit understanding in their first joint attack. And they also made a ripple in their hearts because they failed to investigate for a while, which made the gods and demons take advantage of the situation and let them fall into the trapped magic barrier. However, although there are certain reasons, the purpose of the strength of the gods and demons is to delay the time for their enlightenment of the method of joint attack, because once it is delayed, the Four Heavenly Emperor will not be able to resist their great enlightenment with the method of joint attack. At that time, the cultivation of the Four Heavenly Emperor, even if Strong, but in the face of the strongest of the gods and demons, they can't help the dragons against the sky too much, because the pressure they face is also a lot. It is already very good to help reduce the death of the ancient people with the power of holy beasts, and they can't help too many dragons against the sky at all.

"When Xiang Tian retreated from the magic barrier just now, he sensed the power of the gods and demons, which was very strange. There seems to be some unwillingness and some resentment. It seems that this time we fall into the magic barrier, it must not be because our hearts are not firm enough, but because of the strongest of the two races of gods and demons, and they are afraid that we can push the method of joint attack. Otherwise, they will never consume so much power to stop us..."

The power of Xuanwu with the knife to the sky is different from the power of the three holy beasts. He can notice a little difference through the power of the holy beast. Just now, when he was in trouble, he had already noticed the strength of the two races of gods and demons. When his power retreated, it contained hatred and unwillingness. It seems that the success of the god king Sarnaga and the demon god Aino is really afraid of the success of the method of joint attack, because once the method of joint attack is successful, it will cause great trouble for the purpose of swallowing and enslavement of the gods and demons in ancient times.

"Damn, I really didn't expect that Emperor Han, one of the four emperors, could break through the magic barrier made by the joint efforts of Sarnaga and me so quickly. Originally, I thought it could stop them for a period of time, but now it is really abominable. Humph, do you really think I can't make trouble in ancient times? Three million years, although very short, my brother's blood curse is still fulfilled, and my brother will soon wake up from his deep sleep, and then the blood curse will become stronger and stronger. I don't believe that with my provocation, even with your four heavenly emperors and a god-level strongman in ancient times, they can't stop your civil strife. At that time, the ancient strength will only get worse and worse. I'll see what strength you have to resist the pressure of my army..."

In the "Blood Demon Temple", the demon god Aino was furious because he had nothing to gain from his actions. But as the supreme of the demon clan, how could he easily let go of ancient times? After all, it has been his strongest obsession to include ancient times under his slavery. Now in order to postpone the participation of the Four Heavenly Emperor's joint attack, he did not hesitate to use the countless energy in the demon space, but he was completely interrupted because of the obsession of Emperor Han. Now he misses heaven and hell. This time, the cold emperor and the four heavenly emperors broke through the difficulties together, and the joint efforts of the gods and demons disappeared. However, although the demon god Aino is angry because his plan has not been realized, he seems to have another way. It seems that the demon god Aino will never give up without taking the ancient words.

"Damn ancient ants, I really didn't expect that you would have such strength to defeat the power of the two races of gods and demons and give you the power of demons. Do you think that ancient times will be rest-free like this? It's really delusional. How could my god King Salnaga give this fat meat to the ugly existence of the demon god Aino? Send St. Martin to lead millions of arbitrators, just like in the ancient space, as the god of war, to slaughter the ancient ants as much as possible. At the same time, if you encounter the ugly place of the demon clan, you must not let go..."

Salnaga, the god king in the "Temples", said to himself at this time that because he and the demon god Aino did not succeed, he had no choice but to prevent it from being annexed by the demon clan in ancient times, and he did not want to give up too many interests, so he had a determination in his mind this time. A divine consciousness came out that a whirlpool-shaped space channel appeared in the space of the Protoss.

"I'm afraid that the power of participation we want to deduce this time can bring a certain threat to the ants of the gods and demons, otherwise the masters of their two races will never do so. In the remaining three million years, we should be aware of our responsibilities when we break through the barrier. Although our first attempt has not been successful, we must not be discouraged. Only continuous efforts, and we believe that we will succeed..."

The Cold Emperor made a judgment on this matter. Indeed, as he said, success can only be achieved through continuous efforts. The reason why the gods and demons made such a move is to prevent them from participating in the joint attack method. Therefore, it can be judged that the strongest of the gods and demons are afraid of the success of the joint attack method. After all, the communication between the Four Heavenly Emperor and the Holy Beast has reached a perfect fit. Now once the Four Heavenly Emperor drives the power of the Holy Beast with all its strength, their joint attack will be unimaginable. Although it has not been successful after one attempt, it will only be successful after many efforts.

"Okay, we will work hard..."


The Four Heavenly Emperor finally broke out his strongest shouts, and the ancient Qingming also changed with their shouts. The red Thunderbolt began to loom. The Heavenly Emperor finally began another attempt to attack together and will never stop until his goal was achieved. This time, the Four Heavenly Emperor did not hesitate to die to participate in the method of rough attack. After experiencing this twists and turns, they have seen more about the importance of joint attack. In any case, they must participate in the method of joint attack in the last time of ancient times.


The roar of the four sacred beasts sounded again, and the sacred power of four different colors began to try to merge again at the urging of the Four Heavenly Emperor. The holy power kept rejecting and integrating, and the ancient Qingming kept roaring. This time, the four heavenly emperors began to do his best to deduce the method of joint attack. Although most of them have failed, they still spend everything and keep trying. However, at this time, there is a different vision in the depths of the universe, which is likely to indicate that the joint attack of the ancient emperors of the four heavens can be completed in three million years.

In the depths of the chaos of the universe, in the black chaos, there are four different colors of energy bodies, but these four energy bodies are like the four ancient holy beasts. The four energy bodies are constantly blending and gathering. Although most of them are rejected, if you look carefully, you can find that the four energies begin to intersect and penetrate each other. This is very similar to the experience of the emperors of the ancient world. It seems that the method of joint attack of the Heaven Emperor must be completed.

"Blarge and spiritual, all laws are natural, and forget all miscellaneous thoughts. Use your heart to control everything in the universe, the law of chaos, and even the origin of all laws..."

The burial dragon wall is suspended in a corner of the chaos of the universe, and the expression seems to be obsessed with something. Indeed, the burial wall is the place where Luo Hu became a god at the beginning, in which there are countless universes, including thousands of changes. After Luo Hu's death, the dragon has been silent in the wall of burial dragons, participating in everything, and has also participated in the natural things of the ancestors in heaven and the cold ten thousand laws.

In the independent space in the burial dragon wall, stars appear in the space, and my breath is also running in a state of returning to nature.