Ancient War

Chapter 333 Conspiracy Crisis

At this moment, the Four Heavenly Emperor is constantly trying to attack together and does not pay attention to everything in the ancient outside world. At this time, the ancient times were facing a new crisis. The strongest of the two clans and demons will not let go of the opportunity of the second "God and Demon War", and they will not be willing to fail. Although there is no way to prevent the Four Heavenly Emperor from participating in the joint attack, it can plunge the ancient times into an boundless crisis, which seems to show the despicable faces of the gods and demons.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the Four Heavenly Emperor has been participating in the method of joint attack in a state of latent cultivation. In ancient times, all sentient beings were also practicing their own skills to improve their cultivation crazily, so as to cope with the invasion of the two races of gods and demons. After all, if you don't work hard, I'm afraid that ancient times will really disappear. However, the god King Sarnaga and the demon god Aino will not let the ancient be so calm. In order to ensure the achievement of their desires and goals, they will never let the ancients be safe this time.


A strange light suddenly appeared in the ancient sky. The black hole in space immediately appeared, and countless rays of light like meteors kept entering ancient times, like meteor showers. However, this sudden vision did not arouse the awareness of the ancient people, because the whole ancient times has entered the state of national latent war readiness, and everything is for the purpose of survival and death above ancient times. However, under the circumstances that all sentient beings were unaware of it in ancient times, this sudden vision seemed to imply too much crisis and killing.

The five top strong men in ancient times did not notice this sudden vision. Because now the Four Heavenly Emperor is participating in the method of joint attack, but the dragon is now understanding the map of the stars of the universe in the sea of knowledge. It is for this reason that ancient times fell into a great crisis. Countless light like meteors scattered everywhere in ancient times, and at the same time, violent explosions also sounded. The ancient earth shook it, and hot magma kept gushing out of the ravines on the earth. Many ancient people died as a result, but more ancient people suffered heavy losses as a result. Such a huge abnormal movement caused the strong men of the three major forces in ancient times to move one after another. A domineering knife went straight to the ancient sky, and then the vision that was still in turmoil calmed down in an instant. The domineering emperor Yin and Long Su reappeared in ancient times...

"The damn Protoss ants actually entered the latent cultivation and came to attack my ancients. Do you really think that I have no one in ancient times? Humph, humble place, I will never let you stay in ancient times, and death will be your inevitable..."

The domineering emperor Yin and Long Su appeared in the "Sword League", and at the same time, the fire war and fire annihilation also appeared immediately. Yan Zhan and Yan Ji, as the knives under the command of Yan Lion, also belong to the Taishang Laozu, but their skills were passed down by Yan Lv. The cultivation of this fierce battle and fire extinguishing is also comparable to the original fire, and the endless burning anxiety is not concealed at all.

"Brother Yin, in the days when the emperor and the anti-sky are lurking, the crisis I was afraid to face in ancient times is more difficult. The ants of this divine clan have appeared in ancient times. It seems that in the last two million years, the ants of the demon clan will not let go of this opportunity. The Protoss has appeared, and it seems that the demons will not be too far away. We will make the last effort for the ancients in this last time. After all, the ancients must not tolerate any loss.

Long Su appeared beside Huangyin, and the current situation is indeed. The two clans of gods and demons will never let go of the ancient development to accumulate energy to resist their large-scale attack. Moreover, the four emperors of heaven have reunited in ancient times, and there is another god-level strongman, which the two clans do not want to see at all. Even the appearance of the emperor of the four heavens made them extremely angry, not to mention now A dragon is against the sky, which makes them unbearable anymore. In order to swallow and enslave the ancients, they will do whatever it takes. Their ultimate goal is to occupy the whole ancient times and let them suffer boundless slavery and destruction under their iron hooves forever.

"Two seniors, this time, Brother Yan Leng is in the latent practice of skills, and the Four Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Emperor will not appear. Now the Protoss have begun to move before the war. In the last two million years, the ancients may suffer from boundless wars. The strong man of the Protoss sneaked into the ancient times seems to have an extremely powerful existence, and the power of light is a little unshakeable. Moreover, there are nearly one million ants of the Protoss scattered in the ancient land. We and millions of Nanming fire knives have gone out this time, and the remaining guardian 'knife realm'. I believe that the other two major forces and the strong men in the magic martial arts holy realm will never let the ants of the Protoshens be rampant and rampant in ancient times..."

After Yanhuang and Yan Zhan finished talking to Huang Yin and Long Su, they disappeared immediately. Nanming's fire knives, who have been lurking in the "knife realm", appeared again. For the sake of the survival of ancient times, they began to sneak into the ancient army with the Protoss, and the so-called Holy Martin of the Light War, and launched a fierce collision. The strangulation and strangulation were staged all the time in ancient times. Moreover, there were countless changes in the "Jianmen" at this time. Because of the sneak attack of the Protoss, many killing and melees were created in ancient times. The visions that occurred in the ancient land made Jiantian and other "Jianmen" strongmen wake up in the latent cultivation. This time, they discussed in the hall how to deal with these humble protoss ants.


In the ancient southwest, thunder suddenly appeared on the blue underworld. A roar resounded through the sky.

"Hmm, humble place. Do you really think that there is no one in ancient times? The Four Heavenly Emperor and the ancient supreme are in a latent state of sealing themselves. You humble ants want to take the opportunity to create boundless chaos for the ancient, so that the ancient backyard is on fire and unable to cope with the war that is about to begin. I know that you ants are the death squad sent by the god king Sarnaga to create boundless killing in ancient times, so that the Four Heavenly Emperor and the ancient supreme cannot take care of the ancient times, so that the ancients will be defeated after the beginning of the war. It's really delusional."

Taicang's figure unexpectedly appeared. The long knife in his hand waved, and countless hot knives that cut through the turbulence of space kept bombarding tens of thousands of arbitrators in front of him. The energy of terror is reaping the life of the arbitrator. Every time a knife passes, thousands of arbitrators will fall, and the angry light in Taicang's eyes becomes more and more solid with the attack.

The fact is also as said in Taicang's roar, the purpose of the two races of gods and demons is to occupy ancient slavery. Therefore, they began to constantly send their subordinates into the ancient times when the Four Heavenly Emperor and the dragons dived against the sky. Just as they did when the dragons split up the sky and demons, they let them bombard the ancient people in ancient times and create more favorable invasion conditions at the beginning of the "God and Demon War".

"Damn, retreat to the God of War quickly. This ancient ant is too powerful for us to resist..."

After Taicang killed nearly 10,000 arbitrators, the remaining more than 20,000 arbitrators began to retreat one after another. Because the strong man in front of them was too strong and could not resist it. Under the leadership of an arbitrator, they fled one after another. Because of the too many, Taicang was unable to leave them all. They had no choice but to blow out the strongest blow with resentment and obsession in their hearts. After one blow, the bodies of nearly 10,000 arbitrators Stay on the spot.

"Gongsun Siming led 100,000 descendants to help the Venerable Taicang. This time, the Protoss sent troops into ancient times, although the purpose was similar to what we had guessed. I'm afraid that the ants of the demon clan will never let go of this opportunity. For the safety of ancient times, go and help Taicang. The rest will wait until the ants of the demon clan appear..."

Under the order of the sky, the strong men in the magic holy land began to move. One hundred thousand descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperors, led by Gongsun Siming, rushed to the place where Taicang was.

"Brother Jiantian, my Lord is practicing the method of combined attack this time. This vision suddenly appeared in ancient times. In order to save the ancient times, I led 500,000 disciples with Jianchi and began to look for the whereabouts of the divine ants near the sky in the east. Brother, you are here to guard the 'Jianmen'..."

The sword secret said to Jiantian in the hall of "Jianmen". After Jianwen became the emperor of heaven, everything in "Jianmen" obeyed his orders and Jiantian. Nowadays, there are various visions in ancient times. In order to give the Four Heavenly Emperor a stable environment to deduce the method of joint attack, Jiantian and other "Jianmen" disciples began to be a little unbearable. However, although the sword formula asked for life, his search range was only near the sky in the east, which also stabilized Jiantian's heart. After all, if he encountered an irresistible place, he could lead the disciples of "Jianmen" to arrive as soon as possible.

"Humph, I really didn't expect that these damn ants would dare to sneak into ancient times. In order to compete with the demon god Aino for the right to speak in ancient times and to fight for the greatest interests in ancient times, Sarnagar did not hesitate to take the lead in sending his subordinates from entering to ancient times. It seems that the speculation between my brothers is right..."

The broken army and the extreme industry led 500,000 disciples of the "knife League" at this moment in the ruins of the destruction of the "Demon Hall". Due to the sudden vision of ancient times, many elders of the "knife League" will also send demons to enter the ancient times to create boundless killings for the ancient times. However, they can't push the performance and where the demon clan will appear. Because the "Demon Hall" had an inseparable relationship with the demon clan, this time they led the disciples of the "Kword League" to wait for the invasion of the demon clan in the "Demon Temple" to give a huge blow to the demon clan. However, the ancient space is so vast that it seems that it is likely to be empty in the end.


In the whole ancient Qingming, the sound of thunder and thunder is endless. Now the Thunderbolt is as red and black, and it seems that the demon clan finally can't stand it. Aino, the demon god, sent tens of millions of troops to enter the ancient times. The bloody battle before the start of a big war will be staged.