Ancient War

Chapter 396 The Price of Bloody War

"Why is this group of ancient ants different from the past? They have such a strong sense of death, stronger than us, so that their situation is different from before. It seems that the ancient ants are fully prepared. Damn it, we must step over their bodies at all costs and let them suffer the most tragic blow. We can't let their schemes succeed, want to hinder the army of our demon clan, and be infatuated..."

In the face of such a cold and heavy death, Jackson felt extreme pressure for a while, but also stimulated the strongest murderous intention in his heart. After all, he was ordered to lead the purgatory demon god family. In order to annex and enslave the ancient times, he is now hindered by the sudden emergence of hundreds of hundreds of millions of ancient strongmen. Although there are tens of millions of ancient four races, the death sent by these hundreds of ancient strongmen made him afraid. The main reason is that he has never felt so much. The deep death made him almost unable to restrain himself. However, in the face of such a terrible attack, his blood was also stimulated. In order to complete the order of the demon god Aino and for the humiliation that Yixue suffered in the exotic space, he began to drive the demon army under his command to launch the strongest attack on the attacking ancient people.


The black energy ball collided with the cold knife light and sword light, and the explosion sound that shook the whole exotic space came. The whole exotic space was shaken. Such a terrible combat power did not make the ancients retreat half a step. This group of strong men covered with worn armor, although they were holding broken weapons, but Not only did he have no fear, but his fearless posture made Jackson look sideways. What kind of ancient strong men are? Under the impact of horrible energy, as the armor on their bodies were broken by the energy impact, they still launched the strongest attack while revealing their real bodies. But when their real bodies appeared, including the four ancient races, all the strong in the exotic space were scared.

After the armor was broken, the hundreds of millions of ancients exposed a broken body shrouded in chaos and death, and many bones were clearly visible. They turned out to be like undead warriors, facing the army of gods and demons in front of them, crazy attackers. The cold swords and swords are constantly harvesting the lives of the arbitrators and demons.

"What? How can this be? When can the ancient ants appear as undead? Can they really survive so much just by a cavity of obsession? No wonder they only exude a strong sense of death. What's going on earth is going on?

Protos was surprised to see such a situation for a moment. With the purification power of the power of holiness, it only dispersed the armor of this group of ancients, but the shock brought to them by their appearance was so horrible. Tens of millions are just a broken and lifeless body, wielding the weapons in their hands, and the near-death fighting power and attack power of their initiators. Under the horror and violent attack, the Protos army began to show signs of large-scale retreat. They have never seen such a situation.

"Damn, how can this be such a situation? We have never seen ancient ants, and they can actually appear in their bodies. Judging from their death, they should have died for a long time, like the dead, but now they can appear in such a strong posture. Taoism has long been the ability to regenerate the dead. Although it is the body of death, why is it so powerful to attack? This situation really caught me off guard..."

Jackson was a little overwhelmed by the sudden occurrence of this situation. After all, they are fighting against the ancient strong men who have died for many days, but he can't imagine that their broken bodies can exist for nearly billions of years. Now the army of demons, although there are constant resisters, many low-level demon gods, look at this more horrible body than them, as if they are fighting with the dead, which scares them. At the same time, their casualties are also increasing, and the death knell of death is ringing.

"My people, at the beginning of the war in a foreign space, you have already died in battle. I didn't expect that you would have a dying obsession for the sake of ancient times and let you survive until now, and now you also give full play to your last strength for the sake of ancient times. All sentient beings will remember what you have done. In ancient times, there will be traces left by you on the monument to resist the gods and demons, so that the ancient descendants will respect..."

After seeing the situation of these clans, Taiyi and Taihao had countless ripples in their hearts, because although they did not know why these long-dead clans could reappear and devote themselves to resisting the two races, it was like a substantial obsession, which made them feel for the sake of ancient times, even if The ancient people who have already died will also drag the dead body again and reappear for the sake of ancient times because of their own obsession.

The most important reason why hundreds of ancient people can only appear again is that in the exotic space, the abyss demon king was killed by the dragon against the sky, and in the hopeless sea, it condenses like a substantial death, and the endless chaotic power in the exotic space, which made their final obsessionswell again. It is also because of these two factors that they can be resurrected, but the price of this resurrection is to give them a undead body, but their resurrection is only to resist the two armies of gods and demons who came to attack the ancient gods and demons in the second "Gods and Demon War". When they encounter an unshakable force, they will completely turn into flying ash and disappear, and death will no longer be inevitable.


There are thunderstorms in exotic space, and crazy shouts are constantly ringing. In order to save the defeated situation, Protos and Jackson, the leaders of the gods and demons, began to personally lead their armies to launch the strongest attack on the undead army in the ancient exotic space that attacked crazily. Finally, the death was broken, and the power of chaos could no longer support the broken body. For a while, with the continuous explosion, the ancient army of the dead began to have a large number of deaths. However, this move provoked the crazy attack of the army of the dead.

"Jie Jie... We have already abandoned our lives for the sake of ancient times. Now that we can survive, the purpose is to resist the army of ants of your two races. Since you are at all costs, we are the same. Let you bear the bell of death. ......”

The leader of the ancient undead army, led by the undead army under his command, condensed a substantial death, and collided with the army of the gods and demons crazily. The meaning of death and the power of chaos are often the sound of terrible explosions at the moment when they are on the verge of disappearing. The lethality brought by the self-explosion of the broken body is also amazing. For a moment, the whole battlefield was full of the melody of death.

"My people, we will remember what you have done for the ancient times. The support of a cavity of obsession has made you live a life of nearly hundreds of millions of years. When you contribute your last life to ancient times, that is, when we follow in your footsteps..."

In Taiyi and Taihao's eyes, they began to shed a little tears. At the same time, the Water Emperor and Zhu Li couldn't hold back their grief and anger at this moment and wanted to lead their own people to attack the army of the gods and demons.

"My people, Wu Yanfeng, on behalf of the great ancestor, thank you for what you have done. You said that you will stand in the ancient monument and will never be forgotten by future generations..."

Yan Feng appeared on the battlefield. At the same time, the long knife in his hand condensed a fiery power beyond imagination, and the horrible knife light immediately bombarded the purgatory demon family. Seeing Yan Feng's action, the top ten oldest elders of the "Sword League" also sacrificed their strongest strength. For a while, with the addition of eleven ancient strongmen, the losses of the purgatory demon family began to increase.

"I represent the god King Sarnaga to completely purify your humble place. Such a dark creature dares to provoke the majesty of our prow. You will pay the cruelest price for everything you have done..."

Protos, the second god, could no longer stand the situation of retreating and began to lead the strong men in the "Tower of Faith" behind him to work together to bombard the real divine light. Where this divine light passed, the ancient people who entered the group of nearly one million undead were directly purified. After emitting a terrible sound, they turned into ashes and disappeared. This situation made the strong men of the four ancient races angry for a while.

"People, we have been living for nearly hundreds of millions of years. In this way, we have contributed our last energy to ancient times. You must protect the ancient times well and not let the ants of these gods and demons occupy my ancient times. Otherwise, even if we turn into ashes, we can't forgive you. Ancient is the root of our people. Remember to make them pay the price. Let's go first."

What they have done is enough to be written into the ancient history of the ancient strongmen who are not afraid of death and remain to this day because of their obsession. Their toughness also made the gods and demons pay the price of blood. After the last sound. The remaining strong men of the undead army poured into the enemy's camp after blowing out their strongest blow. For a time, the sound of dense explosion came out, and there were countless blood on the limbs in an instant.

"Damn ancient ants, I, Jackson, will not let you go..."

Yan Feng's attack and the last self-explosion of the undead legion made the army of the gods and demons pay a painful price. The army of the gods and demons actually killed hundreds of millions of troops in battle. However, now the four ancient races have no casualties. They are quietly waiting, ready to be given to God. The strongest blow of the two demons.

"Three brothers, what are we waiting for? Don't let these ants recover and let them know how the dead word is written..."

Taiyi led the strong men of the Nuwa clan to attack the army of the Protoss. This time, the four races began to divide their troops into two ways and give the strongest attack of the gods and demons. For a time, the gods and demons paid a painful price without achieving any results...