Ancient War

Chapter 397 Great Strike

Under the leadership of their respective elders, the four ancient races gave the strongest blow to the armies of gods and demons in exotic space. In the continuous self-explosion, the ancient undead army made the strong men of the gods and demons pay the price of blood. At the same time, the four races also began to attack them desperately. For a time, there were countless explosions caused by the collision of energy in the exotic space. The smoke of gunpowder permeated the whole battlefield, and the blood of the remnants was permeated, and the alien space was like Like the horrible death purgatory, it is like a crazy meat grinder that keeps reaping the lives of the strong people of all races.

Under the leadership of Taiyi, the Nuwa clan, relying on the body of their huge snake body and the horrible long halberd in their hands, often a halberd can penetrate the bodies of tens of thousands of demons. However, when the explosion came, the demon army died on the spot. Such a strong situation made the demon army have no power to fight back. However, the emergence of this situation made Jackson roar, because the self-explosion of the ancient undead army still caused the demon army to die and injurely. Nowadays, the crazy attack of the four ancient races has not made them any response. , and suffered a strong attack again.

"Haha, damn demon ants, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. At the beginning, the patriarch died on the spot because of resisting your attack. Now the Wufuxi clan can appear again, not only to avenge the patriarch, but also to let you ants know that it is impossible to annex the ancient times. Even if the whole Fuxi clan dies in battle, it will not let you wait. Show up. Our ancient Sifang Heavenly Emperor is about to appear. When their joint attack method is completed, your ambitions will be smashed, and your ambitions will be fragmented. When the ancient Sifang Heavenly Emperor and the god-level strong appear, death will be your most realistic portrayal..."

Taihao led the Fuxi family and also waved the long knife in his hand. Under the protection of solid armor, they attacked crazily, like beating a dog falling into the water. After all, the two clans of gods and demons are now self-exploded by the ancient undead army, and they can't raise their heads. The attacks of the four races in ancient times also raised their losses to a peak, which was impossible to occur in the exotic space of the First World War. There is not only the attack of exotic beasts, but also the interception of the ancient undead army, and now there is also the crazy resistance of the four ancient races, which makes Aino, the god king who pays attention to the situation on the whole battlefield, have an inexplicable feeling for a moment.

"How can it be? Why did ancient times have such a strong combat power? Unexpectedly, the four ancient races that all died in the exotic space all reappeared at this moment, and there are nearly hundreds of millions of ancient undead armies? This is simply impossible to exist. Can ancient ants support nearly hundreds of millions of years with one cavity of obsession alone? Or is it really impossible to be occupied by our gods and demons in ancient times? Is it possible that if our god clan has been waiting for nearly hundreds of millions of years, it will be grainless again and suffer heavy losses? I'm not willing..."

The sudden inexplicable emotion of the god king Sarnaga is not because it is now. In fact, it began to exist when the demon clan forcibly started the war. However, he did not understand why he had such an emotion, but he had a little intuition to tell him that from the beginning, he was a little hesitant about whether he could successfully occupy it. In ancient times, although there were armies of gods and demons attacking together, the fighting power shown in ancient times was much stronger than before, as if they were already fully prepared and waiting for the arrival of the army of the two races of gods and demons. Sarnaga had a sense of sharpness. Once such a situation appeared, He is a little angry.

"Damn, why is it like this? Damn existence, I can never let you go. No matter what price my god clan will pay in the end, my god clan will sweep away the whole ancient times and let you end up in the slavery of my gods. Damn humbleness The existence of I really can't stand such a situation. Let Protos kill the ancient ants that blocked the Protoss army at all costs. We must not let them stop us from moving forward and let them know that only death is their most fundamental..."

After the last complaint, the god king Sarnaga began to slowly recover the situation of defeat after a period of loss in the whole alien space. Protos is wrapped in the power of his own faith at this moment and is particularly eye-catching in exotic space. Under the strength of Protos, the Protos army began to regroup again. However, it can't move forward, because the attack of the Zhurong clan and the Gonggong clan actually belongs to two different energy attributes. When the two energies collide, the energy generated rises to an extreme. In this case, although the Protos began to regroup, they can't take the initiative.

"Well, I'd like to see how long these ancient ants can resist, so that Jackson will know their humble place at all costs. The ancient will not be able to resist the army of our demon clan. They will never turn over under the iron hoof of our demon clan..."

Aino, the demon god, is also concerned about the situation on the battlefield. Although the demon army has suffered heavy losses, it is only some middle and low-level demon gods of the demon clan who died in the battle. The purgatory demon god clan has not suffered any substantial damage, and the current purgatory demon god has not fought with the strong men of the Nuwa and Fuxi clan. Together, Jackson is driving the demon army under his command and constantly consuming the strength of the strong people of their two clans.

In the whole exotic space, at this moment, the war is dark, and endless smoke is spreading. The current situation has made the three clans unable to extricate themselves, but are deeply immersed in it. In ancient times, the two tribes had been waiting for a long time, and the gods and demons had also been gathering momentum for many years. The purpose is to fight today. One side is to satisfy their ambitions and desires, and the other side is fighting desperately to defend their homeland. In this case, the extent of the fierce battle can be imagined. However, at this time, there is exciting news from the ancient space. On the ancient Qingming, the four ancient holy beasts began to roar the most violently, and the power of the holy beasts expanded to the extreme. The sound of the holy beast resounded throughout the ancient land, and the ancient strong man fell into a crazy situation at this moment, and a feeling of excitement beyond imagination finally appeared.

After waiting for several years, Gu finally waited for the news of the participation of the Four Heavenly Emperor's joint attack. With the roar of the holy beast, the sacred power of the four sacred beasts is constantly intertwined and reaches a perfect fit. The ancient four emperors overthrehended all difficulties and finally successfully performed the method of joint attack. After the four sacred beasts resonated with each other, they also announced the return of the king to all ancient sentient beings. The Four Heavenly Emperor finally succeeded at the most difficult time in ancient times. Their success also announced a message to the strong men of the gods and demons. If they want to annex the ancients, then unless the Four Heavenly Emperor is directly killed, the ancients will fight against the armies of the gods and demons under the protection of the Four Heavenly Emperor.

"Brother, I finally waited for this day, and you finally completed the method of joint attack. Now ancient times have suffered such a crazy attack. If it hadn't been for the emergence of the four ancient races, I would not have thought that I could not resist the army of gods and demons, but your appearance and success, It gave ancient hope. It's really great. Under the protection of you and the anti-sky, the ancient will always stand in the universe, but don't you know where the anti-sky is now?

Yan Zhan felt the power of the clear holy beast in the Qingming. As a disciple of the Taishang ancestor, it was no accident that Yan Lion became Emperor Yan. Now Yan Lion and the other three heavenly emperors have successfully participated in the joint attack after tens of millions of years of complex deductions, which also makes Yan Zhan feel greatly encouraged. The whole ancient sentient beings were also filled with joy, because the reappearance of the Four Heavenly Emperor not only brought the success of the joint attack method, but also made the whole ancient sentient beings have a sense of public hope. When the dragon against the gods returns, the whole ancient times will successfully resist the attack of the gods and demons under his protection. The dragon against the sky is strong, so that the gods and demons no longer dare to cove the ancient half. This is why the Astral Wu clan does not hesitate to forget and leave a seed to become a god.


With the roar of the holy beasts, the power of the four holy beasts on ancient Qingming became clearer and clearer, and at this time, the power of four different colors of holy beasts can be seen with the naked eye. In ancient times, they constantly hovered and intertwined together, becoming an incomparable energy, and the power of the four holy beasts is constantly intertwined and overlapping. In the end, it faintly formed a Taiji trend. Could it be that the Four Heavenly Emperor finally conformed to the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra handed down by the dragon against the sky?

The power of terror enveloped the whole ancient times, and the power of the holy beast was also transformed into the energy body of the holy beast. They flew closely behind each other, and countless mysterious magic seals were engraved in the energy. The four heavenly emperor finally performed the strongest method of joint attack. This method of joint attack is greater than the attack, but one thing can show such power. Now, when the dragon has not returned to the sky, it can give the greatest help to the ancients and give the ancients a chance to breathe.

"God King Sarnaga, Demon God Aino. No matter what your two people are doing, it is to satisfy your moment of arrogance or to satisfy your ambitions and desires. As soon as the Four Heavenly Emperor comes out, you are absolutely not allowed to trample on the ancients..."

The four emperors issued such a warning, which not only announced to the masters of the gods and demons that they were about to return, but also injected a strong needle into the ancient sentient beings. They can successfully promote the method of joint attack in tens of millions of years. It can not only provide a strong backing for the ancient sentient beings, but also make the ancient times stand forever in the crazy attacks of the gods and demons. However, all this is not the end. When the dragon participates in the cosmic star map against the sky and returns to the original, it will give the worst blow to the gods and demons. At that time, all the situation will be under the control of ancient times.

"Completely kill and exterminate the ancient ants of these damn gods and demons, and let them die without a burial place..."

After suppressing the resentment for nearly hundreds of millions of years, it finally broke out for a moment. The ancient sentient beings finally waited for the appearance of the Four Heavenly Emperors. In ancient times, they suffered countless hardships and pains, and finally had the opportunity to recover everything they suffered in ancient times. Since such a moment has come, how can ancient sentient beings let go of this opportunity...