shang qing tian xia

Chapter 145 Love by your side [2]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


"Go down and accompany her. I think she prefers to have someone who knows her to accompany her at this time, rather than looking at the water alone and being spontaneously stunned." A female voice suddenly inserted into the conversation between them, and Paopao suddenly came up silently. Qiu Yang looked for a voice. Paopao was already standing at the entrance of the attic, leaning leisurely by the mahogany, as if she had already stood there.

Bubble is dressed in big red clothes, which is not tacky on her. Instead, it is more enchanting and noble, and the domineering momentum makes people dare not look directly at her. Perhaps she, who is not happy or angry, is more suitable for this red color.

Qiu Yang only looked at Nangong Bingyu under the attic, raised his foot and left the place and walked downstairs.

Watching Qiu Yang leave, Su Qi looked at Paopao, "What do you want with me?"

Bubble shook his head, "I can't find you if it's okay?"

"Would you like to drink with me?" Su Qi proposed.


Bubble did not ask him why he could drink. She responded cheerfully. She didn't want to ask. Everyone would have his own secret in his heart, just like herself. Since you also have secrets, why do you have to know other people's scars? Once Su Qi was asked to speak out, it was another disguised way to let Qiqi uncover his wound and hurt again.

Qiu Yang came to the first floor and looked at the Nangong Bingyu not far away from him. He complained about himself. Why couldn't he stand **, but he listened to Su Qi's cowardice and came down like this.

If you come forward, what should you say to Nangong Bingyu?

Nangong Bingyuxu was in a daze for a long time, and his soulless mind finally slowly returned to his body. He felt that there was a hot eye behind him staring at him. Looking back slowly, it turned out to be Qiu Yang. He smiled at him and whispered, "Can't you sleep?"

"Hmm. What about you? How long have you been here? Qiu Yang asked knowingly.

"Not long, it just appeared." Nangong Bingyu smiled. In fact, he leaned against the bridge and sat flat on his buttocks. He slowly stood up and invited Qiu Yang, "Are you interested in visiting the Ice and Snow City at night with me?"

"Now?" Qiu Yang was a little surprised. Now it's late at night. What else is there to swim in the street? The shops are closed.

"Hmm. I want to go out for a walk.

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

The two walked out of the drunken world side by side. Sure enough, as soon as they came out of the drunken world, only dark street lights were shining in the whole street. Standing in the middle of the street, the shops on both sides of the road were all closed.

Nangong Bingyu walked by the roadside and looked at the dark road ahead. Her eyes were blank. She still didn't figure out what road she was going to take in the future. There is also the child in her womb. She is an unmarried girl and pregnant, which is not good after all. And in this era, this is a violation of women's commandment. Although they are not trapped in pig cages, their reputation is ultimately unpleasant.

Even in modern times, I will never want to be an unmarried mother. It's not looking down on her unmarried mother, but it takes too much courage. She doesn't have the courage. She can ignore others looking at her, but she can't let her child suffer too much unfair treatment, which is not the result she wants.

However, this child is Zhang Zhuo's.

What should she do?

Although Paopao let her give birth to this child, when she came back from the Southern Barbarian Kingdom, she wanted to take his life.

It's not that she doesn't want to take on this responsibility, but that she is afraid that she can't give the child what she wants - she can't give the child a complete home.

Zhang Zhuo is ruthless to her, but she can't be unrighteous to her children.

Qiu Yang looked at Nangong Bingyu's face full of worries, and it was almost time to follow her, but she still kept walking forward, and it seemed that she walked in any direction and walked when she saw the road. She seemed to be looking for a way out.

Now they have left the Ice and Snow City and are already in a desolate place. If they go out, I'm afraid they will go up the mountain.

It's midnight now, and it's not * complete here.

Finally, I remembered that she just drank something tonight and didn't eat too much food. She also sat on the water bridge for a long time, worried that something would happen to her body. She reached out and pulled Nangong Bingyu, who was still about to move forward. "Bingyu, what are you thinking?"

Nang Bingyu was suddenly pulled by Qiu Yang. Originally, her legs and feet were a little numb when she sat on the water bridge, and now she was in a trance and let herself wander on the street. Even if she no longer wanted to leave, there was an inexplicable stubbornness in her heart that supported her to continue to walk. In fact, she had already made friends. Qiu Yang just pulled so gently, but Nangong Bingyu fell softly to the ground.

Qiu Yang didn't expect that Nangong Bingyu would sit on the ground like this and wanted to help her, but he slowed down. She was already sitting on the ground.

Qiu Yang quickly grabbed her shoulder worriedly, "Bingyu! What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Nangong Bingyu lowered her head and slowly raised it. On her beautiful face, Nangong Bingyu's big eyes were full of crystal tears, pulling Qiu Yang's sleeves helplessly, as if she had lost something she loved, and more hesitation and fear. She trembled, "Jiao Yang, what should I do? What should I do with this child? I can't give my child a complete home..."

Qiu Yang never thought that Nangong Bingyu, who has always been indifferent and confident in front of people, would be so weak. At this time, she looks more like a lovely little girl. I don't know why, when she sees her like this, her heart is more like being cruelly painful, and she is about to breathe. Even the oxygen in the air is slowly becoming scarce.

"Don't cry, it's okay." Qiu Yang squatted down and comforted him.


Qiu Yang was not a comforting man. He intended to persuade Nangong Bingyu not to cry, but he didn't expect that he just opened his mouth to persuade her to cry, but made her cry more fiercely. For a moment, she was at a loss, and she didn't know what to do.

Finally, he couldn't persuade her, so he buried her head on his shoulder and hugged her petite body tightly. He wished she would not cry, but when she touched her shoulder, she held him tightly and cried loudly.

I know what she is crying about. She is crying about Zhang Zhuo's ruthlessness towards her and the child in her belly.

But he doesn't know what to say about these. If emotional efforts can be controlled by himself, she will not be like today. She can see the excellent Zhang Zhuo and the ghost dream of magic medicine, but she can't see herself.

However, she will never know the secret in his heart.

He will never forget that when he saw her for the first time, he felt that she was like a heavenly man. Later, it was indeed her, so that he could no longer live a killer life before, and that he could concentrate on finding medicine for his sister to treat palpitations and do everything she could to help him.