shang qing tian xia

Chapter 146 Love by your side [3]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


Nang Gong Bingyu hugged Qiu Yang, leaned on his shoulder, and cried bitterly.

This time I cried so sadly, which was the pain accumulated for several years.

From modern times, why did Zhang Zhuo kiss in front of her with a woman in his arms? His face was full of satisfaction. She didn't know what she had done wrong and why he treated her like this.

This is even more so in this life. Although she has transferred some medicine for the Southern Barbarian King, it is not poison. She did not know that the drizzle would change the medicine in private against her will, allowing King Lang to take the opportunity to take advantage of the throne of the Southern Barbarian.

And Zhang Zhuo didn't even give her a chance to explain. She still remembers what he said on the cliff. He said that he would live up to her...

Or, I'm stupid enough to believe the oath that doesn't exist at all.

The so-called sea oath alliance, without trust, everything seems so empty.

She hurts because she once again mistakenly mistaken herself that being with Zhang Zhuo will really change her life, because four years apart, in this strange era, she misses him and has not been reduced by half because she came to this era.

She regretted why she drove so impulsively and hit them together without stopping the car. She boldly asked about the relationship between him and the woman. If he said he loved the woman, she didn't have to cling him tightly for him. She can let go and let a man who doesn't love her fly high.

She never thought that one day, when the favorite person around her did not love her, she was the last to know that kind of grievance was more like the song "too wronged". She didn't know who to tell her grievances, let alone how to slowly get out of the deep vortex.

However, when he saw Zhang Zhuo again, he could recognize her at a glance. Even if she is different from her previous life, her personality is still the same. She can see the surprise and happiness in his eyes.

However, after falling into the cliff together, he gave her a fierce name without giving her a chance to defend.

After he returned to China, the Southern Barbarian King died and also put this account on his own.

For three months, he did not have a moment of tenderness for her, or even paid her heart, all trampled on the ground, looked at her heart, gradually smashed, and could no longer heal together.

The cry gradually turned into choking.

Feeling that the person in his arms showed signs of convergence, Qiu Yang slowly smoothed his back for her and whispered, "Bingyu, can you stand up? The ground is cold and it's not good to sit. If you can't stand up, I'll carry you, okay?"

"No... it's okay. I can stand up."

Nangong Bingyu's voice became a little hoarse because she cried for a long time.

With his help, Nangong Bingyu stood up. At this time, her eyes had been cried as big as walnuts by her. Her clothes were white with underground soil, which looked dirty. Although this was the case, it did not damage her charm.

She reached out and wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves, and then looked at Qiu Yang's clothes. She was wet by her crying shoulder. Needless to think about it, it must be her tears.

Nangong Bingyu was a little embarrassed, "I, I'm sorry... I'm out of control."

"It's okay. In fact, you can say anything. You don't need to bear it alone. Sometimes, you said that if I don't have a good way to help you, but at least we can bear the difficulties you have to bear together and share the pressure for you.

Nangong Bingyu smiled bitterly, "Zu Yang, frankly, do you know where I'm from?"


Qiu Yang was stunned. Isn't she from Jingguo? Why did you suddenly ask this question?

His stunned and surprised, Nangong Bingyu came into his eyes and said slowly, "I am not from the Dajing Dynasty. Although my body is Nangong Bingyu, my soul is a Chinese in the 21st century. This Jing Dynasty is a completely strange era for me, and there is no country at all in our historical records.

Qiu Yang didn't say anything, but still listened to her quietly. Although he couldn't understand what she was saying, he always felt that she had something else to say, and there seemed to be a big secret hidden in her.

Nangong Bingyu restrained her eyes, her nose was slightly sour, and the tears that had just flowed in her eyes gushed out again, "My real name is Qin Fei. This is why Zhang Zhuo has always called me Fei'er in the other courtyard where he lives. In fact, he and I are from the same era. In our era, he and I were a couple. We lived together and I loved him deeply. That day was his birthday. I wanted to celebrate him, but when I returned to the door of the community, I found him hugging another woman and kissing there. I suddenly felt that I had been betrayed by him and didn't think about the consequences. I was angry and hit him with her in the car. However, when he hit them, his first reaction was to push the woman away, and the car only hit him, and I fainted because my forehead door hit the steering wheel fiercely..."

"When I wake up, I will be Nangong Bingyu. It can be said that I have lived for five years against the body of Nangong Bingyu. Over the past five years, I have tried my best to forget what happened in that era and try my best to live a wonderful life every day. Frankly speaking, in this life, I have never thought about getting married, let alone who I want to marry. I just want to live a free life. I can live my own way, that's fine.

"However, human calculation is not as good as that of heaven. When I had the money, it attracted the attention of the court. My grandfather recommended me to the emperor, and I became the imperial concubine. What an honor it is to change from the humble merchant to a member of the royal family. My father is even more happy to choose a dowry for me, buy valuable items for me, and want me to stand in the palace. Unfortunately, I didn't want to stay in the palace, so as soon as I entered the palace, I spoke rudely to the emperor who had never met, in order to let him beat me into the cold palace.

"I stayed in the so-called cold palace for nearly a month. When the concubines were about to forget me, the Great Yasushi Kingdom went up and made a disaster in an empty valley, which was a disaster for the country, because the sea country was attacking our border. If at this moment, our people's hearts would collapse. Chaos, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, the disaster of the empty valley was the only opportunity for me to leave the palace, so I negotiated with the emperor. The emperor promised at that time that as long as I solved the disaster of the empty valley for the emperor, he would let me out of the palace.

When Qiu Yang heard this, he was a little puzzled, "If the emperor promised you, why did you die in Qingxin Temple later?"

Nangong Bingyu sighed, "I calculated a lot, but I didn't calculate it. I solved the disaster of the empty valley that time, and the emperor actually fell in love with me. The emperor regretted the promise he had made to me, and he didn't want to let me out of the palace. He even wanted to spoil me. In order to avoid the emperor, I could only take the opportunity to pray to the Buddha for Dajing and planned to disappear directly from the Qingxin Temple, but I didn't expect that someone would poison my room. If it weren't for the ghost dream, I think, I..."

"Then when we go to Phoenix Pass, do you know that the other party's general is Zhang Zhuo?" Qiu Yang asked the biggest question in his heart.

She shook her head slowly, "I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't go."

"Then what happened after I left? Why did you come to the Southern Barbarian Kingdom alone?"

Qiu Yang left after Nangong Bingyu entered the barracks. Only then did he fall into Su Wen's trick and was accidentally captured by Su Wen to the Southern Barbarian Kingdom. Therefore, he still doesn't understand the following things.

"Because the Southern Barbarian King is dead."

"I know this. Dark Moon told me what happened, saying that the maidservant around you deliberately distorted your meaning. You just wanted to make the Southern Barbarian King unconscious, but your maiden pointed to Paopao that she wanted to poison the Southern Barbarian King. As a result, Paopao found the Lang King, and the Lang King took the opportunity to occupy the Southern Barbarian throne."

"Yes. I felt that I owed him, so I went to look for him alone. I wanted to give him my life and pay it back. But I found that his ruthlessness could still hurt me more deeply.

"I know all this. However, you and Zhang Zhuo..."

Qiu Yang's inquiry made Nangong Bingyu's heart even more sour. "Because I'm stupid enough to believe in him again, I don't even have a chance to ask who the woman who kissed him in the last era was. He never spends more time with me and never meets me every day. He doesn't trust me..."

"So, in the back, are you forced to die?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Qiu Yang raised a smile, shook his head, reached out and gently wiped away the tears on her face. He looked at her sincerely and whispered, "No, because this is the real you."