shang qing tian xia

Chapter 162 Memories of Green Bamboo Garden [2]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


The aunt snorted coldly, and the two little maidservants who were arguing with Xiaoyue and Xiaoyu immediately fell silent. How dare you criticize each other loudly?

"Qingfeng, Nangong Family Law stipulates that how to deal with the following crimes?"

"One hundred sticks, drive away from Nangong Mansion!" The sound of the breeze is a little cold, a little like a robot.

Two domestic slaves immediately picked up the wooden stick in their hands and cast it on the floor, making a "du" sound. Nangong Bingyu looked at the wooden stick, which was as thick as a fist.

If you are really scolded by a hundred sticks and the hundred sticks are beaten down, it will be a question whether this little life can be saved.

As soon as Xiaoyue and Xiaoli saw the thick wooden stick, they immediately regretted and begged for mercy, "Auntie! Miss! I don't dare anymore! Please spare my aunt and maidservant!"

In a short time, there was a sad howling and begging for mercy.

Nangong Bingyu, from anger at the beginning, slowly became intolerable, because she never thought that the original stick would be such a cruel punishment. Slowly, Xiaoyue and Xiaogu's buttocks had overflowed blood. Needless to think about it, they must have been beaten to pieces.

Although her face was a little pale, she didn't say anything, because she knew that in her current place, if she wanted to regain power and live the life she wanted, she had to sacrifice some people. At least, she can't be kind now.

The kind lady turned out to be scolded and even beaten by a small slave. And now she just recovers everything she should have for the Miss of the Nangong family.

Miss Nangong can be so willing to stay here, but Nangong Bingyu doesn't want to. She wants to see what the whole Dajing Dynasty is like. She doesn't want to live according to the road arranged by others. After her rebirth, she will do everything she wants.

Nangong Bingyu took the housekeeper's aunt to discipline the slaves in the family. In a matter of half a day, the whole Nangong mansion knew about it.

And Li Qinglan, the second lady in the house, did not appear and didn't even come to find the two maids.


At night, Nangong Bingyu sat alone in the green bamboo garden, sitting next to a small lotus pond in the bamboo garden. Because it was summer and the sultry weather made it difficult for her to fall asleep, so she had to come to this lotus pond to sit.

There is no electricity in this place, so don't mention TVs, computers, mobile phones and so on. Among the young people in big cities in the 21st century, which young people do not have computers or mobile phones at home?

And she has never said that she would go to bed so early. Many times, it is spent in the laboratory, but there are exceptions, which is for Zhang Zhuo. That memory, when I think about it now, will only make me feel sad.

Another new moon hangs on the night sky.

The lotus flowers in the courtyard are more delicate and fragrant.

Nangong Bingyu was lying on the slightly wet grass, looking at the white moon, and a faint sadness emerged from her stunning face.

Suddenly, a white shadow suddenly stood in front of her.

Nangong Bingyu did not panic, nor did he look at the white shadow, but just said softly, "It's you, Qingfeng."


She still wore the white veil on her face and looked at the young lady in front of her. Suddenly, she felt that the young lady's behavior in the past two days was very abnormal. Since she fell down the mountain that day and rescued her back, she seemed to have become a person, becoming very confident and not surprised, not like the previous timid. Miss of the matter.

Nangong Bingyu sat up and met the clear star-like eyes of the breeze, "Are you curious about my changes?"

"I dare not."

Although Qingfeng's voice was respectful, her eyes were not afraid to retreat because of the young lady's question. She really wants to know what's wrong with Miss now?

Over the years, there have not been many people who have attracted her attention.

My aunt only rescued her from the mass grave the year before last, and her true identity is still unknown.

As her aunt came to Nangong Mansion, the only person she had noticed was this Miss Nangong. Not for anything, but because of the rosefinch tattoo on Miss Nangong's body. According to her master, such a person was born against the sky.

He has the ability to determine the world, but after seeing Miss Nangong's affairs a year ago, Qingfeng could only turn Master's words into a smile. How can such a cowardly and afraid person have the ability to rule the world?

However, I don't know why the young lady's mentality made her vigilant today, because the young lady has changed.

became a little inexplicable, and vaguely overflowed with her wisdom and intelligence.

If it hadn't been for Miss Nangong, and the young lady hadn't stepped out of the gate of Nangong Mansion since she was injured, otherwise she would have thought it was Nangong Bingyu disguised by others.

Nangong Bingyu smiled, "You don't dare, but want to know."

The breeze stood quietly beside her without saying a word.

"It's late at night, why don't you go back to rest?" Nangong Bingyu suddenly asked.

"Miss, let's go back to the room first. The second lady will find the young lady soon." The breeze said lightly. Miss dealt with the two maids like this,

"Second Lady?" Nangong Bingyu was slightly stunned, but the next moment he suddenly realized that he was talking to himself and said, "If you hit the little one, the master should come out." There was no fear and fear on her still childish face.

The breeze is even more puzzled. Why did the young lady suddenly become so big?

Nangong Bingyu got up alone, patted the grass crumbs on her body, and said with a smile on the corners of her mouth, "I'm just a soul that doesn't belong to this world."

After saying that, he left a suspicious breeze and left.

Nangong Bingyu returned to her room and found that someone was already sitting there in the room. Because she lived in her green bamboo garden, she felt that there were too many clothes and hot, so she only wore two coats and went to the bamboo garden to cool down.

Naturally, the clothes were not well tied, such a wide robe, and how could her thin body stand up? Even half of her shoulders were exposed.

A head of green silk gently clings to her back, black and bright knee-deep.

For the green silk at the end of Nangong Bingyu, Nangong Bingyu is very fond of it. In the previous life, she was also a long black and elegant hair. But her hair in this life seems to be healthier. She can't find a split hair, and she doesn't know how Nangong Bingyu is maintained.

Walking quietly into his boudoir, Nangong Bingyu called the lady sitting in the main seat of the room, "Auntie, why do you have so much time to come to Bingyu's room?"

Li Qinglan put down the tea in her hand and saw Nangong Bingyu, dressed casually. She couldn't help frowning and scolding, "What are you dressed in? If people look at it, your girl's reputation will be all bad!"

Nangong Bingyu didn't care, "It's okay, aunt, didn't Dad say that? Can't outside people go in and out of the green bamboo garden at will? If Bingyu's behavior is not properly spread tonight, it will only come from my aunt's mouth. Could it be that my aunt will ruin Bingyu's reputation?

Li Qinglan was shocked when she heard the words. She had not seen the child for months, but she didn't expect it to be so eloquent! For a moment, he was speechless by Nangong Bingyu's words.

No matter how smart Li Qinglan is, he will never imagine that the Nangong Bingyu in front of him is no longer the original Miss Nangong, but a strong woman from the 21st century - Qin Fei!

"Auntie came to see me tonight, but what's wrong?" Nangong Bingyu asked as if he didn't know. The second lady will come here with a purpose. Since she doesn't want to speak, she won't wait for her trouble, so she might as well open her mouth and ask!

"Nothing, it's just that it's almost summer. My aunt came to ask if you want to make some clothes." Li Qinglan made a nonsense excuse.

Li Qinglan just said casually. I didn't expect that Nangong Bingyu was really serious with her. She smiled and said rudely, "Then Bingyu thanked my aunt first. Then please ask my aunt to come to the tailoring master. I really want to make a few sets of clothes. Recently, I found that there is nothing. Where are the new clothes?


Li Qinglan didn't seem to expect Nangong Bingyu to become so rude. But what you say is like water spilled out and can't be taken back. He could only smile bitterly and nodded and said, "Okay."

"Ah! It's getting late. If my aunt has nothing else to do, she'd better go back to rest early so as not to be tired. Then Bingyu is really guilty. Nangong Bingyu politely issued a eviction order.

It was not until Li Qinglan was sent out of Qingzhu Garden by Bingyu that she realized that she wanted to plead guilty, but she didn't expect to be led by the nose by the little girl Nangong Bingyu! That's not enough. I have to pay for the little girl to cut clothes!

At the thought of this, Li Qinglan's nose was crooked!

But, is it possible that she is going to go into the green bamboo garden to scold the little girl now?

Well, when she encounters such a difficult role, she doesn't care about the villain. After cutting her clothes, she will never go to see this Miss Nangong, who was neglected by the master again!

At the same time, she will also order that the domestic slaves are not allowed to step into the green bamboo garden, otherwise the family law will serve!

It's just that if Nangong Bingyu knew about her idea, she would be happy to burn incense and worship Buddha for her wise decision! I don't know if Li Qinglan will be angry and die of vomiting blood directly?

The rain has been quiet, with a slight cool rain.

One night passed in an instant.

When she opened her eyes, a faint fragrance of lotus came from her nose. The veil shook gently and her eyes were hazy.

The sun was shining, and her waist and bones were sore from this sleep. Lying in **, she stared at the reflection of the sun on the veil, Nangong Bingyu still felt a little unresponsive.

After getting up, he washed himself casually and went to look for his aunt.

When I found my aunt, she was busy in the account room, as if she was accounting. For a while, she didn't have time to take care of Nangong Bingyu, so she sat aside first and let Qingfeng give her some snacks.

When she had nothing to do, she reached out and took an account book and read it. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that something was wrong, and the beautiful Liu Ye's eyebrows were also frowned by her. Finally, she really couldn't understand, so she asked, "Auntie, why is the treasury in the house so short? And most of them are government expenditures, and many of them are unnecessary expenses. For example, how can you buy a lot of cotton in summer? Do you want to make a quilt?

"Miss, you don't know anything about this. These expenses were all paid by the second lady who went to the store to get the business money from the rice shop without going through the old slave's hand. Today, the old slave went to the rice shop of Nangong's house, checked the silver taels in the store, and found that the turnover of the store was only 2,000 taels, and the 10,000 taels of silver that made a profit last month had been taken away by the second lady.

My aunt was also quite helpless, and she had no choice but to do what the second lady had done.

Because the mistress has passed away, and the young lady has not yet passed away, the burden of being the mistress naturally falls on Mrs. Qin.

"Oh? So what does she want to buy for 10,000 taels? Nangong Bingyu asked.

My aunt took a look at Nangong Bingyu in embarrassment. She didn't want to say anything, but under the young lady's question, she could only explain: "This, the second lady didn't say this, but she also gave a few reasons to buy herself some summer clothes. Among them, it also includes your clothes..."

"make clothes for me? If this happened, my aunt came to find me last night and did promise to make this dress for me. Then make clothes for me, but even if you buy some summer clothes, you don't need so much, do you? Nangong Bingyu still feels incomprehensible.

The aunt sighed, "The second lady said that the clothes for the young lady need 2,000 taels of silver."

When Nangong Bingyu heard this, she was scared and quickly said, "How can you make me a few sets of clothes? How can you use so much?! You don't cheat people like this, do you? I would like to ask, ten thousand taels of silver to buy summer clothes. Do you dare her want to buy all the clothing stores in Jingzhou City, or what do you want?

After saying that, Nangong Bingyu was about to leave the accounting room and go to the second lady Taoyuan to ask, but her hand was held by her aunt.

My aunt took her hand and said, "Miss, remember, sometimes, even if you know what's going on, you have to know how to hold your emotions. You should not only make clothes, but also know the real price. It's better to ask the tailor to issue a receipt, okay? Although this rice shop is about to be Master Nangong's, according to the rules, it is such a crime. The mistress made a last word that the rice shop can only take over the management after you and the young lady.

When Nangong Bingyu heard the words, she immediately realized what her aunt meant, "Auntie, what do you mean..."

"Shh!" But her aunt made a silent move to her, "Don't say it, you can do it if you know it. Do you understand?"

"Thank you for teaching."

Leave the accounting room, and as soon as Nangong Bingyu stepped into the green bamboo garden, Qingfeng reported to her. Miss, the second lady said that she wanted to make new clothes for the lady, and asked Hua Yixuan's shopkeeper to hand over some new styles to let the lady choose and see what style she likes.

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "Hmm. Got it."

As soon as I walked in, I found a 40 or 50-year-old middle-aged man in a blue robe standing there.

As soon as she came in, she came forward and handed the drawing paper in her hand to the table, spread it out for Nangong Bingyu to see, and stood aside. There was no introduction or anything like that Nangong Bingyu knew without asking. These people were also instructed by the second lady. She could also guess the general meaning, which is that she did not Why do you care too much about her opinion?

Nangong Bingyu calmly looked through the drawing and asked faintly, "Shopkeeper, I don't like the style on it. Isn't there anything else?"

The shopkeeper stood there in amazement and didn't come back for a long time. Maybe she didn't expect that the young lady of the Nangong family would ask this. In the past, the young lady of the Nangong family casually pulled out two drawings and sent him away. However, today, the young lady of the Nangong family opened her mouth and asked her voice just said. She felt that her voice was round and jade, silver bell-like pleasant, and very beautiful. Now she looks at the Miss Nangong carefully, her eyes are looking forward to the sky, but she is also like a flower like jade, and she is so beautiful.

Nangong Bingyu naturally saw the surprise in the shopkeeper's eyes, but she didn't like others to stare at her face and ignored her words, so she coughed softly, "Isn't there any other style for the shopkeeper? If not, you can go back."

"Yes, yes, yes. Miss, please wait a moment. The little one is going to pick it up.

When the shopkeeper took some new style pictures again, Nangong Bingyu still felt not very satisfied, so she asked, "Isn't there a finished product?"

"The finished product..." The shopkeeper's face was a little embarrassed. "Miss doesn't know that the finished product is in the shop."

"Well, I'll go to your shop and have a look. How about it?" Nangong Bingyu smiled, but only she knew what kind of idea she had in her heart.

The shopkeeper was very surprised, but he was worthy of being an old man who had been rolling in the mall for many years. He looked surprised and greeted him with a smile, "If it's convenient for the lady, the shop naturally welcomes the lady to come to choose."

"Okay, then lead the way." Nangong Bingyu ordered.

"Okay, the little one is waiting for the lady's sedan chair outside first."

After the shopkeeper left, Nangong Bingyu also asked Qingfeng to prepare a soft sedan chair. She wanted to go out for a walk. The most important thing was to see what the city at the foot of the emperor of the Jing Dynasty was like. Will it be exactly the same as what was played on TV?

Her trip was not hindered by anything, and her aunt must also know why she went out.

When she walked alone to the soft bridge outside the house, she found Qingfeng standing aside. When she saw her from afar, she nodded slightly.

The breeze lifted the curtain in the soft bridge and said, "Miss, please get on the sedan chair."

Nangong Bingyu also smiled at the breeze, sat in the bridge and sat on the bridge, shaking and walking. Was it really human? It made her dizzy!

This is a little more dizzy than driving. After about a cup of tea, the bridge stopped. Qingfeng stood by the bridge and said, "Miss, Hua Yixuan has arrived."


Recently, the girl has been busy with work, and there is no way to determine the update time, but the promise that the girl can give is that she will not break the update.