shang qing tian xia

Chapter 163 Memories of Qingzhu Garden [3]

◆◆◆◆ben◆◆shu◆◆zong◆ horizontal◆◆zhong◆wen◆◆wang◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆


The master and servant went into Huayixuan and walked around. Nangong Bingyu chose a few sets of light-colored Huayi for herself, and then ordered the shopkeeper to open some bills for how much Nangong Mansion spent today. After taking them, she handed them over to Qingfeng.

The two came out of Huayixuan. When they came out, they found that the sky outside was completely dark, and the street was unexpectedly much more lively than during the day.

In summer, in the evening, the whole sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, and the originally blue sky was quickly occupied by dark clouds. The gray color and dark ink make people depressed. Looking at the sky, it seems that it is going to rain heavily.

However, on both sides of the street, there is still no less hustle and bustle due to changes in the weather. There are snacks on both sides, as well as some small forks, earrings and other jewelry. Standing in the middle of the street, the air around is full of food, tempting Nangong Bingyu to look around.

When Nangong Bingyu was about to ask Qingfeng if he had silver on his body so that he could relieve his id, at this time, Qingfeng, who followed her side, changed slightly. He reached out and took Nangong Bingyu and suddenly ran all the way, and ran to the dark alley. Nangong Bingyu, in order not to fall down, can only pull up the corners of his skirt and keep up with the breeze.

Running far away, even Nangong Bingyu doesn't know where he is. Anyway, the only thing he knows is that if he doesn't stop and rest, I'm afraid he will really hang here.

When she came to a bamboo forest, Qingfeng stopped, found a dark place, and pulled Nangong Bingyu in front of her, covering her mouth to prevent her from breathing loudly. And all this, Nangong Bingyu doesn't know what happened, and can only be at the mercy of the breeze.

She really wanted to ask what happened to Qingfeng, but Qingfeng's murder made Nangong Bingyu feel trembling all over her body, and her breathing was uncertain. How could she ask?

The sand blew through the bamboo forest, and a few wisps of bamboo leaves quietly fell down, only making the night more silent.

In the bamboo forest, which was out of reach, did not change after the breeze and the entry of Nangong Bingyu. For a long time, there was no sound.

However, Nangong Bingyu is still looking at the front with fear, because her back is against the crisp chest of the breeze, and the rapid heartbeat of the breeze is showing that she is still nervous. In this way, the person who fled with her should still be nearby.

In the bamboo forest not far away, a red figure flashed and flew over at a very fast speed. In a few breath, it stood in front of Nangong Bingyu, and the distance between the two was only five meters.

Nangong Bingyu's eyes widened and sighed in her heart. What a good kung fu! In modern times, it is estimated that they have become the god of martial arts!

The woman leaned against a bamboo casually, her voice was low and magnetic, but she couldn't say, "Come out. Breeze! I know you're here."

Facing the moon, Nangong Bingyu finally saw the woman's appearance clearly.

Willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, half squinted as if smiling, small and beautiful nose, thin and rosy lips holding jokes. The red dress did not make her look cold and elegant, but her whole body was full of laziness.

Qingfeng let go of Nangong Bingyu and made a "boo" gesture to Nangong Bingyu. Nangong Bingyu was understanding and nodded.

Qingfeng then went out. Leng Ruobingshuang looked at the woman, "I didn't expect that the next landlord of our Qingfeng Building was actually the master sister. Qingfeng congratulated the senior sister on winning the position of the landlord."

"Qingfeng, I came here to know what happened in those years. Why were you expelled from the master and hunted down by the world?" The woman looked at the breeze with clear eyes, but the sincerity in her eyes made people unable to see that she was telling a lie.

Qingfeng didn't say anything, but reached out and pulled out his dagger from behind, put the dagger in front of him, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't you come to catch me back when you saw me today? Then let's do it."

The woman slightly picked up the beautiful willow eyebrows, and her tone was quite helpless, "Qingfeng, I haven't seen you for many years, and your temper is still as hot as hot as you are. However, if you want to cross the body in front of me, you have to deal with the daughter in this bamboo forest first. You should know that Qingfeng Tower is a legendary existence in the whole Jing Dynasty.

Qingfeng panicked as soon as he heard the woman say that he wanted to deal with the Nangong Bingyu in the bamboo forest, "No! Sister, she can't kill.

"Oh? Is there anyone else that can't be killed? The woman's tone is suspicious.

The next moment, although Qingfeng's mouth was moving, Nangong Bingyu could not hear what they were saying at all. At this time, she did not feel that her situation was so dangerous at all. Instead, she stood there quietly and looked at the breeze and the woman in red.

However, when the breeze closed her mouth, the woman suddenly stood in front of Nangong Bingyu at a speed that could not cover her ears. The speed could be called a ghost. As soon as the woman saw Nangong Bingyu, she reached out her hand to open Nangong Bingyu's coat at a lightning speed and saw her collarbone. When she got the Phoenix tattoo, the woman was stunned and seemed to see something incredible and couldn't believe it.

Nangong Bingyu was completely stunned. She never thought that someone would suddenly open her clothes without warning, and the other party was still a woman, which made her unable to react. Could it be that this woman is a GAY?

Nangong Bingyu was stupid, but the next moment the woman in red tilted her head and muttered, "Qingfeng, you are very lucky. Even such a person can meet! Well, I won't kill her. On the contrary, I want to see if she can really do as predicted in the future!"

Qingfeng called out in surprise, "Senior sister..."

"Well, you stay in Jingzhou City this month until I come to you for the second time. The token on my body will be handed over to you first. You don't have to worry that someone in the world will be against you. When someone wants to kill you, show them this token. I would like to see who dares to fight against Qingfeng Tower! Well, I also have to go back and make an appointment with a few people to discuss her appearance. As soon as the woman waved her hand, a thing similar to a card order flew straight to the breeze.

And Nangong Bingyu is too lazy to pull her clothes. Anyway, she is only 15 years old now, and her chest is still a flying airport! Instead, he looked at the woman in red, "Who are you?" Nangong Bingyu's voice is lazy and indescribable.

And the woman in red was a little stunned by Nangong Bingyu's questioning. Looking back at Nangong Bingyu, she foolishly pointed to herself, "Are you asking me?"

"Am I asking about the air?" Nangong Bingyu asked a funny question.

"Then you can call me bubble."

"Bubble?" Nangong Bingyu repeated, "This doesn't seem to be a person's name."

"You're right. But life is like a bubble, isn't it?" Bubbles replied with a smile like a flower.

Nangong Bingyu smiled bitterly, "Did you just say you wanted to kill me?"

"Hmm. But now I don't want to kill, but I want to watch a game. Why don't you join us in the Qingfeng Tower? Bubble's eyes flashed and looked at Nangong Bingyu expectantly. In that way, he seemed to be very hopeful that Nangong Bingyu nodded.

But Nangong Bingyu shook her head, "Although I don't know what play you want to see, I can't promise you to join Qingfeng Tower."

"Why don't you agree? I will give you a lot of what you want. Moreover, you can also learn supreme light skills! You can fly around the wall!" Bubbles continue to lure them.

"Give me more of what I want. When I have no use value, I think you only need an order to end my life. So, even if I want it, I have to pay too much, so why?

Nang Bingyu smiled softly. She dared to say such words because Qingfeng's fear could not be concealed when she saw this bubble. Qingfeng stood on the other side and naturally heard the disdain in Nangong Bingyu's tone. At this time, he didn't even dare to get out of the atmosphere. He was afraid that this moody senior sister would suddenly take action and really give Nangong Bingyu to the Buddha.

Bubble suddenly burst into laughter, and at this time, Nangong Bingyu looked at the bubble with some surprise. She never thought that when a woman laughed loudly, she would give herself the open pleasure of an eagle flying in the sky.

"What's your name?"

"South Palace Bingyu."

"Xiao Yuyu, I have to admit that you are a very interesting woman, okay! I've made you a friend! Let's say goodbye first. Two months later, we will definitely meet again after you!"

The smile on Paopao's face is still there. After saying it gently, he flew over the bamboo forest. In a few breaths, the bubble's figure has disappeared.

And Qingfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief. She walked to Nangong Bingyu's side, reached out to pull her clothes for Nangong Bingyu, and whispered, "Miss, why were you so unpremonished that your clothes were taken away by your sister so easily? She likes women."

As soon as Nangong Bingyu heard this, his little face immediately darkened more than half, "What?! She...does she really like women?"

So, didn't she see all of her just now?

Although her chest can be said to be the existence of the airport, the only thing to be proud of is her face.

However, she was actually stripping her coat by an ancient GAY, which made people look at it openly. She can't take off her clothes next time she sees the woman named Paopao, right? If the woman named Paopao told her to be responsible, wouldn't she not even have a place to cry?

"Uh-huh. Sister likes beautiful women the most. Qingfeng nodded seriously.


For a long time, there was a howling in this quiet bamboo forest, "Oh! God, let me die!"

One night of farce, Nangong Bingyu returned to the green bamboo garden where she lived, took a hot bath, washed the place where the bubble had touched, and rubbed her skin red to protest against the master's abuse. Then she stopped.

She walked alone to the depths of the bamboo garden again. Anyway, she still couldn't adapt to the habit of going to bed so early. In the 21st century, she was used to going to bed late. Even if she suddenly came to the world, she had to go to bed at dark, which really made her a little uncomfortable.

When she came to the lotus pond, she found that Qingfeng was sitting there, looking at her back. Nangong Bingyu stood behind her, looked up at the distant moonlight in the sky, and asked softly, "Qingfeng, what is Qingfeng Tower?"

For a long time, she thought that Qingfeng could not speak, but Qingfeng's voice sounded faintly, "Qingfeng Tower is the only one in the Dajing Dynasty that is not under the jurisdiction of the government. The whole Qingfengmen are all masters of martial arts. Where is the most difficult to attack in the Dajing Dynasty? You may say that it will be a palace, but I told you that the imperial guards in the palace are just a virtual army for the people of Qingfengmen. In the eyes of the group of people in Qingfeng Tower, they have always only recognized money but not people. That is to say, as long as you can afford the price, Qingfeng Tower will try its best to do whatever you want. Of course, Qingfenglou will not accept such a transaction for something that does not exist. On the contrary, if you deliberately come to look for it, it will only make the fertilizer in the mountains behind the Qingfeng Tower.

Nangong Bingyu was a little surprised, "Then if you kill the emperor, will you also kill him?"

"No. Qingfeng Tower has a rule that will not kill the royal family. Because the creator of Qingfeng Tower was created by a prince of the royal family, it is not under the jurisdiction of the government.

Speaking of this, Qingfeng paused for a moment and sneered, "Actually, Qingfeng Tower is not that it will not kill the royal family, but it is afraid that it will bring disaster to the world after killing, because a country has no emperor, which is equivalent to a leaderless dragons, which will only plunge the people of the whole Jing Dynasty into suffering. Qingfeng Tower will not put itself in a position to be scolded by the world.

Nangong Bingyu asked curiously, "Is that girl named Paopao today your senior sister?"

"Actually, I'm used to calling her a senior sister. She is actually the current owner of Qingfeng Building. We are all Qingmen disciples in the same period, but the senior sister is very talented. I think about it, the last position of the poster was won by the senior sister.

Speaking of this, Qingfeng paused and said in a sad tone, "My senior sister seldom goes out, and the senior sister will go out today because the queen died in the palace two years ago, and the last person the queen contacted was me."

Nangong Bingyu was stunned, "Ah? Well, then you..."

"This shocking news came out, and I was carrying out a transaction in the sea, and I received the news before I took action. I felt puzzled, so I quickly returned to Jingzhou City. As a result, as soon as I arrived in Jingzhou City, strange people chased me everywhere. I fought with them to the edge of the mountain. My hands were difficult for several people. If I didn't jump off the cliff, I would die. If I jumped down, I would at least have a glimmer of life. God also treats me well. I have escaped from death, but I have to live secretly. In the past two years, I have also been investigating who killed the queen and blamed me. However, there is still no clue. More importantly, the maids and eunuchs who have come into contact with the queen have all been buried. Even if there are any clues, it will only be dead without proof.

Qingfeng smiled bitterly, but he had been looking for the news for two years, but he still had no clue. And now the senior sister is the original poster, and I'm afraid she will kill herself one day, but she is unwilling to die. She just wants to know who wants to trap her in a desperate situation.

Nangong Bingyu doesn't want to know much about these things and things in the palace. Here, she just wants to be a rich man and have her own freedom.

For what happened to Qingfeng, I can't help now. Nangong Bingyu sighed and opened the topic, "Qingfeng, frankly, I'm not very interested in Qingfeng Tower. I can't help you with what happened to me. Even if I want to help you now, I am powerless. If you need my help in the future, you can tell me at any time, and I will do everything I can to help you.

"Miss, you are serious. I don't need the lady's help now. Because the senior sister said that she would come back to you in two months, which means that the senior sister will solve this matter for me.

"Oh? Are there many people in Qingfeng Building?

"There are not many people, only dozens, but if the Qingfengmen elites pour out, it will be a metaphor. It can be compared to an army. I'm afraid that the generals and soldiers on the battlefield will not be the opponents of the Qingfeng Tower. What's more, there is also a person who is good at using silver needles in our Qingfeng Tower. His silver needles make gods invisible and kill people!" Qingfeng proudly praised.

Nangong Bingyu nodded to show her understanding, "by the way, I heard from my aunt that after I get to the rice shop, the Nangong family will be in charge of it, right?"


"Do you know any questions about food in the past two years?"

The breeze sighed, "In the past two years, natural disasters and floods have continued, and many crops have been planted in vain. The most important thing is that this year's rice has produced a low yield. In this case, the Nangong family would have been responsible for paying tribute to the royal rice. If food is not supplied, the soldiers stationed at the border will suffer.

Nangong Bingyu slightly restrained his eyelashes, "If there is no food, that's not a good phenomenon. Farmers take food as the sky. If they don't have enough to eat, there will be a big mess."

"Yes, but we can't change the celestial phenomena."

Looking up at the moonlight, it seemed to become brighter. The summer wind blew through the bamboo forest, bringing a burst of coolness. Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "Well, it's getting late. You go back early. I also want to my room to sleep." After saying that, she turned around and left.

Qingfeng suddenly stopped her, "Miss, aren't you afraid of death?"

This is the answer she wants to know from Nangong Bingyu tonight, because Nangong Bingyu can still face the person who can kill her casually like her sister, and her courage alone convinces her.

Nangong Bingyu's body did not stop because of the breeze, "I will be afraid of death. Because I'm just an ordinary person."