shang qing tian xia

Chapter 1 Locust Appears [1]

It has been more than three months since he married Qiu Yang.

Summer has also slowly entered autumn. Nangong Bingyu has already lived in Qingmian Villa. Since she got married, she has been living here, and the summer resort has also been built. It has not been officially operated yet. Due to the bad weather, it may not be able to operate slowly until next year.

It is still in the trial camp stage.

Nangong Bingyu's stomach has begun to rise, and her five-month pregnancy has made her figure look more mediocre and swollen.

And her current every move will be watched by someone, and Qiu Yang's sister Qiu Qingyin also came back because she became her sister-in-law. Although she has heart palpitations, she is usually no different from ordinary people and often accompanies her.

Nangong Bingyu sat up from the bed, held her waist, and moaned, "Oh, it hurts so much."

Qiu gently embroidered a silk scarf in the side room and heard a stereo in the wing. He quickly put down the silk scarf in his hand and quickly supported her. "Sister-in-law, why are you up? It's only noon now. You usually get up in the evening.

"I've been sleeping too much in recent days. My waist is very sore and painful, so I think about walking." Nangong Bingyu explained.

"Come on, let me help my sister-in-law get up."


With the support of Qiu Qingyin, Nangong Bingyu finally dressed properly and had a big belly, which did not look haggard. On the contrary, her every move was pregnant and even more charming.

Qiu smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I find that you are getting more and more beautiful."

Nangong Bingyu glanced at her, "What's wrong? No one flirts with you anymore, so you're here to flirt with me?"

"Of course, my sister-in-law is mine." Qiu covered his mouth and laughed.

"I want to go out for a walk. Do you want to go out with me?"

Nangong Bingyu smiled and asked.

"Hmm. No problem."

Accompanying Nangong Bingyu to the artificially built garden of Qingmiao Villa, rockery, flowing water, but yellow fallen leaves fell on both sides of the small stone road, making people feel the arrival of autumn.

"Autumn is coming." Nangong Bingyu sighed.

"Does your sister-in-law seem to have something on her mind?" Qiu asked softly.

"Hmm. There are still many things that can't be figured out. Nangong Bingyu smiled bitterly.

"What's the matter?"

Nangong Bingyu shook her head, and suddenly seemed to remember something, " By the way, the last time I came to you with a ghost dream, you seemed to know ghost dreams?"

Qiu Qingyin was suddenly asked by her. She looked a little strange and her breathing became short. Nangong Bingyu quickly coaxed, "Don't be nervous! Relax first! If you don't want to answer, don't talk about this topic for the time being, okay?"

She doesn't want Qiu Qingyin to have a heart palpitations attack because of a problem. If it is now, she has a big belly. How can she support Qiu Qingyin who fainted?

Qiu Qingyin put the medicine bag on her waist and took a few deep breaths of it. Her face was better. Holding the medicine bag, she said, "Sister-in-law, of course, the ghost dream is the young doctor who saved me, and the material of this medicine bag was also prepared for me. It was also he who he said to me that if the smell of the medicine bag dissipates I can look for a pharmacy and ask the doctor to make it well, and the effect is the same. This medicine can only suppress the attack of my palpitations. It can only treat the symptoms, but it can't cure the root causes. He can't help it. Let me take care of myself.

Nang Gong Bingyu heard, "Then the last time you saw him, why didn't you recognize him?"

Qiu lowered her head with sadness on her face. "At that time, my sister-in-law said she wanted to marry him. What's the use if I didn't recognize him?"

Looking at Qiu's soft singing, Nangong Bingyu smiled and guessed, "You like ghost dreams."

This sentence is an affirmative sentence, not an interrogative sentence.

Qiu Qingyin was scared and shook his head quickly, "No, no, I, how could I..."

"Ha ha, silly girl, happiness is in your own hands."


Nangong Bingyu joked, "Are you afraid that you are in love?"

Qiu nodded shyly.

"Sometimes, you won't regret it only if you have worked hard. Even if you know that you will fail, you have to try your best to fight for it. If you want to be happy, you have to pay first. Whether the other party will repay you or not depends on how deep his feelings for you are.

"sister-in-law, even if I want to be with him, I don't know where he is now, and I'm still sick..."

Nangong Bingyu looked at her thoughtfully and saw Qiu feel uncomfortable, "What's the matter, sister-in-law? Why are you staring at me?"

"Whm, why do I feel that you are not confident in what you just said?"


"Don't hide it from your sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law knows what kind of person you are. You rarely show such a blank attitude. In fact, you don't have to be so unconfident. Ghost dream is also a poor person. Nangong Bingyu gave a long sigh.

Qiu looked up at her and didn't understand why her sister-in-law said so.

"The real name of the ghost dream is Zheng Chang."

"Zheng Chang?"

"Hmm. He is now in the Pacific Hospital of the Arctic. If you want to find him, then go to him now. I think he should still be there. Moreover, if you look for His Royal Highness Yanyue, you will see him soon.

Qiu frowned with joy, "Is it really okay?"

"Of course, it depends on whether you want to do it or not."

"Can I think about it?"


Nangong Bingyu does not urge her to make a decision. Many times, others can't decide.

After walking in the garden for a while, Nangong Bingyu felt tired again, so she looked for a place and sat there, gasping slightly.

Qiu asked softly, "sister-in-law, are you thirsty? Why don't I get you something to drink?"

"Okay, the things you make are delicious."

Nangong Bingyu immediately nodded and attached.

Qiu left with a smile.

After she left, Nangong Bingyu still had a smile on her face. Qiu Qingyin was indeed a lady, embroidered with piano and chess, and was beautiful. She could go out of the hall and enter the kitchen. The dessert made is unique and ingenious, which makes people like it very much.

While thinking about this, there was a slight footsteps in the garden. Nangong Bingyu looked at it and found that it was Qiu Yang.

After marriage, Qiu Yang seemed to restrain the cold chill on her body and wait for her gentleness and care, but now he actually frowned and seemed to have encountered something difficult.

"Husband, what's wrong? What happened?"

Only then did Qiu Yang find that his beloved wife was sitting in the pavilion on one side. If she hadn't called him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed her.

"Yuer, why are you here alone? Didn't Qingyin take care of you?" Qiu Yang came forward to hold her hand, and the feeling of coolness came from her hand. "Today, the weather is gradually getting cold. Let the clothing store make you some winter clothes tomorrow."

"Om, by the way, what were you worried about just now?"

Qiu Yang thought for a while and seemed to have something difficult to say before saying, "There are two news."

"Oh?" Nangong Bingyu raised her head curiously and looked at him, "What's the news?"

"There is still no movement in the army of the Southern Barbarians. This is good news, and the bad news comes from the sea of Yasukuni."

Nangong Bingyu's face turned cold and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"There are locusts there."


"Has the locust appeared?"

Nangong Bingyu muttered, and immediately felt that something was wrong. He quickly asked, "Are you talking about the disaster in the rice grain near the sea?"

"According to our people's return, it's not too serious at present. It's just a small village."

"Then please help me order that all the farmers who grow rice in the Nangong family should take measures to prevent locusts immediately. Only in such a hot weather this year will there be such a phenomenon. Once there is a serious situation, please inform me immediately." Nangong Bingyu told him.

Qiu Yang was a little puzzled, "Yuer, why are you so sad? Is there anything terrible about this locust?"

Nangong Bingyu sighed for a long time. There has been no locust plague in this era. It is normal that they will not know. In response to Qiu Yang's question, Nangong Bingyu rationalized his thoughts and said slowly: "The locust plague refers to the catastrophe caused by locusts. Once a locust disaster occurs, a large number of locusts will devour the fields, completely destroying agricultural products and causing serious economic losses, resulting in famine due to food shortages. Moreover, locusts like to be warm and dry, and locusts are often accompanied by severe droughts. There are so-called 'droughts and locusts' and 'droughts must have locusts'. Drought has caused locusts to multiply and grow rapidly, causing disasters in two reasons.

"Which two aspects?" Qiu Yang asked curiously.

"On the one hand, in the dry years, due to the decline of water levels, the soil becomes relatively solid, the water content is reduced, and the ground vegetation is sparse, and the number of locusts spawning has increased greatly. At the same time, in the dry years, the water surface of rivers and lakes shrinks, and the low-lying land** also provides more suitable places for locusts to spawn. On the other hand, plants growing in arid environments have low water content, and locusts feed on them, grow faster and have higher fertility. On the contrary, the rainy and humid environment has many adverse effects on the reproduction of locusts. The high water content of plants eaten by locusts will delay the growth of locusts and reduce fertility. Rainy and humid environments will also cause locust epidemic diseases, and rain and snow can directly kill locust eggs. In addition, the increase of natural enemies such as frogs will also increase the mortality rate of locusts.

"If you say so, is there a bad phenomenon in the appearance of this locust?"

Nangong Bingyu nodded and said worriedly, "Hmm. By the way, if possible, it is very important to let Paopao investigate whether the water source near the Yasukuni agriculture is short of water. Once there is a water shortage, the locust plague will develop at a rapid speed, and finally the famine will come to the world! At that time, I'm afraid that there will be no need for the southern barbarians to send troops, and farmers will grab grain in our country. The people are food-oriented and lose food. Then, chaos in this country will also come.

Qiu Yang was stunned, "However, it's just happening in a small village now. It shouldn't really happen like what you said."

Nang Gong Bingyu smiled bitterly, "I also want to, by the way, how is the situation in that small village now?"

"The situation is not ideal. It is said that all the food has been eaten up by locusts."

"That's troublesome."

Nangong Bingyu closed her eyes and thought bitterly. Qiu Yang didn't know the power of the locust, but as a rice expert, how could she not know that the locust was a huge disaster? After thinking about it, in case a real locust plague appears in Jicheng, the disaster will definitely disrupt the root of the country, and she must find a way to stop the emergence of the locust plague.