shang qing tian xia

Chapter 2 Locust Appears [2]

"Yuer, can't this locust be eliminated?"

Qiu Yang asked.

Nangong Bingyu sighed. How should I answer this? This locust can easily grow and grow again. Without a certain amount of agrocer, it can't kill locusts.

Where did scientists come from in this era?

Therefore, she can only try her best to kill locusts with the existing conditions.

"Zu Yang, find a way to buy a large number of live ducks around Jicheng."

"Duck?" Qiu Yang's face was slightly stunned, "Why do you suddenly want these animals?"

"husband, you don't know the strength of locusts now. In fact, in our era, once you get a locust plague, it will be extremely difficult to completely cure them. As long as you encounter the right conditions, it may happen, because the fertility of locusts is so strong that it is impossible to completely eliminate them. Therefore, what we can do is to avoid letting it grow as much as possible. The earlier we deal with it, the more we can reduce the damage of crops. Nangong Bingyu's tone was heavy, "Our world is struggling to control locust plagues, and it's not just the country I live in that will have this problem."

"Now it's almost the harvest season, so what should we do?" Qiu Yang asked.

Nangong Bingyu thought for a moment, "First, you asked the predecessor Yao Xuanshu to inform the owner of Jicheng and let him order that after harvesting the rice, let the farmers not burn all the straw, but put it in the field to create a good "living environment" for spiders; second, and the spider egg sacs will be found before and after harvesting. Concentrate in a safe place and protect it; third, when there is a locust, introduce the duck into the farmland, and I believe the duck will surprise you!"

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

After hearing this, Qiu Yang immediately strode away from the garden.

After he left, Nangong Bingyu's frown still had no way to relax. She didn't know why she couldn't calm down after knowing the appearance of the locust.

She was worried that Zhang Zhuo would take this opportunity to occupy the other three countries. At that time, as long as there were no internal problems in the southern barbarians, she was afraid that Zhang Zhuo would quickly launch a thunderbolt and occupy all countries.

In the case of famine, everyone will think that it is good to have enough food. Who cares who will rule the country?

This is also what she is most worried about.

In fact, in the final analysis, she knows well about Zhang Zhuo's character. If he wants to be the emperor of the four countries, he will not be a kind person. On the contrary, he will definitely not let that person go of the person who has hatred against him.

Once he really becomes emperor, the first person to do something to the people around her is definitely Qiu Yang.

No, no!

She can't let Zhang Zhuzhen occupy the four countries. These days, Qiu Yang has treated her affection so that she can't be sorry for him, let alone let anyone hurt him.

Although she is a weak woman, she knows more than anyone else about Zhang Zhuo's character. He is a man who does not achieve his goal.

In order to become the head of the four countries, he will definitely use any method. He will not care whether others are alive or dead. He only depends on the result.

It is because of his iron blood and fierce methods that his army can have such an effect in the last siege of the border of the Yasukuni. It is unmatched to command the military genius like his own arm.

If I hadn't been with him, I wouldn't have guessed his actions at all.

Thinking about it, there was a burst of pain in her stomach, which made her bend down.

"Little guy, if you come out, you will die! How dare you kick me!" Nangong Bingyu said andly, and her hand also stroked the place where she was kicked.

As if he understood her words, the baby in his abdomen did not kick her any more.