shang qing tian xia

Chapter 4 Surprise for Qiu Yang

The next day, Nangong Bingyu and Qiu Yang talked about the abnormality in the island city. Qiu Yang was also worried. He knew what Nangong Bingyu was worried about and did not stop her from going to the island city too much. Instead, he whispered with Paopao for a long time and rushed out with an excited face, while Qiu Yang was He smiled with satisfaction.

Nangong Bingyu was a little suspicious, "Husband, what did you say to Paopao just now?"

"No, just let her bring back the dark guard who used to be by your side."

"Oh? Are you talking about the dark moon? Nangong Bingyu was stunned.

"Hmm. After all, if you want to go so far away, I will still be worried if there are no masters around you to protect you. And I have talked to Elder Yao about what you said, so I have decided to go to Island City with you tomorrow. Qiu Yang said with a smile, reaching out and gently hugging her into his arms, feeling bursts of satisfaction in his heart.


Nangong Bingyu looked up at him and said, "Why did you suddenly decide to accompany me? Didn't you make an appointment with Elder Yao to go to Ice City in a few days?

"No, Mr. Yao didn't have any good intentions." Qiu Yang said with a black face.

Nangong Bingyu felt different, "What's wrong?"

"He didn't plan to go. He planned to let his daughter go with me."

"Oh?" Nangong Bingyu smiled and joked, "That's good, so that you don't talk so coldly to Li Shuang. Elder Yao just doesn't want you to stop hating his daughter. This is a good opportunity, at least it can ease the relationship between you and her.

Since Qiu Yang slapped Yao Lishuang at the wedding banquet that day, he has been waiting for Yao Lishuang like a transparent figure. When he sees it, he can't see it. He will go his own way and completely put Yao Lishuang aside.

Qiu Yang has never been a gentle person. On the contrary, he is a cold-blooded man. Life is in his hands, but in a thought, it has disappeared.

Yao Lishuang said that that day that he had touched his bottom line. It was his decision who he wanted to marry and who he wanted to stay with. For him, Yao Lishuang only had several fates. From the day he saved Yao Xuanshu's predecessors, he became a little closer to the Yao family, but he only had a cooperative relationship. I will come to meet you in the garden.

The purpose of the garden is to give a home.

However, Qingyin drifted around with his master because of palpitations and could not be fixed. When he built the garden, he remembered the ice jade of the Southern Palace, so he built a small courtyard for the ice jade of the Southern Palace. Although it was less than one-sixth the size of the garden, it was the most troublesome for him to set up. ji.

has always been empty, just thinking that if Nangong Bingyu comes one day, she will be arranged to live here, and she will be the owner of the garden.

Suiyuan just temporarily lent it to Elder Yao Xuanshu. How did he know that when he was at the wedding banquet, Yao Lishuang would actually accuse his beloved woman, which taught him how not to be angry and how not to be angry?

If she hadn't been the only bloodline of the Yao family and the only daughter, I'm afraid she would have become the ghost under his sword!

So, his tolerance for her is enough to give face.

Three months have passed. Since the wedding banquet that day, after worshipping with Nangong Bingyu, he took Nangong Bingyu back to Qingming Villa. Up to now, Nangong Bingyu has never seen Yao Xuanshu's family.

heard Qiu Qingyin say that in fact, a few days after they returned to the villa, Yao Xuanshu's family came to apologize with gifts. Qiu Yang let them in, but did not let Yao Lishuang meet Nangong Bingyu and refused Yao Lishuang's apology.

Qiu Yang heard Nangong Bingyu's joke at this time and looked cold, "Yuer! You know that I didn't kill her that day to give face to Elder Yao. Now let me be with that shallow woman. How can I stand it? Do you know what Elder Yao said to me yesterday?

"What did you say? How can you make your husband so energetic?"

In fact, Nangong Bingyu can still expect something. I think Yao Lishuang is unwilling, and she will definitely try to be Qiu Yang's concubine while she has a big belly. But she can't stop Qiu Yanna from accepting concubines, because she owes him too much.

"Yao Lishuang actually said she would be my concubine!"

Qiu Yang said hatefully.

Nangong Bingyu smiled and said, "As a lady, she is willing to compromise so much, and she will be so deeply in love."

"Love?" Qiu Yang sneered, "Does she know what love is? Her love is my annoyance to me.

When Nangong Bingyu heard this, she said nothing more.

Some people are predestined, and it's not something she can change with a few words.

Nang Bingyu in his arms was silent, and Qiu Yang asked worriedly, "Why don't you talk?"

Nangong Bingyu shook her head, "It's nothing. It's just that you have your own opinions, and I don't need to say anything more."

"Are you unhappy?"

Qiu Yang held her face worriedly and found that her eyebrows were still slightly wrinkled, as if she was a little unhappy.

smiled at him, "Nothing, you think too much. I just hope Zhang Zhuo's movements are not so fast..."

"Do you mean that Zhang Zhuo will send troops?"

"Hmm. Suwen appeared in the island city, which made me very uneasy, and Suwen actually knew the ocean. Ocean is a relatively gloomy person, and he greets anyone with a smile. Although he smiles at people, there is absolutely no smile under his eyes. There is only a cold meaning. It seems that he smiles at you completely so that you can't feel his sincerity. It's just a simple and perfunctory smile. Nangong Bingyu sighed for a long breath.

"According to what you said, what kind of person is he in your heart?"

"This person can't make friends deeply. Because you can't touch his sincerity.


"So I have to go to Island City."

"So what are you going to do after you go there?"

"I have to have a clear and clear talk with him. Because of one thing, I have to verify that if he is really Prince Zheng Jie's son, then no matter what he did to betray me, I can't kill him, because I owe Prince Zheng a favor. The ghost dream failed to marry me, and I have lost the sustenance of Prince Zheng. Prince Zheng once asked me to take care of Guimeng and asked him not to meet the royal families of the four countries, but one thing I haven't told you is that Guimeng is now working as an imperial doctor in the Imperial Hospital of the Northern Palace of the Arctic.

Qiu Yang was shocked, "When did this happen?"

"I only found out the last time I saw Her Majesty. Moreover, Guimeng was working in the Tai Hospital, and His Royal Highness Yanyue seemed to know him, so when I left, I asked Yanyue to pay attention to his where he was going. I must not let him leave the Arctic country and let her take good care of him. I don't know why he wears a silver mask or what happened to him, so everything can only be done at his will. I left the Arctic country. Nangong Bingyu was sad.

"Well, you treat him..."

Qiu Yang wanted to speak but stopped.

Nangong Bingyu glanced at him and immediately knew what he was thinking. He was nothing more than worried about the existence of ghost dreams in her heart. He smiled and said, "My husband has thought too much. I have faced the ghost dreams calmly. He is my savior in my heart. In those years, if he hadn't forced me out of my own internal strength. There is no time for me to get married with you today. Being able to pick up a life may not be a big deal for others, but for me, I am reluctant to leave. Because the world has the plain life I want, and there are people I care about.

Qiu Yang reached out and rubbed the back of her head. "Little fool, no one can take your life unless I die."

Although this sentence was very quiet, Nangong Bingyu heard the promise in his words. What he said is not just a false oath, but a real one that will really be put into action.

All she can do is reach out and hug him tightly now. Since marriage, Qiu Yang has not had a real marriage with her, and has not been ** on the grounds that she is pregnant and unsuitable to have sex.

It's not that she lies beside him. He has no sexual desire. On the contrary, he always restrains himself from touching her. When he really can't stand it, he will leave the bed alone and run to the study next to him to sleep.

Facing Qiu Yang's kindness to her, she couldn't help but turn a blind eye. Her heart was also melted by him little by little and slowly fell in love with him.

Knowing his feelings for himself, if Zhang Zhuo insists on breaking up him and her, she won't make any counterattack, I'm afraid she can't forgive herself.

He doesn't care about the existence of the child, but just watches her quietly, which is enough to make him feel proud, because the love he gives him is spiritual love.

What Qiu Yang didn't know was that when he left the bed, Nangong Bingyu opened her eyes and watched him leave. His back in the night looked even more lonely and desperate.

In the face of a good man who never asked for anything from her, Nangong Bingyu was full of guilt.

"husband, do you like boys or girls?"

Nangong Bingyu suddenly asked this question, which made Qiu Yang tremble all over. Then he thought for a moment and said, "I don't think men or women care. As long as you like it, I will like it."

"Don't you have a comparison in your heart?"

Qiu Yang raised a smile, "For me, both men and women are their own flesh and blood is thicker than water. How can they not love children because of their gender? Although most people like men, that is, they prefer boys to girls. But I don't think so. When I was a child, my sister's birth was loved by my parents in every way. I didn't treat her differently because she was a girl. Before my parents died, they still told me to take good care of them.

Nangong Bingyu looked at him, and his cheeks suddenly turned red. Finally, he summoned up the courage and whispered, "Well, when the baby in my belly is born, I want to have a baby."

Although it is just a simple sentence, it makes Qiu Yang stand there without blinking. For Qiu Yang, it is of great significance. This means that she really accepts him completely. Is she willing to pay for him?

Looking at her shy face, joy rushed to her brain and made Qiu Yang hesitate rarely, "You, are you telling the truth?"

She nodded.

Qiu Yang hugged her tightly from behind and said in a strange way, "Thank you! Yuer! Thank you!"