shang qing tian xia

Chapter 5 Island City

Island City

Located on the seaside of the Great Yasukuni, the island city is a city built on the sea. This small town is not rich, not to mention the difficulties of life, and the living standard of the people is in the middle.

They don't worry about eating or wearing, and the people live a very comfortable life.

If it hadn't been for the sudden direct attack by the sea army last year, they would still be very happy.

Now more than a year has passed, and the people of the island city have finally survived after the war. The whole island city has an unspeakable decadence, the peeling of the outer wall, and the traces of the wall after the war have not disappeared because of the retreat of the sea army.

In the morning, the orange light is hazy through layers of thick clouds.

A simple carriage drove slowly on the official road, two people in front and back of the carriage.

Paopao and Su Qi are behind the carriage, and Dark Moon and Qiu Yang are in front of them.

They protect Nangong Bingyu, the richest man in Yasukuni.

Although she is only one person, she has an unborn child in her womb, and Nangong Bingyu's identity is special. Her every move should be careful not to let the people of the Dajing royal family know that she is alive. Otherwise, she will be convicted by the current empress dowager to bully the king, and then give the Nangong family a crime of great rebelliousness, which will be really serious.

Nangong Bingyu opened her eyes in a dizzy car. What entered her eyes was Qiu Qingyin, her sister-in-law, who was sleeping with her quietly.

When I was in a small carriage space, I tried to sit up. My stomach was getting bigger and bigger, and it was more and more inconvenient to walk around. Reaching out and rubbing her with some headache, it will be the time for the housekeepers of the Nangong family to meet in a few days. She suddenly notified those housekeepers to go to the island city for the quarterly report of the Nangong family. I don't know if Master Hua will be extremely surprised?

I think so. I already have a big belly. I thought that this quarterly report would be in Jicheng, but suddenly a letter surprised all the housekeepers.

The most shocking news is not the ocean, but Master Hua.

At this time, Master Hua had set out in advance from the Ice and Snow City of the North Ice Country to the Island City.

Because Master Hua takes the waterway, he will arrive relatively earlier than Nangong Bingyu.

Nangong Bingyu has to go to Huajiang Town first, and then turn to the waterway to get to Haidao City. The journey from Jicheng to Haidao City is two days longer than that from Ice City to Haidao City.

So Master Hua had two days to discuss with the ocean how to face the unexpected arrival of the owner of the Nangong family in Linhai Island City.

At this time, Master Hua and the ocean are sitting in the drunken world in the island city. The room they chose is the room in the most corner of the second floor. In this room, you can see the folk style of the whole island city.

At this time, the scenery outside the window is just noon, and there are not many passers-by on the street, only some stalls there, with an exotic ornament on it.

"Little master, do you know what the master's intention is to come to the island city this time?"

Master Hua asked in a low voice. In fact, his heart was very uneasy. He always felt that if Nangong Bingyu knew the true identity of the ocean, he did not think that the young lady would let go of his master.

What's more, over the years, the little master has been connected with all the merchants in the island city. If the young lady is in trouble and drives out the little master, it will definitely be a great loss for the Nangong family. Moreover, over the years, the little master has also a lot of money from the island city and handed it to the Nangong family, only two-thirds of the account, and the other third has been privately deducted by the little master.

Ocean sat opposite Master Hua, reached out and picked up the wine pot, filled Master Hua with a cup first, and then drank a cup for himself. After putting down the wine pot, he said carelessly, "Even if she comes now, she can't change what I want to do. In the past few years, I have endured humiliation and secretly lived for so long, and it's time to go to the sea. The country will get back everything I had!"

His gloomy face showed a resolute look, with the murderous spirit of being broken rather than complete.

Master Hua did not agree, "Little master, I don't think the hostess will be an unreasonable person. I think as long as you want to tell the hostess everything, she will not make it difficult for us."

The ocean showed a look of memories, like returning to the scene of meeting her in Jicheng that day. "Lord Hua, I am very grateful that you are willing to offend the royal family in the sea to save me, and even have to leave your hometown for me, and even be forced to flee your hometown. I'm very grateful for this, but Nangong Bingyu is by no means as simple as you see. She is not a person who can control it.


"Lord Hua, I admit that everything I have in the island city has been given to me by her, but I have something I have to do. My mother's concubine has been killed by the dog emperor, and I am the only one who escaped from the top and down of my palace. My uncle gave me all the hatred of the family. He is the emperor and wants to kill my family. Is he still my relative? No, he is not my relative, but my enemy! I want him to pay for everything I have experienced!" Ocean reached out and poured down the wine in front of him. The spicy feeling did not make him frown.

Master Hua sighed, "Little master, can't you let go?"

How to let go? No, I won't let go! I have already negotiated with the old man of the Wei family and the cronies of the southern barbarians. As long as the girl goes back to the southern barbarians and waits for the southern barbarian prince to wave the army to the sea country, I will pay him all my savings over the years.

Master Hua was shocked, "Little master, this is a must!"

Why not? This is my only chance!"

"Little master, you are confused!" Master Hua's face changed greatly and said, "Do you know who is the child that the hostess is?"

The ocean was stunned, "Isn't it the flesh and blood of the southern barbarian little prince?"

"Since you know, why do you still help the little prince of Nanman?"

"Because he can help me revenge!"

"Little master, if Prince Zheng is still alive, he will never agree with what you do now! Everything you can have now in Jingguo is given to you by the Nangong family. Now you can stand up and swim among rich businessmen in the island city. All these opportunities for rebirth are all opportunities given to you by Miss Nangong. Even if it's me. For the local people of Yasukuni, we are the people of Fanbang. Who will lend a helping hand to us? Yes, I admit that Miss Nangong did not avenge you, but have we ever asked Miss for help? Also, I don't think that if we ask the lady for help, she won't help! Even so, do you think we can do this to our benefactors? Miss, we have been able to live such a comfortable life in Jingguo for several years. She gave us food, gave us a place to live, and even gave us trust, let us be the housekeeper of the Nangong family and manage the business of the Nangong family for her. Doesn't Miss really have any kindness to us for all this?

Speaking of this, Master Hua paused for a moment and then said, "Also, we have never confessed our past to Miss Nangong. She has never asked, but she has never doubted our origin! This is very admirable to me. Miss is a person who uses no doubt and does not use it. If the little master lives in the island city, if the word Nangong is removed from your title, we are nothing but foreigners in a foreign country! Besides, how much do you know about the girl you mentioned? What purpose is she approaching you for? How much do you know?

Master Hua's words were quite exciting. But I have to say that what he said is above the point! The ocean couldn't think of a word to refute his words. The ocean was silent, and Master Hua was still gasping for excitement. When he was old, he was no longer the prime minister of China who could be under one person in the sea. He is now middle-aged. He is getting older and older year by year, and his body is naturally not as strong as when he was young. There are already several gray hairs on his black hair.

A bitter smile came from the corners of the ocean's lips, "Lord Hua, am I naive? Or should I hide my identity like this and live my life so mediocrely? I can't forget the tragic death of my mother..."

"That can only rely on our own strength. Miss Nangong is innocent!" Master Hua comforted him.

The ocean was silent and looked at the wine pot in front of him, looking thoughtful.

After a long time, the ocean finally said, "Lord Hua, what's the news about the Arctic country now?"

Master Hua thought for a moment, "At present, it is still calm. Some time ago, after Princess Ling went to the Arctic Kingdom, she worshipped the dead King Heng and Shangguan Jieyu and went back. After returning, the Empress Dowager's decree was also passed on to the Arctic country, dividing the Arctic city into the Arctic country, and the two countries became friends again.

"Are these all calculated by the young lady?" The ocean asked in a stunned way.

"I don't know, but when I saw the girl's confident smile at that time, I was a little sure that it was the current peace talks."

Although Master Hua has been an official all his life, he is still full of admiration for what Nangong Bingyu has done. Her existence, such a young age, is smart. Every time she makes a decision, she thinks about the result. She is a rare talent. If she is a man, she must be a talent of the world!

The ocean closed his eyes and said, "Okay, I'll tell the truth when the young lady comes. Even if the young lady wants to blame me, I admit it. After all, I once thought about marrying her and using her Nangong family to revenge on the sea country.

"It's really lucky that the little master can think so!" Master Hua was gratified.

"Lord Hua doesn't have to be so humble. In fact, over the years, I have been taken care of by you so that I can live so well under the eyes of the Nangong family, but even if I confess to Miss, I will still regain the power of our maritime country. I will not let go of those who have hurt me!" Ocean gritted his teeth and said with hatred.