Young Knife God

Chapter 72 The Crisis of the hostage

"Hi, Xiao Tie, my daughter has been kidnapped. I heard that the person who kidnapped her is from the Black Dragon Club. Nuo, here is a letter left by them for you. You must save my daughter. There is only such a daughter around me. What should I do if something happens to her?"

Before Xiao Tie could start, he was entangled by Henry, who broke in from outside the door.

Henry's face was full of tears, and his hands trembled. He took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Xiao Tie's hand.

Xiao Tie received the letter, but did not open it,

The instantaneous overflow of consciousness has made him understand the content of the letter.

Sure enough, as he expected, Purple Eagle agreed on a time and place in the letter, and also brought a ransom of 70 million purple gold coins.

Xiao Tie frowned secretly, 70 million, enough to buy a few more medium-sized songs and dances,

This purple eagle is so cruel that it will go to almost more than half of his property with one mouth.

Xiao Tie smiled gently and said, "Uncle Henry, don't worry. I'll meet her later. I don't think she will hurt Miss Oak. I promise to bring Miss Oran back safely."

During this period, his relationship with Miss Oran has developed rapidly. Not only is Olan's heart, but also Xiao Tie's heart has slowly turned from indifference to heat up.

Henry was relieved to see Xiao Tie make such a guarantee and patted Xiao Tie on the shoulder.

"Be careful," there are loving eyes in his eyes,

"Okay, don't worry." Xiao Tie smiled and said, after saying this, he turned around and disappeared outside the gate.

Una smiled and followed him closely,

Xiao Tie suddenly stopped and thought for a moment: "Wupeng Mountain is more than 200 miles away. If I walk like this, I'm afraid it will take a day and a night."

Una suddenly said, "Then I'll go back to ride a horse?"

After all, as a common means of transportation, horses are much faster than people walking.

Xiao Tie waved his hand and said calmly, "No, let's go faster by flying chicken."

When he heard the word flying chicken, Una suddenly opened his eyes in surprise,

What is a flying chicken? Can you fly?

She didn't dare to ask, just curious.

Seeing Xiao Tie's bravery looks must be an artifact.

Xiao Tie thought for a moment and said slowly, "Since Oran fell into their hands, I think they are likely to threaten Oran to have a showdown with us. Hey, and we also happen to have an excellent hostage to use. If we can exchange one-on-one, isn't the problem much simpler?"

Hearing this, Una's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "So, are we going to take that pig?"

"But in order to ensure that the transaction can proceed smoothly, we still need to reserve a ticket under Wupeng Mountain. If necessary, we can support us at any time, otherwise the black dragon will have so many masters, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get out."

Xiao Tie thought about it without worry,

Una nodded repeatedly and praised, "The boss is really a good idea. I admire him and worship him." I don't know when Una also became a flatterer.

Not only keeps patting, but also climbs up the pole.

"Other prisoners we captured this time can also be taken with us, so that they can be used as arrows when both sides turn against each other, hehe,"

She said while patting Xiao Tie's little fart.

Xiao Tie blushed and said that Una was indeed a little bold. Fortunately, no one saw it. Otherwise, he would be laughed at by his men as the boss.

Xiao Tie stretched out his hand and took out a black light letter from his arms. With the command, he wrote a line of fonts. His two fingers bounced slightly, and the black light disappeared, turning into a silver light and soaring straight to the sky.

After a while, a huge dark shadow appeared in front of Xiao Tie, still the cry of the laying hens. Xiao Tie frowned slightly and pretended to be angry: "Green hair, you are a rooster. Don't always cackle. It's good to scream."

Green hair listened and nodded as if he didn't understand,

With one mouth, that is, oh, oh, oh, oh,

How high is Xiao Tieqi's brain collapse? He can't wait to cover his mouth.

Damn, it's dark, and it's still called a hair. Hey, this stupid chicken,

Una, it's really a flying chicken. He is much bigger than ordinary people, but he is much more docile.

Xiao Tie took Una's hand and rode the flying chicken together,

Then he whispered a few words to Gate standing beside him, covered his head, and went back to get ready to go.

Xiao Tie raised his hand and patted the green hair on the head. The green hair flew up to the blue sky like lightning and quickly flew to Wupeng Mountain.

Although Xiao Tie doesn't understand why Purple Eagle chose the location in Wupeng Mountain, as far as he knows, there are often bandits in this area, so even the royal direct mercenary regiment will not easily carry out tasks in this area.


The night is like a tide, quietly flooding the earth, and the sad north wind blows wildly, mixed with white snowflakes falling from the sky.

Without much effort, the earth turned white,

In the black Holy Light Hall, the purple eagle sits in a chair made of purple jade,

The purple jade emits a faint purple flame, which is in sharp contrast to the house made of pure black steel stone.

At the roof, a luminous bead made of red crystal jade is scattered with red light, illuminating the house.

In a crystal furnace next to her seat, a dark red flame bead flowed rapidly in the crystal, releasing an incomparable flame from time to time. After passing through several special refracting mirrors, the light spread evenly, making the temperature of the whole room as warm as spring.

She waved her hand and sprinkled some green fluorescent powder,

Wow, a black smoke rises, and two figures are clearly displayed on the crystal ball,

These two people are clearly Xiao Tie and Una,

As for their riding beast, it was actually a magic chicken, which made several people feel incredible and laughed unconsciously.

"I've never heard that someone will use chickens as a riding tool, but this boy is creative"

"This kind of chicken breed is extraordinary. I heard that it is a magic chicken produced on Magic Mountain. Although its flying ability is not as good as that of eagles, it is also good. But I heard that training is extremely difficult,,,,,,"

"Fuck, I heard that this boy was famous for performing chicken dancing together when he first came. I didn't expect that he became the owner of a beautiful song for a long time. Don't you think it's strange?" Athena has always been known for her elegance and grace, but she didn't expect that she was no worse than the ice dragon when swearing.

The ice dragon almost didn't breathe when he heard it and laughed,

"Your woman, what the fuck?"

"Well, that's what I said. What do you want?"

Athena and Ice Dragon are lively, but they don't find that the purple eagle has changed their face.

"They must be arriving soon. I can even smell his breath," the beautiful woman in red on the jade seat slowly raised her head, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

A beautiful girl is tied to a jade pillar less than five steps away from her,

Who is it if it's not Oran?

"Athena, Ice Dragon, you two really disappoint me. How can you two lead the two lobby in the future?"

Athena and Binglong, who were sitting under her, immediately stood up and said respectfully, "I am incompetent. Hope the helmsman will forgive you"

A cold light flashed in Ziying's eyes and said, "Well, it's the first time for you guys. In addition, this boy really pricks his hands. It's good for you to come back alive."

The two ice dragons looked at each other and suddenly said, "I heard that you are going to use Miss Oran as bait to lure Xiao Tie, but I don't know if Xiao Tie will be hooked?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this. I heard that Miss Oran is Henry's apple. As long as we hold her in our hands, we don't have to worry about not coming. Hey, as long as he comes, we will never let him go back."

The purple eagle raised its hands slightly, and the two blue awns instantly took action and sank into the stone pillar above Oran.

In a moment, the stone pillar was full of cracks and made a crackling sound. The purple eagle made a move, and two blue lights flew back to the purple eagle's jade palm.

Athena smiled and said, "The terrain here is dangerous and far away from the noise, so even if it is bigger than last time, I believe that Lord Demon Sect will not plead guilty."

"Well, the Demon Sect did warn us, but after all, our black dragon will be the largest gang in the demon world and has a rudder in various places, so even if he wants to deal with us, he should consider whether it will cause turmoil in the demon world, hahaha."

After laughing for a long time, she suddenly remembered something. She looked at the two ice dragons and wondered, "This boy is a little evil. According to your two skills, an ice system and a fire system, no matter how powerful the role is, they will retreat. Why can this boy win completely under your joint attack? If not There is only one explanation for any special reason.

Athena thought for a moment and suddenly changed her color and said, "So, there must be an astrolabe on this boy. If so, it is very easy to explain why our two different magic skills on him have no effect on him."

A person with multiple attributes is definitely a rare genius on the mainland.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. The astrolabe is unique in a hundred years, but several people who have appeared in history have become the first-class warriors of the mainland. Every time the astrolabe appears, it will cause extreme shocks on the continent. Therefore, the three worlds of people, demons and beasts have secretly agreed that once the astrolabe is found to appear, they will work together to eradicate him to eliminate future troubles. "