Young Knife God

Chapter 73 Destroy the Mountain Bandit

While Xiao Tie and the two started, Gator was also busy urgently.

First, nearly a thousand Vula crossbows made according to Xiao Tie's guidance were given to each mercenary,

"Hey, this is a good thing. We tried to shoot one a few days ago. Oh, my God, this thing will fly into mid-air and emit a meteor-like flame, and the speed will be much faster. Unfortunately, there is only one per person, which is a little less. Otherwise, if we have the opportunity to put a few tonight, it will be great."

"Stop talking nonsense. I haven't heard what Battalion Chief Gate said earlier. Is there any action tonight? We're going to leave later. Maybe there will be a tough battle."

"Hee, this is the best. If you use this kind of Vula to shoot the enemy, you will definitely scare them to pee. Hey hey."

"Come on, I didn't hear the gathering, and it's all the gathering. Oh, my God, more than 1,000 people have never been out like this. It's spectacular." A tall mercenary standing in the front row showed joy on his face. Thinking that another bloody battle was about to take place, his blood was boiling all over.

Walking in the front row is the newly formed iron cavalry battalion, led by Sean, who was born in the Black Hawk Mercenary Regiment, with a black snow god horse, black black black iron armor, and a five-meter-long square halberd, which is really majestic. The whole battalion of mercenaries are composed of extremely experienced and equestrian mercenaries. It can be said that It is the elite of the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Corps,

After the appearance of this armored cavalry, followed by Una's female barracks, dressed in red armor, plus short knives and long crossbows, arranged into a neat square array, which caused a burst of applause as soon as they appeared.

Behind it was Hegel's strong crossbow camp, and the four brigades of the beautiful Ajia's shooting camp were lined up, with more than 1,000 people. Even if they went out at night, the battle made the nobles who squatted in the city in a cold sweat.

"Damn, where did such a powerful mercenary brigade come from? It looks even more powerful than the Royal Mercenary Regiment."

In the street, a well-dressed noble son smoked a cigarette and sprayed out a few smoke circles, while saying to several dung bets around him,

These people were almost drunk. Although they couldn't find a home, they were still stunned by the battle of this mercenaries. They were stunned and shouted vaguely, "Damn, there are so many beautiful women who don't come to accompany the uncle, hahaha," he said. While taking off his trousers, he peed unscrupulously at the female soldiers' brigade. Hahaha, when I saw the female soldiers blushing, they stared angrily and whistled excitedly.

"Hey, look, Rick's wonderful performance, ha, have you ever seen such a rough one?

Their wild laughter has not stopped. A fast horse passed by, and a whip hit him heavily. Oh, my God, the crazy guy immediately fell to the ground with blood flowing on his face.

The girl immediately shouted proudly: "Take care of your mouth. If you let me hear it next time, cut off your head with a knife." The sound has not stopped, and people have gone away like a whirlwind.

Only the wailing guy and a few idiots left,

"Daily, there are such beautiful women in the world. Good boy, if you can sleep with me all night, even if I give her half of my family property, it won't be too much."

"Fuck, don't daydream. They don't know what they call. Fortunately, you're still in YY,"

"Hey, not to mention that girl, I know her. She is the squadron leader of the hungry wolf mercenary team. She seems to be called Ajia. She is a famous beauty in this area. Oh, if you don't pick her up, I'll pull up, ah,"

"Daily, if you dare to go to her, I will cut your little JJ with a knife, and I will fight with you as soon as I see a beautiful woman."

You pushed me several people, and the righteous brotherhood just now has already turned into a vicious fight between fists and feet.

Apart from the chaos caused by the hungry wolf mercenaries,

With the cover of the night, Gate led the brigade to quickly approach Mount Wupeng.

It is less than 50 miles away from the site of the last destruction of Sean's Black Hawks. It is also a dangerous territory where bandits are rampant. Few people appear on weekdays. Even during the day, without a large number of mercenaries, no mercenary regiment has the courage to pass from now on, but the Hungry Wolf Mercenary Corps has taken the lead. Example,

Shawn took the lead and had a desire to avenge the Black Hawks.

He led the most elite iron armored battalion to the front of the regiment,

Two hundred mountain roads have arrived in less than half an hour.

Shaun stopped, found a place conducive to hide, and released the observation post in time. Looking up, there was a dark mountain in front of him. As long as his people could attack smoothly at the moment of the order, even if it was half successful, as soon as the team stopped and immediately turned to a few Send out the scouts,

Not long after, the scouts brought back messages one after another,

"The battalion commander found a mountain bandit in the southwest of Wupeng Mountain, with a number of about 500 people. Except for a few people on alert, most of them are resting," a scout reported,

"Report to the battalion commander that no enemy has been found in the northeast, and only a small number of Black Dragon Club gangs lit torches and are on sporadic alert."


After listening to the information brought back by the scout, Gate calmly analyzed and came to a conclusion.

There are unidentified personnel guarding all the key roads of Wupeng Mountain. In a mountain nest a little west of Wupeng Mountain, a cavalry team composed of mountain bandits was found. The number of people is about 500. It must be an ambush set by the Black Dragon Society. Because the terrain in this area is extremely dangerous, even the armored army is rare here. Exposition. Therefore, after the fight, the ambush here is likely to harass themselves, which will put the mercenaries in danger of facing the enemy.

"Captain Ajia," he shouted without raising his head. Standing behind him, Ajia was already anxious to get some tasks. She hadn't fought for a long time, and the blood all over her body was faintly boiling.

"I'm here, Camp Leader"

"Now it's up to you to take your female soldier squadron to solve these hateful bandits. Remember that your opponent is a mountain bandit who has experienced hundreds of battles. You can only be surprised and must not charge head-on. After all, you are female soldiers, and the number of people,,,,,,"

Among the four teams, Ajia's squadron is the weakest. Not only are the female soldiers, but also the weapons are mainly short knives, and the number of people is only about 300. With such a disadvantageous force against the fierce mountain bandits, it is a big question mark.

See the hesitant eyes in Gate's eyes,

Ajia shouted, "Don't worry, we are far away from each other. Besides, after such a long period of training, each of us has extremely high fighting skills, so even if we fight one-on-one, we will not fall behind."

A trace of joy flashed in Gate's eyes. The female soldier detachment in front of him, under the leadership of Ajia, has indeed become a mercenary detachment that can fight well. Moreover, the woman is careful and her long-range shooting ability is outstanding. With the hundreds of long crossbows on their bodies, it is enough for the enemy to drink a pot.

Thinking of this, he smiled and nodded and said, "Well, the task is urgent. We must solve the battle before dawn. Remember to be sudden and fast."

Fighting in this dangerous mountain, the war was delayed, and an unexpected result occurred in the end,

"Okay, let's go now."

Ajia whistled, and more than 300 mercenaries quickly lined up in a single row and headed for the mountain bandits in hiding.