Young Knife God

Chapter 173 Demon Hunter

The body of the tail hammer dragon emitted a purple light fog, which was instantly blocked by the flames from the ground, and its small eyes slightly opened a crack,

Quickly glanced at the fast-running magic armored dragon, and the chill in his eyes suddenly appeared,

Boom, its mouth opened slightly, and suddenly a dazzling purple light spewed out of its mouth,

Boom, he hit heavily on the armor on the chest of the magic armor dragon, and suddenly exploded a flame on the body of the magic armor dragon. Oh, the magic armor dragon emitted an earth-shaking roar, and several pieces of armor on his chest were instantly burned out of fist-sized holes, revealing the bright red muscles inside,

Obviously, the energy of this blow is far stronger than ordinary people think,

And at this moment, Xiao Tiebu is doting on the back of the tail hammer dragon,

This scene was seen by two old guys who had just fled to the top of the mountain in the distance. They were stunned and speechless.

"Hey, this boy dares to become an essence and dares to sleep on that prehistoric warcraft. I really admire this courage." It was Coxon who spoke. As the vice dean of Imperial College, he cares much more about Xiao Tie than ordinary people.

Even this kidnapping incident was used as a spectator throughout the whole process,

Although he was urged to reconcile several times by the ciffura around him, he ruthlessly refused. At this moment, he was standing on the top of a mountain 500 yards away and watching the development of the situation.

At this time, the two monsters have already won or lose. The purple flame beam that the tail hammer dragon must kill has made the magic armor dragon flee back with scales all over its body. I'm afraid that in recent months, it will not come out to make waves again.

Because its body is densely hit with dozens of wounds, the scales on its body are either burned out of fist-sized holes or completely blown away. Blood water is flowing out along the surface of its body and converges into a blood spring in the low-lying valley.

Xiao Tieyan was very happy to see that this hammer dragon was so powerful, and his interest increased greatly.

"Hey, old monster, we will be friends in the future. Take me to your nest and have a look."

"Hey, what are you doing? Why do you ignore me?" Xiao Tie saw that he actually closed his eyes and fell asleep, and his body was still up and down together, making him laugh and crying.

When he saw his unreasonable appearance, Xiao Tie had no choice but to take it.

However, after confirming that there was no hostility to each other, he had more contact with the tail hammer dragon.

Almost every day when he is free, Xiao Tie will come to this valley to see the tail hammer dragon. The tail hammer dragon seems to be very familiar with the smell of Xiao Tie's body. Whenever he appears outside the cave, he only needs to snap his finger, and he will come out to meet.

This dragon has been together for more than a month, and he actually has a feeling of cherishing each other.

In the next few days, Xiao Tie came to the forest outside the black pine forest every day to fight and practice. Sometimes there was some interaction between the two. For a while, they got along very well.

After another half month, Xiao Tie came to the Black Pine Forest to practice boxing again,

But I found that it became lively here, and there was an earth-shaking roar from afar.

With this sound, Xiao Tie patted the little tiger and lowered the height. Only then did he find that the tail hammer dragon was actually besieged by a group of people.

Among them are several powerful third-order dragon knights, plus more than a dozen powerful demon hunters, which have formed a fan-shaped encirclement of the tail hammer dragon. There seem to be hundreds of mercenaries holding famous new weapons behind. Of course, due to their weak strength, they are all in the back. , and in front of the team, there are only dozens of people,

Among these dozens of people, the seventh-order demon hunter is stronger,

Almost every demon hunter is led by dozens of high-level monsters, including wind wolves, magic tigers, and even giant crocodiles.

"Kill this stupid dragon. Fuck, since I met this stupid dragon, dozens of brothers have died. If the task of hunting the magic dragon fails, the people of the demon group will watch our jokes. Our evil group will never be the second. Ha, kill him to prove your courage."

As a tall man in black waved his arms, dozens of high-level fighters behind him rushed up and launched a wave of attacks on the tail hammer dragon.

Demon Hunter is a powerful profession in the demon world. Almost every member is a master above the seventh level of the demon world.

These people usually have more than three monsters as their companions, so when hunting high-level monsters, they will attack with their monsters as the vanguard,

This time, it was no exception. After the leading man in black issued an order, dozens of third-order wind wolves suddenly attacked the tail hammer dragon crazily.

Boom, a giant wolf with a head of more than two meters jumped ten feet high and crossed an attractive fox line in the air to attack the opposite tail hammer dragon,

But as soon as its body was swept up, it was hit in the waist by the huge tail hammer waved by the tail hammer dragon. In an instant, it was bombarded into fragments, turned into blood rain all over the sky, and pieces of wine fell.

The blood surged at the scene. In a blink of an eye, several wind wolves and magic tigers were injured by the tail hammer dragon and withdrew from the battle. The roar and flying blood of the warcrafts exploded everywhere in the space.

On the contrary, in the first wave of attacks, the powerful demon hunters did not do it themselves, but almost cruelly watched the battle on one side,

Leave the tail hammer dragon to slaughter its own monsters,

The man in black stood high on a black rock and watched the battle under his feet coldly.

A cold smile slowly appeared in his hand,

There is a sharp blade across his back,

He slowly raised the huge blade above his head,

A sharp whistle,

Then the body jumps high,

Attack on this tail hammer dragon from top to bottom,

In the sheath, the man in black jumped seven feet, jumped up and waved the knife. When the knife was half waved, the scabbard suddenly turned into a golden light and dispersed. In the air, it was a giant sword shining with golden light.

One foot long, one foot wide, weighing 50,000 jin,

Such a huge blade waved down from the air and suddenly felt that the sky was dim.

A pressure that has never existed before spread around with his body as the center,

"Boom," the sound of gas explosion filled the surrounding space,

In hundreds of square meters of space, there is a horrible sound when the space bursts.

Boom, a light 100 times brighter than the sun fell from the young man's hand,

fell heavily on the back of the tail hammer dragon,

The tail hammer dragon let out an earth-shaking roar,

A golden light in his mouth met the huge blade in the young man's hand.

Boom, a mushroom cloud rose at the scene. The bright man only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and his eyes were sore. Some people simply lost their light.

Wait for the light to slowly return to normal,

Everyone was shocked,

The scales on the back of the dragon were blown into pieces, and the flesh and blood were blurred, and blood was splashing out of the damage, almost dyeing the body of the tail hammer dragon red,

And the young man was also really damaged. He was shaken hundreds of steps away, and the huge blade in his hand was shaken into three pieces and discarded on the ground.

The face is waxy and spitting blood. It seems that 80% of his skills have been wasted.

For good, the tail hammer dragon was also seriously injured and did not launch a counterattack against him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape this 100-yard distance.

"Give the magic arrow and shoot it to death," a tall thin man screamed,

His voice is a little trembling, and his heart must be extremely horrible,

Because the strongest people in the team have been hit hard, the only middle-level demon hunters will face this horrible beast.