Young Knife God

Chapter 174 Blood Fighting

The tail hammer dragon seems to have lost the strength to fight back. Not only did it not attack the mercenaries in front of it, but on the contrary, it also took a few steps back and seemed to retreat into the cave where it lived.

This cave is very small. The moment it turned around, these demon hunters quickly sent out magic arrows. In an instant, the magic arrows fell on the body of the tail hammer dragon, and the flames soared. The back of the tail hammer dragon instantly burst into the sky. Oh, the angered tail hammer dragon roared, and its long tail swept across thousands of troops and turned In his eyes, he smashed more than a dozen wind wolves close to him into pieces,,,

Those demon hunters wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but they could only run for their lives when they saw such a horrible scene.

They retreated quickly one by one, and they understood that even this seriously injured tailhammer dragon could easily kill them,

Boomed, the tail hammer dragon was completely enraged. A pair of long tails kept sweeping, and suddenly the mountains and rocks flew across, and the wind and dust rose. The broken bones of the human body and small stone crumbs scattered everywhere, instantly reflecting a faint red color between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the situation on the field will be reversed immediately.

The mercenary with a large ticket was either turned to ashe by the purple beam or swept into pieces by the giant tail. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of maids lost more than half of their people.

The tail hammer emitted a red light in the dragon's eye, and the body rushed forward rapidly, and its mouth spewed out fire from time to time.

Xiao Tie quickly took the little tiger down from the sky, but at this moment, the tail hammer dragon was extremely violent. At this time, it was completely different from the meek appearance of the past.

Its eyes are full of hostility to human beings. In front of it, human beings are as small as ants.

Its huge claws trampled wantonly, and the woods were razed to the ground.

An injured female mercenary was injured and fell to the ground. Seeing that she was about to be trampled by the huge foot, Xiao Tie drove the little tiger down and took the girl to the tiger's back in an instant.

"Let's go," Xiao Tie patted the tiger's head, and the little tiger looked at the approaching tail hammer dragon with some fear.

A low whistling,

It seems to be sending a message to the tail hammer dragon,

The tail hammer dragon saw Xiao Tie, and the hostility in his eyes suddenly faded. It roared softly, and the huge body slowly turned back to the cave.

Seeing Xiao Tie forcing the giant beast back, a frightened mercenary came forward and said to Xiao Tiedi with an enviable face: "Good brother, you saved my sister Tosia. I'm going to replace her to thank her. Dare to ask where my brother is from? Why does he look familiar?" His curious eyes glanced at Xiao Tie's face,

The smile on his face gradually stiffened,

"Fuck, brother, blame me for being dazzled. I didn't recognize you just now. Hey, let me introduce the lifesaver who just forced the giant beast back. His name is Xiao Tie. He is a big celebrity in the city. Ha, the commander of the famous hungry wolf mercenary regiment. Ha, I'm really excited. You are not only Saved my sister and indirectly saved us all. Ha, brothers, let's salute the lifesinners." Including those arrogant demon hunters just now, who heard Xiao Tie's name, were also surprised and came forward one after another and thanked Xiao Tielu,

"Brother Xiao, it's really amazing. I remember that someone has seen people who often go out in this area and get along well with this giant beast. They must be a master. I didn't expect this person to be you. Just now, I saw the way I looked at you without any hostility. Extremely gentle, ha, I think you have a very high status in its heart, ha, let's go, let's go back for a few drinks later, "

One of the demon hunters is taller than Xiao Tie, and his body is as strong as a giant, but at this moment, he actually looks frightened, which really makes Xiao Tie want to laugh.

Xiao Tie inevitably said a few more polite words and was about to take Xiaohu back.

But when she saw the girl he saved, she came quickly and said to him, "Brother Xiao, you saved my life just now. Let me follow you and do whatever you want." Her face was slightly stained with spring red, and her ruddy face was like a ripe peach, which was tender and attractive, making Xiao Tie I couldn't help but be a little excited.

There is also a slight reaction below,

Although this girl is not bright enough, her figure is far hotter than that of ordinary witches. Coupled with sexy red hair, tall figure, blue eyes, and almost as beautiful as beautiful fairies, everything makes her look so perfect and attractive.

Xiao Tie was stunned,

The girl said in his fiery eyes, "Brother Xiao, then you just acquiesce to La if you don't speak. Ha, I've heard your name for a long time. Oh, I didn't expect to meet you, a handsome man. It's really a blessing in my previous life. "

"Bright, what's your name? What's the magic level?"

Xiao Tie withdrew his eyes and looked up at the sky.

"My name is Tosia, wind attribute, and the level has just entered the sixth level,"

Xiao Tie nodded slightly and said happily, "Okay, then you can join my guard army."

Xiao Tie is recently letting go of the formation of a guard army independent of the hungry wolf mercenary regiment. Because most of the people and horses of the hungry wolf regiment occupy the Black Wind Valley, the station in the city is empty, which makes Xiao Tie have a plan to form another mercenary regiment. Seeing that the strength of this mercenary regiment is not weak, it will be a blow. A lot of good things.

After all, most of these mercenaries rely on receiving tasks to receive living expenses, and after this battle, only more than 100 people are left, basically losing the strength to fight again.

Why don't you take this opportunity to put them under his banner, so that those wounded soldiers will be healed, and secondly, they will increase their strength. In this way, even Dean Coxon of Imperial College dares not underestimate him any more.

It turned out to be a dim yellow, blood-like sunset flashing a trace of horrible blood color,

In addition to the burning flames, some bodies were flatten by giant claws, some were scorched by fire, and some were smashed by tail hammers. The sad scenery on the earth, the remaining wounded mercenaries made a creepy howling and were helped off the battlefield by their companions.

A red-haired mercenary with broken his arms was helped off the battlefield. Tears flowed from his eyes from time to time. Seeing Xiao Tie, he suddenly knelt down and said, "Hero, you must avenge our dead brothers. This evil dragon killed my brother and my best partner today. I want revenge. ." He cried loudly, tears fell like rain, and wet his clothes.

"Brother, there is some money. You can treat the injury first. Let me deal with the matter here," Xiao Tie patted the mercenary on the shoulder, took out a money bag from his arms, put it in his hand, and then turned away.

"Who is he?" Looking at Xiao Tie's far back, the mercenary holding the money bag asked in consternation. He picked up the money bag in his hand, at least hundreds of gold coins. The person who can buy such a rich man must not be idle.

"He is Xiao Tie," a short mercenary beside him said with infinite admiration,

"I heard that he is a genius of a human race, and he is a big celebrity in the city at a young age. Hey, if only I could join his mercenary regiment. I heard that the treatment of the hungry wolf regiment is the best of almost all mercenary regiments.

When everything calmed down, the scene was in a mess. Almost everyone was shocked and showed a horrible look on their faces. Few people recorded in the history of the empire that hundreds of people were killed in the first battle.

Seeing that Xiao Tie just looked at the monster and let it go back. If he is not a hero, he is also a savior,

Xiao Tie smiled bitterly: "I just know it, brother, your hatred may not help, because my strength is not enough to destroy it."

Sending away these injured mercenaries, Xiao Tie suddenly remembered the powerful man in black. If there is no accident at this moment, he should still be lying in the rocks.

Xiao Tie strode to see the powerful young man in black,

At this moment, the young man in black slowly stood up with the help of several companions, with a painful look on his face. He looked at the broken blade in several pieces and slowly put the broken blade into the burden.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Tie. Nice to meet you."

Xiao Tie kindly stretched out his hand, but the young man in black looked at him with a warning face, as if his eyebrows were full of hostility. After all, at the first sight of Xiao Tie, he found that the young man standing in front of him was extraordinary strength, and a pressure on his body that people dared not despise came to his face, which shocked him with just a glance. Why is there such a terrible energy fluctuation in this little teenager's body?

"Oh, Xiao Tie, are you the so-called genius Xiao Tie?" His eyes suddenly revealed a few cold rays, which made Xiao Tie frown slightly and his expression change.

"My name is Maros. I have the eighth level of fire attribute. I just heard that you saved my mercenary regiment. On behalf of the brother of the mercenary regiment, I thank you."

"Oh, it turned out to be Maros. I heard of you in the city. I heard that you were the champion of the last inter-school competition. Ha, your name is also written on the red flower list of the Imperial Magic Academy. I admire you."

Xiao Tie was excited. He didn't expect that a genius in the demon world would appear here. He secretly said that if such a person would be willing to be under his own banner, he would be a rare general.