Young Knife God

Chapter 235 Treasure of Heaven and Earth

These mercenaries seemed to have been stimultuated, all like wolves and tigers. Under their fierce impact, the nearly a thousand various monsters retreated one after another. The mercenaries rushed to the volcanic lake happily, but they were stunned, because at this time, the surface of the volcanic lake rolled like a pot of boiling water. Boiling, cyan smoke emerges from time to time in a position in the middle of the lake,

As the waves rolled more violently, a red water wave surged up from the center of the lake, and then the roaring sound was endless. At this moment, the volcanic rocks were littered everywhere, and the roaring sound continued. With the continuation of this sound, this horrible sound was sounded one after another on hundreds of miles of miles of continuous mountains. Sound,

Then there was a wolf everywhere. After the gravel collapsed on the mountain, some round holes were exposed. These holes flashed with faint black light. Countless horrible underground creatures gushed out of these caves. There were cathode snakes with black bodies, hundreds of meters long, and their heads as big as wheels that could swallow an elephant in one bite. There are also some strange-shaped beetles, which are as sharp as the size of a human palm, with black shells and flying in mid-air, specializing in biting the fragile and exposed places on people.

With the appearance of this group of mythical beasts, there are gradually a few dark clouds in the distant mountains. These clouds are only more than ten meters high and low from the ground, connecting into pieces and sweeping.

Boom, wherever you go, there is a murderous atmosphere,

The rolling thunder flashed in it, and from time to time there was a dazzling light, bombarding the ground and striking a huge hole.

Under the attack of these fierce creatures, everyone was stunned, and the joy of just going up the mountain suddenly turned into fear of running for their lives,

"Escape quickly. There are terrible underground creatures below. Presumably this volcanic lake is one of the interfaces connected to the underground world. It seems that our treasure can't be obtained. If we want to survive, we will run away early. There will be no chance if it's late."

"Fuck, run, or how can we defeat these terrible things," a mercenary said to a partner beside him, and his body quickly disappeared under the hillside.

The cathode snake is 100 meters long, with a slender body and a head as big as a wheel. It can easily swallow something more than three times its own body. Coupled with its long body shape and fierce temperament, it has always been regarded as the most terrible underground creatures. This time, such a large number of appearance has caused extreme panic for a while. ,,

The mercenaries of the brigade retreated one after another,

Organized mercenaries formed a formation to deal with the attack of these horrible underground poisons with crossbows and longrou,

But something more terrible happened, roaring, and a landslide-like noise sounded,

The ground suddenly collapsed, forming a huge hole, and countless mercenaries fell from the ground into the underground abyss, disappearing in a blink of an eye

Xiao Tie frowned. Fortunately, compared with those unlucky mercenaries, his position was a single peak, as high as a hundred feet high. The mountain rock was a whole black rigid rock, which was extremely hard. The terrible things below did not happen, but looking down the mountain, I saw that the black cathode snakes were still in groups. The film climbed to the top of the mountain, which was extremely scary for a moment

The cathode snake slowly climbed to the top of the mountain. Although it was extremely slow, it also caused great danger to Xiao Tie. Especially on the gentle slope behind the mountain, the poisonous insects poured here, which really made Xiao Tie's brothers very nervous.

"What should I do? Boss, if we wait any longer, I'm afraid we will be served as dinner by these bugs," Tubal looked worriedly at the poisonous insects below,

These insects that appear in the underground world are extremely poisonous. Ordinary people will be powerless and die slowly as long as they bite them. What's more devastating is that in addition to these horrible bugs, some more surprising things slowly emerge in the water.

A series of green light came out of the water, and the whole pool became turbid. The water fog soared, and a figure flashed in the fog.

is a nearly rigid skeleton, but the skeleton has a pair of black wings on its body, which is very huge. As long as it dances gently, its body will fly like a butterfly in mid-air.

"Fuck, and the flying night fork, these things are all strong people in the underground world. Now they appear one after another. I'm afraid that there will really be something like Feifei's treasure below,

"Tuba, now let's join hands to deal with those hateful poisonous insects,"

Xiao Tie smiled and said, "The bodies of these poisonous insects exist in the space 500 steps away, but their spirit comes to the foot of this mountain before their bodies. In this place, as long as we attack with fire crossbows, I'm afraid they will never dare to climb up the mountain."

Xiao Tie said while strengthening people's vigilance. In addition to hundreds of red flame horses, they found another place to send special care of them, and the rest of the brothers came to this mountain, prepared fire crossbows, ready to discharge down at any time.

After making full preparations, Xiao Tie and Tuba came to the edge of the black stone. The black stone edge is shaped like a poisonous tooth, towering above the volcanic lake. The mountains here are dangerous, and it takes people not less than a few days to go up the mountain. After all, the mountain is dangerous, and even those ordinary mountain roads are extremely difficult to travel for a while. If It's not that everyone obeyed Xiao Tie's order to go up the mountain. I'm afraid they must be buried at the foot of the mountain like those mercenaries at this moment.

At this time, the volcanic lake at the foot of the mountain suddenly erupted, and a large amount of red magma spewed out of the lake. After jumping out of the water, it flew into the air dozens of meters away again. With the continuous gushing out of red magma, the lake water has spread through the low-lying area of the crater, and a red emitting hot air. The lake gushed down from there,

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of meters away,

The torrent, like the sea, swallowed countless mercenaries and monsters below in an instant,

The torrent goes to a world of flying and mourning people and beasts,

In a blink of an eye, millions of powerful mercenaries and countless poisonous insects disappeared under the attack of this torrent.

At this time, almost everyone was running for their lives, but Xiao Tie jumped into the lake alone.

The hot lake is as hot as boiling water, but after opening a light protection, Xiao Tie has formed a transparent light mask on the surface of his body, like a huge humanoid bubble, slowly carrying Xiao Tie's body into the depths of the pool.

Before it came to the end, I couldn't see a quarrel at the bottom of the pool.