kill the sky (full)

Chapter 50 The Ancestor of the Yan Family

Yan Hao's eyes turned to the two and said angrily, "Yan Wusheng is particularly dissatisfied. Don't treat me as Yan Hao. I killed Yan Youyi and Yan because I wanted to avenge Xiaorui. And I only collected half of the heart of your Yan family. With my family's three generations of dedication to your Yan family for more than 100 years, it's worth it.

Yan Wusheng smiled and said, "Bullshit, that bitch can also change my son's life. Do you three bitches also want to change half of the heart of my Yan family? Even if the 18 generations of your ancestors add up, it is not as good as 1% of the heart of my Yan family. Now that you have handed over the heart of Yuanmai and the best treasure, I may also consider taking back what you said and giving you a good time.

When Yan Hao heard Yan Wusheng scold Xiaorui as a cheap girl, his eyes flashed murderous: "Yan Wusheng, this is what you forced me. I was originally with a kind heart and left half of the heart of your Yan family, and I wanted to give you two a way to live, but you have to survive. That's not my fault. Level 9 Futu, rise for me.

As soon as Yan Hao's voice fell, the tower, which was already majestic enough, quickly soared. In just a moment, the inner mine was broken, but the ninth-level buoyant still kept rising.

"No, stop him quickly. The power of the unique treasure is too great. We are not the opponent." At this time, you were dissatisfied and found something wrong and screamed.

"Do you know how to stop me now? It's late!" Yan Hao sneered and shouted, "Nine-level Futu, pressure."

With Yan Hao's explosion, it has risen to a hundred-foot-high nine-level Futu, which was suppressed.

Suddenly, the inner mine collapsed, and countless boulders rolled down. The mine was in chaos, and Yan Hao didn't know whether Yan Wusheng and You were dead or not. Now he is also weak. He just raised the nine-level Futu to a hundred feet, and the energy consumed is really horrible.

"Retired." Yan Hao grabbed a few pieces of yuan ore, recovered a little vitality, quickly reduced the nine-level buoyancy and swept away to the pier.

Who is it? Dare to be presumptuous in my Yan family!"

Suddenly, an old and majestic voice sounded, shaking like thunder in Yan Hao's ears. Yan Hao's body, which had jumped up, was shocked by the sound and immediately fell from mid-air. Fortunately, he was picked up by the nine-level float.

"Master of Cultivation?" Yan Hao was shocked. He never thought that Yan Hao would have a master of cultivation: "This is terrible. I have a nine-level Futu, and I'm not an opponent.

"It's the ancestor! The ancestors went out of the customs. Yan Wusheng's surprised roar came into Yan Hao's ears. It seems that the ninth-level Futu just escaped this powerful blow by Yan Wusheng.

Yan Hao jumped again. This time without that sound hindered him, Yan Hao successfully jumped out of the break. Suddenly, he saw Yan Wusheng wearing his hair, standing outside with a bloodstained sound and roaring at the sky. And you were dissatisfied that he didn't die. He stood aside, but he lost half of his legs.

"Turn off the array quickly and let the ancestors in." Yan Wusheng shouted again.

"No, when the ancestors of the Yan family come and join hands with Yan Wusheng and especially dissatisfied, I will not be left at that time. Kill Yan Wusheng and You dissatisfied before the master of the cultivation world comes in. Yan Hao's heart was fierce, his feet were on the remnants of the mine cave, and his body immediately fell to the outer mine square below. The nine-level Futu in his hand also flew out in an instant and turned into a high tower 50 feet high and more than 10 feet long and wide, pressing towards Yan Wusheng and You dissatisfied.

"It's not good!"

Yan Wusheng screamed. Now Yan Wusheng and You are dissatisfied with injuries on their bodies, and their speed has been greatly affected. It's too late to hide. He had to grit his teeth and release the Qingshuang Baiyang Sword to prevent the nine-level Futu from falling.

But how can the Qingshuang Baiyang Sword, a low-grade spiritual weapon, prevent the fall of the best treasure? As soon as he met him, he was immediately crushed by the nine-level floating slaughter and broke the white light on the body of the sword. Even the body of the sword was pressed into tremors, and finally disintegrated.

And Yan Wusheng, who was connected to the blood of Qingshuang Baiyang Sword, also spewed out a large mouthful of blood and suffered serious internal injuries.

At this time, the treasure could not stop the fall of the nine-level Futu, and Yan Wusheng and especially dissatisfied both showed a desperate look on their faces.

But at this time, the old and heroic voice sounded again: "How dare you go to my Yan family to commit murder. Seven Love Bells, go."

As soon as the word "go" fell, a small ancient bell flew out of the anti-yin and yang five elements array. When it first flew out, it was only the size of a palm, but it rose to ten feet in an instant. By the time it hit the nine-level floating slaughter, it had risen to more than three feet.


The simple bronze and yellow ancient bell hit the nine-level buoy, and the nine-level buoy was suddenly hit by the tower and trembled. And the bell seemed to directly penetrate Yan Hao's body and hit Yan Hao's heart. Yan Hao's body shook, a large mouthful of blood spewed out, and his face turned white.

At the same time, a feeling of fear suddenly rose in Yan Hao's heart. This emotion came for no reason, and Yan Hao didn't know where it came from.

Yan Hao desperately told himself not to be afraid, not to be afraid. But the fear was still lingering, and his body became a little disobedience and wanted to turn around and escape.

"No, if it goes on like this, I will definitely die if I don't lose the battle." Yan Hao gritted his teeth, bit the tip of blood, and sprayed a large mouthful of blood on the nine-level Futu. Yan Hao stabilized his mind and shouted angrily, "Strong."

With Yan Hao's drink, a strange blood light broke out on the originally trembling tower, sucking a large mouthful of blood, and then pressed Yan Wusheng and You dissatisfied below at a faster speed than the beginning.


The nine-level Futu pressed it mercilessly and made the whole earth tremble. Yan Wusheng and You were crushed into meat mud without shouting.

"Ah! Evil barrier, how dare you kill my Yan family? I will definitely use the fire of the earth's heart to burn you in 1991, so that your soul will be burned by the fire.

At this time, an old man with a face of only 60 or 70 years old came out of the array. He was tall and broad, with black beard and black hair, and his facial features were one or two similar to Yan Wusheng. He was the ancestor of Yan Wusheng's mouth - Yan for half a day. Although this person looks only 60 or 70 years old, he is actually more than 300 years old, and now he is a seven-fold cultivation. The Yan family rose in this person's hands.

As soon as Yan came out for a long time, he saw Yan Wusheng and You dissatisfied being crushed into meat mud, and immediately shouted angrily.

Yan Hao felt a boundless momentum pressing on him, and he immediately felt that his body was bent, and even his breath was about to suffocate.

"What a terrible momentum." This is the first time that Yan Hao is really against a master in the cultivation world, and then he knows the power of the master in the cultivation world.

"Nine-level Futu, rise." If he is suppressed by this momentum again, Yan Hao will collapse without fighting, and quickly let the ninth-level Futu fly to him to stop this pressure.

Huh? A unique treasure? Magic weapon?" Yan Wusheng's eyes like a sword swept over Yan Hao: "Are you from the devil's door? Unexpectedly, there is a unique treasure. No wonder it can block the blow of the old man just now. You are proud enough. I killed you, the little devil today and took your magic weapon, which is also a kind of killing for the people.

In a half-life move, seven love bells flew into his hand and turned into a small clock a foot-sized clock.

"Seven bells of love, sad." Yan Bansheng stretched out his hand and knocked on the seven love bells, and the seven love bells immediately let out a sad cry.

This sound immediately turned into a sound wave visible to the naked eye, which penetrated directly into Yan Hao's body like lightning.

Yan Hao's body was immediately blowd out more than ten feet away, sprinkled blood on the ground and fell to the ground heavily. Yan Hao felt the displacement of his internal organs and a few ribs in his chest. And before he got up, he suddenly had an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and the pictures in his mind made him sad.

The death of his sister on earth and the death of Xiaorui were all as clear as a movie, replayed in his mind. Yan Hao only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the boundless sadness made him feel heart-wor-woring pain. Yan Hao felt that he was almost out of breath. He seemed to see his sister and Xiao Rui blaming him for why he failed to save them and let them be killed cruelly.

"Ah! Ah!"

Yan Hao screamed in pain. He knelt on the ground and kept hitting the ground with his fists. He smashed big holes on the ground, and his own hands were also bloody.

Yan Hao spit out a mouthful of blood again, and his breathing has become weaker and weaker. If it goes on like this, he won't have to wait for half of his life to take action, and he will die himself.

At this moment, there was a flute sound like a stream in the green forest. The sound of the flute was melodious and pleasant, as if it came from the deepest part of the mountain forest. It hit Yan Hao's heart without any processing in the secular world.

Yan Hao was shocked and woke up from that sad state of mind. At this time, everything that had just happened also flowed into his mind, and he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Who? How dare you do something bad for me?" Yan was broken by seven love bells for half a day and immediately shouted angrily to the big array.

As soon as the words fell, I saw a beautiful woman in white floating out of the array. In her delicate hand, holding a tube of white jade flute, she was making the pleasant flute sound with her red lips.

When Yan Hao saw the woman in white, he suddenly shook his body. He never thought that the woman in white had saved his life.

The woman in white floated directly to Yan Hao. When she fell next to Yan Hao, Yan Hao suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. The woman in white took out a jade bottle, poured out a pure white elixir, and gently opened her red lips and said, "This is my homemade elixir, which is helpful to your injury."

Yan Hao immediately took it and threw it into his mouth. He only felt that a coolness suddenly moistened his body, and the pain was also relieved a little. This elixir is almost as effective as Biqing Dan.

The woman also said, "That is the seven love bells of the unique spiritual weapon, which can arouse seven emotions of joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear and shock. Unless you are better than him, you can't resist it.

Yan Hao stared at the beautiful face of the woman in white: "Didn't you say I'm not him? Why did you come to save me?"

The cold expression of the woman in white remains unchanged: "Although you are not him, your body is his. I can't let him die again."

Yan Hao looked gloomy: "You have saved me now. You can go."

The woman in white turned her face aside and ignored Yan Hao's request.

"Who are you, but you are with that little devil?" Yan looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see through the cultivation of the woman in white, so he asked. Otherwise, he would have done it earlier.

The woman in white asked without answering, "Will you let us go today?"

Yan was stunned for half of his life and said for a while, "Naturally not."

The woman in white frowned and said, "Well, we can only fight." With that, he turned to Yan Hao and said, "Although my cultivation is higher than him, his seven emotions are very powerful. I am not his opponent. Now I'm going to drag him. Hurry up and leave.

Without waiting for Yan Hao to answer, his toes were a little, and his body had flown away for a long time. The jade flute in his hand quickly passed in the air. The energetic flowers appeared out of thin air, and then formed a huge flower. The petals opened and devoured Yan for a long time.