kill the sky (full)

Chapter 51 Joint Battle

"Start the big array quickly!" Yan turned his head and shouted for a long time. He quickly turned around and said to the woman in white, "The best skills at the ground level. Compared with the unskilled swordsmanship of my Yan family, it is still two levels worse. As soon as the seven love bells in his hands struck, the emotional sound waves of the seven love bells attacked the woman in white with no sword spirit.

The woman in white has a heavy cultivation, which is much higher than Yan for half a day. Naturally, she is not affected by the emotions of the seven love bells, but the sound wave and Wusheng sword spirit are very powerful. She also had to deal with it carefully.

The Wusheng sword spirit instantly matched the vitality flower, but the Wusheng sword spirit could not beat the vitality flower. After the sword spirit was exhausted, the vitality flower was particularly left. However, the sound wave immediately hit, and after scattering the vitality flowers, it attacked the woman in white.

The jade flute of the woman in white drew a circle in front of her, and a wall of vitality appeared out of thin air, blocking the sound wave.

The seven love bells are worthy of being a unique spiritual weapon, and Yan's half-day move was made with all his strength, unlike when dealing with Yan Hao, he retained his strength. The sound wave hit the vitality wall and immediately broke the vitality wall, and even the woman in white was shaken back.

The woman in white had just retreated three feet, but suddenly hit a body. It turned out that Yan Hao saw that she was shocked and quickly jumped to catch her.

The woman in white was hugged by Yan Hao, and a strong masculine breath instantly penetrated into her nose. She couldn't help blushing and said angrly, "Why don't you let go? Didn't I let you leave?"

Yan Hao hugged the woman in white and felt as if he had held a piece of soft jade, and the feeling of bone erosion came. After being drunk by the woman in white, he let her go: "Although I, Yanhao, did not dare to say that I was upright, I would not let a woman work hard for me, but I escaped alone."

The woman in white was silent for a while. After a few breaths, she said, "Fool, now the big array has been opened, and even if you want to break in, you can't break out. We are all going to die here."

Yan Hao smiled proudly and said, "With this old man, he can't keep us. Don't worry, even if I die, I will let you leave safely.

The woman in white was about to speak when Yan Hao waved his hand and said, "Well, believe me, you go and pester the old man for a while, and I will definitely let us all break out. Remember, don't hurt yourself and run away if you can't beat it.

The woman in white looked at Yan Hao's confident eyes and finally nodded and flew to Yan again for half a day.

When Yan Hao saw the woman in white flying away, he immediately washed Ma Ru out of the nine-level buoy.

At this time, Ma Ruxi has fainted, and the vitality point may be extinguished at any time. Yan Hao gritted his teeth, mobilized a wisp of demon spirit from the nine-level floating slaughter, and directly entered Ma Ruwash's body.

Originally, the spirit of Fumo could only be reduced to a lower monk than himself as a servant, but now Ma Rushi is half dead, and his vitality can't lift a little, and his vitality is almost exhausted. He can't even lift any spiritual power. Naturally, he is powerless to stop the spirit of Fumo that enters his body.

As soon as the spirit of Fumo entered Ma Ruxi's body, it automatically drilled into Ma Ruxi's heart, and then formed a mysterious Taoist seal.

As soon as this rune was formed, Yan Hao suddenly felt that he had grasped a mysterious vitality, and as long as his mind moved, this vitality would disappear at any time.

At this time, Ma Ruxi's unconscious body also suddenly shook, and a black light flashed away.

Yan Hao immediately washed the green elixir he had refined to Ma Ru. Then he pressed his palm on the Ma Ru washing vest to help him digest the medicine.

For a while, Ma Ru washed her body and shook her eyes. After a moment, she finally opened it with difficulty. As soon as he saw Yan Hao, he immediately turned over and knelt on his knees and said, "Old servant Ma Ruxi, see the master."

Yan Hao was shocked that this spirit of demons is so powerful that he will not only not become his own disaster, but will become his great help in the future.

Yan Hao didn't have time to think much now. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Get up. How much better are you?"

Ma Ruxi said, "It's all."

Yan Hao frowned. After all, this Biqing elixir was only a human-level elixir, which made Ma Ru wash's injury one-perone. But at least he picked up his life.

Yan Hao looked at the woman in white in the sky and saw a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth. He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart and hurriedly said, "Ma Ruxi, quickly erase the spiritual imprint you left in the red fire sword."

"Yes, master." Ma Ruxi did not hesitate at all. He took over the flying sword handed to him by Yan Hao and erased the spiritual imprint inside without saying a word.

Yan Hao quickly threw a small piece of heart to Ma Ru to restore his vitality, and then took the red fire sword, which had become a masterless thing, and ran to the woman in white: "Oh,, come down."

The jade flute of the woman in white is not a magic weapon at all, so she is very at a disadvantage. She has been attacked by a sound wave for half a day and has been injured. At this time, when he saw Yan Hao calling her, the jade flute in his hand kept drawing out in the air, and the energetic flowers hit Yan again for a long time. And she also took this to fall beside Yan Hao.

"My name is Long Yanmiao." The woman in white whispered.

Yan Hao didn't have time to feel embarrassed now. He hurriedly said, "Yan Miao, this flying sword is now ownerless. You can quickly drip blood to recognize the treasure, and then you can fight with the old man."

Long Yanmiao couldn't help but feel strange when he heard Yan Hao calling himself Yan Miao, but at this time, he hurriedly turned his eyes to the flying sword in Yan Hao's hand: "Middle-grade spiritual weapon." Long Yanmiao looked at the sudden extra Ma Ruxi over there and the flying sword in Yan Hao's hand. He didn't say anything, but gently squeezed his left thumb on his ring finger, and suddenly a drop of blood fell on the red fire sword. A red light flashed away from the red fire sword.

Long Yanmiao pinched the formula, and the Chiyan Fire Yuan Sword immediately flew up. Long Yanmiao said, "With this sword, I can only pester him for a while. He is still not the opponent of Seven Love Bells. You have to think of another way quickly. I'll go."

After Long Yanmiao finished speaking, she went up and continued to fight with Yan for a long time. With the Chiyan Fire Yuan Sword, Long Yanmiao immediately became much more relaxed.

It's not that Yan Hao doesn't want to use the nine-level Futu for Longyanmiao, but that Yan Hao doesn't know what's going on. He wanted to temporarily erase the spiritual imprint he left in the ninth-level Futu, but he couldn't erase it.

Yan Hao thought that it may be because when he dripped blood to recognize the treasure, the ninth-level Futu sucked his blood and sucked too much.

Yan Hao's idea just flashed in his mind, and now he really doesn't have time to think about it. He immediately returned to Ma Ruxi and asked, "How much has your vitality recovered?"

Ma Rushi said respectfully, "Master, the old servant has recovered three layers of vitality."

"Oh, so fast. The heart of this vein is really powerful, and it has only been so short that three layers of vitality have been restored. Yan Hao asked again, "What is your cultivation before you fall?"

"One yuan and nine yuan." Ma Ruxi answered truthfully.

Yan Hao was slightly shocked. No wonder Ma Ruxi said that if he recovered, how could he pay attention to the one-yuan and six yuan in Yan Wusheng District. Now that I think about it, at that time, Ma Ruxi had a medium-grade spiritual weapon, the Chiyan Fire Yuan Sword, and had a nine-yuan cultivation. Naturally, Yan Wusheng was naturally ignored by him.

"Then continue to recover quickly and help me break the battle later."

Ma Ruxi answered, closed his eyes, and continued to absorb the vitality of the heart of the vein.

The heart of the Yuanmai is worthy of growing a foot of heaven and earth in 10,000 years. Yan Hao only gave Ma Ru a small piece of palm. Ma Ruxi has attracted so long, and the heart of the Yuan vein still hasn't faded at all.

Yan Hao looked at the two people who were fighting in the sky. Now Long Yanmiao has a red fire sword, and they can't tell the heights for a while. Yan Hao also immediately took out a heart to restore his vitality.

Yan Hao just experienced a hard battle and suffered this great injury, which consumed a lot of vitality. Fortunately, after a while, the initial formula of one yuan relieved his injury, but his vitality did not recover much.

Yan Hao got a square heart of Yuanmai to restore his vitality. The energy, which was so thick that it was almost turned into water, rushed straight into Yan Hao's body.

At an occasional glance at the fire in the sky, he was suddenly half angry. Thinking of his retreat, there is only a three-foot square vein heart, and he just sits on it to practice. Now Yan Hao actually used it to restore his vitality. This is not a waste.

Yan struggled to attack a few moves for a long time, trying to force Long Yanmiao to open, but Long Yanmiao manipulated the red fire sword and did not give him a chance.

After a while, Yan Hao recovered all his vitality and opened his eyes to see that Ma Ruxi still closed his eyes and tried to recover.

Yan Hao looked at the sky, and the offensive of Yan's seven-day love bells had become more and more dense, and Long Yanmiao became clumsy again. Seven love bells are really worthy of being a unique treasure. Although Yan Yan's cultivation is three levels lower than Long Yanmiao's cultivation for a long time, he still has the upper hand with his magic weapon.

This is just like Yan Hao's dissatisfaction with fighting against Yan Wusheng. Although his cultivation is not a little worse than that of Yan Wusheng, he still killed them with the nine-level Futu.

"I can't wait any longer." Yan Hao patted Ma Ruxi and said, "How much vitality has been restored now?"

Ma Rushi opened his eyes and said, "The ninefold of Tianyuan are almost done, but it will take a long time to break through the shackles in his body."

"It's too late. We don't have time. Let's go and break the battle with me." Yan Hao jumped up and rushed away with Ma Ruxi to the anti-yin and yang five elements.

Although Ma Ruxi's injury has not healed at this time, his vitality has almost recovered. As long as he does not deal with people, there is still no problem. It's just that the big wound on his chest and abdomen looked very scary. But Yan Hao gave the order. As if he didn't feel any pain at all, he only tied the wound with his clothes and followed Yan Hao to the big array.

"Ma Ruxi, I'm going to use the nine-level Futu to forcibly break through this anti-yin and yang five elements, but my cultivation is not enough. The ninth-level buoy can only rise to a hundred feet. After a while, you will send your vitality to my body, increase the power of the nine-level buoy, and directly break through this array. Yan Hao turned his head and said urgently.

"The old servant understands." Ma Ru nodded and put his hand on Yan Hao's vest.

Yan in the sky saw the situation for a long time and understood what Yan Hao was going to do. If this big array is really broken, Yan Hao and others have a great chance to escape today. Naturally, he didn't want such a thing to happen, so he rushed to attack, and for a while, the offensive of Seven Love Bell became more and more severe.

Long Yanmiao carried the Chiyan Huoyuan Sword with all his strength and blocked the attacks, but each sound wave made the Chiyan Huoyuan Sword tremble, and it was no longer so flexible.


Long Yanmiao snorted, Chiyan Huoyuan Sword slowed down, and she was immediately hit on the shoulder. The sound wave cut a big crack in her shoulder, revealing the soft white skin of bullying Frost and Snow.

Long Yanmiao was as if he hadn't seen it. With a bite on the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of blood sprayed on the Chiyan Huoyuan Sword. The trembling sword body of the Chiyan Huoyuan Sword immediately calmed down, and a cluster of blood flames appeared on the sword body again blocking the sound waves of the seven love bells.

"Damn! Seven emotions gathered together to destroy the heavens and the earth. Yan roared for a long time, making the seven love bells soar in the air. He pulled out his hands and slapped the seven love bell rhythmically at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye. Every time he slapped, a yellow light appeared on the seven love bells. And the sound wave is also more powerful than before. Long Yanmiao even felt that her emotions were gradually affected, which surprised her.

It doesn't matter. Long Yanmiao was immediately attacked by another sound wave and hummed again.

When Yan Hao heard Long Yanmiao's muffled hum, he was also anxious: "Nine-level Futu, rise for me."

The nine-level Futu flew again and soared. When it rose to a hundred feet, Yan Hao's vitality could no longer support it. He immediately shouted to Ma Ruxi, "It's now."