The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 287 Sleep, or I will sleep with you

The person who thought she had fallen asleep suddenly woke up at this moment, which she didn't expect anyway.

The lips are hot, as if they can feel the other party's burning and depressed feelings impacting the nerves through this kiss.

Hot lips and tongue in the mouth. Abuse, stirring up reason, swept over the world with a feeling of anger and panic.

She was stunned in an instant and should have pushed away or ended the ridiculous kiss in other ways. However, the body gave up resistance for some reason, and his hand unconsciously reached out to hook the other party's neck and took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

Drowsy and smoked, the clear consciousness in the mind no longer exists, leaving only the intertanglement between each other. Mian.


There was a dull pain in her lips, which made her recover a little bit of sage. However, the smell of blood permeated in each other's mouths made the aggressive action of the man who pressed on her more rough, as if to take away the air in her chest and lungs and deepened the plunder.

The two didn't know how long they had been entangled. He finally let go of her, but he still greedily * her lips, as if to soothe the wound he left inadvertently, and seemed to have an unsatiated aftertaste.

Her breathing was unstable, and her mind was in chaos, but in the dark, there was a hoarse voice: "Anyway, I won't let you go this time."

Because it is mixed with unsettled desire. Wang, let the man's voice have a frosty low texture, but what shocked her was not this voice, but what the other party said.

The body stiffened, and it took a long time to say, "Gu Junmo...?" The voice seemed to be very doubtful.

"It's me." His eyes were burning and clear. He was not only not like a person who just woke up, but also not like the crazy patient mentioned by the doctor and nurse.

At that moment, she understood that the man was awake.

consciously tightening her ten fingers, she endured the trembling in her voice before she could say the following words, as if questioning, with a trace of cruelty: "You lied to me."

Three words, clear, hit his eardrums in the dark room, and more of them were his heart.

"If not, will you hide from me for the rest of your life?"

Who else can be the woman with knife-like eyes under him at this moment?

Actually, he didn't lie to her. Witnessing her death that day, he even stayed in place for three days to find her body. He was really crazy, his mind was broken, and his mind was blank. For a long time after being shrouded by heartbreaking pain and panic, his whole body began to become muddleheaded.

Without mind and goal, there is only one thought in mind - to kill those who killed her.

Kill them, and his A Ling will come back.

The idea hovered in his mind, and he almost obeyed his instinct and floated outside like a lonely ghost.

Until one night, he woke up and found himself lying in the ward.

All the experiences of what he did unconsciously in a few months hit at that moment. He couldn't describe exactly what it felt, as if it was not his life. Those bloody massacres and crazy things were not done by Gu Junmo.

That was the ravages of the beast summoned by despair in his heart.

For a long time, he has been rational and rigorous, sticking to the principles he should have and the bottom line of everything.

But later he found that he joined the Red Blade to find her.

Participate in those dangerous reconnaissance missions just to stand closer to her.

She stood on Jiang Wenyu's side and hoped that he could take over Huanyu International. He was mad, but after that, he was even more angry about why he drove her away.

It was not until he witnessed her die in front of him. It was not until he woke up that he finally found that "Gu Junmo" was originally irrational.

For a long time, what he did was for her. And he thought that his invincible absolute spirit was simply that he could not give up, which only belonged to the self-esteem of his illegitimate son Gu Junmo.

She is a killer. Who does she want to kill? He can help her.

She wants to complete the task, and no matter what she wants, he can even give his life.

... But his A Ling will never come back.

In the months when he was muddle-headed and bloody picking one overseas gang-related organization after another, those memories seemed to be really just a dream.

And when he woke up, he found that people are the most painful, not that they can't dream. But after waking up, there is no way out.

His A Ling is really gone...

This is a fact. He lay **, staring at the ceiling of the ward all night, in a trance, but gradually accepted this reality.

Since A Ling is not here, why did he go back to Red Blade? Why do you still wake up?

So, "Crazy Gu Junmo" continues to play day after day.

Since there is no way out after waking up, just don't wake up.

Crazy during the day, and at night, the body that produces antibodies to the tranquilizer makes him more conscious. Darkness is like a beast, tormenting the nerves of despair at any time. Like the first night he woke up, he stared at the ceiling above his head and spent the night after night.

Until one night, he heard the door of his ward open.

This point will not be an inspection nurse, let alone a hospital person. Visiting the ward at night is mostly malicious. At that time, he felt that no matter who it was, it would be better if it was really an assassination.

So he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Who knew that the man just stood by his bed and did not move for a long time.

There was a light plum fragrance floating to his nose in the air. When he realized the familiar breath, he could hardly help trembling. There was only one thought in his mind: Is it her?

Isn't it?

She is still alive...? Or just a wisp of soul...

The man stood by his bed until the sky was about to leave, but he could feel the sight of the other party falling on him.

not strong, not hot, clear and light... The black pupils that he opened were filled with confusion and confusion.

Last night, was it just that he accidentally fell into a dream?

But this situation happened again the next night, the third day, the fourth day... countless nights, he dared not open his eyes and disturb him. It's not that he thought he had made a ridiculous guess about the "fang soul" before, but that his physical condition was very bad, and he was not sure whether he could really leave her.

should have waited until his body fully recovered.

But tonight, when she really met herself, the feeling that was dormant in her heart could no longer be stopped, almost before consciousness. He needed a way to confirm her existence and feel the warm reality.

Gu Junmo can feel at this moment that the chest of the person who was pressed under him was violently undulating because of anger.

She probably felt that his madness was a scam from beginning to end.

But at this moment, he needs to confirm her mood more than to explain.

Why, unwilling to appear, but running to the hospital bed to see him every night. Why did you reach out to touch him?

"Let go of me." Bingling stared coldly at the rogue man with a cold look. Although the anger on his face could not be seen in the dark, the alienation in his voice made Gu Junmo feel a slight pain in his heart.

"Why are you panicking?"

"What did you say?"

"I said," he narrowed his eyes slightly, as if clutching the prey that could not escape under the eagle's claws: "You are afraid now."

"What am I afraid of?" She sneered and said coldly in her eyes: "A useless person?"

However, Gu Junmo seemed to be unmoved when he heard the words. He just bent down and approached her a little closer. His lips almost pressed against her soft earlobe. The faint plum fragrance made him unable to help opening his mouth and bite her earlobe lightly with his teeth.

The person under him suddenly trembled, and then his evil voice sounded lazily, with a little elusive provocation: "You are afraid that if I want you now, you can't refuse."

"What..." The soft body trembled again. I don't know whether it was because of surprise or shame, but it was too late to identify it. Bingling only felt the palm of the other party holding her wrist. Her body leaned sideways as if it was enough. However, she didn't wait for her to struggle, and something wide and long thing tightened her wrist. Her hands were firmly tied to the head of the bed.

Bing Ling looked at the condescending man and realized the other party's intention. She was about to raise her knees and attack angrily. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to anticipate her idea. Her long legs pressed and tightly entangled her, which not only made her unable to move, but even made the intimacy between the two more and more ambiguous. fen.

"Gu Junmo!" She roared in shock, but the man who pressed her seemed to be unheard of. Although his right hand was not flexible, it did not prevent him from tearing her clothes clean. The thick sweater was thrown to the ground with a fragile "chil" under the man's crazy rage.

"Gu Junmo, I will kill you."

She said hatefully, gritting her teeth at every word. The surprise and hatred seemed to tear up the man who took off her clothes without hesitation.

The clothes on her body were almost faded, and her heart suddenly beat wildly. Just as Bing Ling's wrist was about to slip and tie her wrist with her finger blade, suddenly, the crazy man pulled the quilt and wrapped her waist tightly - it didn't move.

I didn't move, tightly put her in my arms, and then closed my eyes.


For a moment, Bing Ling was a little stunned. However, she did not relax her vigilance, but could not react to the current situation.

seemed to feel the stiffness of her body. The man's lips evoked an arc that she could not see, but his tone was very cold and threatening: "Sleep, or I'll sleep with you."