Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

3 for gene calcinism

"Brother, why are you here? Did Xiao Saner tell you?" With the help of Nie Lan, Liu Xiao sat up and said weakly.

Ding Yong was stunned and said to himself that didn't the third brother say that the second brother would not work? Why did he look good? However, although I thought so, I could never show it on my face. Instead, I was very surprised and said, "Second, you look good. It seems that there are signs of improvement. You see, what should I say? How can there be anything wrong with a person with such a good personality like you?

As he said, Ding Yong glanced at others, but it didn't matter. On the contrary, he was even more confused. At first, he didn't pay attention and didn't think much about it. At this time, he looked at the slight joy in everyone's eyes. Coupled with this luxurious ward, he couldn't help thinking, "Why, is it that the second brother is not back to the light, but really getting any more?"

Just as I wanted to ask, the door was pushed open and a group of doctors poured into the ward.

"Little Saner, why did you bring so many doctors here?" As soon as Ding Yong saw Wu Ping, he immediately stopped him and asked in a low voice.

When Wu Ping saw that he had not seen him for a long time, he immediately said the matter with joy, especially some reactions after taking the medicine, and repeated it twice.

"So, this boy made it really well by himself?" Ding Yong's family reasons have more or less come into contact with some ancient martial arts masters, so he has also heard of washing tendons and cutting marrow, and it is said that it can indeed cure cancer. However, this thing requires 30 or 40 years of innate master to achieve it, so there is no innate master who has nothing to do to treat people.

But then again, this second method, from all signs, seems to be very similar to the effect of washing tendons and marrow cutting mentioned by people in the ancient martial arts world.

Ding Yong shook his head, put all these ideas behind him, and quickly stood next to Wu Ping to listen to the doctor's diagnosis.

Mr. Qin Huaide, a great fighter of traditional Chinese medicine, took his finger away from Liu Xiao's wrist, with doubts and joy on his face: "Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Liu. Your condition has improved sharply. If I am correct, the cancer cells in his body will be reduced by at least one fifth."

hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking curiously: "Mr. Liu, if you wanted to know the details of Mr. Liu's body, you had to pass the detailed inspection of the equipment. But in his current situation, we are very worried about the impact of radiation on him, so we can only confirm it by pulse diagnosis. However, as a doctor, I am sure that your son's condition has indeed improved. I just want to ask, what have you done and why is there such a big gap in a day?

Old Dr. Qin was embarrassed to say it. Liu Xiao was about to return to the sky in the morning, but in the afternoon, he turned into a crisis and became safe, and the cancer cells miraculously decreased. How could he, who had been a doctor all his life, not be curious?

Although I don't know how I came to 2012 inexplicably, Liu Xiao also knew that it was best to control things related to this within a very small range, so he rushed to say, "It's nothing. It's just that my buddy sent a qigong master to do qigong therapy for me before."

Ding Yong was stunned, but then years of tacit understanding showed, nodded and cooperated, "Yes, that Qigong master has received the favor of our Ding family, so this time it took 20 years to help detoxify the second brother. It's really not easy."

"Lao Qin, look at this..."

The doctor beside him didn't seem to believe it, but before he finished speaking, Qin Huaide waved his hand and interrupted him: "I have heard from the teacher before that there is a good way to wash the muscles and marrow for decades of strength in the ancient martial arts, which seems to cure cancer. Originally, I always thought it was a rumor, but today, I'm afraid it's true. And what is unexpected is that the effect will be so obvious.

"Ancient martial arts world? Isn't that from the novel?" The young doctor was very confused and wondered why the teacher suddenly said something inexplicable today.

Dr. Qin Huaide shook his head to stop his doctor from continuing. He got up and said goodbye: "Mr. Liu, since the prince's body has not recovered, we won't disturb you."

With that, he left the ward with a group of doctors.

Ding Yong watched the doctor leave and wanted to ask, but when he saw Liu Xiao's ribs, he stopped and forcibly suppressed his curiosity.

Liu Xiao didn't say anything, but lay down. Now he urgently needs to rest, and his physical strength is too poor.

"Boss, the soup is ready." The door of the ward opened again, and Liu Weidong's secretary hurried in with the bathtub and medicine.

After putting the hot water, the secretary poured all the dark red liquid in a huge casserole into the bath water. Suddenly, under the action of hot water, the water in the bathtub turned bright red.

"Isn't the color of this bath water too strange?" After all, Han Hongjuan is a woman. No matter how she sees this bloody bath water, she feels uncomfortable all over.

Liu Weidong thought to himself, "Can't it be this color? There are at least four kinds of animal blood in it, and it's still fresh. Well, I don't know if this boy's recipe is good or not.

Only Wu Ping, Ding Yong and Liu Weidong were left in the room, and the others were all kicked out.

With the help of the three, Liu Xiao entered the bathtub and ordered someone to cover the Yutong lid, revealing only one head.

This is Liu Xiao, no... It should be said that Dr. T has been applied for the first time since he created Gene calcinomy, and the user is actually himself.

What Liu Xiao wants to practice now is a physique enhancement on the title page of Genetic calcination.

This so-called physique enhancement technique does not really make people's physique stronger, but is created for those who are naturally weak.

Gene calcination is a cultivation method that combines technology and cultivation by absorbing the genes of other organisms, strengthening and improving their own genes, while controlling the evolution direction of genes after fusion.

This method is very powerful and can even be said to be an unbelievable existence. However, the premise of this cultivation method is that the practitioner's physique must meet the normal physical standards.

And this so-called normal physical standard is not the current standard in 2012, but the standard more than 10,000 years later. As for the standard constitution recognized by modern people, it is about one-fifth of human beings ten thousand years later.

Therefore, Liu Xiao's main task now is to improve his physique as soon as possible in order to meet the standards required by genetic surgery. However, from his point of view, there is a long way to go. His current physique is less than one-tenth of that of normal adults in this era. If he wants to meet the standard, God knows which year and month.

But now is not the time to think about this. Sitting in the bathtub, Liu Xiao, who secretly carried his skills, kept sucking the essence of the medicine into the body and running it in the meridians. A week... two days, as time passed slowly, the water temperature in the bathtub not only did not become cold, but became hotter and hotter.

At this moment, Liu Xiao's whole face became as red as blood, as if he would drip blood as long as he pinched gently.


Liu Xiao exhaled a long breath of turbid breath, opened his eyes, slowly pushed away the lid of the bathtub, and slowly stood up holding the edge of the bathtub.

If someone was present at this time, they would be surprised to find that Liu Xiao's original skin and bone body had a little fleshy feeling.

Although he is still very thin, he can achieve this effect in such a short time. He is very satisfied with what others think.

When the group looked at Liu Xiao, who opened the door and could walk on their own, several women immediately covered their mouths and cried.

Liu Weidong wiped his tears happily, patted Han Hongjuan on the back and comforted her, "Wife, don't cry. You should be happy when you smile. How can you cry?"

Han Hongjuan nodded, took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears: "It's okay, I'm happy."

"Second, your prescription is really amazing. At this rate, five or six days will be made up for it. Ding Yong looked at Liu Xiao happily and said with surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly patted his forehead: "No, Uncle Liu and Aunt Han, since the second brother is fine, I will go back."

Han Hongjuan was a little surprised: "Yongzi, why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to have dinner together later and then go back."

Ding Yong scratched his head: "Aunt Han, you don't know. After receiving the phone call from Xiao San'er, I didn't ask for leave at all and ran out of the barracks directly. I guess the old leader is going to send someone to pick me up this time, so I'd better hurry back as soon as possible.

Liu Weidong and his wife couldn't help but feel grateful that their son had such a good friend, which was a blessing from his previous life.

"Well, then go back quickly. If it really doesn't work, I'll call my brother-in-law and ask him to cover it up for you." Liu Weidong immediately thought of his sister's husband. After all, he was a senior official in the army, and there should be no problem to say something.

Ding Yong quickly waved his hand: "Uncle Liu, don't bother. If the old leader knows, even if he escapes this disaster, he will have to retreat in the future. Don't worry, as long as I go back with a better attitude, it's actually nothing.

Liu Weidong and his wife knew that if they were too affectionate, they would distance themselves away from each other, so they didn't say anything.

Liu Xiao, sitting in **, stared out of the window and shouted at Lao San Wuping: "Xiao Saner, please get me a divorce agreement and take care of my sister-in-law. Shenzhou Department Store, Shenzhou Electronics, and the villa we live in are all your sister-in-law.

After explaining, Liu Xiao lay down, closed his eyes, and thought quietly.

Whether he is Liu Xiao or Dr. T is actually not important to him now. What matters is how to adapt to his current identity.

He has the memory and experience of two people. In other words, it's time to deal with the relationship.

Liu Xiao really loves Nie Lan, but unfortunately, Luohua is deliberately ruthless. Nie Lan doesn't like him at all, and even hates and hates him.

There's nothing we can do. This is what Liu Xiao wanted before. He had thought that through his death and debt to Nie Qian, he would give her the two companies he was struggling for, fulfilling her dream of becoming a strong woman.

As for the other Ding sisters, it depends on what they mean. If they want to follow themselves, they will naturally not treat them badly. If they want to leave, they will make their own arrangements.

"Axiao, isn't it good that we don't divorce? I didn't know you did this for me before, but now I finally know that you let me repay your love for me, okay?" Nie Lan doesn't know what she thinks now, but she knows that the man in front of her really loves her and has paid a lot for her.

Liu Xiao opened her eyes, looked at Nie Lan for half a minute, and finally sighed: "Alan, don't do this. Now you don't know whether you stay to repay me or because you love me. If you really love me, I naturally can't ask for it, but if you just want to repay me, I think it's better to separate, otherwise you will suffer, and I will also suffer.

Nie Lan bit her lips tightly and had no way to refute it. She knew that the other party was right, and the two people who were reluctantly together would be painful in the end. But she doesn't know why there is always a trace of sadness and a trace of unwillingness in her heart.

It seemed that something suddenly occurred to him. Liu Xiao suddenly turned his head and said, "Alan, let's find a good man to marry after divorce. As a friend, I remind you that Wei Dong is not as superficial. Don't have anything to do with him. He is not a good husband.

Nie Lan nodded. Although she didn't know why Liu Xiao had such a big predeed view of Wei Dong, based on the fact that he had done so many things for himself, he would never hurt himself.

Liu Xiao looked at the sad Ding sisters and said with a smile, "Hongmei, Xiamei, if you don't want to follow me, take my villa in Dongshan and the money in my card.

If you still want to follow me, then you should follow my brother first. When you want to leave in the future, I will prepare a dowry for you.

Ding Hong shook his head: "Brother Xiao, my sister and I have said before that we don't want to leave you. Originally, there was nothing we could do, but now that you are fine, we will naturally not leave.

My sister Ding Xia also nodded firmly: "Brother Xiao, we won't leave you."

Nie Lan looked at the two sisters in front of her, and her eyes were full of glancholy. She doesn't know what she should do. Stay or leave?

What's the excuse for staying? Gratitude? I'm afraid that I can't convince myself with such an excuse, how can I convince Liu Xiao? When I left, I felt very unwilling. Obviously, I didn't do anything wrong. Why did I drive myself away?

Suddenly, Nie Lan had an idea: "A Xiao, do you think so? Let's not divorce first. Let's talk about it when you are completely recovered, okay? As you know, you are very weak now, and your parents still have to work. Can't I still take care of you at home?

Liu Xiao listened for a while and felt that the other party seemed to say the same thing, so he wanted to agree. But at this time, the Ding sisters quit. Ding Hong first said, "Sister Lan, just take care of me and my sister, so that it won't delay Sister Lan's happiness."

Liu Xiao thought, and it was true. He nodded and agreed, "Yes, Alan. I have tied you up for three years and gave you a bad reputation for being divorced. I can't delay you any more. It's late today. Tomorrow, let Xiao San'er complete all the procedures that should be done, so as to avoid a lot of dreams.

However, although I am divorced, I hope Alan can treat me as a friend. If you encounter any problems in the future, remember to tell me and I will solve it for you.

Seeing that Liu Xiao had already said something like this, Nie Lan naturally couldn't say anything and couldn't help sighing: "It's up to you. Take a good rest. I'll go back first and come back tomorrow."

Watching her daughter-in-law leave with a handbag, Han Hongjuan looked at her son puzzledly: "Son, don't you like Alan very much? Why did you let go so easily?"

Liu smiled and said, "Mom, I have walked on the edge of life and death. After experiencing some things about life and death, I have long been opened up a lot.

Nie Lan doesn't love me, which is not a secret at all, so it's better to let go. As for the Ding sisters, I don't know how I feel about them now, but since they are willing to follow me, let them follow first.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao remembered a very important thing. I'm afraid he needs a lot of money to cultivate genetic calcisection. Judging from the situation of the Liu family, I'm afraid it can't support such a huge expenditure at all.

Therefore, in addition to improving your physique, making money must also be put on the agenda. After all, there are some things that need to be prepared.

Making money is completely ignorant for the original Dr. T. Fortunately, there are still Liu Xiao's memories and experience. In this way, there are actually so many projects that it is difficult for people to choose.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao suddenly said, "Xiao Saner, after you finish the divorce agreement, immediately register a company for me, a biotechnology company, whose name is T Technology. The funds are transferred from my bank card first, and it is indicated when processing, biopharmaceuticals and biotech. If you have any difficulties in handling it, go to my aunt and let my uncle come forward to help.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao felt that he was getting a laboratory, not too good, as long as it could be used for initial scientific research. So he said, "Dad, please help me buy a piece of land and build a new villa. It is recommended to build a two-story underground laboratory ten meters deep under the villa. You buy the land tomorrow, and I'll be better the day after tomorrow, and then I'll give you the design.

After explaining, Liu Xiao had just recovered a little and felt a little tired, so he had no choice but to lie down and fall asleep.