Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

29 Action begins

In the underground laboratory, there was a rapid beep.

The biochemical dogs in the three culture tanks were immediately shocked. After opening the culture tanks by themselves, Heiyi came to the communication platform as quickly as possible and pressed the communicator with his front paws.

Soon, with a pair of electronic maps unfolded on the screen, Liu Xiao's voice came out: "Black One, Black Two, Black Three, you immediately go to the location of the electronic map and enter the department store in the image.

Remember, you must sneak in and enter the lounge on the fourth floor, which is this room to protect Nie Lan and the Ding sisters.

In addition, if you meet a gunman in the mall, find an opportunity to destroy it.

The order was issued, and the three biochemical dogs immediately drilled out of the special channel. After this period of strengthening, the ability of biochemical dogs has improved a lot. On the whole, it has increased at least fivefold.

Unlike human beings, as a dog, although it is relatively degraded because of its long-term sexual nature and wildness, it is still reserved.

Through continuous gene strengthening, the gradually degraded genes in biochemical dogs are completely activated, and this wildness is a key factor in the degree of gene enhancement.

According to the canine situation, if it reaches the largest gene strengthening state, it should be about seven to eight times that of ordinary similar breeds.

The three biochemical dogs finally rushed outside the Shenzhou Department Store seven or eight minutes later.

The seat stalls on the square on the first floor of Shenzhou Department Store were emptied one by one, and the robbers drove nearly 200 customers into the square.

"Emma, how's the situation upstairs?" While carefully inspecting the gun, the bald black man asked with gold glasses and a sven white man on his face.

Emma stroked the frame of her glasses and said slowly, "Don't worry, although Vietnamese monkeys can't stand on the stage, their strength is still reassuring."

Another black man in special combat uniform beside Emma carried the AK47 on his shoulder and said disdainfully, "Vietnamese monkey? It's just a bunch of mud legs. I really don't understand why the boss wants to cooperate with them.

After a pause, he turned his head and looked at the person in charge of the operation, the bald black man who first spoke, and asked, "Bruce, I really don't understand. There are more advanced weapons in the organization. Why do we bring these rags? Isn't this joking about the names of the brothers?"

Bruce put the S&WM500* in his hand in his arms, rubbed one hand on his shiny head and said, "Brexi, we don't think about what the leader thinks.

As long as our third group remembers that the only thing we have to do is to complete the tasks assigned by the leader and maintain the glory of our third group.

Poison Dragon, the second largest mercenary organization in the international mercenary organization.

This mercenary organization is not so much a mercenary team as a highly disciplined terrorist organization.

Poisonous Dragon has five troops, namely, one to three groups of first-line elite troops and four or five groups of second-line peripheral forces.

Four or five groups of tasks are usually some African escort and war missions, while one to three groups of tasks are relatively complex, including assassination, rescue, destruction and kidnapping.

Generally, these mercenaries are generally targeted at some countries in Africa, the Middle East or Europe and the Americas. They are few and are not even willing to enter China to carry out missions.

The reason for this is that China's control of firearms is extremely strict, and the penetration of the government is not very smooth.

But this time, the poisonous dragon was abnormal and carried out such a big action in China, and also avoided the spy system of China, which is enough to show that this terrorist attack is not simple.

However, Liu Xiao doesn't care about this simple action. What he cares about is how to safely take the three women out of here.

Soon, there was a gentle knock from the call in the lounge. Liu smiled, opened the window, and brought Black One in from the outside.

Due to the continuous strengthening of genes, their bones are like steel and iron, especially their claws, which are sharper and sharper, which has become an extremely convenient tool for them to climb some buildings.

"Black II and Black III, you two are guarding this lounge. Anyone with a gun who wants to enter this room will be killed. Heiyi accompanied the guerrillas between the second floor and the fourth floor, and all enemies with guns were killed. With that, Liu Xiao took out three collars from his arms and put them around the necks of three biochemical dogs.

Don't underestimate these three collars. This is a communicator specially made by Liu Xiao just in case. In addition to avoiding signal shielding, the most eye-catching thing is that this kind of communicator is actually a silent communicator.

According to Tbo's memory, in 4712, human brain waves were first proved to be a material wave that could be captured, and the brain waves were actually captured and stored for the first time the following year.

5733, human beings proved for the first time through scientific means that the three souls or souls of ancient humans were the figurative of that wave.

Human brain wave is the existence of a substance, which usually disappears quickly after leaving people. However, there are always many exceptions in the world, such as extremely strong mental strength, or brain wave mutation due to strong resentment, etc., brain waves will become figurative after leaving the human body.

And depending on different situations, there will be a soul that is not malicious, or a soul, or a ghost with an intention to attack.

This is the first time in history that human beings have adopted scientific means to prove the scientific theory of the existence of ghosts in detail.

The communicator used by Liu Xiao now is actually a simple version of the brain wave transmitter, which can achieve the purpose of issuing simple commands through the transmission of brain waves.

Of course, because the three biochemical dogs are dogs after all, this kind of communicator can only serve the purpose of conveying orders by Liu Xiao, while biochemical dogs cannot convey their ideas.

Arranged the guard mission of Hei Er and Hei San, and Liu Xiao, who was able to escape, finally began to act.

While Liu Xiao and Hei moved upstairs and downstairs respectively at the beginning, the robbers on the first and fifth floors also began to move.

Liu Xiao's action was very arrogant. He not only moved towards the fifth floor, but also arrogantly stretched out his middle finger to the monitor whenever he met the monitor, and there was also a trace of contempt in his eyes.

At the same time, the reported criminal police brigade and special forces arrived one after another, surrounding the whole department store.

"Team Huo, long time no see." Ding Yong stretched out his hand and shook hands gently with Huo Qingqing, and greeted him politely.

Huo Qingqing smiled bitterly: "I hope I will never see you. Every time I see your special forces, it means that there is a big case. If you see it all, it's okay."

Ding Yong didn't mind Huo Qingqing's joke, but asked, "How's it going?" Have you figured it out inside?"

Huo Qingqing shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation. It's difficult to penetrate."

Ding Yong expressed his understanding. After all, both sides have just arrived, and the only thing they can do now is to shout and launch a psychological offensive to ensure the safety of the hostages.

And just as the two were talking, Liu Xiao was already standing on the slow platform between the fourth and fifth floors.

Liu Xiao believed that at this time, the stairs on the fifth floor must have ambushed a group of robbers and waited for his appearance.

In Liu Xiao's current situation, if he faces the attack of four or five gunmen at the same time, it can be said that there is no pressure, but if there are more than five people, there will be a certain threat to him.

There are several people waiting upstairs, but he doesn't know, so he doesn't want to take risks and there is no need to take risks.

raised his head, smiled at the monitor, and gently flicked his hand to completely destroy it. Then he climbed out of the window of the slow platform and directly followed the wall to the roof in the blink of an eye.

The robbers in the monitoring room on the fifth floor were in charge of the Vietnamese mercenary Chang Xijun. When he first saw Liu Xiao coming to the fifth floor, he knew that this person might be very difficult to deal with, especially when he stretched out his middle finger at the monitor to insult himself and others, he felt a headache.

Chang Xijun's ability to create a certain reputation in the mercenary world must have his excellence, and calmness is his greatest advantage.

He has reason to believe that the continuous insult of the other party is not an arrogant behavior, which is probably a psychological tactic to make himself and others lose their minds while angry, and find a fleeting fighter.

Of course, what made him more uneasy was that Liu Xiao himself gave him a very strong sense of uneasiness.

This is unfounded. It is purely a sixth sense of intuition, but it is this intuition that has saved the lives of him and his brothers several times in the cruel mercenary war, so he still trusts his sixth sense very much.

Sure enough, on the slow platform on the fourth floor, the other party did not continue to walk up, but completely destroyed the monitor and then disappeared.

"Quick, a small team of every five people, carefully search the fifth floor, and Yahi takes six people to the roof to prevent infiltration from the roof." Chang Xijun issued an order as soon as possible.

However, he could not imagine that Liu Xiao was so fast that he could not understand it with common sense at all. At this time, he had already entered the fifth floor and destroyed the connection of the monitor at the first time.

Every design and construction of Shenzhou Department Store was supervised by Liu Xiao, so he has a deep understanding of this building. If he really wants to make the monitor useless, it is simply easy to get it.

The reason why I have been arrogant before is to attract the enemy. The first point is to cover up and make all the robbers think that they are alone. The second is to lead as many robbers on the first floor as possible upstairs, so as to facilitate the destruction of the enemy's more living forces.