Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

32 The wonderful use of signal splitter

Liu Xiao had long guessed that these damn robbers would definitely make this move.

Although this trick is too old-fashioned, there is nothing we can do. The old-fashioned trick is also the best trick.

Liu Xiao sneered for a while, but fortunately, he had already thought about relevant countermeasures.

Before, Liu Xiao's order not to enter the first layer was to respond to this sudden situation.

First of all, there are a lot of hostages on the first and fifth floors. If biochemical dogs are allowed to mess around, I'm afraid there will be many casualties. This is not what Liu Xiao wants to see.

Secondly, once the other party uses this Yang's move to guard against the enemy they raid, they must vigorously search for the whereabouts of the three women, because they know that only their relatives and friends can really threaten them.

Of course, Liu Xiao may not know, but in fact, his guess is still a little wrong.

These robbers did not know what Liu Xiao's strength was, and the reason why they did not take the initiative was entirely because of the employer's request.

Although Bruce can more or less guess the reasons why employers want to live, he is still disgusted. Among all the mercenary missions, live goods are the most difficult to catch.

If it is an ordinary goal, of course, live goods are nothing, but who they are? They are the poisonous dragons of the World Mercenary Organization. If you want them to catch live goods, the price is not something that millions can stop, so most of the targets of these live goods are people with status.

Because of the identity and status of these live goods, these people are either strong or surrounded by many bodyguards, so they often adopt the method of kidnapping hostages.

If you want to kidnap hostages that can affect each other, the closest relatives or friends will inevitably become targets, and according to some Liu Xiao's information, Nie Lan and Ding sisters are undoubtedly the best targets.

Bruce is indeed right, and Nie Lan and Ding's sisters are indeed one of Liu Xiao's dead holes, but they ignored Liu Xiao's own strength and the existence of Hei Yi, Hei Er and Hei San.

It was also due to the existence of three biochemical dogs that completely disrupted Bruce's deployment.

Bruce was very anxious, because his younger brother had just come to report that Huaxia's special forces had been dispatched, and most importantly, some soldiers dressed in black and gave people a big waist also appeared outside the commercial building.

Although the Chinese special forces made Bruce a little afraid, they were only a little, but those big men in black made him feel like sitting on pins and needles.

As a small leader of a top mercenary organization, he naturally knows something that ordinary people don't know.

For example, American superpowers, Chinese monks, African wizards, etc., these things are not what their poisonous dragon mercenary regiment can touch.

And among these powerful people who transcend the secular world and mortals, there are actually some forces, such as biochemical people being carried out by all countries, that is, the super warriors of various countries.

There are also some powers who are immature and not fully awakened.

It is necessary to mention here that the only difference between the so-called superpowers and superpowers is whether they are awakened or not, and the so-called awakening is to fully master the use of superpowers.

and the ancient warriors of China, these are not easily provoked by the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment.

And those big men in black outside are China's super warriors.

When he heard the news, he regretted more or less, and even scolded himself secretly, thinking that his employer deliberately concealed Liu Xiao's real identity, which caused his third group to encounter such a thing.

Even, he is now guessing in his heart whether the sneak attacks on the second floor will be caused by the super warrior beside Liu Xiao.

In fact, Bruce would not have thought that the three biochemical dogs beside Liu Xiao pulled out one casually, far surpassing the domestic super warriors in terms of their own strength.

Of course, if those strange technology products are included, I'm afraid I don't know which one is stronger or weaker.

Just as Bruce waited anxiously and looked at his watch from time to time, suddenly there was a crack in the communicator in his hand, and then a sound sounded: "Hey... Hey, it's okay, the effect is good. Hello, all the kidnappers, I'm Liu Xiao.

I don't know what hatred I have with you, but I think you want to get rid of me soon?


Bruce looked at the communicator in a daze and quickly reacted and dialed back, but unfortunately, there was a busy sound from the communicator.

"Damn it, the fifth floor has been captured. Ramier, you should immediately take ten people to the fifth floor to support." Bruce threw the communicator in his hand to the ground fiercely and issued an order angrily.

However, what Bruce never expected was that just as he was furious and Liu Xiao's voice disappeared, the communicator of Chang Xijun, a Vietnamese mercenary leader who was monitoring another group of hostages on the fifth floor, rang.

"I advise you to let go of the hostages on the fifth floor. I want to lose the containment of my companions on the first floor. You should know that those special forces outside will easily capture the whole building, right?" Liu Xiao's voice came out at the right time, but the calm sound made Chang Xijun chilled all over.

Of course, he knows who this communicator signal is. This is the communicator carried by Bruce, the leader of the third group of the Poison Dragon Mercenary Regiment, one of his employers.

But the sound from this communication signal is indeed not Bruce himself, which means that the first floor has been captured by the other party.

"So fast? Damn, this guy must have an accomplice." With that, Chang Xijun angrily dropped the communicator to the ground.

But immediately, Chang Xijun frowned and waved his hand. As a result, the other party's communicator immediately connected and asked tentatively, "Bruce?"

However, what disappointed him was that the voice of the man just now came from the communicator: "Ha ha, I advise you not to take a chance.

Well, this is the last advice I give you. I won't answer it.

With a burst of busy sound, Chang Xijun frowned, turned around and ordered, "Eva, take ten people and go down to the square on the first floor to see what's going on."

Just when the robbers on the first and fifth floors sent people separately, Liu Xiao had turned off a very inconspicuous instrument in his hand and swaggered downstairs.

Signal interceptor, a small instrument that children often play after 2,000 years.

This instrument was first used in the military field, and is mainly used to intercept electronic signals and digital signals, or to release false information from chaotic signals.

It's just a pity that less than 20 years after the invention of this instrument, electronic signals and digital signals have been completely defeated by new biological signals and have since disappeared in the field of communication.

Of course, as a technology that once dominated the world, although it was launched from the mainstream field, it is booming in the toy field, and this kind of signal interceptor naturally came into being.

Although Liu Xiao is a novice of electronic equipment, it is only relatively speaking. In fact, ten people will assemble this kind of gadget as simple as a slingshot in Dr. T's era, so he naturally prepared a few just in case when he is free.

As a result, this emergency really made him use this gadget.

First of all, he connected Bruce's communicator through the signal interceptor and made him think that he had killed the robbers on the fifth floor.

After that, he induced the robbers on the fifth floor in the same way.

In this way, the two groups of people will send their respective hands down to the other's floor to check, which gives him a chance to save the hostages and also gives Heiyi a chance to hunt the enemy.

Liu Xiao, standing on the third floor, stared at the robber in the lobby on the first floor. There were eight people on the other side. In addition to the bald black man who was as anxious as a hot pot ant, there was also a white man who looked quiet without a gun in his hand at this time, and the remaining six people, each with an AK47 in his hand.

Liu Xiao took out the coins in his pocket, broke them into eight pieces, and shot at the eight robbers at different speeds and forces.

Liu Xiao's power is just right, and each piece of metal will be slightly stronger than that used in the previous piece.

The eight pieces of metal hit the eight robbers in almost in no particular order, and then a strong explosive force suddenly broke out from the wounds of the robbers, and a shower of blood sprayed in an instant, and the robbers also opened their eyes wide and fell down unwillingly.

All the hostages were first shocked by the sudden horrible scene, and then I don't know who screamed, and then the people who woke up began to rush out of the commercial building crazily.

Liu Xiao glanced at the fleeing hostage and immediately turned around and ran to the fifth floor.

The police and special forces that blocked the whole building had been in contact with the internal robbers and persistently persuading them to surrender and looking for fighters.

But suddenly, the contact was interrupted, which made the person in charge of the rescue operation feel uneasy, but soon after this feeling came up, a large group of people emerged from the commercial building.

After confirming that these people were hostages, the psychologists sent by the police immediately comforted them and learned some of the current situation in the commercial building from some of the more calm population.

"Are you sure? Was the robber on the first floor killed? The police officer who questioned couldn't believe that eight gun robbers died in a blink of an eye.

"I'm sure that the people present at that time dare not say that they all saw it, but I believe most people still saw it." The escaped hostage said with certainty.

Ask several other people again. After getting the exact information, the special forces immediately entered the building from different entrances in batches and began to raid the robbers on the fifth floor.

At the same time, Liu Xiao has entered the fifth floor and is ready to start the final raid on the damn Vietnamese mercenaries.