Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

43 painful self-knowledge

The early stage, that is, the process of muscle metalization, cannot be carried out in the culture tank, and the pain of muscle destruction and reorganization can no longer be passed with the help of anesthetic.

Pain, boundless pain, heartbreaking pain, starting from the stomach, like someone's hard hand, twisting and tearing the stomach, Liu Xiao's cold sweat dripping, constantly rolling in **.

Except for blood and bones, all tissues in the body are slowly tearing and reorganizing, and each reorganization shows a metallic silvery luster.

Of course, Liu Xiao can't see these, and even if he can see them, he doesn't have time to see them now.

The strong will is gradually eaten away under severe pain, and Liu Xiao's brain is becoming more and more blurred.

Liu Xiao, who was about to lose his will, couldn't help recalling the past scenes, even Dr. T's life experience and persistent scientific research life, and lamented in his heart: "Is it going to end? Is that the end?

I have been avoiding it all the time. Who am I?

Liu Xiao? With the regret of dying, he traveled through more than ten thousand years to reach the future, became a great biochemical giant, and then awakened with memory. So what is all this for?

Dr. T? With anger and unwillingness, I traveled more than ten thousand years back to ancient today and became a rich son who was about to die, so why did I come back?


Repeated questions, in the increasingly vague consciousness, the questions that have been avoided for a long time are whipping him and torturing the will.

A trace of special pain came, and the metalization of the heart began. This is the most important level. If you can survive, everything will be fine. If you can't survive, you will die completely.

However, it was this special pain that made Liu Xiao rarely reply with a trace of clarity, and a strong nostalgia and grief suddenly surged in his heart: "I still have family and my lover. Whether I used to be Liu Xiao or Dr. T, now I live as Liu Xiao.

The love of his family and the care of his lover passed through his mind like a movie, making his mind chaotic, but clear.

"Whether I am Liu Xiao or Dr. T, everything in the future is real. Damn Tal, since I can understand this future, I have the obligation to change the future."

Dr. T's grief and indignation and Liu Xiao's blood made his will suddenly as firm as a stone at this moment, and his thinking became clearer.

clenched his teeth, Liu Xiao's eyes were wide open, and his whole body was constantly trembling because of pain, but his strong will gradually recovered, his arms trembled and supported his heavy body, and one hand turned up fiercely and hit his left chest without mercy.


With a mouthful of bright red blood, the pain suddenly eased a lot. This is a kind of pain impulse. Liu Xiao kept hitting the body to offset the pain caused by the injury.

Gradually waking up, he knows very well that as long as he can survive this level, even missing an arm or even two legs, as long as he is alive, he can use biochemical technology to make the disabled limbs weigh, but he must live.

Thirty-six hours of pain,** stained with blood, Liu Xiao's face was pale, and he gasped heavily.

"Wow...Wow...Wow..., I finally survived. It's really not for people to stand it." Liu Xiao, who slowly held the wall and sat up little by little, cursed with a wry smile.

Weakness, extreme weakness, this is the first feeling after Liu Xiao completely survived.

Hungry, extreme hunger, this is the second feeling immediately.

I didn't care about anything else. First, I swallowed the raw blood medicine I had prepared from the house, and then called the restaurant and ordered 30 meals, according to the standard of large meals.

It was Wu Ping and Ding Yong who arrived at the villa at the same time as the food delivery car.

These two guys called them before Liu Xiao advanced.

There are two reasons, one is to prevent yourself from being out of control, so that someone can collect the body for themselves.

The other is that once you succeed, you will need two people to help you test it.

"Damn it, second brother, are you a pig? There are so many meals, do you eat alone?" Ding Yong looked at the takeaway boxes piled up all over the room and asked with a surprised face.

Liu Xiao didn't look up at all. While eating, he said inexplicably, "Well, I'm so hungry. This advancement is simply unbearable. I almost died."

Ding Yong and Wu Ping looked at each other. They both learned on the phone that Liu Xiao was going to advance today, but they didn't know what this advancement was, but on the way here, they also discussed with each other.

Ding Yong contacted a relatively large amount of information about the non-secular world, so looking at Liu Xiao's state, he asked worriedly, "Second, aren't you practicing any evil skills?"

"Cough... What do you think, boss? Am I the kind of person who can even practice evil skills? And even if I want to practice, I have no place to learn it.

Okay, don't worry, it's a genetic mutation. You'll know after I finish eating. After saying that, Liu Xiao began to wipe out the food in front of him again.

After eating all the 30 minutes of meals and touching his stomach, Liu Xiao burped and said to himself with great satisfaction, "It's finally full. It's not easy."

Wu Ping looked at the empty lunch box on the ground, shook his head and sighed, "It's not easy. I feel tired enough just by looking at it."

Ding Yong's dark face nodded fiercely: "Xiao Saner's words are so incisive that my stomach is a little cramped."

"Damn it, is that called **?" Liu Xiao gave Ding Yong a fierce look, then stretched out and moved again.

Then, he briefly introduced the purpose of this advancement, then took out a sharp knife and gently stroked his arm.

With the cracking of the skin, the muscles show a bright silver metallic luster. What's more amazing is that these metals, like the original muscles, are also slightly overlapping, forming a large piece of metal muscles.

Ding Yong has a considerable understanding of human muscles due to the nature of the army. He couldn't help but say strangely, "Second, your muscles have turned into metal and become fibrous. Is it necessary?"

"Haha, you don't know about this. Come and touch these muscles." With that, Liu Xiao also put on a healthy posture, and his muscles were extraordinary.

Ding Yong went up and pressed it gently, looking surprised: "Isn't it? Are these metal muscles elastic?

"What?" Wu Ping was shocked, and then went up and touched it. He couldn't help but be surprised.

Then, Liu Xiao explained the purpose of looking for the two brothers, so the three ran to the laboratory to do a test.

It took about four hours, and the test conclusion was finally revealed.

In the cold weapon, almost nothing can hurt Liu Xiao. Of course, cutting the skin can still be achieved.

On the hot weapon, the small pistols were all defeated. In the end, the large-caliber sniper gun caused some damage to Liu Xiao. The bullet was stuck in two millimeters of muscle, and it was also because of close shooting.

The final conclusion is that as long as the weapons of the secular world are not directly hit, the survival record is as high as 99.999.

Liu Xiao is very satisfied. Now he has laser light and a King Kong-like body. If he meets those ninjas or powerful people, he will have more or less power to fight.

The three sat in the laboratory. After chatting and farting, Ding Yong suddenly asked, "Second, can you get that parasitic biochemical weapon for me?"

Wu Ping obviously knew the news, so he looked forward to Liu Xiao and hoped to get an affirmative answer.

Liu Xiao shook his head and said, "Big brother, little Saner, it's not that I don't want you to use it, but that you use parasitic weapons now will limit your strength. Unless you can guarantee that you can break through the strength of the Yuanying level, I plan to design biochemical weapons specially for you when you reach six times the normal human body.

Infancy? Although the two brothers wanted it very much, they just thought about what their situation was, so they shook their heads quickly.

Ding Yong is relatively straightforward, so he asked doubtfully, "Why do you have to be six times?" Didn't you tell Hao that those super warriors will also become stronger with the growth of strength?

Liu smiled and said, "It can indeed become stronger, but it is very limited. As for why it must reach six times that of ordinary people, it is because six times is the limit of the human body.

Then, Liu Xiao simply tutored the two biochemical novices about the growth mode of parasitic weapons in the human body, as well as some specific data related to strength.

"When can you have such a genetic mutation and become a superman?" Wu Ping is very envious of his second brother's metal muscles. After all, any boy has ever had a superhuman dream.

Liu smiled bitterly in embarrassment and said, "This really doesn't work. It's too dangerous. If it weren't for a special reason, I guess I would have hung up directly. If you don't believe it, you can take a look at the sheets in my bedroom, and you will know.

The two were surprised and turned into the bedroom. Suddenly, they were washed up by a strong smell of blood.

When I saw ** dyed red sheets, I was immediately thrilled.

The two people who returned to the living room looked at Liu Xiao like a monster. Finally, Ding Yong said first: "Second, I have to say that you are perverted enough. How can you be so self-abuse?"

Liu Xiao thought what this big brother wanted to say, but he didn't expect it to be a joke. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you think I'm so good? Wasn't it forced by the Jiangwang family?

Liu Xiao's words are true, but there is a saying that the real purpose of what he wants to do is to deal with are those Tal people who don't know where to hide.