Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

46 Ninja Reappearance

The training of spiritual warriors is much more demanding than that of biochemical warriors. First of all, their training instruments are similar to virtual helmets, but this instrument does not simulate a virtual environment, but simulates a chaotic world, where trainers have been under constant spiritual pressure.

Through long-term spiritual pressure, spiritual power has been at a critical point for a long time in order to achieve the purpose of breaking through the boundaries of spiritual power. This is the training instrument used by spiritual warriors.

In those years, if it hadn't been for Dr. T's core scientist of the republic, he would not have been able to see these relevant materials at all, but unfortunately, his brain, which only contained biochemical technology-related technologies, would not have been willing to read more other scientific and technological materials, if he hadn't been reading relevant biochemical warrior training technology books. Hou, seeing the production method of this early spiritual warrior training instrument, I'm afraid Liu Xiao can only stare.

However, although the materials of this spiritual warrior trainer can be fully satisfied with the current level of science and technology, some extremely important small parts, although they can be made with today's technology, have a very high failure rate.

At the beginning, when the manufacturer saw these precision small parts, the first reaction was to find the company's scientific and technological personnel to evaluate them. The final conclusion is that the success rate of this kind of parts is not more than 1%. In other words, among the 100 finished products, there is only one possibility of qualified.

In view of this situation, Liu Xiao and the other party agreed to order 50 sets of parts at 150 times the price.

Ten days later, the ten idle people finally waited for these scattered accessories. Vehicles successively transported things to the basement of the T-Shield Company and assembled them under the guidance of Liu Xiao.

This instrument looks very simple, just a lounge chair with a motorcycle helmet attached to it.

The little Bingling looked at the strange lounge chair and scratched her ears and asked, "Brother Liu, is this really good?"

"Would you like to go up and have a try?" Liu Xiao looked at Bing Ling with a smile and said jokingly.

Bing Ling hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth, put on her helmet, and lay on the lounge chair.

Liu smiled and said, "This machine is very simple to operate. There are three keys on the right armrest, one is a switch, and the other two are mental pressure enhancement and weakening.

The two keys on the left armrest are to adjust the training time and the timing button.

It is necessary to say that the training of mental strength is completely different from that of biochemical warriors, and this kind of training can actually be carried out when sleeping.

However, before sleeping training, Qingxian is sure what his limit is.

When setting, you must follow a principle that the maximum level of mental strength must be lowered to one level, the training time must be two hours, and the rest time must be more than one hour.

This principle must be followed, otherwise it is easy to make vegetative people. I hope everyone can remember this.

Liu Xiao's words do not have any intimidation, but a real advice. In the history of the development of spiritual warriors, there are many examples of becoming a vegetable because of their eagerness to achieve success.

There are only 50 people under Liu Xiao's men, and those who can become spiritual warriors are so rare that they are the only one. If he gets one or two more plant people, it will be strange that he will not regret his death, so he urged thousands of instructions and make the powerful relationship in this clearly.

At first, I didn't care about these ten, especially the small ice, with a sense of disdain in my heart, but when I heard that I would become a vegetable, I immediately woke up.

Some people are like this. You say it's dangerous, but they are not afraid of death, but if they become immortal vegetatives, it is far more deadly than death.

Everything was arranged here, and Liu Xiao hurried back to his villa, because he received a call from his home and someone did it.

"Dad and Mom, what's going on?" Liu Xiao returned to the villa and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw that everyone was at home.

Liu Weidong looked at his frightened wife, gently patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, and then said, "This afternoon, I still have your mother, and even Xiaolan and others, have been attacked. If those people in the government hadn't stopped me, I'm afraid you wouldn't have seen us now."

It's a big deal to attack five people at the same time. I can't help asking, "Do you know who did it?"

Liu Weidong pulled out a cigarette and looked at his wife. Seeing that there was no objection, he took a sip, and then narrowed his eyes and said, "It should be ninjas, but strangely, these ninjas don't seem to hurt me, but want to capture me alive."

Hearing this, the four women with lingering lingering hearts immediately said that they seemed to be the same.

Hearing this, Liu Xiao's eyes immediately narrowed.

If they want to capture their relatives alive, then their only purpose is the technology in their hands.

As for whether it is crystal silver technology or parasitic biochemical weapon technology, it is actually not important to Liu Xiao. Anyway, no matter what the other party is for, it is for himself.

But what makes Liu Xiao feel strange is that these ninjas should not know that they have a strong laser ability now, so in the eyes of the other party, they should feel that they are easier to deal with. Why not find trouble for themselves, but to trouble their own families.

In fact, Liu Xiao doesn't know that the people sent by the Japanese side are a total of six routes, targeting Liu Xiao himself and his family. However, Liu Xiao's actions have always been alone. It is difficult to avoid the hidden super warriors around him, but his family is different. They are all company bosses, every In addition to the company's people coming and going, they also have to deal with various interpersonal relationships, so it's easy to get close.

Exactly, when they started, the group of ninjas in charge of Liu Xiao, who did not even see Liu Xiao's face, were defeated by the super warriors in one fell swoop, while other passers-by were only found when they approached the target, so they caused this illusion for Liu Xiao.

However, Liu Xiao is also very human. Dr. T has hundreds of years of wisdom and experience, and he can be trapped by such a small problem, so he put down his confusion and began to plan.

Dodge in a muffled voice. This is not Liu Xiao's character. Since the other party dares to bully the door, he must be prepared to bear anger.

comforted Nie Lan and the Ding sisters. Liu Xiao got up and left, rushed to the laboratory while calling the person in charge of protecting himself and his family.

"Oh, do you already know? Originally, we wanted to send you the results directly after interrogating something. The person in charge was very polite and seemed to have caught alive.

Liu Xiao immediately became energetic and said, "Have you caught it alive? Well, I'll go there immediately. What did I do in the past? Of course, let them speak. In addition, you can say hello to the above and let the two super warriors in the Joint Research Institute also participate in this operation, just so that you can test the results.

You asked someone to pick me up at my villa in 20 minutes. I'm going to prepare to write something.

Examine? This kind of thing completely disappeared after more than 2,000 years.

Why? Because of the birth of biopharmaceuticals, the interrogation work has become easier and simpler, but the examinees have become more and more painful.

Half an hour later, Liu Xiao came to the interrogation room with a bottle of medicine.

"Well, you ask two soldiers and an interpreter to come in with me." Liu Xiao was rude and said that directly.

The person in charge doesn't care. He is who this guy is, and he also knows that the things this boy studies will be used on the super warriors under him in the future, so he still has a good impression on Liu Xiao.

Looking at the short Japanese devil in front of him, Liu Xiaoman said disdainfully, "That translation, translate what I said to him intact.

Tell him that it's better for him not to say anything, so that I won't work hard for nothing.

The translator rolled his eyes and translated it to the Japanese devils, saying, "You don't let others say, why do you think you're here? Isn't this a mess?"

Liu Xiao didn't care what others thought. After the translation, he didn't wait for Little Japan to say anything. He went up and pinched the other party's chin and poured the medicine directly into him.

"Hey, boy, after drinking my medicine, even if you don't want to say it, you have to tell me."

After Liu Xiao finished talking to himself, he immediately turned his head to the translator and the soldiers who supported the little Japan and said, "You review, I'll go out to get some air.

After ten minutes, you can ask anything. You're welcome.

After saying that, Liu Xiao ran out. The three people in the torture room looked at each other and then turned their eyes to the ninja.

The ninja was trying to vomit at this time. Although he didn't know what he was drinking and had a little sweetness, it did not hinder his judgment.

But less than a minute later, all the people staring found that the little devil's expression was gradually dull, and a small saliva was slowly flowing down the corners of his mouth.

After about three minutes, the devil's face, arms and even neck began to gradually have a layer of yellow pus.

Two soldiers who pressed him took a look, let go of their hands in fear, jumped aside, and carefully stared at the prisoner.

For about five minutes, these pustules had swollen to the size of a thumb cover, and they were squeezed one by one, squeezing into each other, as if they were covered with a layer of pale yellow scales.

At this time, the quiet interrogation room suddenly sounded a crisp sound, and then the sound sounded like pop beans, and the little Japanese body was like countless fountains, splashing out countless yellow**.