Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

48 Forest Night Battle 1

When night falls, both sides are waiting quietly.

For ninjas, night is undoubtedly the best partner, but Liu Xiao and others chose night for a reason.

For Liu Xiao, who has night vision ability, can be said to reduce the danger of the night by at least half. Secondly, for the three biochemical dogs in the dark, it is undoubtedly a paradise for sneak attack, and most importantly, because of the last battle, Liu Xiao realized the power of Shuninja, so he has been thinking about solving it. The way to decide.

After carefully recalling the battle at that time, Liu Xiao finally found a strange place, that is, when the other party launches ninjutsu, there will be an extremely weak energy fluctuation, and this fluctuation usually occurs where the ninjutsu occurs.

Later, when Liu Xiao was in the Joint Research Institute, he asked the two super warriors about this question, and the answer he finally got was almost the same as he thought.

At the moment of launching, ninjutsu gathers the free energy around it, attacks the target, or produces some powerful auxiliary effects, which is very similar to Western magic and Chinese Taoism, but it is a little strange.

But one thing is exactly the same, that is, when it is started, there will be a very weak energy fluctuation, and the more late the fluctuation is, the stronger the induction will be.

It is for this reason that Liu Xiao and six super warriors with strong physical fitness are relatively less afraid of physical ninjas, but they are very afraid of ninja.

But it is completely different at night. Because the fluctuations caused by the use of ninjutsu are relatively obvious at night, especially for super warriors like them, fighting with Shuren at night is actually a secret of super warriors for tactical forbearance.

Suddenly, there was a crisp barking sound from the dark woods. Liu Xiao was refreshed and immediately rushed out and ran all the way to the forest in the blink of an eye.


A row of sharpened wooden sticks flew in, and the prickly wooden rows behind them rose up and attacked Liu Xiao mercilessly.

With Liu Xiao's metalized body, he doesn't have to care about these things at all, but in order not to expose his strength, he still dodges left and right to avoid various traps.

In the meantime, Liu Xiao's afterglow saw the figure flashing, and then a wave of energy unique to ninjutsu came up from his feet.

Dare not be careless at all. With a force under his feet, his body quickly moved horizontally and flew away to the shadow.

At the moment of moving away, a column of water rose to the sky where Liu Xiao was originally standing, and then dispersed in the sky and fell like rain.

At the moment when this column of water soared into the sky, Liu Xiao knew that it was not good. Water can hurt people, but for a super warrior and his existence, it is impossible not to turn into ice, so this water must be a big problem.

At the moment when the idea flashed in my mind, I kept walking under the dense tree and avoiding the area under the rain at the fastest speed.


There was a soft sound, and a stream of blue smoke appeared on the trees and the ground where the rain fell, and small holes were corroded.

" hiss..."

He took a breath of cold air, and a cold feeling drilled into his mind from the tail vertebra along the spine. Liu smiled and looked deeply at the depths of the forest.

"It's so poisonous!" This is Liu Xiao's new understanding of ninjas.

Although he was a little surprised, Liu Xiao did not stop, let alone be scared. Instead, he accelerated his feet and rushed to the shadow.

In the blink of an eye, ice prisons, ice cones, water bombs and other water ninjutsu kept attacking Liu Xiao, but Liu Xiao dodged left and right and still kept approaching the caster.

Seeing that he was about to enter the attack range, suddenly changed suddenly. His feet were wrapped around his ankles by a thorny metal rope. Liu Xiaogang wanted to stop his feet, but he didn't expect that his other foot was empty and stepped into a pit.

"Youxi, I finally caught you. You don't seem to be as powerful as Zeyi said. You're just a strawbag. With the sound, a ninja in a dark blue ninja suit slowly came out.

The ninja looked at the trapped Liu Xiao, smiled disdainfully, and then proudly said, "Let you increase your knowledge before you die, so as not to be a ignorant kid.

First of all, I use the skill of splitting to attract you, and then release the skill of splitting ninjutsu to induce you into the trap step by step, and you, a fool, stepped in by yourself without hesitation. I really haven't seen a fool like you.

Liu Xiao's face was expressionless, but as soon as he struggled, and then he made a force. His whole body flashed like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the ninja, and his hand clamped the other party's neck in an instant. With a slight force in his hand, the ninja's head s head was like a catkins, and shrugged down.

"Idiot, if I don't deliberately be fooled, how can a fool like you come out by yourself?" He threw the body away, clapped his hands, and despised the other party while talking to himself, running in the other direction.

It turned out that Liu Xiao realized that the other party might be cheating at the moment he started, so he immediately changed his strategy and planned to make a plan. As a result, the idiot ninja was really tricked and ran out of his self-righteous self-righteousness, resulting in a good * life.

This ninja's calculation is actually not wrong, but what he can't imagine is that Liu Xiao is covered with steel and iron bones, and how can such an iron rope full of thorns trap him?

After cleaning up two more ninjas along the way, Liu Xiao suddenly stopped on a relatively narrow forest path.


A giant tree hit directly from the side, and Liu Xiao quickly rolled forward to avoid the attack of the giant tree.

However, then another giant tree hit the right side, and Liu Xiao flashed, but another one on the left side.

The continuous giant trees on the left and right sides hit, forcing Liu Xiao to be in a hurry. At this moment, with a sudden "bang" sound, an arrow shot from the distance. At this time, Liu Xiao's body just jumped up gently to avoid the attack of the giant wood.

Hearing the sound, Liu Xiao naturally saw the flying arrow blowing. He took out the hidden weapon in his hand, smashed a small piece, and bounced gently.


The blowing arrow was shaken to the ground by metal fragments, but Liu Xiao's crisis was not resolved, because there were countless swords flying towards him in all directions and even in the sky.

In the sword in all directions, it is a common trick used for group enemies, but many people use it in this way when dealing with single people, although it is very troublesome, I have to say that this usage is really unavoidable.

However, Liu Xiao did not dodge at this time, because he still found the figure of the attacker in the distance. More importantly, there was an acquaintance beside the man. Last time he was very embarrassed and ran away.

The last embarrassing defeat can be said to be the biggest shame for Liu Xiao. If he can't find this one, then in the future battle, and even in the process of practicing Gene calculation, he is likely to affect himself because of the existence of this demon.

Without exposing his strength, he rushed to the two without hesitation, and at the same time, two pieces of iron were cast out in a very cruel way.

Seeing that Liu Xiao did not hide, he rushed over. The two ninjas were slightly surprised, but at the same time they were extremely happy.

But the two people who blocked Liu Xiao's hidden weapon were stunned by what happened next.

A crisp sound of those various hand swords hit Liu Xiao's body. However, what was shocking was that Liu Xiao was undamaged except that his clothes became ragged, and his running speed was even faster.

"It's not good, the art of earth escape · the art of swamp."

Liu Xiao felt a flash of fluctuation, and then changed the direction of running, ran to the enemy in a Z-shape, and kept throwing hidden weapons in his hand, blocking the way of the two ninjas.

Seeing that the ninja was in a bad situation, he immediately shouted without hesitation: "The art of earth escape · the art of earth dragon."

Like the last time the earth dragon drilled out of the ground again, and then it was the same. The nine-headed earth dragon stopped Liu Xiao not far from the two ninjas.

I wiped the cold sweat on my head, and Shuren sighed for a moment.

However, his emotion was not finished, but he saw that the body of the nine-headed dragon slaughter split without warning, and then he saw that Liu Xiao actually tore the body of the earth dragon that could only be held by these few people in half from the middle and drilled from the middle.

"No, run." Several people knew that something was wrong. At this time, they didn't dare to fight hard. They immediately shouted at the ninjas around them and turned around to escape.

How could Liu Xiao be two little Japanese devils? The red light flashed in his eyes, and four high-temperature lasers penetrated the body. The two ninjas were inexplicably, and there were two more holes on their foreheads that were still emitting a wisp of green smoke.

Liu Xiao came to the side of the ninja who threw the sword in his hand, took off the skin of all kinds of swords in his hand and hung it around his waist.

"It's very good. This thing looks better than me." Liu Xiao twisted left and right. After looking at it for a while, he was satisfied and ran away talking to himself.

While running, a shout came, and Liu Xiao heard that this was the short warrior among the two super warriors as experimental subjects. Obviously, he was fighting with ninjas at this time.

Since he met, Liu Xiao naturally wanted to go there to help, so he changed his direction and ran to the place where he shouted.

When he got to the place, he saw the short warrior shining with a hot red light on a pair of tactical knives and fighting with a ninja with two ninja knives.

And not far away, another ordinary super warrior who came this time is fighting with two famous ninjas with sickle.

Liu Xiao did not hesitate and directly joined the battle group, pestering a sickle ninja, and a pair of iron fists kept hitting the other party. At the same time, he paid attention to the battle of short warriors intentionally or unintentionally. After all, he also wanted to know that for these super warriors, the biochemistry of laser parasite Whether weapons are practical in actual combat.