Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

53 The dividing line of the era

Taijiquan is a treasure of Chinese martial arts culture. However, in the long history of slavery in the future, Tal people also seem to realize that this kind of boxing can promote the growth of people on earth, so they not only ordered to burn relevant books and audio-visual materials, but also banned the dissemination.

In this way, in more than 2,000 years, this kind of boxing has gradually disappeared on the earth. Even if it is occasionally found, it is only some incomplete boxing, so no one has found that this historically famous boxing can improve the spiritual power of the human body.

Liu Xiao is very lucky, because he not only owns Dr. T's knowledge spanning more than ten thousand years, but also is in this relatively safe and stable era.

In this era, Taijiquan is very popular. If you don't believe it, you can go to the park or square to see if you get up early, and a large group of grandparents will fight there.

And in this era, all kinds of Taijiquan birds are singing and blooming, which also makes Liu Xiao's choice more broad.

Returning to the villa, Liu Xiao immediately began to inquire about Taijiquan. As a result, he knew that all the ancient martial arts actually paid attention to the spirit, and this god was a general reference to the so-called spiritual power in the future.

Of course, among all these ancient martial arts, Taijiquan can be said to be the most cutting-edge for the growth of spiritual power, but the ancient martial arts did not pay much attention to the cultivation of spiritual power, and the gods in ancient martial arts can only achieve the balance of spirit and spirit.

But this is enough for Liu Xiao. What he lacks now is the balance between mental strength and body.

Put down the ecstatic Liu Xiao and talk about the Japanese ninja who had already exploded at this time.

In Japan's view, although this operation is not stable, it is not too difficult, because the ninja who fought with Liu Xiao last time has already said that Liu Xiao's strength is not worth mentioning at all, especially when it comes to Shuren, it is even more fragile.

At the same time, Japan is also unclear about Liu Xiao's important position in the Chinese government for no other reason. Although the Liu family has been doing business for generations, although it is not closely related to the high-level officials of China. Although there is news that Liu Xiao and the Seventh Research Institute jointly established a joint research institute, the Japanese side naively believes that this It's not just an ordinary business cooperation.

However, when a harshly worded questioning manuscript from the Chinese Security Bureau was put on the Japanese Prime Minister's desk, it was immediately shocked by the Japanese side, especially the leader of the ninja.

You know, the ninja who went to China this time has an excellent ninja team led by Shangren.

In China, such a team, as long as it does not encounter the sniper of the dragon group, is basically thrilling, and even if it encounters a super warrior, it can completely retreat.

But how about now, completely destroyed, there is no one left.

You should know that although Shangren is not the most powerful among ninjas, it is absolutely laborious to cultivate a Shangren.

"Gentlemen, I think we should show our attitude to the United States." Chief Cabinet Secretary Shi Xiong Jiannan's expression was serious.

Prime Minister Noyoshiki looked at the cabinet members present and asked solemnly, "How did His Majesty consider it?"

"His Majesty's view of ninjas is the same as that of ninjas. He believes that the cultivation of ninjas is too slow, and biochemical warriors are the only strong way for our Yamato nation, so His Majesty also believes that he should agree to the conditions put forward by the United States." The Chief Cabinet Secretary obviously met the emperor in advance and obtained support, otherwise he would not have said such a thing at this time.

Cabinet members present expressed their views, especially those responsible for the Self-Defense Forces and intelligence collection, and responded positively.

Noyoshiki nodded and finally set the tone: "Your Excellency Shi Xiong, please prepare a press release immediately. Three days later, I will visit the United States, and I will lead several scientists from China to exchange science and technology between the two countries."

The White House of the United States also discussed the destruction of Japanese ninjas, but unlike the Japanese side, their attitude is happy to see it.

Although the stronger China is, it will harm the interests of the United States, but Uncle Sam knows very well that as long as China's neighboring countries are controlled and the export of science and technology is strictly restricted, with today's development model of China, there is no need to worry at all.

This is not an arrogant American, but a cruel fact.

You should know that today's China is called a basic talent exporter by Western countries. What does this mean? It shows that China lacks high-end talents and cutting-edge scientists who determine the future trend of science and technology.

Without cutting-edge talents and scientists, it is not easy to surpass the West.

Because of this, European and American countries are afraid of the rise of China, but they are not afraid, because as long as the development of China is limited, the danger will be controlled to a minimum.

The most important strategy to curb the development of China is Japan, South Korea and India. As for those small countries in Southeast Asia, it is enough to occasionally harass China. It is simply a fool's dream to use their strength to deal with China.

The U.S. Secretary of State directly pointed out in a relaxed meeting that this incident is a rare opportunity for the United States. The Japanese are well aware of the weaknesses of ninjas and Onmyoji, which are too time-consuming and laborious to cultivate, so if they want to have strong strength in a short time, they are bound to rely on the help of the United States.

As long as the biochemical fighters of the United States can successfully enter Japan, it will undoubtedly be more convenient and faster for the containment and even intelligence acquisition of China.

Even some strategies against China that could not be completed before will be used as a result.

Thinking of these benefits, everyone in the White House even seems to have seen the upcoming fruits, all of whom are happy and excited.

And the senior officials of Huaxia obviously considered the possible impact of this incident, so they issued various relevant instructions at the first time.

At the same time, in order to ensure a possible crisis in the future, the senior management directly made a secret decision that all super warriors went to Shencheng for routine training in batches from the order, and went to the joint research institute for routine physical testing according to the regulations.

The orders on the surface look ordinary, but anyone who knows about the joint research institute's key projects is shocked.

This order undoubtedly shows that the latest biochemical technology has succeeded and has begun to arm super warriors on a large scale. At the same time, another idea can't help but emerge in the minds of all those who know, that is, the ice crystal blood worm has not been successful at this time. If this kind of defensive life With the successful development of weapons, isn't the power of China as straight as a rocket?

However, after these senior officials gradually calmed down, they immediately denied this view.

You should know that this biological weapon is completely a non-secular force. If you want to improve the overall strength of the country, you must start from military, political, educational and other aspects at the same time to truly improve the strength of the country.

However, the senior management naturally knows what the political situation is in China today, but they are also helpless.

There is no other reason. The reason why political corruption is so tolerated is to stimulate economic development more comprehensively. However, it brings an untie knot.

Qingming politics is likely to slow down the pace of economic development, and the pace of economic development is slow, which will inevitably lead to the constraints of funds such as national scientific research and national defense.

In this way, the overall pace of the country's development will inevitably slow down, but the problem is that you can slow down, but those foreign * will not stop waiting for you.

This is a dead knot, and the only thing that can solve this knot is to develop new industries and develop new national economic pillar industries, but the problem is that this is also a big problem for the country. It is not a matter of overnight to solve it.

In the end, Premier Wen said a sentence, which made the bigwigs of these countries suddenly open up and found a way to dawn.

"You can find Liu Xiao. Since he can develop this kind of biochemical weapon, I have no belief that the research on civilian biochemistry will stop at just a few drugs."

This sentence was recorded in the Great Record of the Rise of China. It is known as the key to an epoch-making key, which has become a lever to open a new chapter in Chinese history and ushered in a brand-new era for China, which has been weak for a hundred years.

Just half a month later, when Liu Xiao's spirit gradually stabilized, a group of uninvited guests disrupted Liu Xiao's original plan.

"What are you talking about? Are there guests at home? But I can't live without it. The research work of the research institute is at a critical juncture. They won't let me go. Liu Xiao also wanted to go home and have a look, but now the second-phase mutagenesis test of ice crystal blood worm is in full swing. If the leader of the experiment is not there, it would be too much to say.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Mr. He said with a smile, "Ok, you go back. The top will give you a leave."

"Well, did the above approve me for leave? Do you mean that the guests of my family were sent from above? With Liu Xiao's wisdom, it is naturally transparent, but he doesn't understand that the research of this ice crystal blood worm has not been completed. Why did it send someone to do?

"Okay, don't think about it. Won't you know when you go back?" Since He Lao came to the Joint Research Institute, his mouth has never closed again. At this time, he is even more happy, which makes Liu Xiao, who is already a little confused, even more confused.

There was nothing he could do. His family didn't explain it on the phone, and Mr. He, who seemed to know, also didn't say anything. Liu Xiao had no choice but to drive back to the villa.

But as soon as I entered the villa, I was shocked by the scene in the villa.

Good guy, there are at least 16 super warriors hidden in the dark, and there are also eight super warriors in black suits on the surface, and standing in front of the gate of the villa is Niu Ren, a super awesome man of the power ancient martial artist he met not long ago.