Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

59 African Battle 2

"The performance of the notebook given by Liu Shao is really not covered." The biochemical warrior, known as Xiaopang, moved his fingers quickly, leaving a green smoke on the keyboard, and the data on the computer screen was like a waterfall, flipping quickly.

Xiao Pang, 11 senior hackers, now with the improvement of overall quality, the hacker's technology has also improved with the improvement of IQ, and has now become the main hacker of the blood-stained mercenary regiment.

"Little fat, what are you doing? I feel a little dizzy." Bingling has always been not interested in computers, and she is even too lazy to play games.

A strange smile appeared on Xiao Pang's face and said, "I'm invading the U.S. military satellite. If we deal with it, we have a pair of eyes, and it will be much more convenient to move."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Pang suddenly jumped up and waved his hand: "It's done. His grandmother's, what he couldn't handle before, didn't expect it to be so easy to deal with after biochemical strengthening.

Bingling sat on the sofa and wiped the snatch* and said, "That's right. You don't look at what Brother Liu does. As you know, the state has jointly operated with Liu Ge's new energy companies, and the state only accounts for 49 percent of the shares, and declares in the contract that it will never send administrative groups to interfere, and will not send representatives to the company to interfere in operations.

When did you say that the country was so generous?

"This is true. The fact that the country can put its identity so low only shows that the value of Liu Shao's existence has surpassed politics itself." The old bear leisurely held a Cuban cigar robbed from the place.

Xiao Pang knocked on the last key and said easily, "It's done. Hey, everyone knows what you said, but after all, Liu Shao's biochemical technology is the first in the world. Miss Bai, take good care of it. Don't let people even know the chrysanthemum.

Of course, a white girl, a specialized eavesdropping expert, is absolutely second to none in surveillance and eavesdropping. The only thing that makes him feel resentful is that she is too white. No matter how hot the sun is, no matter how much she is crawling, her skin is always so white and delicate.

Stretching out an arrogant middle finger to Xiao Pang, White girl hummed: "And, you think it's all like you..."

Before she finished speaking, the white girl suddenly stopped, tapped on the keyboard in her hand, and suddenly said, "Guys, come to life. 500 kilometers northeast, the enemy is approaching at a high speed."

The people who seemed a little loose immediately stood up, entered a state of readiness, and began to pack up their equipment. At the same time, Xiao Pang sat in front of his notebook: "Give the influence here, and I'll see where these birds come from."

"Haha, big fish. General Polburn, the head of the Var River region and the leader of the largest force of the Poison Dragon Mercenary Regiment in South Africa. Xiao Pang jumped up excitedly. After all, the big fish missed the net yesterday, which made everyone more or less depressed.

"How many enemies have come?" Bingling cleaned up and stood behind the white girl and asked.

Miss Bai quickly enlarged the picture and finally confirmed, "About 300 people, it seems that this should be the last power left by the other party."

"More than 300 people, even the teeth are not stuffed, old bears, zombies and *, you three go." Bingling wanted to go by herself, but she didn't think it was worth it. In the end, she only sent three people.

*As a scout, he has always disliked to fight head-on. While walking out with several people, he said, "Otherwise, let's just arrange a few anti-tank mines."

"Where did you find this thing?" The old bear feels strange.

* pointed to the warehouse and said, "Of course it's in the booty, but there are few of them."

"What's the cost? Hurry up." The old bear is relatively lazy, can't do anything, and is determined not to do anything.

As for the opinions of zombies, they are directly ignored. This guy has always been a zombie face. He doesn't talk much and doesn't express his opinions. He is absolutely pragmatic.

Turning his head and talking about his anger, General Polburn came with his men.

After being attacked yesterday, Polburn naturally knew that his good days had turned upside down. Not to mention the pry of local forces and other mercenary regiments, he said that the headquarters of the American poisonous dragon mercenary regiment would certainly not let this opportunity to uproot him, the local emperor, so he wanted to revenge and destroy all this. The enemy was completely erased from the world.

What made General Polburn more angry was that last night alone, nearly half of his more than 800 men left, which made him feel angry and helpless.

There is nothing we can do. The world of mercenaries will always follow the law of the jungle. Originally, they were powerful, so many people are willing to follow, but now they are at the end of the road and are still willing to follow them. Naturally, they will not be too much.

However, Polburn still wants to retaliate. He believes that with his advantage of more than 400 people, no matter how he looks at it, he can completely erase the blood-stained mercenary regiment of the 11 people from the world.

He has always firmly believed, or had to believe that the reason why the blood-stained mercenary regiment was able to destroy the new barracks and the Var River headquarters was entirely due to the unexpected sneak attack and its own cares.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. I want those little rabbits to know who is the boss in South Africa. General Polburn waved the gun in his hand and urged angrily.

"General, the front is..."


Before the words in the communicator fell, there was a sudden loud noise in front of him, and a military off-road vehicle was directly blown into the sky.

"Enemy attack, immediately disperse, there are anti-tank mines." General Polburn reacted immediately and immediately issued the order.

At the same time, a military Hummer quickly flashed out from not far north and approached General Polburn's convoy.

"Dad Da..."

A sound of machine gun fire sounded, and the two sides attacked almost at the same time.

However, the difference is how excellent the eyes and reflex nerves are after biochemical strengthening. Therefore, at the moment the other party pulls the trigger, they judge the range of the bullet drop point and immediately turn the steering wheel to make the car avoid the trajectory of the other party's machine gun.

"Damn it, damn it." Watching the other party keep dodging left and right on the grassland, General Polburn's fist hit the door of the off-road vehicle fiercely.


Another loud noise, an SUV exploded the fuel tank under the machine gun of *, turned into a huge fireball, glided dozens of meters on the grassland, and finally stopped.

"Yo... it's fucking exciting." The tiger shouted as he changed the barrel of the machine gun.

The old bear held the Colt M4A1, aimed at a nearest enemy car waiting for the opportunity, and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Dad Da..."


After being hit by several guns in a row, the off-road vehicle was uncontrollably crashed into another car not far away. Fortunately, the opportunity to react quickly, only the rear of the car was hit.

"Hey, this thing is really boring. I'll give you a big guy." The old bear said while installing a grenade in the grenade launcher on the gun.

"Fuck you!" With a shout, the old bear decisively pulled the trigger of the grenade launcher. With the loud noise, the two off-road vehicles that had just collided instantly became two groups of scrap metal.

The tough military Hummer is interspersed in General Polburn's motorcade, constantly consuming the enemy's living power, and the only damage caused by General Polburn's mercenaries to the Hummer is the two scratches on the left taillight.

"Damn it!" General Polburn threw his green beret fiercely on the car. At this time, he no longer dared to take any chances, because he clearly knew that it was not luck for the other party to destroy the new barracks and the Var River headquarters, but real strength.

"Go!" * The order was decisively issued.

The zombies were given oil under their feet, and the Hummer's speed soared again, and they quickly fled to the distance.

"Chasing, catch up with me, I'm going to tear them into pieces fiercely." General Polburn has obviously lost his mind and even forgotten the truth of chasing the poor. What's more, the car in front of him is obviously much better than the "poor bandit".

"It's about to reach the second minefield. Do you remember the route of zombies?" * Ask while adjusting the machine gun.

"Hmm." The zombie is still a zombie face, and the answer is concise.

"Damn, zombie, can't you say one more word? Jumping word by word, don't you feel tired?" What the old bear hates most is the way zombies speak word by word.

The zombie turned his head and looked at the old bear, immediately turned around, and replied coldly, "I'm not tired."

* Turned his head and looked at the helpless old bear and laughed: "Damn it, the bear, the zombie is enough to give you face. You ask him to say one more word. He really gives you two words. You are so awesome."

"I'm convinced. If you say two words, can't you say a few more words?" The old bear is really useless. The personality of this zombie is really speechless.

The zombie didn't look back this time: "No."

While talking, the speed of the Hummer began to slowly decrease. The originally relaxed * and the old bear were immediately alert, and the minefield arrived.

The two changed their hippie smiling face just now and immediately turned the muzzle to prepare for attack.

* Adjust the muzzle and look at the motorcade that is not far away: "The two cars on the left belong to you, and the two on the right belong to me."

The old bear took out a grenade and put it in the grenade hair colorer. While calculating the distance, he said, "Just look. I want these little rabbits to know what a soldier is."

After biochemical enhancement, the old bear's mind is much stronger than before. At this time, he is calculating the distance between the two cars and the anti-tank mine.

"Dad Da..."

A number of guns continuously guide the two vehicles to an ideal position, so that the middle of the car is about half a meter away from the anti-tank mine.

Calculation of the distance and the speed of the grenade attack, the old bear decisively pulled the trigger.


Anti-tank mines exploded between two off-road vehicles under the high explosion of grenades.

Two vehicles that were not far from the mine were overturned in a sudden explosion, and then two shots shot the fuel tank of the vehicle and turned into two groups of fireworks, illuminating the River on the River not far away.

"Haha... Baby, Grandpa's grenade is delicious enough." The old bear is very wild and can't help it. Such an open and fierce battle was completely experienced in the special forces before.


* was not willing to show weakness. The machine gun spit out the fire tongue. In a blink of an eye, the target SUV engine was ignited by bullets, turned into a fireball, and rolled directly into the Var River.

As two off-road vehicles died under the anti-tank mine again, the zombies suddenly braked and instantly accelerated and turned.

Hummer turned at high speed in place and rushed to General Polburn's motorcade.

"Damn yellow monkey, let them know, we..."

Before General Polburn's words were finished, he was shot by an old bear and beaten into a sieve.

"General Polburn, General Polburn... Well, the general is dead, the general is dead." The stupid men made a fatal shout at the first time, which instantly disrupted the convoy that was originally a little messy but still maintained order.

Then, the three zombies turned over and jumped out of the car and let the Hummer move forward by themselves. One machine gun and two M4A1s shot crazily and began to harvest the enemy's lives.

"Run, the general is dead." The team that lost its backbone is still spreading this deadly news in the process of defeat.

Four times the normal human body, coupled with three people trained by special forces, the running speed at this time will never be slower than that of an off-road vehicle. In high-speed movement, the accuracy of shooting is indeed reduced a lot, but it is still constantly reaping the life of the enemy.


is another off-road vehicle sacrificed under the grenade. There are only five off-road vehicles tracked by the old bear. At this time, it may have awakened from panic and began to escape in different directions. For a moment, the old bear was full of fire, with grenades and bullets, and madly attacked the enemy.

The zombie M4A1 is not equipped with a grenade launcher, but high-speed shooting still constantly collects the enemy's lives. What's more, the * in his other hand specializes in shooting the tires of enemy vehicles, and several off-road vehicles are stranded on the grassland in the blink of an eye.

* is not willing to show weakness. The machine gun in his hand keeps shooting, the tracking cross-country keeps roaring, and fires are blooming on the grassland like medals that prove their achievements.

In just ten minutes, from the initial sneak attack to the end of the battle, the three people hunted, seduced, and finally hunted again, destroying the convoy of more than 300 enemy people, not even a runaway mercenary.

Blood-stained, just like its name, blood-stained demeanor, rose like dazzling stars in the first public battle.

The information of the mercenary world is always so fast, especially this legendary battle, which spreads to every corner of the world overnight.

At the same time, Bingling is contacting Liu Xiao, who is in China, through the encrypted network.

In the past two days, Liu Xiao has been proud. Because he untied his heart knot and accepted the feelings of the three women, he was finally able to occasionally find time to spend as much time as possible with the three women and their families.

Of course, what made him most proud was to take off the virgin hat on his head that he didn't know how many years ago.

I really don't know how many years. According to Liu Xiao's own idea, it should be more than 22 years, but if it is true, Dr. T seems to be an old virgin for more than 500 years.

Anyway, whether it is 500 years or 20 years, in a word, Liu Da Shao finally got rid of poverty and dropped the virgin hat.

"Oh? So all the forces of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment near the Val River Basin have been removed? Liu Xiao was very proud and could hear it from his slightly excited voice, although he didn't know why he was excited.

Bing Ling nodded through the video: "Brother Liu, rest assured that the only force near the Var River Basin is the South African branch of the Poison Dragon Mercenary Regiment, but one thing is very puzzling."

Liu Xiao looked at Bing Ling, who looked puzzled on the screen and asked, "Oh? How to say?"

According to the latest information we received yesterday, although the training camp in the lower reaches of the Var River belongs to the same poisonous dragon mercenary regiment as General Polburn at the Var River headquarters, the relationship seems to be not good and a little nervous.

In addition, it can be analyzed from some signs that the headquarters of the U.S. Venomous Dragon Mercenary Corps does not seem to like the South African branch. Bing Ling seemed to feel very puzzled and headache with the latest information from the investigation in her hand.

Liu smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a power struggle.

If I guess correctly, General Polburn has always thought that the sky is far away, and the headquarters of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment is beyond his reach, so he has always been the existence of an earth emperor.

And this so-called conflict with the Liu family is also a double-swaning trick of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment.

First, if you can embezzle my Liu family's property, even if it is in Polburn's hands, you can get a small amount of benefits from it.

And if the branch and our Liu family fight both sides, then the fishermen in the United States will just make a profit.

As for the complete elimination of Bolben, I'm afraid the United States has not even considered it. After all, in the eyes of these arrogant Americans, our Liu family is still very weak.

Second, I can also evaluate the strength in my hand through this time, but this should not be the intention of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment, but the intention of the supporters behind them.

Obviously, they have achieved this goal, but unfortunately, our strength is not like this. Liu Xiao gently tapped on the table.

Bing Ling was very smart and immediately heard something from it. He couldn't help asking in surprise, "Brother Liu, is our equipment clear?"

Liu smiled, took out a handful of S&WM500, took down the wheel, and said, "Do you see the seal behind the wheel? This is an air bomb compression device that evolved from the genetic mutagenesis of earthworms.

To put it simply, this gun has been simply improved and no longer needs bullets. The bullet it shoots are completely solid air bombs compressed by air.

After a pause, Liu Xiao continued: "In addition, I will send you two sets of production lines for processing bullets through special channels. In addition, I will send you a new energy emitter formula. In the processing part of the bullet production, I will add an energy dissipation, especially through the military transformation. The perfusion process of hair agent.

Such a warhead will become a high-explosive warhead, and I don't think you will understand the benefits of this.

When Liu Xiao took out this set of technology, he was greedy for the military bosses and finally became obsessed. Finally, he reached an agreement with Liu Xiao to provide the military with cheap energy dissipators, while the military delivered weapons and special equipment to the blood-stained mercenary regiment through special channels.

In fact, from the perspective of the agreement between the two sides, the country has taken advantage of Liu Xiao.

Not to mention the benefits that solid air bomb technology can bring to the army, the technology that can turn ordinary bullets into high-explosive bombs alone has improved the combat level of China.

And South Africa's blood-stained mercenary regiment, from a certain point of view, has completely inhibited the development of the United States in South Africa. At the same time, it can also protect the Liu family's industry in Africa, so that Liu Xiao can engage in scientific research at ease.

If the senior officials of China do not agree with such a number of transactions, then they will not be high-level authorities.

Unlike the Chinese side's active actions, the headquarters of the American Venomous Dragon Mercenary Corps was shrouded in a cloud at this time.

"Is the message accurate? Polburn's group and training camp were completely destroyed? Baggio has asked 12 times, and this is the thirteenth time.

The men answered tirelessly, but their mood was equally heavy: "Yes, commander, the news is very accurate."

Baqiao frowned. He did not agree with General Polburn, and it could even be said that it was a hostile relationship within the mercenary regiment, but this did not mean that he hoped that Polburn would be destroyed, and even his direct recruit training camp would be completely erased.

"Is the message accurate? Was it made by the blood-stained mercenary regiment? Baggio still couldn't believe that an 11-person mercenary regiment could destroy the mercenary regiment of nearly predecessors. Although it is said that the first attack had some sneak attack components, the next day the more than 300 people who led the team were killed by three people halfway.

"Excreh... sure." The voices of his men trembled a little. After all, no one could bear it. The fact that the three of them destroyed 300, not to mention the frontal conflict, was simply like a miracle.

Bacho stood up, walking anxiously in the room with red wine, and said to himself from time to time, "This is impossible. The blood-stained mercenary regiment raided the Var River poisonous dragon mercenary regiment on the day after its establishment. This bright-sighted man came to our poisonous dragon at first sight, but this can bring it to the other party. What are the benefits?

reputation? Status? Money?

Money may be imaginable, reputation can also be imagined, but status... is unlikely. After all, there are only 11 of them.

After a pause, Baggio's eyes suddenly lit up: "Do they want to take this opportunity to recruit soldiers?"

Baggio, who thought he had found the real answer, suddenly became excited, but in a blink of an eye, he seemed to have figured out something and became a little frustrated: "It's not true. Recruiting troops can only add burden for small elite mercenary groups like them.

Damn, what the hell is it?

Can they cultivate more mercenaries like those 11?, no, absolutely impossible. Even with American technology, it is impossible to cultivate such elite personnel in large quantities at high speed.

Baggio was very distressed. He couldn't analyze what was hidden in this matter, because it was so strange that he seemed to see an inescapable fog.

While Baggio was in great distress, another men broke in: "Mall, President Rom called."

Baggio, who wanted to scold him a few times, suddenly stopped the idea and walked into his office and picked up the phone: "Dear Mr. President, this should not be the time for us to talk to each other, right?"

Mr. President at the other end of the phone is obviously not emotionally unstable: "Damn Mr. Baggio, I need you to explain why several of our private diamond mines near the Var River have been looted, and these are the mining areas you are responsible for protecting."

Baqiao, who wanted to hide it first, immediately made a decision at the moment he heard the news: "Oh, dear Mr. President, I think you misunderstood. I know what you think, but I can guarantee that it is by no means what you think. You know, our training camp and headquarters in the Var River have been uprooted in the past two days, and even the respectable General Polburn has been killed.

This is an opportunity, the best opportunity to directly master South Africa through the U.S. military, so Baggio must seize it, even if he pays for it.

Mr. President was surprised and asked uncertainly, "You said that your largest branch in South Africa, the Var River headquarters and training camp, have been taken up?"

It is not surprising that Mr. Bolben's men and the recruit training camp are not regular troops, but some of the mercenaries are no worse than the soldiers of the regular troops, and what is more worthwhile is that the training of the recruit training camp is carried out in accordance with the training methods of the regular troops in the United States. Trained.

"You heard right, Mr. President, the Var River headquarters and the Val River recruit training camp of the South African branch of the Venomous Dragon Mercenary Regiment have been removed, and Polburn has also died.

And I can also tell you a piece of news that it was a small mercenary regiment with only 11 people, a Chinese mercenary regiment named Blood. Barjo was not as excited as at the beginning, because he thought of a better way to get benefits from Congress.

Obviously, Baggio's words have played a role. The United States has always been very concerned about the development of China, especially the development of the army. If the facts are really like what Baggio said, then this matter will be very difficult, at least for him as president.

After a long time, a voice finally came from the other side of the phone. Obviously, dear Mr. President was just correcting the news: "Dear Mr. Baggio, I apologize to you for the misunderstanding just now, but I hope you can be more frank and tell us, What exactly do you want to get?"

Obviously, President Rom and his team do not think that Baggio is a frank person. Since the other party does not hesitate to say the matter, there must be some ideas, at least the news will not be given for free.

Bacho did it gracefully and took a sip of wine: "Aha, dear President Rom, I think we should cooperate. After all, we have a common enemy."

"Cooperation? Haven't we been cooperating? Obviously, President Rom did not fully understand what Baggio meant.

Baggio put down his glass, stretched out his finger and shook it, as if President Roma was right in front of him: "NO, NO, NO. My dear Mr. President, what I mean by cooperation is the hope that the government will provide us with more advanced weapons, and in return, we will recapture the Var River. And make the Val River an important weight for the United States to control South Africa. I believe Mr. President knows what I'm talking about.

Bacho's words are not exaggerated. If the Americans really completely occupy the Wall River, then Rand, the economic lifeline of South Africa, will be controlled, so that the whole South African economy will act on the faces of the Americans.

I have to say that Baggio's bait has extraordinary ** power, especially for Roma, who has just become president.

Yes, for a new president, he needs to show some political achievements in front of the people. He must let the stupid people know that only his great President Roma can lead the American people out of the economic crisis and to a more brilliant future.

"Please wait, I need some advice." Although President Rom wants to agree immediately, he must pass a congressional resolution, and more importantly, he needs to listen to the advice of think tanks.

The bait is so delicious, and the enemy behind it seems to be very fragile.

Yes, it is very fragile. These elites in the eyes of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment are very fragile in front of the real American master.

"We have biochemical warriors, we have superheroes." President Rom is full of confidence, because the owner of the United States does have this pride.

The opinion of the think tank is positive. There is no conspiracy behind this matter, and there are only 11 people on the other side. According to the proportion of interests and dangers, cooperation is inevitable.

On the same day, Congress secretly passed a secret resolution to secretly support the plan of the poisonous dragon mercenary regiment to return to the Val River.

Fighters cannot be provided to the Venomous Dragon Mercenary Regiment, but the U.S. government has provided ten light tanks, five armored personnel carriers, and three armed transport helicopters.

However, to the surprise of the U.S. government and Baggio, their calls were clearly eavesdropped by the blood-stained mercenary regiment thousands of miles away.

"Hahaha... These idiots think it's foolproof. It's idiotic enough." White girl patted her thighs and smiled as she played the recording.

* frowned: "I said, white girl, what are you laughing at? It's not easy to deal with. Armed transport aircraft is a problem, and sober tanks are not easy to deal with.

The old bear nodded, but then shook his head, which made the white girl depressed and asked, "Old bear, what on earth do you want to say? Don't shake your head and nod again, okay?"

Lao Xiong looked at the white girl in injustice: "I nodded in agreement with the idea of *. I shook my head because I was too sleepy and wanted to wake up. Look, it's too late."

The white girl looked at her watch. It's past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. Can she not be sleepy?

Bingling held a large piece of spicy beef tendon, biting desperately and said, "It's easy to do. Just ask Brother Liu, right?"

In Bingling's opinion, Liu Xiao is almost omnipotent Tinker Bell. Of course, he is much more handsome than Tinker Bell.

Huh? Aircraft and light tanks? I heard from my eldest brother that you made it yourself*, right? If you replace gunpowder with a high-energy dissipation agent and replace it with a special trigger device, you can achieve the effect of dealing with tanks. Not to mention that he is a light tank, even two heavy armors will still overturn him.

I'll send you the trigger device later, and you can just do it. I think it's easy to buy broken iron pieces in South Africa, right?

As for armed transport aircraft, this problem is a little troublesome. I'm afraid you need to get some rocket launchers to deal with it.

By the way, shall I get you a high magnetic biochemical? At that time, apply it on the surface. According to your physique, how can you throw about 300 meters? Can you throw * directly at the plane? Liu Xiao's idea is bad enough. He can really think of it by blowing up a plane.

However, on second thought, the distance of 300 meters seems to be difficult to deal with helicopter gunships. After all, the physical quality of ice cream is there, and with high magnetic biochemical agents with a adsorption distance of 20 meters, it is not impossible.

However, Bingling still sweats heavily. After all, *flying*, this new attack method seems to be very challenging.

But since Brother Liu said it, he still did it.

Liu Xiaoyi sent several kinds of technical materials, and at the same time, together with high magnetic paint, sent an anti-magnetic paint. The role of this paint is to prevent magnetic items, and it is also a special item to prevent high magnetic * from adsorption on its own equipment.

According to the characteristics of high magnetism*, Bingling and a group of comrades-in-arms specially designed a plastic sleeve that covers the metal part of the grenade, and paints all of the inner and outer parts of the sleeve with anti-magnetic coating.

After several tests, the performance of high magnetism* is really good. The distance of direct throwing is as high as 210 meters, and the throwing distance is as high as 320 meters.

"Let me go. Although Liu Shao's method is bad enough, it is completely feasible." White girl couldn't help saying happily when she looked at the abandoned vehicle that had been blown into a pile of iron crumbs in the distance.

* took the high magnetism* in his hand and nodded and said, "With high magnetism, it is no problem to deal with armed helicopters. As long as it is within a distance, it is simply a cannon hitting the earth."

Lao Xiong smiled and said, "But this is also a stopgap measure. After this time, we must find a way to get some air weapons."

Bing Ling put down his weapon and nodded: "That's right. After this battle, our blood-stained name will completely resound all over the world. At that time, the American who lost face will inevitably send more powerful air power. If you still want to rely on high magnetism*, I'm afraid it's true. It's delusional."

However, as soon as the conversation turned, Bingling said optimistically, "Actually, you don't have to be nervous or worry at all. Brother Liu must be able to think of what we can think of. I believe that after this incident, no... From now on, Brother Liu will definitely find a way to deal with air power.

Bingling's statement is correct. Air strikes have always been Liu Xiao's weakness. Although it has laser power, it can't be regarded as a real air force. After all, even you can't see the plane above the clouds.

The American Dragon Mercenary Regiment rushed to the Var River base of the Dragon Mercenary Regiment on the third day as quickly as possible through several turnovers of various military bases of the U.S. military.

"The degree of destruction of the base is not high, but it seems to save a lot of effort." As the leader of the attack force, Wright is under a lot of pressure, but for him, the eleven-person mercenary regiment may be various elites, but it is definitely not the opponent of the mechanized armed poisonous dragon.


"This is Ray. Please let me speak if you have anything to say." The connection of the dedicated communicator must mean important information.

"This is the 96th substation of the Satellite Monitoring Center. Five enemies have been observed moving in the direction of your army at high speed." On the other side of the communicator, important information came at the first time.

So fast? How did the enemy know the relevant information, and as soon as his troops arrived, they were immediately discovered that there was a problem on their side, or did the opponent have a special way to obtain their own intelligence?

"How far is the enemy to reach the base?" Knowing detailed information is the key to victory. As an old mercenary, Rhett will not forget it.

"According to the latest information, according to the base where your army is located, it is less than 100 kilometers and is expected to arrive in 45 minutes." The intelligence of the United States seems to be timely, but Wright still frowns.

The situation is wrong. Since the other party can get such accurate information, obviously should know that we have the support of the United States, but they still rushed over directly, and there are only five, not all.

"Is it..." Rhett suddenly thought of a possibility, but then smiled self-deprecatingly and immediately denied this possibility.

Although he denied his idea, out of caution, Rayt immediately issued an order: "Three light armor and two armed troop carriers, follow me to meet the enemy.

The rest of the troops should remain in combat at any time to prevent enemy raids.

As the saying goes, there is always a strange feeling in his heart that the enemy's attack is a trap to deceive his side, but this conjecture, no matter from which perspective, this conjecture has a sense of absurdity.

However, this seemingly absurd feeling is very strong.

Wright believes in his intuition. Although he also thinks it is ridiculous, this intuition has saved his life countless times in his cruel mercenary career, so even if it is absurd, he chooses to believe his intuition.