Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

62 Unexpected gain

Dolphin gene fluid, which is a good thing for Liu Xiao, especially the 100% gene fluid, which happens to be the genetic fluid you need to enter the third stage of Gene calcinomy.

After the research of later generations, the spiritual power of dolphins is actually much higher than that of human beings, and through long-term evolution and the guidance of human biochemical technology, the spiritual power of dolphins has even been applied to the military field and has fully reached the level of communication with human beings.

Ten thousand years later, there are several dolphin armies in the coastal defense army of the republic, which are specially used to search for Tal star spies who want to sneak into the earth's society through the seabed.

Knowing this, Liu Xiao determined the goal of strengthening mental strength in the third stage of the original plan, and the choice of genes undoubtedly chose the dolphin gene.

Originally, it was still a little difficult to extract dolphin genes, especially the wild dolphin genes, but now it's all right. Since the Tal people have prepared everything for him, don't waste it.

As for the genetic fluid of another ancient giant shark, Liu Xiao suspected that it was extracted from the remains of the ancient giant shark at the bottom of the sea.

According to Dr. T's memory, this ancient giant shark is a good thing. This ancient shark, which was resurrected by humans in the future, later evolved through the evolution of biochemical technology and became the best attack weapon in cosmic combat.

However, for the time being, Liu Xiao didn't do anything about the battle of the universe, but he still put it away. After all, if this thing is resurrected and form a huge ancient giant shark ocean team, the warships of any country are not the opponent of this thing.

After collecting two cans of gene liquid, Liu Xiao continued to search at the base.

"No, this has been around. Why haven't you found the entrance yet?" Liu Xiao looked at the first refrigerator he entered and couldn't help but have a big head.

The classic of Talxing's old-fashioned main base construction model, ring structure architecture, is common sense in the era of Dr. T, but unfortunately, who only cares about biochemical research, did not remember the structural diagram of this characteristic building at all, and now Liu Xiao has suffered a little because of this.

After taking out the spiritual sensor and turning around again, Liu Xiao finally found the most energetic side.

Because the metal itself cannot shield the spiritual power, it is not difficult to find a place with a high mental strength value in this rough metal base, especially a spiritual sensor with three decimal places, which is even simpler and abnormal.

However, Liu Xiao, who was standing outside the iron wall at this time, was knocking on the metal wall everywhere, trying to find a mechanism to open the hidden doorway.

"Obviously it's here, but what is the way to open the door?" Liu Xiao was anxiously in place. If he didn't enter the core part of the base, wouldn't it be in vain?

After a long time, Liu Xiao, who suddenly walked around, stopped and patted his forehead fiercely: "I'm so stupid. Just cut the door directly with laser light. How can you open the door? This is not a door."

After finding the right position, the laser light in Liu Xiao's eyes was suddenly stimulated, but unlike the stimulation of previous battles, this use is continuous.

I saw two red lights constantly burning the metal wall, gradually penetrating a small hole on the metal wall, and then starting from a small hole, it began to cut continuously. It took about half a minute to finally cut the metal wall just enough. The big hole you passed through.

Liu Xiao looked at the thickness of the wall and couldn't help sighing at the technical strength of the Tal people again.

The metal wall is not thick, only about one centimeter thick, but it is true that the density of this metal plate is much higher than that produced by the earth.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao felt that it was actually a good choice to hand over this new technology to scientific research institutions in China, so he took a lot of effort to cut off a few small pieces of the cut iron plate and installed it.

Go straight in along the metal passage, and the road seems to be very complicated, with at least three intersections along the way.

Originally, Liu Xiao wanted to find out where these intersections led, but later gave up.

Finally, Liu Xiao came to a huge rotunda.

The layout of the hall is very complicated, surrounded by fan-shaped electronic consoles and many special electronic instruments, while in the middle is a huge glass cover, in which is a large tree made entirely of metal.

"Energy Conductor?" Liu Xiao recognized one of the most eye-catching features of Tal Star at a glance, the metallized energy conduction tree.

This is the basic biochemical foundation on which the Tal star base relies for survival. It transforms the tree into the required metal tree through genetic modification, and then uses the structural characteristics of the tree itself to form a special pipeline to transport energy.

Liu Xiao looked at the faint blue light constantly shining on the huge machine connected to the top of the metal tree, and suddenly came to his spirit.

You should know that the reason why Tal star energy conductors use metalized trees is to let them absorb the energy stones embedded in the base of the energy conductor.

This energy stone is a disposable energy, but it can also be converted into a rechargeable energy stone through some technologies.

However, looking at the current situation of this base, I'm afraid that the Tal Star people who have just established this base are completely unable to rely on the existing technology of the earth to successfully transform energy stones, so the energy stones here must be disposable, which also explains why only this energy conductor is in operation of the whole base today. OK.

By the way, the spiritual signal received by Liu Xiao through the mental sensor is the energy vibration formed by the excess energy released when the energy transmitter is working.

Liu Xiao forcibly smashed the glass cover and took out an egg-sized golden crystal from under the metal tree.

However, when Liu Xiao was excited to put it away, the energy of the golden crystal actually rushed into Liu Xiao's body through his right hand and hit every body.


Unprepared by the sudden influx of energy, Liu Xiao suddenly collapsed on the ground and let the energy run wild.

After about five or six seconds, Liu Xiao, who finally recovered, saw that he could not get rid of the energy * and golden crystals. He made a decision and ran the "Gene calcinomy" to absorb the energy into the body as much as possible.

The violent energy is absorbed little by little under the action of Gene calcinism, and Liu Xiao's proficiency in the second stage is also improving.

How long has it been since you know that Liu Xiao's proficiency in the second stage has reached the peak of 99%, and he can feel that he is likely to break through the second stage and enter the third stage immediately.

As soon as this idea flashed, his body was suddenly used for a comfortable feeling. Liu Xiao knew that he had broken through.

Not daring to neglect at all, he immediately took out the dolphin gene liquid he got from the base, opened the lid of the refrigerated tank, and put his hand holding the golden crystal directly into the jar.

In fact, if Liu Xiao can reach out of the culture tank and use the golden crystal and the dolphin's genetic liquid, the absorption will be much faster and fuller.

But helpless, Liu Xiao now can't even find a syringe, let alone a culture tank, so she can only use this simplest and primitive method to directly absorb the gene fluid through the energy crystal.

enters the third stage. Under the premise of continuing to strengthen the original gene, new gene fragments will be integrated to further improve and improve the original gene.

The enhancement of spiritual power is an evolution of the overall structure of the brain. The pain of this evolution is far more violent than the evolution of the body.

Especially when Liu Xiao carried out the first stage of cultivation, it was carried out safely by the anesthesia system in the culture tank, so this time it was also the first time he felt the pain brought by the practice.

As the genes began to fuse, Liu Xiao's head began to feel a slight tingling sensation, but as the fusion continued to intensify, the tingling sensation became stronger and stronger.

As time goes by, the tingling sensation continues to become smaller with the absorption of genetic fluid, and the energy stone gradually turns from strong to weak, restoring calm.

However, just as Liu Xiao wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, a sudden sense of tear came from his brain.

It seems that there is a pair of small hands in the mind that are tearing something little by little, and then take out the needle and thread to slowly sew it, then tear it, and then sew it up.

What's more frightening is that after each suture, it will be accompanied by an itching-like feeling until it is torn again.

Liu Xiao knows that this feeling of tearing and wind is not real physical pain, otherwise the brain will be torn open and you can't die.

This strong pain is an illusion that directly acts on the brain when the mental power is constantly crushed and reorganized.

However, even if you know that this is an illusion, the pain is still irresistible.

I don't know how long it took. When the dolphin gene liquid around Liu Xiao was absorbed with only more than a tablespoon, his body stopped absorbing the gene fluid, which means that the gene fusion has been completed.

However, the body's absorption of the remaining energy of the energy stone is still in his coma.

Liu Xiao did not find that even in his coma, the energy in his body was still operating crazily according to the operation path of Gene calcinomy.

I have to say that Liu Xiao's trip to Hawaii really got an unexpected harvest.

When Dr. T studied Gene calcination, he once learned from a skill called "Free Self-determination". If this skill is said, many people may not know it, but if this is the prototype of Beiming Shen Gong, I'm afraid most people will know it. The magic of this skill.

The person who created this set of skills in the past is very lazy, but it is undeniable that this strange man is really an amazing genius. He actually created this kind of strange skill that once the internal force cycle is activated, he will run on his own. Even if he poops and sleeps, he can be completely in a state of cultivation.

However, regarding the function of this part, the creator did not write clearly because he was too lazy, so Dr. T actually did not know about this kind of common use.

However, now, Liu Xiao has instantly activated the automatic operation function of "Free Self-determination" due to his exposure to the energy stone with strong energy, which is why he began to absorb energy to improve his cultivation without taking the initiative.

The sleeping Liu Xiao doesn't know this at all, but his body is crazily absorbing the energy of the energy stone and constantly refining his body and spirit according to the operation of Gene calculus.

If Liu Xiao can wake up at this time, he will be surprised to find that his proficiency in the third stage is growing wildly at a rate of 1% every ten seconds.

For more than 16 hours, Liu Xiao's proficiency in the third stage finally reached 99%, but at this time, he was still in a coma.

Suddenly, there was a fluctuation in Liu Xiao's spiritual sea, and all the spiritual power began to gather in the center of the spiritual sea and began to condense quickly.

broke through, Liu Xiao broke through to the fourth stage again, and his spiritual power began to be highly compressed and shifted to liquid spiritual power.

In fact, there is no change in spiritual power.

The so-called spiritual power changes in the superpower world, such as any physical spiritual power, are actually highly condensed solid mental power, such as spiritual flames, etc. These are just a method of applying spiritual power. Thousands of years later, after people analyzed the essence of spiritual power, the truth came to light. .

According to the analysis of later generations, spiritual power is divided into three stages, one is the mental stage, which is the initial stage. The intermediate stage is liquid spiritual power, followed by the highest stage of solid spiritual power.

According to Liu Xiao's special cultivation method, as long as it can break through to the fifth stage, his spiritual power will naturally become the highest solid mental power.

At this time, the spiritual power in Liu Xiao's spiritual sea continued to condense. After several hours of condensation, it finally formed a drop of liquid spiritual power, which was quietly suspended in the spiritual sea.


Liu Xiao, who had been in a coma for nearly 50 hours, finally woke up, reluctantly raised and even looked around, and then turned his head to his right hand.

The golden energy crystals have long disappeared, and the genetic fluid has been basically exhausted.


A burst of crazy protest came out of his stomach, and Liu Xiao felt boundless hunger.

There is nothing I can do. I haven't get in many grains of rice for two days, and the dripping water hasn't touched. Even the iron people are also hungry. What's more, the fusion of genes to condense spiritual power is not a work that consumes physical strength. So at this time, Liu Xiao, as if he was hungry for ten days and half months, immediately took out the canned meat wolf he brought. I swallowed it.

However, Liu Xiao was not idle when eating. While eating, he searched around to see if he could find more valuable, showing the clues of where the Tal people were going.

Huh? Each is a desert (what is this)? Eating cans, Liu Xiao, who was speechless, found a small notebook on the main console of the central control room.

This notepad is obviously a product of the earth, but what really makes Liu Xiao care about is that the words used for recording on the notepad are indeed Tal Star characters.

"I feel very happy to get this notepad. It has been more than 240 years since I came to the earth, and I have been running around here to find the raw materials of the Stargate.

For more than 200 years, most of the activity areas have been in this Western world. We are very much like going to the eastern world, because the amount of raw materials we need is much higher than in the West.

By the way, the main material we want to collect is a companion and extract called a gold mine by earthlings.

For us, gold, just like scrap iron, only the waste melted in the gold mine has the raw materials we need, and the accompanying organisms also contain a large amount of this substance.

It's just a pity that we can't go to the East at this stage, because there is a group of guys in the East who call themselves practitioners. They are very strong and fight one-to-man, even the soldiers of Tal Star can't get benefits.

The first paragraph stopped here, followed by a small fragment of life.

From these life fragments, Liu Xiao can see that these Tal people try their best to avoid leaving the base without major events. In this regard, the documentary records of later generations have also mentioned that the ancient Tal people have always been known for their caution, especially on strange planets. Generally, they are Avoid contact with aliens.

Turning through a few pages, Liu Xiao saw that the diary began to record how to contact human beings in World War I and provide them with advanced weapons in exchange for various resources.

One of them is about the evaluation of war: "The war of the people on earth makes people feel like a neighbor's child fighting, which is not only not level, but also has no reason."

Regarding the situation of World War I, there is not much recorded in the notepad. Most of them talk about what technology was exchanged, and from time to time laugh at the stupidity and backwardness of the people on earth.

However, after reading these, Liu Xiao also found that this notebook is not a diary, but a record with a very large time span.

Because after the relevant records of World War I, there are few pages of records about World War II.

This record is of great significance. At the beginning of the article, it was written: "We should not use simple transactions to obtain raw materials. We should support the rise of an empire to occupy more and richer resources.

After a long time of screening, we think that a guy named Adolf Heathler can be completely exploited by us.

We have provided them with a large number of advanced technologies and entrusted them with how to manipulate people to instill militaristic ideas. It can be said that Adolf is very smart and makes us satisfied.

After that, we also sent our will to Italy and Japan through special channels, especially the small country called Japan, which was so crazy that it completely sank without instilling any militaristic ideas.

China is the most urgent thing we want to get, so it is necessary to support Japan, but we can't come forward directly, so we released a goodwill message to Japan through Adolf sending secret personnel to provide it with a lot of weapons and equipment and training for senior officers.

But I have to say that the people of Japan are really too arrogant. Oh, the same is true for Italy. With their stupidity and conceit, we expected a terrible ending, so we have to find new agents.

At this time, we focused our eyes on a very exciting country, the United States of America.

This is a country that highly advertises freedom, but in fact it is a country that is sagious from the bottom of its bones.

What did you say in the words of our Tal Star? The ruler took out the flesh and blood of the slaves and their pockets while talking about freedom, peace and dedication with a smile.

Sure enough, soon after, the Red Army attacked Berlin. We were very worried about our spokesperson, so we provided him and his mistress with a new way to become the spokesperson for communication with the United States.

Of course, in order to achieve this goal, we had a small operation, and since Adolf and his mistress have become legal American citizens.

On the day Adolf disappeared, we successfully *ed the Adolf couple through the genes of him and his mistress and gave them a suicide order.

Ha, I have to say that the people of the earth are still very smart. Even when Stalin saw the two bodies, he did not believe that Adolf was dead, and even our new ally Mr. Eisenhower did not believe it at all.

What he didn't expect was that Mr. Haysen, who had frequent contact with him, was Adolf himself.

Adolf is loyal to us, and that's exactly why. He and his wife have become the longest-lived ordinary people on earth and our longest-cooperative agents.

Shortly after the end of World War II, our American allies had a cold war with the Soviet Union, a situation we most want to see.

We have sold technology to two countries in different ways in exchange for a large number of materials and benefits.

The record was interrupted here. Liu Xiao turned over a few more pages and saw a line of slightly messy handwriting: "Oh, my dear notepad, we are going to say goodbye. The damn primitive era is finally coming to an end."

It seems that here, it should be because of sufficient materials, the Tal people began to build a more advanced base and then abandoned this relatively backward main base.

Liu Xiao smiled happily. It seemed that this trip to the bottom of the sea not only unexpectedly advanced, but also found important information about the Tal people.

It can be seen from the words on the record that the last partner chosen by Tal Star before moving away was the United States.

So far, the United States still maintains a leading scientific and technological position. More importantly, the United States is also the country with the highest reserves.

"Hey, it's interesting. I didn't expect such a thing to be hidden behind it." Liu Xiao carefully put away the notepad with waterproof materials and turned around to leave the base.

Suddenly, the hand in his arms touched a smooth and hard object the size of a bean.

I took out a look and found that it was the golden elixir of the white-bearded sword fairy that was killed.

After thinking about it, this thing was kept for absorption. Now it has broken through to four layers anyway. Let's just absorb it here and go back.

This absorption is much faster than before. One is that Jindan contains less energy, and the other is that Liu Xiao is awake, and the speed of active absorption is much faster than that of automatic operation.

Liu Xiao woke up again and looked at the electronic watch in his hand. For 46 minutes, the time was not long, but the growth speed was amazingly fast.

The proficiency in the fourth stage is 18%. This data can't be said to be high, but don't forget that when Liu Xiao absorbed the golden energy crystals, his proficiency was only 4%. In this short 40 minutes, it has increased by 14 percentage points, which is really an unexpected surprise.

This surprise even made Liu Xiao have an idea that he should hunt Jindan monks for a moment, but in the end, reason prevailed, and the idea of harming others and self-interest was completely left behind.

Four days later, Liu Xiao, who had just got off the plane at Shencheng International Airport, ushered in three pairs of resentful eyes.

"Okay, okay, aren't I back? Let's talk about it when I get back." As he spoke, Liu Xiao gave each of the three women a hug.

All the way, the three women's eyes were always red, and Liu Xiao had to coax this and then coax that, so that she seemed to have done nothing but coaxing people along the way.

"Okay, it's all my husband's fault. I shouldn't come back so late to worry my wives." Liu Xiao returned to the villa and hugged the three women side by side to **, talking and touching the three women's soft hair.

"Axiao, if you don't come back for a few days, you can only collect the bodies for our sisters." Nie Lan looked at Liu and said bitterly.

Ah? What are you doing?" Liu Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect it to be so serious.

Ding Hong pulled Nie Lan: "Sister, stop talking. It's all over. Isn't my husband all right?"

Nie Lan nodded Ding Hong's nose angrily: "You, you, just spoil him and spoil him sooner or later."

Liu Xiao did not dare to be careless about what Nie Lan said and quickly asked, "Xiamei, what's going on?"

Ding Xia is the youngest of the three women, the softest, and also listens to Liu's jokes the most, so she looked at the two sisters, lowered her head and whispered, "Our sisters thought you were killed, so we plan to wait for a few days. If Brother Xiao doesn't come back, we will throw ourselves into the sea."

After listening to Ding Xia's words, Liu Xiao was scared into a cold sweat and said, "I said that the three of you can't have this idea again in the future, okay?"

Looking at the three daughters who seemed reluctant, Liu Xiao quickly said, "Your husband, I will be fine, and even if there is something wrong, won't you take care of my parents, your parents-in-law?"

Nie Lan lowered her head shyly and defended, "We just thought about you and forgot about it."

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Remember my husband's words, your husband is invincible and immortal, just fine. After saying that, without waiting for the three women to answer, they hugged them and lingered together.

After the clouds and rain, the four people lay down on the big** and talked about Liu Xiao's experience at the bottom of the sea.

In addition to merging genes and absorbing energy, Liu Xiao talked about the whole process of the whole submarine base journey in detail.

Then, he talked about some of the things mentioned in the notepad, especially about Heitler, and said it in more detail.

Ah? So Hitt was really not dead back then?" Ding Xia covered her little mouth in surprise and said in disbelief.

Ding Hong nodded and shook his head: "I didn't expect that the public's guess turned out to be correct, but a small part of the guess, the most important, will never be guessed."

Nie Lan sighed and exclaimed, "Yes, everyone guessed that death was a stand-in, but the world would not have thought that it was indeed Heitler and his mistress who died. The only difference is that the body or the death is * body."

Nie Lan is right. Who in the world can think that Adolf Hitter, who died in those years, is actually a * body. If such a thing is exposed, not to mention the question of belief, as long as others do not regard you as a madman, it is already good.

After a burst of exclamation, Nie Lanfu asked on Liu Xiao's chest and asked, "So, A Xiao, you have found a clue about Tal Xing, so are you going to deal with them next?"

Liu smiled and shook his head: "How can it be? As the saying goes, if you want to hurry, you can't do it. Today's Tal people are supported by the United States, and I suspect that they may also control other national leaders at the same time, so I will never take action without enough strength.

"So, Brother Xiao, are you going to increase cooperation with the country to fight against the United States and the Tal people behind them?" Ding Hong raised his head from Liu Xiao's arms and asked while looking at Liu Xiao's eyes.

Liu laughed and nodded: "Yes, it's time to fully launch my plan. The reason why there was reservation before is that it was fully launched after figuring out the traces of the Tal people, so the current conditions are mature.

Ding Xia lay on her sister's shoulder and looked at Liu Xiao and asked, "Brother Xiao, did you suspect that Tal Xing was hiding in China before?"

Liu smiled and shook his head: "I can't say that. It's not that I suspect that it is lurking in China, but that I will doubt any country before there is accurate information."

paused and said, "You don't need to say that Tal people are harmful to the earth. If the hidden Tal people know my existence, our danger is nothing. The important thing is that the earth will escape the opportunity of thousands of years of slavery, and I'm afraid it will slip away quietly.

So, I'd rather plan to proceed slowly than let the Tal people know that my existence will threaten them.

"But, Brother Xiao, weren't you also very high-profile before? Aren't you afraid that Tal people will doubt you?" Ding Hong said the question in his heart, and Nie Lan and Ding Xia also looked at Liu Xiao with the same question.

Liu Xiao obviously thought of this problem for a long time, so he said, "No, the technology I have developed is fault-free, and today's biochemical technology was born, and these technologies are nothing in the eyes of the Tal people, so they will not directly treat us. Do it.

Of course, if they knew that I had the memory of Dr. T ten thousand years later, I'm afraid they would try their best to kill me. After all, I know their plans very well.

However, even if they want to break their heads, they will never think of this possibility, because even ten thousand years later, crossing the boundaries of time is considered impossible to complete science and technology, so we are still safe for the time being.

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, the new one hanging by the three women was finally released.

Nie Lan raised her head, looked at Liu Xiao and asked, "A Xiao, when will you let us strengthen it?"

"Ha ha, are you in a hurry? Well, anyway, there's nothing to do today. Put on your clothes and come to the basement with me. With that, Liu Xiao picked up Nie Lan and Ding Hong, who were holding him, and then gently put them on **.

The three women move quickly. After all, they have been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

You know, when they moved in, they knew that there was an underground laboratory in this villa, but not to mention them, Liu's father and mother, Liu Xiao did not allow them to enter.

Of course, when Liu Xiao was not at home, they also thought a lot about how to sneak in.

It's just a pity that they haven't even untied one of the three verification locks in Liu Xiao's basement.

In fact, every time three women attack the laboratory, the biochemical dogs on duty in the laboratory fully know that if they don't know that these three women are hostesses, I'm afraid they will lack arms and legs even if they can save their lives.

The three women entered Liu Xiao's underground laboratory for the first time. They were very curious to look in the Middle East of the huge laboratory and asked two questions from time to time.

Liu Xiao was not in a hurry. He took the three of them to visit his laboratory, and finally took them into the room with a culture tank.

"What is this? It's like something in a science fiction movie. Ding Xia touched the cultivation tank and asked curiously.

Liu Xiao opened the hatch and pointed to the internal structure of the culture tank and said, "This is the culture tank, which is used to strengthen biochemical instruments. Do you see this? This is the oxygen mask for breathing. This is a microcurrent release device. And this tube connected to the oxygen mask is an anesthetic gas delivery pipe..."

After a detailed introduction, I don't know whether the three women understood or not. Anyway, they looked like they were withered in the end and seemed to want to sleep.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao did not talk about it in detail, so he simply explained the operation process of the culture tank.

The three women were impatient and immediately took off their clothes, drilled into the incubator one by one, and operated step by step according to the steps taught by Liu Xiao.

The operation of the culture tank is not complicated. The three women at home are really smart enough, so they quickly got started.

The green ** between

gradually flooded the three women, and the data on the side of the culture tank kept flashing, proving that the culture tank has entered normal operation.

Liu Xiao, who often uses the incubator, knew that the strengthening time was absolutely not short, so he left a note for the three women and left the laboratory and went straight to T Energy.

"Hey, are you awesome? Me, Liu Xiao. Can you find a way to contact the chairman and the prime minister and say that I have brought back an interesting thing, preferably a metallurgical expert. No, I didn't invent it, but brought it back from the bottom of the sea. Well, okay, I'll wait for your call."

Liu Xiao believes that the fact that he sneaked to the bottom of the sea can't hide it from the country at all, so he simply doesn't hide it and says it generously, which not only makes the other party doubt it, but also enhances the trust relationship between them.

Soon, Niu Ren's phone call came: "Brother Liu, I have to say that you are big enough. The chairman can't come again, but Premier Wen, on behalf of the chairman, will go to Shencheng to meet you. However, the ugly words are ahead. If you take out something worthless, even if the Prime Minister doesn't blame you, brother, I won't forgive you.

"Haha, I said awesome, I'm not afraid of your threat. Anyway, tell me, which time is the thing I gave to the country not a good thing? Don't you think, brother, can my vision and what I like be a bad thing? Liu Xiao joked half-truly and half-falsely.

More than 40 minutes later, Premier Wen and a large group of experts poured into the T Energy lounge.

"Prime Minister, please come, but the sooner the better." Liu Xiao stood up and said as he welcomed the Premier in.

Premier Wen said with a smile, "Ha ha, you boy, won't let us old men down. Sit down, don't talk nonsense. Let's go straight to the point.

Liu Xiao also knew that the Prime Minister did not have enough time, so he took out the cut metal plate and put it on the coffee table and said, "Experts, take a look at this thing."

The six experts from the same time looked at each other, surrounded them one after another, and observed carefully.

After about three minutes, an old white-haired expert straightened up excitedly and asked, "Where did you get this?"

The Prime Minister waved his hand: "Mr. Yu, let's talk about whether this thing is good or bad first."

Yu Lao nodded and still said excitedly, "Good things, absolutely good things. When I first saw it, I thought it was made of space metal, but after a closer look, I found that it seemed to be made of iron metal common on earth.

Density, hardness, toughness, etc. are much stronger than ordinary iron and steel.

Now I don't have an instrument in my hand, so I can't determine the detailed data for the time being, but Lao Yu, I promise. If this thing is used in the military, not to mention bullets, it is made according to the armor thickness of ordinary tanks. Generally, if you want to break through, you have to have at least five or six rounds.

The rest of the experts also stood up at this time, with the same excited face, and said the advantages they observed.

In a word, things are absolutely too good, and they are the metal that the country needs most now to replace special steel.

Hearing the comments of the experts, although I don't know the specific situation, I am inseparable, so the Prime Minister finally relieved and asked, "Xiao Liu, tell me, how did this thing come from?"

Liu Xiao sat down and looked at several experts.

The Premier immediately agreed and let all the other foreign experts leave and said, "Let's talk about it this time. Don't worry, Yu is an old man in the country and will not leak secrets."

Liu Xiao took out the notebook and transaction record and said, "Prime Minister and Yu Lao, look at this."

"This is..." After the two looked at the things, their faces changed in an instant, because the things on it were really amazing.