Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

68 Showdown

"What should she do? Kill it directly?" The flying knife twisted the female killer's arm and asked.

Liu Xiao looked at her and said coldly, "Take it back and use her as an experiment."

"Experiment? What experiment?" Niu Ren has a bad feeling that this guy's job is biochemical research, but don't make zombies or something like that, that's not fun.

Liu Xiao sneered: "I will first extract all her memories with my spiritual strength. At this time, she is already an idiot who can't do or understand anything. Then I'm using biochemical technology to make her into a soldier, sneak into her killer organization, and cooperate with my biochemical dog and security company to put this The organization is completely eliminated from the world.

" soldier... soldier? What is that? The kind played in the movie?" Xiaobai asked tremblingly.

The female killer, who had been silent, looked at Liu Xiao, with an unconcealed fear in her eyes.

For pre-killers, death is a normal thing. Since you chose this industry at the beginning, you must be prepared to die for it.

However, what the man opposite said is completely a punishment far more terrible than death. Although his friend seems surprised, he does not doubt it, which shows that the other party is not just scaring himself, but really wants to do it and is fully capable of doing it.

Niu Ren waved his hand: "The old Taoist Liu Xiao after the aftermath, let's go first."

"Oh, it's me again, toil." The old Taoist priest shook his head and began to cast spells, while the others left the restaurant.

The army also moved very quickly. After receiving a phone call from Niu Ren, it immediately prepared two transport helicopters to send everyone back to Shencheng as soon as possible.

In the underground laboratory of Liuxiao Villa, Huo Qingqing, who drank the toxin neutralizer, still closed her eyes. When she heard the news, the three women of Nie Lan surrounded her and forcibly pressed Huo Qingqing's limbs to prevent her from struggling with pain.

"Mixed toxins are more troublesome." After Liu Xiao finished speaking, he walked to the ice warehouse, went in for a while, and took out a tube of milky **.

"The dormant liquid can make the user's body completely dormant. Um... It's almost the same as death. This method should be used to prevent the spread of toxins in the body for the time being." While introducing, Liu Xiao injected Huo Qingqing intravenously.

At the beginning of the injection, Huo Qingqing's reaction was very fierce and her body kept twisting. Fortunately, the three women held her tightly, which fully exerted the effect of the medicine.

Huo Qingqing's body gradually became cold. At this time, various functions of her body had entered a fully dormant state, while Liu Xiao entered the culture room with blood samples.

Taking a little blood sample from his body and dropping it into some of Huo Qingqing's blood samples, Liu Xiao began to record the data changes in the blood through the computer.

Liu Xiao's blood itself has extremely high anti-toxic ability. At this time, it is injected into Huo Qingqing's blood for the purpose of producing a special serum for detoxification.

This process is very long. Liu Xiao has been constantly adjusting the blood ratio in the laboratory. Six days later, he finally refined the antiviral serum.

Before injecting serum, Liu Xiao first took out the body resuscitator to restore Huo Qingqing's physical function, and then injected an appropriate amount of antibody serum.

Three hours after serum injection, Huo Qingqing began to have a fever reaction. According to Liu Xiao's instructions, the three women began to physically cool Huo Qingqing at this time to ensure that her body temperature was at a normal level.

Until the sixth hour, after passing the instrument test and confirming that Huo Qingqing was indeed out of danger, Liu Xiao informed Niu Ren and others of the news as soon as possible.

Although Huo Qingqing is now out of danger, she is still in a coma, so Liu Xiao does not dare to move at will, so she can only temporarily recuperate in her villa.

Of course, Liu Xiao also went to Huo's house in person and explained the incident to Huo Lao.

Although Niu Ren and others are likely to have explained it, most of the whole matter is caused by themselves, so it is still necessary to explain it in person.

Huo Lao's reaction was very calm. He asked Liu Xiao to take good care of Huo Qingqing. When she woke up, it was not too late to send her back to the Huo family.

Back to the villa, Liu Xiao sat in front of the female killer: "I originally wanted to make you into a soldier, but since Huo Qingqing is fine, I will give you a chance."

When the female killer was on the plane, she tried to escape. It was not until then that she knew that in front of these strong people with non-human power, this seemingly powerful state was simply vulnerable.

Liu Xiaogang wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted by the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone.

"Xiao Liu, should you explain this action?" Chairman Gu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Liu smiled at the female killer next to him, and then walked out of the room and said, "Chairman, I think Brother Niu should report to you about this trip. I won't say more. However, one thing I hope the government can think more about. Although the resources required by aliens do not have much effect on improving production, once we deal with each other, it will undoubtedly accelerate the speed of the other party's creation of Stargates, and what we need most now is time.

The other side of the mobile phone was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said, "In fact, we have also considered these, but our China really needs a great take-off of technology."

Liu Xiao also knew the current national situation, so he also sighed: "Chairman, I also know the difficulties of the country, but I hope to take into account the powerful relationship and make the right choice."

"As much as possible, we old guys are not easy to do." The chairman sighed. As a high-level, he naturally had difficulties at the senior level. The interests of all parties were not talked about, but making a decision was also exhaustive and trembling.

Liu Xiao was silent for a moment: "Chairman, I want to go to the capital in a couple of days. Can you take some time to see me?"

Things are a little beyond Liu Xiao's imagination. If we continue to follow the current situation, the history of tragedy will be inevitable. It seems that some words can only be controlled by putting it on the surface. Of course, this so-called surface must be controlled within a very small range.

Three days later, Liu Xiao and Chairman Gu talked face to face about the harvest of the trip and their views on the green-blooded people.

Looking at the time, Liu Xiao straightened up and said, "Chairman, can we talk alone?"

Obviously, Chairman Gu also realized that Liu Xiao was going to talk about some extremely secret topics, so he nodded to the secretary and security personnel and said, "Yes, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Seeing that there were only himself and the chairman left in the room, Liu smiled and said, "Actually, there are some things I don't want the country to know, but some of the development of the matter is beyond my expectation, so today, I have to say it."

The chairman smiled and said, "Then I'll listen carefully. Let's talk about it."

"I have memories more than 10,000 years later." Liu Xiao said this suddenly and thoughtlessly.

Huh? What?" Obviously, Chairman Gu didn't understand or understand for a while, but he couldn't believe it.

Liu Xiao took a sip of water and said, "I have a memory named Dr. T, which comes from a biochemist ten thousand years later. Although I don't know whether I am Liu Xiao or Dr. T now, it is certain that what I said is not a dream, because the biochemical technology I have realized today, All out of my memory of Dr. T.

Chairman Gu suddenly stood up, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and kept walking, saying, "Wait, let me calm down. This matter... is a little unbelievable."

After a long time, Chairman Gu finally calmed down, sat down slowly and asked, "Are you sure you are not joking?"

Liu smiled bitterly and said, "Chairman, do you think I have come all the way here just to sit here and joke with you?"

"Well... well, I have to admit that this matter is really shocking." The chairman said what he thought. After all, he has never seen this kind of thing, and I'm afraid he has rarely heard of it.

After a pause, the chairman continued to ask, "Then tell me what is the purpose of telling me such a shocking thing?"

Liu Xiao was silent for a moment: "In order to deal with the Tal people, to be precise, since the moment I woke up, I have been trying to find the traces of the Tal people and completely eliminate them."

"Is the base at the bottom of the sea a Tal star? So you didn't accidentally find it, but the trip to Hawaii itself was for that base? Although Chairman Gu felt a bit like a fantasy, he decided to listen to it first.

Liu smiled and shook his head: "At that time, I really just wanted to travel, but I didn't expect to find such an amazing thing. However, I want to clarify that I have given a lot of things in the base that are useful to the country.

"It doesn't matter. Tell me why you want to deal with the Tal people so much, and what do those Tal people want to do." In fact, this doubt is not only Chairman Gu. Anyone who knows about the alien base has more or less such a question in their hearts.

Liu Xiao said, "slave, enslave the whole human society. And on Dr. T's space-time line, they did it and enslaved human beings for thousands of years.

"Thousands of years?" Chairman Gu was extremely shocked that one race had enslaved another race for thousands of years, which was unimaginable.

Liu Xiao's mood at this time was also extremely painful: "Yes, thousands of years, in these darkest days, human countries have gradually disappeared, civilizations have disappeared, and even many languages have disappeared in history. The most profound thing left to human beings is the history of endless resistance."

Chairman Gu nodded: "In those days, thousands of years are indeed enough to wear out many things."

After a moment of silence, the chairman asked tremblingly, "So, what happened to our China?"

Liu Xiao shook his head and said, "When human beings are free and completely liberated again, there is no country anymore. The only country that still exists is the earth as a whole and a government agency called a republic.

"Really, everything does not exist. From destruction to rebirth, and then from survival to destruction, the changes of the times are like sunset, repeating over and over again." It seemed that he saw the sadness that nothing did not exist, and Chairman Gu couldn't help sighing.

Liu smiled and sighed: "Of course, in that darkest era, countless heroes also appeared. Strategist Hilbach, as well as Randolph and Mo Lie and Wang Zhenxiang.

The chivalrous man who wandered in the dark, Jingbei, who claimed to be the descendant of Jing Ke, Duan Hushan, the hero of the real world, and Danielton, the great magic magic world, Bluff the werewolf in the dark world, Karadan, the necromancer, and Jiji, the demon king of the east.

In that era, there was no longer any matter of justice and evil, light and darkness in human beings, because the common enemies, the enemies who once hated each other, began to go to fight against the Tal people together.

The earth is the nation, the earth is the home, and the earth is life.

This is the slogan put forward in the long-term resistance, and it is also the foundation of the founding of the republic.

However, even more than 10,000 years later, in the era of Dr. T, the war between us earthlings and Talians continues.

Chairman Gu was silent. He didn't know what kind of dark history it was.

But listen to the names of those who have struggled, they are supermen far beyond the secular world, but they are just heroes, but they can't turn things around.

"History must not be repeated, but do we have enough time?" Chairman Gu was very worried that if things were really like what Liu Xiao said, it would really be a bad thing.

Liu Xiao nodded: "According to historical records, the Tal drifters on the island at that time established five giant Stargates, as well as 30 medium-sized Stargates and 200 small Stargates.

These Stargates opened at the same time, transmitting warships, mecha and infantry respectively. According to historical records, the first batch of Tal Star troops had at least five giant land ships, 300 fighter armors and 150 logistics mecha. The land soldiers included 200,000 melee infantry and 500,000 long-range snipers.

If according to the historical records at that time, the manufacturing of the giant Stargate and medium-sized Stargate in this era has not even begun, even the small Stargate is less than half.

So, as long as we have powerful elite soldiers who can completely fight against the enemy's infantry, we don't have to be afraid of the Tal people.

"I have no choice but to give it a try. Tell me, what should I do?" If you can achieve the position of national president, you must naturally have responsibility and determination, so Chairman Gu made a decision as soon as possible and must cooperate with Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao said, "First of all, we can't trade gold companions with any foreign forces. Although this number is not much internationally, it is definitely not small.

If we give them less, their manufacturing progress will be slowed down and we will have more time accordingly.

At the same time, to speed up the energy plan, we must speed up the research of solid energy, especially energy compressors.

This kind of machine will be beyond doubt about the development of the country and the manufacture of ordnance.

In addition, we must form a biochemical force, but we must serve for life and accept biochemical chip transplantation.

Here, the only use of this chip is to give an order to be absolutely loyal to the country and prohibit it from harming the interests of the people.

And the biochemical human technology I mentioned is very perfect, has no side effects, and does not affect the normal life of biochemical warriors at all.

Chairman Gu said very seriously, "You should have strengthened biochemical warriors. We need professionals to evaluate before we can make a judgment. The lives of soldiers will always be the first."

Liu smiled and said secretly, "This is the attitude of an excellent president."

"No problem. Let the expert group go to the security company under my name in a couple of days. The people there are all biochemical soldiers." Now that the words have been opened, it's not good to hide something.

The business was basically finished, but Chairman Gu did not let Liu Xiao leave immediately, but asked the secretary to call a table of simple food. While eating, the two listened to Liu Xiao tell the details of what happened in that dark era.

"Chairman, the time for your conversation this time is long enough." Hao* saw the two people coming out and immediately stood up from the sofa to greet them.

Chairman Gu smiled and said, "Some words will take some time. How's it going? Have you eaten yet?

Premier Wen put down the cup in his hand and said, "I've eaten it. Chairman, what's the result of your talk?

The chairman nodded and smiled, "That's good, very good."

Seeing that the three had something to say, Liu Xiao looked at the time, said goodbye to the three leaders, and turned around and left.

Hao* saw Liu Xiao leave and asked, "Chairman, how are you talking?"

Chairman Gu smiled and said, "Yes, very good. This Liu Xiao is a good young man. Moreover, he is a qualified earthman.

"Qualified earth people?" Premier Wen and Hao* suddenly felt puzzled by this.

When he got home, Liu Xiao looked at the three women who had just entered the house and asked, "How's it going? Is Huo Qingqing awake?"

"I woke up, but the first thing I did when people woke up was to ask about your safety. I was immediately relieved to hear that there was nothing wrong with you." Nie Lan's breath was sour, and Liu Xiao felt that her teeth were sore.

Ding Hong pulled Nie Lan: "Sister Lan."

With a sigh, Nie Lan patted Ding Hong on the shoulder and said, "Sister, don't worry, sister, when I still don't keep my word?" I'm just a little angry. You said that there are three of us at home, and we still can't be idle outside. We have to find another sister for us.

"What are you talking about? Let me tell you, I have never provoked any other women except you three, and I haven't promised anything to Huo Qingqing at all. How jealous are you? Liu Xiao felt that his head had a tendency to develop towards hydrogen balloons in an instant, and quickly defended it.

"Yes...yes, you never provoke girls, but you are just like a broken light bulb in the night, attracting the attention of this beautiful woman. That's all right." Nie Lan said weakly.

Liu Xiao slapped Nie Lan's buttocks fiercely and said, "How do you describe it? You still broke the light bulb. Why don't you just say that I'm a bug in the dunghill?"

Nie Lan looked up and down at Liu Xiao and said with a smile, "I want to be fooled, hum, there is no way. If I really say that, won't my sisters and I become dung beers around you?

Ding Xia poofed fiercely: "Bah, pooh... What are you talking about? It's a dung shell and a dung ball. It's disgusting."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. I'll go to see Huo Qingqing." With that, Liu Xiao stood up and walked outside the house.

Ding Hong stopped Liu Xiao with a smile and said, "Where's the second floor? Go there."

smiled, Liu Xiao went upstairs to the guest room, knocked on the door and walked in.

Huo Qingqing actually knew that Liu Xiao had come back. When Nie Lan and Liu Xiao talked, she hid at the stairs on the second floor and listened to the conversation of the three people. As soon as she heard Liu Xiao say that she wanted to come up to see herself, she immediately ran back to the room.

Liu Xiao patted the quilt and said, "Ok, don't pretend to be asleep. I've been eavesdropping for so long. I thought I didn't know."

Huo Qingqing, who was seen through, simply sat up, picked up the pillow and threw it at Liu Xiao, and said, "Damn it, can't you pretend not to know?"

"There is nothing worth hiding about this matter. Just eavesdrop, just eavesdrop. It's not a shady thing, really." Liu Xiao seems to be the same as Nie Lan said. It is a broken light bulb in the night, which attracts the eyes of Huo Qingqing, a beautiful woman, but he is still indifferent and puzzled pieces of wood.

Huo Qingqing blushed and said, "I don't understand the amorous feelings."

After saying that, the two were silent for a while, and Huo Qingqing suddenly said, "Thank you."

Huh? What?" Liu Xiao didn't react for a moment and actually asked a rhetorical question.

Huo Qingqing let go at this time and brushed her hair: "Of course, it's your job to save my life, otherwise what else do you think?"

"Oh, don't thank me for this. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have encountered such a thing. After all, it was caused by me, so I should have said apologe. Liu Xiao's words did come from the bottom of his heart. At the beginning of the accident, he strongly blamed himself and thought that he should not pull Huo Qingqing into his own world.

Huo Qingqing shook his head: "No, why do I blame you? If it hadn't been for this, I would have thought the world would have been so simple.

I never thought that the world hidden under the ordinary would be such a dangerous world.

Liu Xiao just wanted to speak, but suddenly Huo Qingqing changed her gentle attitude and immediately changed her fierce appearance and said, "Well, now that we have finished talking, let's talk about the grievances between us."

Huh? The resentment between us? This... I have no grudge against you, right?" Liu Xiao was very puzzled. Wasn't it okay just now? Why did June's face change?

Huo Qingqing snorted coldly and asked, "Did you see all over my body when you treated me?"

Ah? That's it? This is normal. I'll detoxify you. If you don't do that, how can I cool your whole body? Liu Xiao felt quite wronged. How could he do something good and be resented?

Huo Qingqing jumped out of the quilt, and her proud figure was immediately set off vividly by her pajamas. At the same time, a pair of jade arms pinched her small waist and said, "My whole body has been seen by a big man from head to toe. How do you think I get married in the future? Do any men dare to want me?"

"This... doesn't seem to be the case, does it?" Liu Xiao's confidence is not enough. After all, he is not a woman. This kind of thing is really not easy to say.

In fact, Huo Qingqing took the opportunity to play. It is really common to see important parts of the body in this medical process. If you have to marry, as a gynecological doctor, isn't your wife going to line up from Shencheng to the capital?

In fact, when she just woke up, Huo Qingqing was very scared. She was only in her twenties and had not even been in love once. Isn't it too unfair to pass like this?

But when the fear passed, I vaguely remembered that I seemed to have been striped and cooled down my whole body, and Liu Xiao seemed to be still there at that time.

Thinking of this, I blushed first, and then I couldn't help but be happy.

Originally, she liked Liu Xiao very much, but Liu Xiao didn't seem to be very interested in this wood. She just took this opportunity to tie herself to his side to see if he could still rely on it.

Originally, she wanted to hide it from Nie Lan's three daughters and talk about it later.

However, Tian didn't follow people's wishes. Nie Lan's three girls just entered the house at this time and saw her giggle at that person. She was contacting the story. She didn't know what the girl was thinking.

Nie Lan sighed in her heart, asked Huo Qingqing, and found that she really liked Liu Xiao, so she finally had to admit Huo Qingqing.

But at that time, Nie Lan also said that everything depended on herself and would not help her.

But as Nie Lan left the room, Ding Xia secretly lent her transparent pajamas to Huo Qingqing and gave her an idea.

At this time, Huo Qingqing's proud figure can be seen in front of Liu Xiao, which is different from when he was cured. This is simply life-threatening**.

Huo Qingqing looked at Liu's smile stunned and swallowed saliva. She couldn't help but be proud. At the same time, she said, "I've seen it all. Why are you doing secretly? If you want to see it, just look generously. Anyway, it's all yours."

"Isn't this... a little ambiguous? I haven't agreed yet." Liu Xiao stammered, mainly because his attention was all on Huo Qingqing's body full of infinite**.

"Well, look at it all. Don't you admit it to eating dry?" Huo Qingqing suddenly became tough at this time and tried to overwhelm Liu Xiao in momentum.

Liu Xiao is indeed at a loss now. If you want to say that the time of cure does not count, then now he has been staring straight at it for a long time. Does it mean that this is also a cure?

"Well... In fact, I'm not a good man. I have three women. Isn't it too wrong for you to follow me?" Since you can't refuse directly, find the reason for yourself.

"It's okay, the sisters are very lively. And when you are not at home, four people are just enough for a table of mahjong, which is good. Huo Qingqing's reason is very powerful. This girl seems to be risking herself and intends to laugh to death.

"Ma... Mahjong? That... actually... In fact, I'm not a human anymore, and you should also know this." Ugly words, you must say ugly things about yourself.

Huo Qingqing stepped forward two steps, gently stroked Liu Xiao's chest, and suddenly said gently, "It's good to be non-human, safe, and can satisfy enough sisters. How nice it is that if you are not human, I won't marry."

Liu Xiao was completely convinced. It seemed that he couldn't avoid it, so he had no choice but to sacrifice his killer and said, "Well, I have no objection, but I'm afraid of my wife. If my three wives don't agree, then I can't agree."

As soon as Huo Qingqing heard this, she jumped up, hugged Liu Xiao and kissed her deeply, and then said, "Great, Sister Lan and the two sisters of the Ding family agreed, and then I will call you husband."

"Ah?" Liu Xiao never thought that this move he thought was a killer was simply digging his own grave.

"That... You take a rest first, and I'll go out for a while." Liu Xiao hurried out, while Huo Qingqing was satisfied and got into the quilt with a triumphant smile.

"Wow... This is more tiring than fighting a war. I really didn't expect women to be so difficult to deal with, and I can't provoke women again next time." Liu Xiao stood on the platform and felt that he had not sweated for a long time.

"Humph... It's good to know. Next time, will you dare to provoke me?" Nie Lan's voice said sourly from behind.

Liu Xiao turned around and said with a wry smile, "I said, Lan, if you don't want to, you refuse. Your promise has made me much more passive."

Nie Lan also knew that in fact, she couldn't complain about this matter at all. The reason why she spoke sourly was to vent a resentment in her heart.

"I know that I don't blame you or you, but I feel uncomfortable. It's okay. Don't be nervous. Just say a few complaints. The young man is good and straightforward. If she hadn't really loved you, she wouldn't have played such a little trick.

So, since she loves you, of course I will help you take her away. Nie Lan leaned against Liu Xiao's chest and said faintly.

Liu Xiao patted Nie Lan on the back: "Actually, you don't have to do this. It's completely unnecessary."

The next morning, Huo Qingqing left the villa with a hundred times of spirit. After informing his family's elders of his results, he lived in Liu Xiao's villa with a big bag that afternoon, and also brought a super chef from his home.

"Sister Lan, this is the chef I brought from home, Aunt Zhang." Huo Qingqing was very thoughtful, because she found that the villa was indeed very big, but all five people, including Liu Xiao, ordered takeaway, so he brought a chef to his family.

"Ah, I really haven't thought about it." It was not until this time that Liu Xiao found that he had ignored such an important thing.

Nie Lan glanced at Liu and smiled: "You are focusing on your research. How can you think of these trivial things?"

After saying that, he said hello to Aunt Zhang and agreed on the relevant treatment issues with the other party.

Soon after these things settled down, Liu Xiao received a phone call from the chairman. The expert group had arrived in Shencheng and was rushing to Liu Xiao's security company, hoping that he could receive him.

After Liu Xiao's explanation, he immediately drove to the security company and explained the relevant matters to the 89 men present (50 newly added retired female special forces) and asked them to actively cooperate with various inspections.

Soon, the expert group rushed to the security company, and Liu Xiao greeted him in person: "Welcome to come. I hope you can go back and report with satisfactory results."

Although the receptionist in front of him looks very young, these experts have become elite figures. Before they came here, they have asked everything properly. Of course, they know that this is the famous chairman of T Technology and the head of the T Research Institute.

Therefore, these experts were very polite, and the leading experts said, "Thank you very much, Liu Shao. Do you think we will start testing now? After all, the above attaches great importance to these results and is very anxious."

Of course, Liu Xiao knew that he was in a hurry, so he nodded: "Let's start and finish it quickly, which can also make the people above make up their minds."

The detection is very simple, such as strength, agility, response, vision, hearing, smell, etc., and finally a comprehensive test of the body.

These tests were finally fully released on the third day. With several boxes of appraisal reports, these experts hurriedly flew back to the capital by special plane and met the three leaders.

"How about it? Just say it. They know me, and we can't understand it." The Prime Minister took the report and shook his head.

The leader of the expert group excitedly took a report and pointed to the data on the projection and said, "Among these people, according to our investigation, the strongest of them can reach more than five times the normal human constitution. The strength, agility, reaction and five senses are very strong. Most importantly, the indicators of the body are very normal, oh... ...It is normal for their physique, and they have no abnormality in terms of spirit, personality and personality, which can be said to be the perfect body of biochemical warriors.

In addition, we have also found some of the alternatives among these people. These human bodies are no different from ordinary people, but the highest mental test can reach six times, and the lowest can reach three times.

And we also found a phenomenon among these six times that their physique gradually improved from five times their mental strength, and even faintly showed signs of reaching twice the normal human body.

They showed us the characteristics of this so-called spiritual warrior and the combat method.

According to their regulations, each combat team must have at least one spiritual warrior.

And this kind of spiritual warrior has to be said to be the backbone of small-scale team warfare.

That's simply a humanoid radar. You scratch your head with your hand within the detection range. They all know that they even shoot mosquitoes with a sniper rifle, saying that if you hit the left eye, you won't hit the right eye. The end is extremely powerful.

"Oh? So, what Liu Xiao said about the biochemical force? Hao*'s eyes are shining, and it is the dream of all generals to be able to bring a super force.

The leader of the expert group was still excited and completely forgot the identity of the other party and said, "There is no trouble. You have to make a big special article."

Premier Wen asked cautiously, "Do you have Xiaoliu? What is the difference between his biochemical technology and our biochemical technology?"

The expert team leader pushed the glasses: "I asked this, and he also answered. He said that the country's current use should be a first-level biochemical technology, which is only to strengthen the bodies of soldiers, so there will be many problems.

And his technology is to strengthen the gene, and then change the body through the genetic change and then change the body by the culture tank.

On the basis of this change, the spirit of the soldiers will also be in a growth stage, which ensures the balance of mental strength and physical strength, and will not lead to personality fission and personality mutation.

The three leaders looked at each other and couldn't help sighing, "It's really a gap. One is strengthened from the table, and the other is strengthened from the root, which shows."

"Well, Chairman, let's make a decision." Hao* has been a little impatient at this time.

Premier Wen also nodded: "Chairman, make a decision. This is an opportunity for my China to rise."

The chairman gently tapped on the armrest of the sofa, recalled every word Liu Xiao said, and finally made up his mind to say, "Lao Hao, you can do this matter. In the name of the Central Military Commission, first customize the special culture tank according to Liu Xiao's design.

By the way, I remember Liu Xiao also has a biochemical dog, right? This is also matched, and we need to strive for an average of two biochemical dogs per team.

Then start to mobilize in the army, paying special attention to those central and highly aware soldiers.

Secondly, the Prime Minister is ready to announce to the whole society as soon as the first batch of biochemical fighters are successfully trained, and China will enter the biochemical-based scientific and technological road.

Third, at the same time, the hairstyle computer biochemical chip, let Xiaoliu and others make it, and we must make people receive biochemical technology faster.

At the moment when the chairman gave the order, the army started to operate at a high speed, and various internal departments coordinated with each other. At the first time, 500 soldiers were transferred.

Several biochemical soldiers under Liu Xiao were seconded to the army to teach them how to assemble and maintain the training tanks.

Just half a month after the decision was made, the first 500 culture tanks were officially completed and passed Liu Xiao's personal test.

After that, 500 soldiers began to biochemically strengthen, and as the second batch of soldiers, they also entered the preparation stage.

China's small-scale military mobilization can naturally not be concealed by European and American countries, but it has not attracted their attention. After all, the mobilization of 500 people is completely negligible for the huge army.

However, there are some countries that do not see it this way, that is, Japan and some small countries in Southeast Asia.

The reason is very simple, because they saw Liu Xiao in this mobilization. Liu Da Shao, who once killed everywhere in Hawaii, will certainly not be so simple to carry out this action at this time.