Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

73 Find the Stargate 1

The return to China was very smooth, but it was different from the normal channels when they came. Due to Japan's martial law, Liu Xiao and others returned to China through submarines sent by the military.

Liu Xiao, who returned to China, just sat down and received good news from T Energy. The energy compressor was successfully developed.

When Liu Xiao felt the energy research institute, the chairman and the premier also heard the news, and it was said that Hao* also wanted to come, but he was stuck in official business, which did not come.

The first complete type of energy compressor is used to compress household batteries.

The machine is not big. The double production line compressor, which is one person high, two people long and half a meter wide, looks very small.

Behind the conversion box of the compressor, the energy input tube is connected. At this time, the laboratory is the most common electric energy.

Of course, in order to cope with different energy sources, the institute has made multi-energy converters, which are very useful.

However, according to Liu Xiao, with the development of this energy and the invention of sustainable ecological recycling energy, the types of energy will become less and less and gradually become monotonous.

The engineer took a look at the chairman, and the chairman smiled and said, "Let's start. Let's see how this solid energy is."

After receiving the order, the engineer in charge of the test pressed the button, and suddenly heard a sound of electric current, followed by two one-centimeter-sized, dark gold translucent cubes, which were constantly transported from the exit of the machine.

Liu Xiao came forward, took out a palm-sized instrument and put it on an energy block, which immediately showed all the data.

"This is a 1.5V battery made according to the commonly used No. 5 battery instead of solid-state energy. Its energy measurement reaches 15 amps, but the energy compression used is equivalent to 1,500 mA, but there is no need to be surprised, because the loss rate of compression technology is extremely low, so compared with the high utilization rate, There will be such an amazing gap." With that, Liu Xiao took out a flashlight.

Liu Xiao's experiment was very successful. After all, in Dr. T's memory, this thing has long been a toy for children's games.

The chairman also picked up a piece of energy block for trial. After affirmation, he asked, "If this energy block is not used up, will it become pollution?"

Liu Xiao shook his head: "How can this be? This is in the form of pure energy. Even if it is buried in the ground, it will only be slowly decomposed into the most primitive energy."

"Oh, so that we can be more relieved." The chairman is obviously satisfied with Liu Xiao's answer. After all, the environmental problems in China are becoming more and more serious, which makes him a lot of effort as the leader.

Then, the Prime Minister asked some questions about industry, and the officers also asked some questions about military applications. The engineers patiently answered the people, and finally told everyone that the energy compression technology has been successful, and the country can break into production and carry out the next energy plan.

"What's wrong? Xiao, it seems that you have something on your mind. Nie Lan couldn't help asking when she saw Liu Xiao, who came home, looked depressed.

Liu smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, it's just that the Tal people are getting closer and closer to us. On the contrary, I'm a little confused now. I don't know whether what I've done is right or wrong."

Nie Lan gently lay on his chest and said, "Who can say right and wrong? If someone thinks the same thing is right, someone will definitely think it is wrong.

So, you don't have to care about other people's opinions at all, just keep moving forward.

"Yes, Sister Lan is right. Just move forward. This is the path you choose. As your woman, we will naturally follow unconditionally." Huo Qingqing, who didn't know when he came in, stood aside and said.

Liu Xiao was shocked: "Qingqing, why are you here?"

"What? Can't I come? This is my husband's house. How come here as your woman? Although Huo Qingqing's face turned red, he was still so powerful when he spoke.

Liu Xiao looked at Nie Lan with an embarrassed face and kept giggling.

Nie Lanbai glanced at him and said, "Ok, I agreed. I asked Qingqing to come here."

Hearing this, Liu Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Qingqing, you still have to discuss this matter with Huo Lao. If Huo Lao doesn't agree, we can't be together."

In fact, from Liu Xiao's psychological point of view, he is not willing to accept Huo Qingqing.

What do you say? It's not that Huo Qingqing is not good, but that Liu Xiao thinks that since he already has three women, he should not provoke more, otherwise it will become more and more troublesome?

It was based on this idea that he tried to refuse Huo Qingqing.

However, it was obvious that he underestimated Huo Qingqing's determination. After listening to Liu Xiao's words, she said, "Grandpa agreed. He also said that you are a rare good man and let me cherish it."

Liu Xiao was puzzled at first, and then he thought that Mr. Huo himself was a son and daughter of the world and did not attach importance to this aspect, so such an answer was more reasonable.

Nie Lan poured a cup of tea for Liu Xiao and asked, "Brother Xiao, in fact, you don't care whether you are right or wrong about the Tal people. However, in our sister's opinion, it is very correct for you to do so.

Anyway, you have avoided the emergence of that dark history to the greatest extent, so from any point of view, it is correct.

Of course, other opinions are not excluded. After all, there are only a few people who know the truth, so there must be people who are scolded or complained.

But, what can we do?"

"Yes, we have our own lives and don't have to care about other people's opinions at all." Although there are not many details, it does not prevent Huo Qingqing from expressing her opinion.

In the end, Ding Xia, who finally returned home, completely dispelled Liu Xiao's concerns and said, "No matter what others think of Brother Xiao, haven't you decided what you should do for a long time ago, so why do you have to think so much? Just go ahead, isn't it?"

Liu Xiao's troubles have been solved, but the troubles in the United States are becoming more and more entangled.

X Organization's recent attitude is very ambiguous. Although it has recently given two scientific research results, it does not seem to have much effect on the overall development of the United States.

What worries the United States more is the trend of Japan.

Japan lost ninjas, which is no secret in the world. However, what really worries the United States is that Japan's yin and monks have also left Japan one after another, which has led to the Japanese government losing all the power to rely on. At this time, X organization will become Japan's last rescue. Life straw, so they are worried that Organization X will completely abandon its alliance with the United States and turn to alliance with Japan.

Although it is only speculation now, the movement of the X organization all shows this intention.

However, the U.S. government is very helpless, because Organization X has been cooperating with them for so long, but it still can't know their base camp and the high-level composition of Organization X.

It was precisely because of various things that American politicians began to suspect X, a mysterious organization, for the first time, and secretly held the first in-depth discussion about X.

"I think you are all wondering why there is this secret meeting, but I think you will be shocked by the next thing."

As soon as the words fell, a set of pictures flashed on the big screen. It was a huge blue whale with a width of more than 100 meters and a length of more than 500 meters.

The most important thing is the aircraft carrier * next to the blue whale, like an ordinary ship accompanying the voyage, moving forward with the huge body.

"What...what is this? Does Mr. President ask us to watch science fiction?"

"Yes, Mr. President, we need an explanation."

Questions come one after another, but it is no wonder that no one can imagine that there will be such a big blue whale in the world.

President Rom did not speak, but looked at the picture quietly.

At this time, a man in a suit came out. It was President Rom himself.

What was more shocking was that a gate was opened on the blue whale. A strange man in a cloak and wrapped himself tightly came out of it and met President Rom accompanied by a Western gentleman.

The meeting time was very short, but it shocked the people present, that is, the arrogance and rudeness of the other party and the humility of President Roma.

"Mr. President, what's going on? We need you to explain immediately why you, as the president of the United States, did this."

President Rom motioned his secretary to turn off the slide, and then said, "Everyone must have seen it wrong, but I tell you that this is neither a science fiction movie nor a promotional video.

And as the president of the United States, I, Roma, did not sell the interests of the United States, but did so in accordance with the instructions of previous presidents.

These people call themselves Organization X. We can't find out when their existence existed at all, but I can tell you in charge that World War I and World War II have the shadow of this organization behind them.

And their first contact with our United States was at the end of World War II.

What is the strength of this X organization? I think you should have a vague conclusion when you see the huge blue whale.

Yes, the blue whale is a biochemical warship. According to what I saw when I visited, such a giant blue whale can completely defeat our large aircraft carrier battle group in the United States in 20 minutes.

Laser light, frozen rays, and air pressure cannons that make people feel helpless, these are not military technologies that we can reach.

However, it has always been reassuring that this organization only cooperates with our United States, and Mr. X, the spokesperson, has always lived in the green house in District 51.

"Green house in 51 District? That's one of the most important things."

"Is the existence of this 51st District the secret of protecting the alliance between the United States and Organization X?"

"Mr. President, now that you have told this secret, is there a crisis in our alliance relationship?"

various problems, but some people are soberly aware that the existence of this meeting itself seems to mean a dangerous signal.

President Roma nodded: "I think everyone should already know about the destruction of the Japanese ninjas, and the sudden fire of these wineries and the mysterious disappearance of the boss, right?"

"But what does this have to do with Organization X?"

"Yes, these are obviously retaliatory acts of China. Why did they suddenly have contact with Organization X?"

President Rom shook his head: "Ha ha, it doesn't matter? How can it be okay? Let's put it this way, Organization X has been coveted for the continent of China for a long time. They have tried to threaten by force and also tried politics**.

Unfortunately, in terms of force, China has the existence of practitioners and ancient martial artists, so that they can't use their fists at all. Although I don't know why they didn't succeed in politics, I also know that they are extremely disappointed.

Not long ago, Japan invited insect masters from Nanyang and added special raw materials to the wine exported from several wineries to China, trying to exterminate the Chinese people in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, there were many Chinese talents, and as soon as their plan was implemented, it was destroyed by the Chinese dragon group.

As for the following things, everyone knows, I won't talk about it, but I want to mention one thing in particular. The special materials in the wine are the seeds of a mutant plant.

Speaking of this, I think you should also know the answer.

Yes, for this reason, how can the people present not understand, but they really don't understand what this X organization wants, not only making storms all over the world, but also so mysterious.

"Isn't it strange? In fact, your doubts are also the doubts of our presidents. We really want to know what these guys want to do.

But it's a pity that we just know that they seem to be building something special, and we don't know what they are going to do. President Rom said with great regret.

Everyone was silent. They agreed with the president, but they didn't know how to react at this time.

In the end, the meeting ended with suspense, but a kind of uneasiness planted a seed in everyone's hearts.

Almost at the same time, in the green house in District 51, Mr. X is contacting the senior management of the X organization through his notebook.

"The United States seems to be aware of it. It has been moving frequently recently, but its attitude towards me has not changed, and it has not embarrassed me." Mr. X said respectfully.

A metal friction sound came from the computer: "Continue to observe and stay in District 51 while ensuring safety. Now we still need the help of the United States."

Mr. X bowed: "Okay. But I don't understand. Didn't we have a comprehensive cooperation with Japan? Is that just an illusion?"

"No, we will abandon the United States soon, but not now, we still need a little time. Japan cannot fully contain China. Only the existence of the United States can inhibit the development of China. Most importantly, we need the United States to guide the world's scientific and technological direction. The unpleasant voice said again, but this time it seemed to have some kind of interference, making the information not convey clearly.

Mr. X frowned: "Sir, the signal seems to be getting worse and worse recently."

The sound of metal friction sounded again: "It doesn't matter, don't be nervous. Our new Stargate is about to be completed, and the docking work is a little troublesome, so it caused a slight space vibration.

At the same time, in China, Liu Xiao suddenly ran out of the laboratory, holding an instrument shaped like a golden turtle in his hand, constantly scanning around.

Seeing Liu Xiao suddenly running out of the underground laboratory, several women who were playing mahjong immediately ran over.

"What's the matter, Xiao, why are you suddenly so nervous?" Nie Lan has never seen such a nervous Liu Xiao, and she can't help but be a little worried.

Sister Ding looked at Liu Xiao worriedly, but she didn't say anything quietly.

Huo Qingqing came forward to look at the strange thing in Liu Xiao's hand, but he didn't see what it was, but with his criminal investigation experience, he could more or less guess that he was scouting a specific frequency.

"Don't worry, it's nothing, just found something. Don't disturb me yet. It will be ready in a minute." After saying that, Liu Xiao continued to search with the instrument.

Soon, with a basic beeping sound, accompanied by the flashing red light, Liu Xiao began to constantly debug the instrument. Until the red light turned green, Liu Xiao hurriedly took out a small notebook from his arms, recorded the position and distance, and marked the position where he was standing.

At the same time, it was unprecedentedly nervous in an underground base in the Americas.

"Report, sir, if an unknown wavelength has been detected in our space seismic source, please issue an order immediately."

"What? Is someone capturing the source of our space? Confirm whether it is a natural phenomenon.


"Reporter, it is confirmed to be a man-made phenomenon and cannot be captured. The other party is taking biological signals that cannot be resolved in a short period of time."

"Report, sir, the other party has confirmed our exact location and stopped detection."

This underground insect-like base is one of the production bases of Organization X. At this time, a completed space door is being prepared for docking.

However, what they didn't expect was that at this critical moment, someone had found out their specific location, which was definitely not good news for them.

The space vibration caused by the space docking of the Stargate is inevitable, but this time, due to some special reasons, there were some failures, which led to an increase in the vibration.

Originally, Tal Star did not care about these. After all, there are no instruments on earth that can detect space sources, so they are more protective against this situation.

However, now, the most unshoulded accident has happened. Someone has detected their spatial epicenter and captured signals in a short time.

This means that there is a force on this planet that is not inferior to itself in terms of scientific and technological strength, and this force seems to be hostile to itself.

Of course, this is also what the Tal people analyzed based on a series of events that happened before, but these guys did not expect that they were not an organization at the beginning, but a single person.

In the base of X organization, several human beings like sands keep walking around the base.

"Tamonti, don't sway around, dizzy." Gologolo said dissatisfiedly.

Tamonsi stopped and pointed his four-jointed fingers at Gologolo: "I'm different from you, you heartless bastard. Now that the enemy has found our production base, how can you still be so leisurely?"

Gologolo shook his head and rubbed the tentacles in front of his forehead a few times: "I said you were just a fuss, didn't you find a star gate? We still have at least five of the space gates for infantry transmission. Why are you so nervous?

"Gologlo is right. If you want me to say, we also want to thank you for this failure, otherwise I'm afraid the future loss will be even greater." Another Tal man stroked his tentacles and said.

Huh? What do you mean by that? Lorjazes, don't think that your royal family is involved and you can talk nonsense. Tamonsi looked at the Tal star who was talking and said with a bad eye.

Lorjazes snorted coldly: "Otherwise, how can you say that your head is solid? You can't even think of such a simple question.

Let me ask you, what are we going to build next?

"It doesn't need to say, of course, it's the large and medium-sized Stargate passed by the warship. Is it your head?" Tamonsi was disgusted with what Lorgazes said, but still replied.

Logazes' two tentacles waved to both sides and said, "Otherwise, how can you say that your head is solid? I'm afraid there will be such a big fluctuation even if there is no accident. If we are unprepared at that time and have been detected at the location, the enemy will directly Isn't it more damaging to destroy the large and medium-sized Stargate that we have worked hard to build?

"Ah, that's true." Tamonsi suddenly realized that once what Lorgazes said happened, it was by no means the loss they could bear.

"Immediately issue an order that all the Stargates under construction and the Stargates to be built must be equipped with space vibration interference equipment for me, otherwise construction will not be started.

In addition, the personnel of the No. 6 Stargate production base immediately withdrew, and the observers in Liu Xiao's secret were allowed to return if the enemy did not move a month later, otherwise they would give up the base. Tamonsi gave orders to his men as quickly as possible.

Liu Xiao was very excited to detect the location of the Stargate and immediately found Niu Ren.

"What's wrong? I'm talking to your sister-in-law. Why did you call me over in such a hurry? Niu Ren was very dissatisfied. He finally got rid of the crane. When he was preparing to warm his old dream, the young master Liu found him mercilessly.

Liu Xiao ignored him at all, directly clicked an electronic map on the computer, marked the location he set, drew a distance line along the direction of detection, and then said, "See here, a newly completed Stargate."

"Are you sure?" When Niu Ren heard this, he suddenly came to his senses.

For China, this biochemical reform is actually at great risk, but whether all this is worth it or not, in the eyes of the high-level can only be decided, that is, whether these Tal people exist. Their so-called Stargate is really the space technology that connects the two points of the universe.

For a long time, including the chairman and the prime minister, there have been more or less doubts in my heart. If what Liu Xiao said this time is true and can capture the other party's Stargate, then all doubts will no longer exist and the way forward will be clearer.

So, as soon as Niu Ren heard that he found the exact location of the Stargate, he immediately called the chairman as if he were charging.

Although the chairman was also happy to hear the news, the chairman also clearly told Niu Ren that because the Stargate was located in the Americas, the country could not send troops to it, and could only rely on them, the members of the dragon group.

However, the chairman also said that because these aliens are acting secretly, the pressure will be relatively small.

After Liu Xiao knew the result, he smiled and said, "There is no need to make a big deal. This time, you don't even need to bring biochemical soldiers. Just five of us go, and everything will be OK."

Niu Ren is quite strange: "No way, you have so many people to deal with ninjas. Is it enough for us to deal with only five aliens?"

"Haha, it's because it's an alien that you don't need that much. If I guess correctly, this should be just a production base.

Ah, I forgot to mention that according to the written records they left, each of their Stargates will be built.

And the number of them should not be large in the first place. It's impossible to use outsiders to build such a secret thing, so it's no problem for the five of us to go. Liu Xiao did not tell the truth. In fact, according to historical records, Tal Star not only never used outsiders when building the Star Gate, but also had to be a specialized construction talent among Tal Star who was not suitable for fighting.

Because of this, there will not be too many Tal people in the production base, and according to the strength of the two sides, five people can fully cope with most of the situation.

Not long after returning, Liu Xiao said goodbye to his family and flew to the Mojave Desert in the United States with Niu Ren and others.

The five people did not make any stay. After preparing enough supplies, they rushed into the desert.

"Oh, God, what a brave oriental man who rushed into the desert like this."

"Oh, my God, have you seen their backpacks? It's so big and heavy."

"Kung fu, work hard, it must be like this, otherwise how can it be so bold?"

"Oh, my God, someone seems to have followed just now. Shall we go and have a look?"

The bar was noisy, and the people talking about were Liu Xiao, who passed by to buy drinks.

About to enter the desert, Niu Ren put down the huge backpack on his back, and the cow turned over and shouted at the back in fluent American, "I said when are you going to follow?"

"Let's leave the money and things behind, or don't blame us for being rude." More than 30 people came out of the rocks behind one after another, and the head of the skinhead said with fierce eyes.

"You say we don't cause trouble, why do people always want to trouble us?" The flying knife muttered in a low voice.

The water girl curled her lips and said, "What anyone asks us to do is easy to make trouble. You don't look at how many things we have. In addition, when you pay, you look at it. As you are careless, the money on the card has long been jealous. Don't bother us. Do you let these idiots find trouble beggars?"

"Uh... this, it seems to be the case, haha... negligence, absolute negligence." With that, the flying knife quickly ran to Niu Ren's side to avoid the water girl's contemptful eyes.

"Flying knife, you boy's trouble, solve it by yourself, and we'll go first." After saying that, he carried the package and Liu Xiao and continued to move forward without looking back.

The robbers were naturally dissatisfied with Niu Ren's reaction, but they were soon stopped by the flying knife: "I said that you guys are young and don't learn well, so you have to learn from others.

This time, I met my grandfather and sent you back to your hometown, so as not to humiliate your parents.

It was not difficult to deal with such robbers at all, but for a while, they were very playful and kept these bandits. It was not until they saw Liu Xiao and others go too far that they used a flowery technique and nailed more than 30 robbers to the rock.

Not long after the flying knife left, a group of drunken alcoholics coming out of the bar came over.

"Oh, my God, isn't this bald Maxi? This guy finally died under his greed.

"I said that those people can do Chinese kung fu. They are so handsome."

"Call the police quickly, or you will be in trouble."

"I know this. I heard from my classmates that this seems to be called the flying knife of the Li family. It's very powerful."


The desert is difficult for ordinary people to walk, but it is not difficult for Liu Xiao and others, but the resistance brought by the wind and sand is still unimaginable.

"It's better than expected. I want to walk for another five or six days, and I'll probably be there." Liu Xiao held the biochemical locator and said easily.

Niu Ren frowned and asked, "Why don't we use our ability to walk faster? Won't it be delayed if it's so slow?"

Liu Xiao shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "There's nothing we can do. Tal people are extremely ** about the fluctuation of energy. If we use power or Taoism, they will soon find that if they just run away, it's okay. If we destroy the Stargate, our trip will be in vain."

The old Taoist priest nodded: "This is reasonable. Let's endure it for five or six days. Anyway, it's nothing for us."

"Ah, it will take five or six days. I hate this dry climate the most. I hate it so much." Although the water girl can't see anything, her power of water attributes is destined to hate places like desert.

"There is a huge rock in front of us. Let's rest there. Let's walk here today." Niu Ren looked at the huge rock group in the distance and said.

As night came, the temperature dropped rapidly. Liu Xiao and others ate the steak cooked in the rock and ate it with wine.

In this way, the five people marched during the day, rested at night, walked for seven days, and finally arrived at their destination.

"Is that it? Why doesn't it look like it?" The water girl looked at the endless desert around her and said tangledly.

Liu Xiao scratched his head and said, "It can't be wrong here, but I think it may be lower."

Niu Ren looked around: "So there should be a secret entrance nearby, but how to find such a big desert?"

Indeed, this range is too large, and it is really difficult to find it with power.

Liu Xiao took out several locator and gave it to the other four people, saying, "The five of us are searching in different directions. If we find the target, press this button to mark it on the locator, and then press this button to launch the target to the other locator. If we don't find it after five days, we will meet here and study other methods.

"Damn, isn't this like looking for a needle in a haystack?" The flying knife result locator complained.

The water girl directly gave the flying knife a slap in the neck: "What are you complaining about? If you have a problem, say it. If you have no opinion, work quickly."

Then the five people searched separately. Liu Xiao went all the way to the southeast and kept squatting down on the road to check the changes in the gravel on the ground.

On the fifth night of the split operation, Liu Xiao sat on a raised rock and looked at the instrument in his hand with some regret. The others seemed to have nothing like him.

I have no choice but to return as planned tomorrow morning.

But the next morning, Liu Xiao took out the locator. When he was about to return on the same road, he suddenly found that there was an extra mark on it, and the direction shown by this mark was exactly the direction of the water girl.

Liu Xiao excitedly picked up his backpack and quickly ran in the direction of the mark.

Three days, five people gathered together again, and this place turned out to be a desert oasis.

"Find it?" Liu Xiao couldn't wait to ask as soon as they met.

Others also looked at the water girl with the same question and nodded: "I found it. It was the fifth night when I came here.

I didn't find anything at that time, so I just went into the lake and bubbled myself.

But I didn't expect that shortly after I entered the lake, I suddenly found a strange membrane at the bottom of the lake.

At that time, a strangely dressed man penetrated out of the membrane and slowly swam to the surface of the water.

Originally, I wanted to go in directly, but later I thought about it and didn't act rashly, but sent a signal to you.

Liu Xiao was excited and nodded, "Yes, that must be the entrance. What Tal people are best at is the biochemical technology of the plant system. The one you see must be a one-way biochemical film."

"one-way? So you can only take things out and can't get in?" The flying knife is a little doubtful.

Liu smiled and nodded: "Yes, that is an exit and can't be entered. But don't be frustrated. Now that you have found the exit, the entrance must be near here. However, according to the situation here, most of them will not be in the water.

The next morning, everyone began to look for an entrance near the lake. This time, the time was not long. The old Taoist priest suddenly shouted, "Come and see if it's this thing?"

Hearing the shout, everyone quickly ran over. Liu Xiao looked at something like a huge red piece of meat in front of him and said, "Yes, this thing is the door.

Don't think this is meat. In fact, this is a plant variant.

As soon as the words fell, looking at the flying knife that was about to get in, Liu Xiao quickly pulled him back: "You don't want to die, just drill in like this."

Ah? Isn't this a door? Is it dangerous?" The flying knife turned his head in surprise and asked.

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly: "Dangerous? It's not a matter of whether it's dangerous or not, but if you really dare to drill in, you will die.

This thing won't happen if you touch it outside. It feels like a soft meat mass, but if you really dare to drill inside, you will know that this thing is actually meat-eating.

I forgot to tell you that Tal people evolved from a bug similar to locusts, so their bodies are covered with a thick shell, so this thing is not effective for them.

But if we earthlings drill like this, let's wait to be corroded into a pool of blood and become the fertilizer of this tree.

"Damn it, is it so powerful?" As the flying knife sighed, he wiped a cold sweat on his head.

"But don't worry, there is a way to get in, but you have to wait for me." After saying that, Liu Xiao ran to the lake and plunged into it.

Dive into the bottom of the lake, Liu Xiao quickly found the one-way membrane and dug a piece down on it with a knife.

Soon Liu Xiao returned to the tree and shook a large translucent jelly-like thing in his hand.

"Ah, isn't this the membrane I saw at the bottom of the water?" The water girl found the origin of this thing at first glance, so she screamed.

"Hey, this thing is very special in nature. It is the nemesis of this meat. As long as we do this, we can safely enter." After saying that, Liu Xiao inserted jelly with a branch and stuffed it into the meat.

I saw the meat ** a few times, and then stopped. Then, it began to seep out red **, and with a large amount of ** outflow, the red meat continued to wither and eventually turned into a brown, thin film.

According to Liu Xiao's words, the flying knife cleaned the hole with branches and asked, "I said, can't the Tal people find it if we do this?" There is no warning mechanism on this thing?

"You think too much. This thing is like the horse gourd lid in our city. Do you think that department will have nothing to do to install an early warning mechanism on the well cover?" After Liu Xiao finished speaking, he was the first to get in.

"Well, that's true." After saying that, the second flying knife drilled in.

The tunnel is very narrow, just enough for a person to slide down, but the distance is indeed not long, only more than 200 meters, and the slope is not steep, and it will soon come to the end.

At the bottom is a tunnel made entirely of metal, which is the same as the metal used by the base seen by Liu Xiao on the seabed.

"Isn't this the metal you got back from the bottom of the sea? It seems to be right." Niu Ren gently stroked the metal wall with his hand and said.

Liu Xiao said as he walked, "Yes, that's it."

"Stop, there seems to be something ahead." As soon as the words fell, I saw a giant snake in front of me half a meter wide and as thick as an adult.