Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

107 Three Birds with One Stone

Han Hongjuan listened to her daughter-in-law's words and couldn't laugh. She reached out and pinched the little girl's face and said with a smile, "Xiaoqing is not allowed to say that about your father, you know?"

"Oh." Liu Qing nodded, but the pouted little mouth clearly told people that she didn't want to.

Liu Xiao shook his head, picked up the Ding sisters and gave birth to a pair of children, and kissed the little girl and the little boy respectively: "Good baby, Ding and Ding are still obedient, not noisy or noisy, how nice."

Speaking of these two brothers and sisters who are not good at walking and can only crawl all over the ground, it can be said that their names make Liu Xiao take great painstaking efforts.

In the end, Liu Xiao was furious and thought that his child was a generation older than others, so he named Liu Shu and Liu Yi respectively, and got the homonym of uncle and aunt respectively.

Of course, in order to prevent his children from growing up their own generation, his son's nickname was Dingding, and his daughter's nickname was Dingdang.

I have to say that Liu Xiao's ability to name is really not good, but there is nothing he can do. As a father, he has this power.

Liu Xiao's research progress is also very smooth. The latest weapons to deal with flying arms have been newly released and have been applied to the Korean battlefield and other recently opened up by Tal people.

Although without Liu Xiao's help, other battlefields seemed slightly unsatisfactory, in general, the attack of the Tal people was basically resisted. Although some battlefields failed, they were quickly taken back under the attack of the joint forces.

However, the most outstanding in the global battlefield is the second line of defense in the South Korean battlefield.

Since the day after Liu Xiao left South Korea, the Tal people have begun to attack crazily. There are all kinds of weapons and strategies, but under the tenacious resistance of the increasingly reinforcing biochemical forces, the second line of defense has not moved so far, and there is a faint tendency to counterattack, which makes Boyagodi anxious. Already.

Liu Xiao and his women looked at the war report and nodded from time to time.

"See, this young master Boyagodi must have panicked. You know, after this guy killed the adjutant, he always thought that it would only take a few months to take down the whole earth, but now, my daughter and son have run all over the ground and have not seen any results. Liu Xiao's face was full of disdain. To be honest, in his opinion, I'm afraid there is really no chance for the current Tal people's technology to run rampant in today's football and not drive large warships.

Nie Lan pinched Liu Xiao's arm with a smile and said, "Don't be too proud. Although the strength of the Tal people has been weakened a lot because of the Star Gate, didn't you also say that if their super strong come, you can't deal with it?"

As soon as Liu Xiao mentioned this, he felt depressed, but since he saw Xuanwu, he calmed down a lot, so he said, "You don't understand. The other party won't come in the short term.

Our earth now has Xuanwu, which makes the other party avoid rats and dare not attack the earth easily, so if they are not fully prepared, they will not appear on the earth.

However, the more so, the more we should pay attention to our cultivation, but what is depressing is that the lotus bones in my spiritual sea have not moved yet, but the only comfort he feels is that the light in the lotus flower is more Crystal and rich, which shows that the interior of the flower is indeed experiencing some unknown changes.

However, some things often go back and forth inadvertently.

On the third day when all the research was completed, Liu Xiao suddenly felt a throbbing in the spiritual sea, so he immediately found a safe place, sat down steadily, and sank his consciousness into the spiritual sea.

He clearly saw that the golden light blooming at this time was unparalleled, and the outermost petals of the flower were slowly unfolding outward, as if the whole flower was about to bloom.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xiao was very excited and immediately started the Genetic calcining Technique, constantly refining his spiritual power.

At the same time, Liu Xiao can clearly feel that as the spiritual power is constantly refined, the interior of the lotus actually emits a fluctuation similar to emotion, which is obviously expressing his gratitude and joy.

Liu Xiao is very happy. In his opinion, since he can express this emotion, maybe it is really the so-called spiritual embodiment?

However, the result obviously disappointed him again. In this change, the flowers did bloom, but not all of them, but only the outermost petals, and most importantly, as far as Liu Xiao's eye is concerned, there are at least three or four layers left. If they are all blooming in such layers, God knows it. Which month will it take to fully bloom?

However, to Liu Xiao's surprise, although only the first layer has bloomed, the proficiency of the fifth stage of Genetic calcination has increased to 60%.

Liu Xiao was a little surprised, or it didn't grow at all. As soon as it rose, it would be 10%. Does this mean that it was a little thick and thin?

Coming out of the spiritual sea, Liu Xiao looked at a group of women around him. Huo Qingqing and Ding sisters were still holding their children. The three children stared at themselves with three pairs of small eyes, among which there was a lot of curiosity, but obviously they had been warned by his wife not to disturb him as a father, so although they were full of curiosity. But it was also quiet, and even Liu Qing, a crazy girl, looked at herself without saying a word.

Huo Qingqing saw Liu Xiao wake up and immediately asked, "Well, honey, is there any progress?"

"There has been some progress, but not much. The lotus in the spiritual sea only bloomed on the first floor and did not fully bloom."

Huo Qingqing was disappointed, and then took his daughter to run and play.

In fact, these women's expectations are too high, and they don't think about what height Liu Xiao has reached now, and it is still so easy to advance.

Liu Xiao didn't care. Anyway, she was all her own woman, and even he was quite disappointed.

However, when he released his spiritual power, he found that it was not the same thing at all. With the blooming of his first layer of lotus petals, his spiritual power detection originally covered the whole three northeastern provinces from the size of two Shencheng.

I have to say that this change really made Liu laugh.

Originally, it was a big stage of improvement every time, and the area of my spiritual scanning would be comprehensively improved, but this time, I only improved my proficiency by 10%. I didn't expect that the scanning range was much larger than the sum of the previous improvement.

Liu Xiao told this matter again, and was puzzled by the white tiger sister who knew her spiritual power very well, but she still made a more valuable analysis: "Actually, I think this is likely to be a qualitative change. Although your spiritual power has gone through a process of gaseous, liquid or even solid before, no matter how they change, they can be said to be dead, and this time the lotus has obviously reached an ecological height.

So in my opinion, such a big change should be caused by a qualitative change.

Liu Xiao nodded and agreed with Sister Baihu. In fact, he also vaguely felt that the change of spiritual power in his body from a solid state to a lotus flower is likely to be a big watershed, which also means crossing two completely different realms.

And he also has an idea that this change is probably not the final form, and with the arrival of the final form, his spiritual power may be able to completely cover the whole earth, even the solar system, or even sweep the whole universe further.

Of course, there are still some YY elements in it, but a person still has to have some good fantasies, otherwise won't he be too boring to live?

While Liu Xiao is talking about spiritual power, some changes are quietly taking place in China.

In his latest secret speech, Chairman Gu instructed the senior officials of the central government that in order to deal with the invasion of the Tal people, especially in the more crazy wars in the future, China must carry out military and educational reforms.

In order to ensure this reform, the first thing to be carried out is the national anti-corruption work.

This anti-corruption work can be said to have emptied countless government jobs like a 100-level hurricane across the country, and even many extremely senior leaders have been pulled down by the hurricane.

Subsequently, the central government landed a large number of young cadres at the first time to enrich these vacated positions.

Of course, as soon as these young people enter the workplace, they are bound to suffer some criticism and even exclusion.

However, the subsequent series of hard-line personnel transfers immediately suppressed this sentiment.

After the country's thunderous action, it began to quietly and imperceptibly change students' textbooks, including a lot of knowledge about biochemical technology, especially two sets of textbooks compiled by Liu Xiao, which was directly designated as a compulsory subject of biochemical science in colleges and universities.

China's doing this is not a momentary fever, but with thoughtful thinking.

Just as Liu Xiao could have relied on his own strength to drive out the Tal people, but he did not do so, China also knows that relying on Liu Xiao is not a long-term solution. After all, a person's life expectancy is limited, and even if Liu Xiao has infinite life, the country can't continue like this.

Because of this, reform is imperative and must not be delayed.

The reform of education cannot be carried out slowly like officialdom, but the military reform carried out at the same time is very rapid.

The first establishment is the biochemical warrior unit, which is different from the previous special forces. This time, it is a completely open standard regular unit, which is divided into two parts, composed of the Department of Spiritual Soldiers and the Department of Biochemical Soldiers.

The weaving is composed of five mental soldiers as a group, and each group cooperates with a hundred-person troops of biochemical warriors to form a biochemical combat team.

Of course, these spiritual warriors are not the same as Liu Xiao's original training methods. The spiritual strength of these spiritual warriors is not high, and some of them can only reach about half of the original spiritual warriors.

However, one of the most exciting benefits of these spiritual warriors trained according to Liu Xiao's new method is that they are very easy to cultivate. As long as ordinary soldiers undergo special training for a period of time, they can completely become such spiritual warriors.

Moreover, in order to make up for this defect, Liu Xiao finally developed a spiritual combination method after several discussions with Bai Hu's sister and Ouyang Qing.

This joint method requires about five spiritual warriors to carry out joint detection or joint spiritual shields.

Although their strength is not strong, the strength of the five people united is far stronger than the original unknown spiritual warriors.

However, the previous spiritual warriors were also able to use this joint method, so these people have become members of the special biochemical force, specializing in some more difficult tasks.

With the establishment of biochemical forces, China began to increase troops on a large scale, and began the research and development of new road station tanks, as well as the research of captured aircraft and the research and development of fighters.

At the same time, General Boyagodi, who was on the front line in South Korea, looked at his generals with a pale face: "I don't care whether the second line can be taken or not. However, who can tell me why several coastal defense lines in Europe and several defense lines in the Americas have also not been taken?

An officer gave a military salute and said, "General, according to our intelligence, the number of biological and chemical forces on the earth seems to be increasing rapidly. The most surprising thing is that they have appeared many spiritual warriors, which are too deadly for our soldiers on Tal Star. ."

Boyagodi nodded, and he also admitted it. After all, the biggest weakness of their Tal people is their spiritual strength.

"Has the mental protective clothing we applied for from the military department been approved?" In this regard, Boyagodi believes that the above will definitely approve it. Nowadays, the situation on the earth is getting worse and worse, which also sends a deadly signal to many races that follow Tal. Tal is not invincible.

The Tal people have always had a bullying style in the universe, but one thing that makes those races invaded by them feel helpless is that any planet invaded by the Tal people can never defeat the Tal people. The gap in technology and physical strength are irreparable.

However, now on a small planet with the third cantilever of the solar system, a backward race, relying on a strong spirit, gradually changed from a disadvantage to holding each other in the confrontation between the Tal people. Even from the current war reports, the earth are even In the near future, it is likely to enter the counterattack stage, which gives hope to those races occupied by the Tal people or are at war with the Tal people. Hope is often infinite power*. Once ignited, it will gain ruthless power.

Liu Xiao didn't know what kind of storms he had done on the whole universe, those planets targeted by Tal or enslaved by Tal, but he knew that they knew through various channels that today's colonial planets , in a period of ready to move, everyone is paying attention to the war situation of the earth.

If the earth is defeated and also becomes a colonial planet of the Tal people, the fire of hope of those radicals on other planets will be completely extinguished.

However, if the Tal Star is defeated, the situation faced by Tal Star will be unmanageable.

Think about it, if it's just a colonial planet*, then the Tal people don't care at all.

But if there are more than a dozen, or even dozens of planets at the same time*, even if the Tal people want to do something, I'm afraid they will be powerless at that time.

Because of this, Tal's military department pressured Poyagodi several times, asking him to solve the Earth Alliance as soon as possible, and promised that as long as it was for this war, the military could allocate all resources.

Although Boyagodi is not very good militarily, he also understands that the victory or defeat on earth now determines whether he can go to more gold mines in the shortest time. For this goal, he sent several ways to attack several coastlines. His main purpose is to fight on various continents. Make a breakthrough.

However, what he couldn't imagine was that the coalition forces on various continents vowed to fight back and blocked the Tal people's army beyond the coastline. Even in the battle, the Tal people have lost 15 Tal's soldiers in front of these coalition forces so far.

At the moment when Boyagodi was worried, a soldier suddenly stumbled in and shouted, "General, good news, good news."

As soon as he looked at the information about the results, he suddenly showed a long-lost smile.

"General, what on earth is it that you are so happy?" Although the transformation master's heart sank, his face remained unchanged and asked naturally.

"You absolutely can't imagine that this news is too important to me..." Boyagodi was a little incoherent and then handed the war report to the master of deformation.

The transformation master took a look at the war report and suddenly his heart sank.

This is not so much a war report as a surrender letter more accurately.

This is a secret surrender letter sent from Indonesia, from Indonesian President Susi.

The main points in the article are very concise. They believe that due to the suppression and destruction of Chinese by the Indonesian side over the years, Indonesia itself has already become a deadly enemy in the minds of the Chinese, so they do not want China to become strong.

And they have reason to believe that once the Earth Alliance wins, China will become the most powerful new leader on earth with the importance played in this battle.

It is precisely because of this that they want to contribute to the occupation of the earth by the Tal people on the condition that they become a dependent country of Tal.

There was a storm in the heart of the transformation master. He didn't expect that the Indonesian president would make such a crazy move, but he was relieved when he thought about what they had done to the Chinese before.

"General, this surrender letter is very important. If it works well, I'm afraid it will directly determine the victory or defeat of this war."

Boyagodi laughed: "In the words of Chinese people, what is this called? By the way, this is called God helps me. It's really God helps me. Hahaha... Popkodi, you arrange the itinerary immediately. I want to go to Indonesia in person to meet the Indonesian president who wants to join us in person.

The transformation master looked at the departing Popkodi, and his heart suddenly moved and thought of a possibility, but he stood aside quietly without doing anything.

The next morning, the sentence of Indonesia was placed on the desks of the heads of state of the United Army.

Immediately after, a video conference was held by the military of various countries.

"Guys, what do you think of this?"

"I think this is an opportunity. Since the other party's general wants to go to Indonesia, we might as well plan and directly send the general and his men back to our hometown."

"Yes, what we think coincides, but this matter needs to be handled secretly and carefully."

"I think it is best for Liu Da Shao to carry out this matter. Among everyone, only Liu Da Shao can complete this difficult task."

Everyone thought for a while, and after the last discussion, Huaxia was responsible for telling Liu Xiao the matter in detail.

Liu Xiao agreed with the opinions put forward by these military personnel, but the question is how to do it to reduce the danger and loss of Chinese living in Indonesia, which is the main point of his consideration.

"Don't worry, these governments have already considered it. The military will send special teams of biochemical forces to transfer the Chinese in Indonesia, and you only need to be responsible for sniping Poyagodi and Indonesian high-level officials."

Liu Xiao is leaving again, but this time Huo Qingqing wants to go with him.

Ouyang Qing and Bai Hu's sister are still the same as last time, but the Ding sisters did not go. The two sisters like to be quiet, and they are also very gentle and quiet, so Liu Xiao does not want to take them.

"Husband, what are you going to do to kill President Susi and Boyagodi directly?" Huo Qingqing always felt that it was too cheap to deal with such a traitor and kill him directly.

Liu smiled with a gloomy smile and said, "Who said I was going to kill them directly?" Let's not talk about Susi, but Boyagodi, which can never be killed.

The reason why we have so many development opportunities now is because of the existence of this general, which has won us time.

If we kill him now, although we will frustrate the spirit of the Tal people, we will also attract a powerful general. At that time, we will only have less time, so Boyagodi can't be killed.

Ouyang Qing lived longer in society, so she saw these things more clearly and said, "Young lady, the young master is right.

Poyagodi must not be killed.

And not only can't kill, but we still have to hold each other now, which will make him more proud, and if he is proud, he will make a lot of mistakes, and these mistakes are opportunities and time for us.

"Oh, Yang Qing, how many times have you said it? Don't always call me Sister Qingqing." In fact, in Huo Qingqing's idea, Ouyang Qing is also Liu Xiao's woman sooner or later, so it's better to have a good relationship as soon as possible to make Liu Xiao's rear more harmonious.

Liu Xiao didn't know what Huo Qingqing thought, but he didn't say anything, but shook his head and then nodded, "Yang Qing is right, but Yang Qing, since you said so, do you have any idea?"

"Yes, young master, the maidservant does have some ideas." Ouyang Qing nodded and then continued: "This time, we all know that Indonesia has betrayed the earth, so we can never forgive it.

But we can't kill Boyagodi, and if we kill Susi at this time, there will be many problems, such as Indonesia's complete betrayal, and even let the Tal people directly establish a new regime and rule on Indonesian land, which is definitely not what we want to see.

Therefore, we can't kill Susie, but we can use Susie to make him not human on both sides and make him the vanguard of the anti-Tar Star Alliance.

First of all, we should..."

As he spoke, Ouyang Qing's voice became smaller and smaller, but Liu Xiao and his women came with obscene laughter, and even mixed with this malicious laughter.

Soon, Liu Xiao and others secretly arrived outside Indonesia, and then quietly sneaked into the Chinese embassy in the capital of Indonesia through the stealth system.

"I'm finally looking forward to you. Come in quickly. Everyone is waiting for you." Subsequently, Liu Xiao met with the captains of the special biochemical units that had already arrived.

These captains were trained by Liu Xiao personally for the country, so these captains gave Liu Xiao a military salute with gratitude and respect.

"Okay, everyone sit down. Things have changed. I want to talk to you." Then, Liu Xiao told him in detail some of the ideas and strategies studied by the four of them on the plane.

The military officer of the embassy nodded: "I think Liu Shao is right. Because of the hasty incident, no one has had time for a detailed analysis, so he ignored such an important point.

But since Liu Shao has thought of this, let's follow this plan.

The people present nodded one after another, and then the ambassador conveyed the situation back to China through the encrypted radio, immediately received a reply, agreed to Liu Xiao's method, and sent back another supplement thought of by the senior staff officers of the army.

The first to act were the biochemical fighters, who wore invisible biochemical suits and quietly contacted each Chinese according to the list given by the ambassador.

These people were extremely surprised to see these biochemical soldiers, but then they were shocked by the news, so they began to dress up, quietly left home and quietly marched to the coastal areas.

Relying on the anti-radar equipment on biochemical suits, the biochemical warriors easily took these Chinese people to feel the coast after several days of twists and turns. What are waiting for them here is not Chinese ships, but ships from different countries.

However, on the bow of these merchant ships, there is an obvious clan emblem indicating their identity, the Mufasa family.

The Mufasa family thought this was an excellent opportunity, so they took the initiative to find the senior officials of Huaxia and claimed that they were willing to cooperate with the Chinese side to complete this task together.

After several reflections, the military believes that instead of having Chinese merchant ships for transportation, it is transported by ships with different Western countries, which can better deceive the enemy.

Sure enough, as expected, the Susi government only fixed his eyes on General Boyagodi and did not pay attention at all. Many Chinese are quietly disappearing in Indonesia.

"President, the situation seems to be a little bad. Many Chinese in our country have disappeared inexplicably. And...and there are rumors that Indonesia will become the vanguard of the battle against the Tal people, and we are currently actively preparing for it. Susie conveyed the situation to the army's confidant at the first time.

Su Xi's face changed greatly and then asked, "What's going on? How can those damn Chinese disappear quietly?"

His men hesitated: "Mr. President, we don't know how those Chinese disappeared, but one thing is certain that the damn Mufasha family must have picked them up.

The day before yesterday, many ships appeared in various ports and coastal areas of our country. These ships came from many countries, but their only common point is that they all belong to the Mufasa family.

And what's more strange is that they brought a lot of supplies that are in short supply in Indonesia and traded with many merchants. Earlier this morning, all these ships left Indonesia.

Su Xi's face turned pale. At this time, there is only one possibility, that is, his plan failed, and what's more terrible is that someone quietly transferred those Chinese. I'm afraid that such strength is only the United States and China today.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of those rumors, and suddenly a cold sweat oozed out for no reason.

"A poisonous strategy. Once these rumors are heard by Tal people, especially Boyagodi, they will inevitably doubt Indonesia. Even if they successfully accept Indonesia, they will never fully believe it, but will be more suspicious." While analyzing, Susie rubbed her eyebrows.

To be honest, it's a headache, but he has to make a choice.

After thinking about it, Susie immediately took out the phone in her hand and issued a series of orders to her men.

When the order was issued, Boyagodi received the news.

Susie did not hide it and told Boyagodi what happened in Indonesia completely and without reservation.

"What's going on? Why was our order known by the enemy as soon as it was issued?" Boyagodi looked at the content of the news and was surprised for a moment.

The master of transformation did not expect that Susi would still have such a means to relay the matter to Boyagodi, but he was not unprepared, so he said, "General, we may not have a spy on our side, otherwise our several attacks will not work, and more importantly, if it is true There are spies. The general thought about why they spread such news. If they carried out an ambush, wouldn't they be able to take this opportunity to kill the general directly?

Boyagodi was stunned and then suddenly realized: "Yes, why didn't I expect that if the enemy really got this news, he would definitely take this opportunity to kill me and President Susie. How could there be such a bad plan?"

But after thinking about it, Boyagodi asked puzzledly, "Then tell me, what's going on with this news?"

The transformation master nodded and said, "General, if I guess correctly, this may be a trick against the general from the beginning.

Perhaps what Susi said before is indeed correct. They are afraid of the rise of China, but if from another perspective, once Indonesia becomes a hero against our Tal Star, then no matter how powerful China is, they will not dare to risk the world and attack Indonesia, right?

Boyagodi was stunned, and then suddenly said angrily, "You mean, this Susie, from the beginning, like calling me... What... into the urn? Yes, please enter the urn. Then kill me, the general stationed on the front line, so that they will become heroes against our Tal people.

Hehe, it's easy to calculate."

With that, Boyagodi was about to issue an order to attack Indonesia, but was suddenly stopped by the master of transformation.

"What do you mean?" Pojagodi was not angry, but looked at the master of transformation puzzledly.

The transformation master shook his head and said, "General, this matter can be used. If we kill a head of state while debunking the other party's conspiracy this time, wouldn't it improve the momentum of our Tal people?

Boyagodi thought for a moment and felt that it was indeed true. After all, the morale of the current Tal people's army is indeed a little low. If morale can be raised through this matter, then this risk is still worth taking.

On the same day, Boyagodi sent a message to Susi, saying that he would arrive in Indonesia three days later to negotiate with him about Indonesia becoming a vasionate of Tal Star.

When Susie received this message, he was simply very happy. The other party not only did not doubt himself, but also advanced it two days, which showed that the other party attached great importance to himself.

Three days later, the Indonesian airport welcomed their final guest, General Boyagodi, the front-line commander of the army stationed on Earth.

"General Boyagodi, it's a great honor to look forward to your arrival." Susie looked flattering and stretched out her hand and held it enthusiastically with Boyagodi's hand.

Boyagodi was enthusiastic on the surface, but he sneered in his heart and said, "Small sample, pretending to be quite similar. Keep pretending, keep pretending."

Although Boyagodi hates the son in front of him very much (compared with the Tal people, Susie's height can only be called the son), he said very enthusiastically: "President Susi, I hope our cooperation will be pleasant, and you are also welcome to join the Tal planet family. ."

Susie gave Poyagodi into a luxury car and drove all the way to the most luxurious hotel in the capital.

"President Susie, let's talk more about your country's joining our Tal Star." Boyagodi wants to untie Susie's disguise as soon as possible, so that he can kill the little stalk in front of him as soon as possible.

"Yes... Yes, come on, show the documents we prepared to General Boyagodi." With that, a thick document was sent to Boyagodi.

Boyagodi took a translator and looked through the documents in detail and carefully, trying to find something wrong. However, what surprised him was that these provisions seemed to be very beneficial to the Tal people. So did the president of Susie in front of him really want to turn to Tal Star?

At the moment of his doubts, suddenly the transformation master couldn't fly and pushed Boyagodi out. Then he heard a muffled sound, and a pink fog suddenly enveloped the transformation master.

At this time, I saw an Indonesian worker, threw away the remote control in his hand, and immediately turned around and fled.

"Spirit bomb? Damn Susie, go to hell." Boyagodi flashed and roared angrily. At the same time, he twisted the stunned Susie's head and quickly took out a small metal ball and threw it into the pink fog. Then the fog was quickly completely absorbed by the metal ball.

However, in the seriousness of Boyagodi, his most loyal confidant, the staff officer who had been hiding beside him for his dream, completely lost his life.

"Retreat immediately and return to the front finger immediately." Boyagodi ordered people to carry the transformation master on his back and immediately evacuate the dangerous building. On their way out, they received at least a dozen sneak attacks and ambush, including many spiritual bombs, but fortunately, Boyagodi and others wearing protective masks left the hotel smoothly.

However, just when they thought it was safe, the vehicle carrying the transformation master was smashed by a high-explosive bomb. Immediately after the attack, several Tal stars were injured, and due to the fierce battle, the body of the transformation master completely disappeared.

"Damn Indonesia, I'm going to completely raze him." Boyagodi didn't expect that he helped himself get rid of the control of the adjutant and saved his transformation master. In the end, he didn't even have a corpse Liu Xiao, which made him extremely angry, but he also knew that this was not the time to think about this. If he wanted to revenge, he had to leave the country safely.

In fact, what Boyagodi didn't know is that the transformation master is now sitting in Liu Xiao's car, restoring his original appearance, smiling and chatting with Liu Xiao.

In fact, from the beginning, this whole plan can be regarded as a three-bird plan with one stone.

First, it destroyed Susie's betrayal plan. Second, the master of transformation was safely stripped from Boyagodi's side. Third, it let Boyagodi's anger go directly on the damn Indonesians, which has won a lot of time to prepare for other countries.