Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

112 New insights and new wars

Comrade Cai nodded, put down the manuscript in his hand, and said, "First of all, I want to correct a problem. This thing is not true or false.

For example, before the Wright brothers successfully developed the plane, no one knew whether what they developed was true or false, because it did not exist at all.

This manuscript is not a design draft, but a hypothesis and conjecture. To be more precise, it is an idea used to guide scientific research, so there is no true or falsehood.

If I have to say it, I can only say that this thing is true.

Why do you say that?

It's very simple. In fact, the manufacturing principle of this thing is actually being studied in our country, or various countries around the world, but in different directions.

With all due respect, Chairman and Prime Minister, I think I should waste my precious time on this manuscript now, so excuse me."

Looking at Lao Cai leaving with a colorful face, the chairman shook his head: "For many years, Lao Cai is still as keen on research as ever."

"Yes, if there are more such scientific researchers in our country, let alone 'unreasonable', I will be willing to bring tea and water." Premier Wen sighed and played a little joke humorously.

What did Liu Xiao take out that made this great old Comrade Cai so excited?

is very simple. An idea report of an air buoyancy device is specially used to send large vehicles such as spacecraft into space. Of course, it can also be used in flight. Although it is of little use, it is also good.

There is also a cosmic electric rail thruster, which does not rely on firepower and relies on electromagnetic repulsion to form an independent space orbit, thus promoting the special driving force of the spacecraft.

I have to say that this idea is very bold, but what they don't know is that in fact, this thing is a fully formed technology in the time and space before Dr. T, and it is worth mentioning that this derivative of the electric rail propeller can be said to have a great role in promoting the scientific development of human beings. .

The weight of the third manuscript is more important, the design concept of the iron curtain device.

It can be said that in the three-point design, the scientific and technological component of the Iron Curtain device is the lowest and the easiest to be studied, because now various countries have already begun to study this kind of device called super defense device.

However, I have to say that of all three design concepts, the iron curtain device can play the greatest role.

Defense is not necessarily the best attack, but a good defense can ensure the safety of the people and preserve their strength as much as possible in order to better eliminate the enemy.

If it had been before, Liu Xiao would not have taken out these things. He had made up his mind that he could not interfere too much in the development of science in order to make the earth more stable.

However, after the paralysis after the rebirth of Dr. T, his understanding of the theory of space-time tree made him know that the development of science actually has a history of leapfrog development, and in the same way, since he has obtained other space-time spiritual bodies (commonly known as souls), he should not have any scruples. We should go all out to develop and promote it.

Liu Xiao's practice is completely different from before. What he has to do now is to communicate with Dr. T in his body through spiritual connection every day.

This kind of communication is two-way. Dr. T obtains free energy from the outside world and converts it into pure spiritual power and absorbs it into the body. The feedback received by Liu Xiao is an unintentional or intentional continuous transformation of the body during the transformation of these free energy.

This is a very complex and painful process. The process of spiritual transformation is the process of removing impurities, which is not completed in the spiritual sea, but in Liu Xiao's body.

It is this process that when removing its own impurities, it will forcibly eliminate the impurities in Liu Xiao's body.

In the past, Liu Xiao's skin looked as tender and smooth as a baby, which made many women envious.

But now, after the continuous elimination of impurities, his skin is as soft and crystal clear as crystal mutton jade, which makes people feel that what is not a real person in front of him, but a super-large jade doll.

Nie Lan and others have also benefited in this process. The continuous improvement of their mental strength leads to the simultaneous enhancement of their bodies. In general, they can only rely on their own cultivation to continuously improve.

But the problem is that Nie Lan's situation is not ordinary. The women who have had sex with Liu Xiao have become his spiritual copies, so as long as Liu Xiao's spiritual power improves, they will be forcibly synchronized every time they complete the ** game.

And this synchronization does not bring burden to their bodies, but the problem is that the rules are rules that no one can avoid, so they picked up a super leak here, and their bodies are forcibly improved by the rules, becoming the lowest level of mental strength that they can just withstand.

If it is an ordinary person, this kind of improvement will never be considerable, but the problem is that the total mental strength of Liu Xiao can definitely reach the beginning of the heavenly stage, and the second is the strength of the peak of the earth, so the physical strength of the girls has been increased to the early stage of the earth.

However, the most obvious improvement is not that they become extremely powerful, but that they suddenly can't grasp the power, making them at a loss.

For example, Nie Lan, when she wanted the egg, she obviously took it gently, but suddenly pinched the egg to pieces.

For example, Huo Qingqing, on the day she was just promoted, she tore up six uniforms in a row and finally had to give up. She called to ask for leave, which ended the sad fate of the uniforms.

"Axiao, you have to say what's wrong with the sisters. They suddenly became so strong that my mobile phone alone broke three. We dare not touch the children now. You must explain it to us clearly." Nie Lan was a little angry. She finally gave birth to a daughter. It was the time when she wanted to show her maternal love, but she did not dare to touch her girl's finger. Because she couldn't control it well, she was afraid of poking her daughter to death directly.

Liu Xiao listened to a group of women chattering endlessly. Finally, he had to take out his husband's severity and suppress them down, and then explained them. Finally, through the explanation of Dr. T in the spiritual sea, he told them that the reason why they could not control their power was Their mental and physical strength do not fully resonate and adapt to them.

"Feelings, power comes from itself. Resonance, spiritual power can make power biochemical. Only harmonious unity can make the mind control the body and make the power belong to itself. Liu Xiao's words were very concise, but they said the inseparable relationship between mental power and body.

This is not what Dr. T told him, but his personal experience.

Don't forget that the reason why his mental strength is so strong now is that although it is related to some adventures, in general, it still relies on his own efforts, so he has a say.

Of course, it is impossible for Liu Xiao to say this. These women will immediately understand and then say that the problem has been solved. They still need time to get familiar with and experience it.

And during this period, Baihu sister and Ouyang Qing naturally suffered.

Because Ouyang Qing has always existed as Liu Xiao's maidservant, she has never had sex with Liu Xiao, which makes her feel more resentful every time she looks at Liu Xiao's eyes.

Needless to say, Sister Baihu is a person in terms of strength and spiritual strength. This promotion has basically nothing to do with her. After all, she has done better than Liu Xiao in terms of spiritual and physical balance.

However, the most unexpected thing is that after hearing these things, two uninvited guests came the next day. One was Molly, the eldest daughter of the Mufasa family, and the other was Kana, the deported priest who had not appeared for a long time.

Their words are very consistent. In order to help the little sisters share their worries, they came to help take care of the children.

But in the eyes of the women, they just made a high-sounding excuse to get close to their husbands.

Although I knew it, Nie Lan and others didn't say anything.

Now they have been completely released, and there is nothing to worry about how many women Liu Xiao can have.

Think about it, according to Liu Xiao, their lives are endless. In this way, if the number of people is small, won't the future be boring?

According to Huo Qingqing's words, how many people are, how many sisters are better, and they are in good health. If you are really bored, you can simply form a group to copy the game. Anyway, you don't have to worry about the damage of the computer to the skin.

When Liu Xiao heard this, she was just joking, but when he came back from the laboratory again, he really found that the women were playing games in a group and set up a small guild called Xiaoxiao harem group in the game.

Liu Xiao was speechless. These women actually played the banner in the game: "Beauty group, everyone is a beautiful woman, and most importantly, it must be the harem of Xiaoxiao."

The people in the game are very puzzled. Who is this Xiaoxiao?

Of course, some people questioned that this was a shemale group, so the war broke out. Nie Lan and Huo Qingqing posted all the videos and photos of their sisters on the interface of the guild, leaving these people completely speechless.

But then the trouble came. A large group of old men asked to join the Xiaoxiao harem group, but the problem was that Nie Lan and others ignored it at all.

"Oc's it, don't make trouble, what's the fun of this thing?" Liu Xiao doesn't play games, so he doesn't feel the fun of games at all, so he subjectively thinks that it's not fun.

A group of women glanced at him, but they didn't say anything, and they didn't plan to pull him into the gang, because they knew that Liu Xiao had more important things to do. He was a scientist and a leader who led people to end the disaster. He should not waste time in the game.

In fact, in the world, including the attacked United States and South Korea, although they are shrouded in uneasiness and fear, people still live as usual.

Everyone knows that war has become inevitable and has even happened around. Maybe tomorrow is the end, but people can't really fall into chaos and uneasiness as depicted in the movie.

On the contrary, most people go home more punctually and spend more time with their families. They hope to spend more time with their families. Even if the doomsday comes, even if they can't see the sun tomorrow, they also hope to make up for the neglect caused by these busy years.

There are also many people playing crazily. Most of these people are those who gave up most of their entertainment time when they were young. They hope to make up for the regret of Liu Xiao when they were young and give themselves more and more relaxed time.

Of course, there are also thugs, but countries control it well, because they are not the police, but the army.

China is also shrouded in this atmosphere, but it also has a more dramatic side. The wave of gold worship that swept the whole country almost disappeared at this moment, because everyone understands that in the process of alien invasion, no matter how rich you are, you can't buy freedom and life.

So many people choose to pursue those beautiful things that make people feel more pure, such as the love that is forgotten today, the purest love.

Everything happened so incredibly. In the face of the coming or already coming disaster, people began to reflect and start a new life. Gradually, this atmosphere freed people from the shadow of fear.

Now you ask a middle school student why they no longer skip the number in class and why they have to study hard after class, they will sincerely tell you: "Our world is in crisis. We must become a force, a force to fight against aliens, so we must study hard."

Almost overnight, the children mature, they understand more responsibilities, see an uncertain future in the crisis, and find their own goals in life, so they are changing because of this era.

"We have to change. If we don't change, it means we will be eliminated. If we don't change, we will be enslaved, so we have no choice."

"No one is born to be a slave. We worship freedom more and live with dignity more."

"The world is changing, and we must follow it, which is inevitable."


Different monologues reveal people's deepest and most real thoughts. They change for the world, and they change because of the world.

The earth's historical wheels, which have been stagnated for countless years, finally rotated again in a crisis, and became more and more open. It seemed that it wanted to take off and get out of reps, and galloped on the unknown runway.

Liu Xiao sometimes thinks that human history is really strange. Every big explosive progress is due to war.

Human beings seem to be born to exist for war. Some people launch wars for ambition, and some people join wars for peace. However, for any reason, war is ultimately war, and countless corpses are the only place that can be shown off and the only place that makes people feel sad.

But it is really strange that such existence has become a driving force for human progress.

Liu Xiao felt that perhaps this is a kind of inertia of human beings, which makes human beings always show a kind of rapid progress when there is no pressure.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Liu Xiao's acquisition of another space-time spirit.

"What are you thinking about?" Nie Lan came in, lay gently beside Liu Xiao, looked at Liu Xiao with a confused face and asked.

Liu Xiao said his thoughts and confusion, and then said, "Do you think human beings are strange?"

Nie Lan thought for a moment and then smiled, "Maybe, but I don't think many people really want to see a war.

Real wars are launched by those who play politics. If they want to benefit from it, they will inevitably start a war. But can you see that these war initiators are involved in the war?

War is a product of selfishness, but it is undeniable that technology has indeed been promoted at a high speed because of war in order to win the war.

This is the so-called no pressure and no motivation.

You are very strange today. Why do you suddenly think of these?

Liu Xiao looked at the ceiling and was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "Recently, my spiritual strength has improved rapidly, and I have also seen a lot of feelings.

But what you can't imagine is that these feelings are not about cultivation or how to become powerful, but about the world, about life, and even about life.

I was strange at first, but recently I have been communicating with Dr. T, and we have a bold hypothesis.

Our existence is not accidental, but inevitable with the continuous development of the three-dimensional world.

Maybe we don't need to be separated from the three-dimensional world and continue to evolve, not because we are so special, but because we have more responsibilities.

"Responsibility?" Nie Lan didn't quite understand what Liu Xiao meant, and what he said was very strange.

Liu smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, responsibility. I have the same view as Dr. T. As we become stronger, our mood and views and attitudes towards things are constantly changing, and this change seems to be gradually changing from a born person to a bystander.

We believe that as our strength continues to become stronger, we will be detached from the world and become an observer of the world. Just like the Four Holy Beasts and Dragons, their existence is known to many planets, but they never participate in wars and things. They just quietly watch what happens. At the same time, guard some rules to prevent those who try to break them.

"You mean you will become the guardian of this three-dimensional world?" Nie Lan was shocked. She didn't know how to describe this conjecture. She thought it was crazy.

"To correct it, it is not a defender, just a bystander and a deterrent.

Just like a nuclear bomb, it's just a deterrent. No one dares to use it, and of course no one dares to touch the bottom line of the owner of the nuclear bomb. Liu Xiao corrected Nie Lan's mistake, but what he stated was a fact.

Nie Lan sighed: "If so, what should we do?"

Liu Xiao was stunned and then smiled, "What are you thinking about? Who said that bystanders can't have wives and children? Maybe we don't have to leave the earth and continue to live here?

Nie Lan was stunned, and it suddenly became clear that as Liu Xiao said, the observer was also a human being, just a different identity, and he didn't say that they couldn't have feelings and worry about anything.

Nie Lan figured out the key, so she leaned back in Liu Xiao's arms and closed her eyes sweetly.

Liu Xiao can clearly feel that as his cultivation continues to accelerate, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Dr. T also has this feeling, and his feeling is stronger, which is a feeling of becoming detached from things.

In Liu Xiao's words, I'm not interested in anything except myself, just like standing outside the painting and looking at the slim man on the Volga River.

You will feel miserable and sad for those slim men, and may cry for them, but if you don't go back to help them, you have never had that idea, because for people, the fibers behind the painting may want to help, but who will want to help the slender men in the painting? Question mark

For the observers of a world, everything in the world is a dynamic painting, just like a movie, so they don't care or worry about anything. They only think quietly and observe quietly.

In fact, Liu Xiao is very confused these days. He repeatedly asked himself, is this what he wants?

Obviously, it's not.

But the problem is that he can't resist and readily accepts it.

Liu Xiao suddenly felt that he seemed to be working hard to become an observer from the beginning and preparing for his departure.

It is a kind of spontaneous behavior, hard research, hard work to leave offspring, and hard to find the person you love most.

And now, it seems that everything will end, and the last fetter is the Tal people.

Yes, he thinks this is not an ordeal, but a test for him to cut off all unnecessary fates.

Dr. T's cultivation is very smooth. In a few years, he will be able to completely leave Liu Xiao's body. According to him, Liu Xiao will inevitably practice to the ninth stage of Gene calcining, and then it will also be the time for them to become observers.

Nie Lan told these things to the other sisters the next day, and after hearing the news, Ouyang Qing was silent.

In the afternoon of the same day, Ouyang Qing found Liu Xiao alone: "Young master, what should I do if you leave?"

Ouyang Qing has never said what she wants to say, because she feels that she has no position.

But now it's different. She doesn't know when Liu Xiao will leave, so she must say something. Even if he disagrees and doesn't accept herself, she must say it herself.

Liu Xiao is very embarrassed. He doesn't know how to arrange Ouyang Qing. If he is really like what he guessed, he will definitely leave here, at least far away from prosperity.

What would Ouyangqing do at that time?

Follow yourself, that's not fair to her, and she doesn't need a maid.

Ouyang Qing did not wait for Liu Xiao to continue. She needed to say what she wanted to say before she ran out of courage: "I first followed the young master because you have the ability to improve my mental strength.

But as time goes by, I find that I like the feeling of being by your side, which I have never felt before.

You know, I used to have a difficult life. Later, I joined the evil sect, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to say love alone.

So I want to give myself such an opportunity, but I have no choice. You know, my spiritual power is very charming, and no one can accept me except you.

Speaking of this, Liu Xiao finally understood that Ouyang Qing was indeed for interests at first, but he did not reject it, because this relationship was on the surface, aboveboard and indisputable.

And then, because of her personal charm, she conquered the woman's heart. Of course, the other party also made it clear that she had no choice.

"Axiao, accept it." Nie Lan, who came in quietly, said softly.

Ouyang Qing has always helped a lot. Most importantly, although this woman looks extremely charming, her personality is not frivolous at all, and she can even be said to be very conservative, so that she resolutely refuses to wear some slightly exposed clothes and covered herself tightly.

To be honest, Nie Lan and others have never seen such a conservative woman, but when they learned about her background, they couldn't say anything.

Experience creates a person's outlook on life, and Ouyang Qing is exactly like this. Her tragic fate makes her dare not expose herself to anyone.

Of course, if Liu Xiao accepts her, she may not mind exposing her to him alone, but it is also limited to him.

About Ouyang Qing's problem, in fact, the girls studied it for a long time, but finally passed, just because the other party was not confused.

Without confused feelings, it is the purest, purest, and the most able to protect each other, which is more realistic than any oath.

So the girls agreed, and the next step was easy, waiting for Ouyang Qing to confess. After all, Liu Xiao is quite slow in this regard, and it is unlikely that he wants him to recognize the situation.

As a result, there was a scene just now. Nie Lan suddenly appeared to speak for Ouyang Qing, and what she said would generally become what Liu Xiao said, which no one could question.

In the end, Liu Xiao agreed. People were all emotional. Ouyang Qing was not short beside him. As he fought around, he helped him without regret.

Liu Xiao knows very well that he does not owe him anything and has no reason to help him so much, but since he has done it, it shows that the other party cares about him.

When he figured this out, he naturally accepted the other party.

"No discovery, my husband is a person who doesn't know how to refuse." Huo Qingqing, dressed in sexy underwear, sat ** and whispered.

Ding Hong laughed and said, "Actually, Brother Xiao is not ignorant of rejection, but his heart is too soft. He doesn't want to hurt anyone."

Ding Xia nodded: "My sister is right. Brother Xiao has always been very soft-hearted to his people."

Nie Lan nodded and agreed. She is the clearest. Among these women, if Liu Xiao has hurt anyone, she is the only one.

But the total injury moved her deeply, and at the same time, because of the injury, she fell into his world.

The girls expressed their opinions one after another, and the final conclusion was that Liu Xiao was a good man and a good man he could rely on for life.

Ouyang Qing was left alone by the girls to face Liu Xiao. She joined the big family as she wished, but the biggest regret was that she was unable to have children because of her charming skills.

In this rare calm, the news quickly came from the state that the first equipment, the air buoyancy device, was completed.

Liu Xiao didn't expect that this thing was the first to be completed. In his opinion, the iron curtain device should be the first to be completed. After all, this thing has been studied by various countries for a long time.

This research is not in the research institute of T Energy, but in a research institute specializing in aviation technology in Beijing.

"This thing is only a preliminary completion, and it is still a long time before application." When Lao Cai, who led the research, heard that the man in front of him was the legendary Liu Da Shao, he took the initiative to explain the whole process for him.

The air buoyancy device in front of us is very simple, only a palm-sized grinding disc, and is full of an inconspicuous device of electronic equipment and parts.

It can be said that this is very different from the air buoyancy device in Liu Xiao's impression, which is not a little different, but he is very happy, because from the perspective of principle and operation mode, this is a simplified and simple air buoyancy device.

Don't think that Liu Xiao will measure these things by the standards of later generations. The more people like him, the more they understand the difference in technological power that time can bring, so he is not only shocked that these scientists can do this in such a short time.

"This is simply great. I didn't expect it to be developed so soon." Liu Xiao's heartfelt joy hung on his face. At this point, it can be said that it has been basically completed. As long as it is improved, it can be used on new aircraft at least in the short term.

Although Lao Cai is very happy that Liu Xiao can say this, he still feels ashamed: "In fact, with the ideas you sent, our progress is really not worth mentioning.

However, I believe that as long as it is handed over to second-line scientific researchers, this thing can be quickly applied to the field of aviation. As for civil use, I will not think about it for the time being.

Liu smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Cai doesn't have to say that. To be honest, your progress is much faster than I thought, and the effect is also very good. This adds a lot of weight to our future wars."

What will compete with Tal stars in the future?

is not the number of people or the strength of individuals, but the level of science and technology.

Although the air buoyancy device is not enough to bring the final victory to the earth, it can also be seen that the balance of victory is beginning to tilt, which is enough.

"At present, the progress of the iron curtain is the slowest, and the research of the electric rail thruster is not bad. The model has been initially established, but there are still several key technologies to be solved." Lao Cai said helplessly. Even he didn't expect that the first iron curtain to study was the slowest progress.

Liu Xiao thought for a moment: "Mr. Cai, is there something wrong with our research direction? Normally, the Iron Curtain should be the simplest of these projects.

Lao Cai nodded and said, "We are also suspicious, so the research of the Iron Curtain has stopped. Everyone is making a summary and discussion, but there is no clue at present."

Liu Xiao felt a little headache. The existence of the iron curtain is the most important component of future aircraft, even space warships. This technology of converting energy into shields is the most favorable guarantee for the survival of these aircraft and space warships, which is more important than operating technology.

Obviously, as a researcher of space technology, Lao Cai naturally understands the importance of this technology, but the problem is that scientific research cannot be solved in a hurry.

The preliminary model of the electric rail thruster is very simple. It is basically a principle simulation to simulate the electric rail movement in various environments.

Liu Xiao thinks it is good. As long as it is theoretically feasible, the actual production is actually not too far away.

Finally, he looked at the iron curtain device. To be honest, Liu Xiao didn't know much about this, but vaguely knew some principles, so he could only say sorry and could not give more advice.

Lao Cai understands that this young master Liu really has too many things, and it is said that his personal strength is also very extraordinary, so there are some things that he can't, but makes him feel that this person suddenly becomes more real.

Liu Xiao actually seems to help this, but unfortunately, even Dr. T himself can't help this, because this thing has nothing to do with biochemical technology, so he can only provide a theory rather than practical design drawings.

"How's it going?" Nie Lan asked at the dinner table.

Although the problem of the iron curtain has not been solved, he is still very happy: "At present, it seems to be good. Although the research of the iron curtain device is not very smooth, the electric rail thruster and the air buoyancy device have already been determined, especially the air buoyancy device. As long as you work harder, I believe it can be directly applied to aviation. It's on the device."

Nie Lan and others don't understand these, but as long as Liu Xiao is happy, it is better than anything else.

Time always passes quickly, especially for those who are busy. In a blink of an eye, another attack by the Tal people begins.

The first line of defense, this time their goal is to regain the first line of defense. After a few months of silence, they decided to take back the first line of defense they gave up.

However, the Chinese military team does not think so. They think that in the continuous competition between the two sides, the Tal people are learning the tactics on the earth, so even if they see some actions of the other side, they are still not sure whether the other party will really aim at the first line of defense.

Liu Xiao has always been very good at tactics, but as a spectator, he listened to these old military ruffians scold each other.

"The goal of the Tal Starmen will never be the first line of defense. After experiencing the previous war, it is obvious that the first line of defense is a wall in our hands to defend against foreign enemies.

But once it is in their hands, it will become a burden, which is why they decisively gave up the first line of defense before.

So I insist on my opinion that the first line of defense does not need to defend at all, but just needs to make a show, and what we really should do is to analyze in detail the reason why the other party suddenly launched an attack after being silent for so long, which is the most important. Liu Xiao nodded with agreement, but it was a pity that in terms of what the general said, he had no say at all except for the charge, so no one here had time to pay attention to him.

Another general obviously has different opinions: "I don't think so. Although the first line of defense is a piece of chicken ribs for Tal Star, the problem is that the first line of defense itself means a face for Tal Star. For their always strong race, it is bound to Face, at all costs."

Face theory, and meeting theory, obviously, this guy applied the rule that Chinese people would rather face than Lizi to Tal people.

From the perspective of Liu Xiao but purely understanding the other party, Tal people are very pragmatic. As long as they are right, no matter how much they lose face, they will not do it, so what the general said, he dares to give 1.2 million points to guarantee that it will never happen.

However, he will not say it, at least until the end of this meeting, he will never participate in it.

The previous general frowned and said, "War is not a child's play. A qualified general will not rely on his face to win the battle.

First of all, I want to ask what are the benefits of the attack of the first line of defense for the future strategy of the Tal people.

Well, this question may not be easy to answer, so I want to ask Mr. Liu, what scale can the warships of the enemy's upcoming fleet reach?

Liu Xiao was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that someone would ask him this question, but since he had asked, he did not hesitate to answer directly: "Basically, the other party will send three landing ships, one is a large ternal warship, 500 meters wide, 300 meters high and about 3,500 meters long.

It is worth mentioning that the large interstellar gate of this kind of warship will definitely be placed at the bottom of the sea by the Tal people.

is followed by a medium-sized warship, which is different from the strategic ship just now. It is only 1,200 meters long, about 200 meters wide, and 100 meters high, which is suitable for defensive frigates.

Finally, it is a small ship that mainly carries out active offensive missions, about 600 meters long, 150 meters wide and 60 meters high.

It's huge. Everyone immediately reacted when they heard these data. The reason why the general asked this just now was that he had a doubt in his heart. Where will these warships called giants be parked?

Obviously, when you think of this problem, then everyone will consider a more serious problem. Since the other party does not have a place to park these warships now, they will definitely find a way to seize such a place, and this place will never be the first. Line of defense.