The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 192


Besides, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Eat quickly. We'll go back after eating." Guangxu nibbled at the hamburger and looked outside.

"..." Nie Qing didn't say a word. She couldn't eat the hamburger after taking a bite. Now she wants to die. The worst thing is that she still hasn't said a few words to Guangxu. Guangxu always told her how Cixi served her, and then looked at Nie Qing at a glance, which means that you have to serve me like this, and Nie Qing also turned over at a glance. Turn your eyes back.

"Let's go, I'm still at work. I don't have so much time to hang out!" Nie Qing found a bag to take back the leftovers as early as early as possible.

"Oh, I can't eat this. You can eat it." Guangxu pushed the rest of the apple pie to Nie Qing's door, and he was very good at eating and gave all the stuffing of the pie.

"What did you say?" At that time, Nie Qing felt that this man was talking nonsense. Why couldn't he understand?

"You ate it, and then we'll go." Guangxu leaned back and regarded himself as the emperor.

"..." Nie Qing stood up and looked at him, feeling dizzy, "I usually don't eat dog leftovers!" Nie Qing almost rushed out of the door and cried all the way home. The war at home was also white-hot. The two old ladies escalated from a little quarrel to a face-to-face conflict. In addition, Nie Qing came back crying and almost got started.

The battle on Nie Qing's side has just started. Before I had time to see the lively Liu He rushed to my house to ask me to save my life.

"Sister, your brother is your only sister." Liu Hera held my hand to death.

"Is it just Aunt Qi? kill her!" I'm so anxious. Aunt Nie Qing's side looks much better than Aunt Qi looking for crooked melons and broken dates for my brother. Really, I'm also going to the fun to help.

"I really can't stand it this time. Don't you know that Aunt Qi is a zookeeper!" Liu He almost had a runny nose and tears. Li wanted to look at it and felt distressed and pulled me to listen.

After stopping for a few days, my mother began to think about Liu He. She always called and muttered. Liu He didn't take it to heart and played crazy until my mother asked him to dress up and go out to pick up to pick up guests.

This time, it is estimated that Aunt Qi has paid off her old book and brought a high-quality to Liu He. In a private meeting, all my brother's shares are very secretive. Ordinary people can't come in except for acquaintances. I took Li to go there. Where did we go for self-help? That little self-help made it. When I was good at it, I heard that the chef's ancestors held banquets for the royal family.

This girl looked like a beautiful woman from behind. When she saw her back, Liu He was a little happy and thought that Aunt Qi had finally cured her presbyopia, but the girl turned her head and almost scared Liu He to death. When Aunt Qi told Liu He, she said that the girl's long, big eyes and melon seed face were still a Small mouth, very small, this is really correct. Big eyes, small mouth, melon seed face, but some places are too prominent, that is, the facial features are clear.

"Isn't it good? Don't you like big eyes?" I watched Liu He use his mobile phone to cheer for Nie Qing.

"Yes, big eyes, too big, out of the edge, have you ever seen an ostrich?" Liu He jumped excitedly.

"Puff..." Li wanted to spray all the tea, "Are you too exaggerated?"

"I lied to you that I am a real grandson!" Liu He took out his mobile phone and couldn't wait to hit Li Xiang's face. We came up and saw that it was really big-eyed, like ET, and that mouth. I guess we have to eat noodles.