The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 193


When Nie Qing came home, Cixi was already pointing fingers at Nie's house. At that time, Nie Qing was still angry or angry.

"This is my home, please go out!" Nie Qing stood in front of her mother, pointing to the door with tears on her face.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Is something wrong?" The old lady was scared, mainly watching Nie Qing cry. What happened to their Guangxu?

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Throw me down and run back!" Guangxu ran in breathlessly and helped his mother to say that Nie Qing was not. The old lady was so angry that she pointed to Nie Qing's nose and scolded her, which scared the Nie family. She had never seen anything like this. Their family was accustomed to the culture, but they had never seen rural women scolded the street. At the critical time, it was still Zuo Xiaojie to seize the door and entered. , gave the old lady a heavy blow.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Zuo Xiaojie went up and slapped Guangxu in the face.

"You little goblin!" Cixi went crazy and was about to grab Zuo Xiaojie, but who was Zuo Xiaojie? She had never seen anything, so she dodged and stood at the coffee table and shook her long hair, a shrew.

"I tell you, this is not your kang!" Zuo Xiaojie stared at her waist and stared, "Don't be wild. Don't bother the police in the middle of the night. You are called breaking into a private house!" Are you from this family? Do you think you don't have to pay tax if you stay here every day? Let me tell you, you can make another scene for me, and I'll settle accounts with you. You don't want to run away and eat and drink with us. It's free of money, right? I've remembered it for you. Let's make a calculation!"

Cixi is Cixi. When she saw the world, she was about to run away with her own Guangxu. Lin Guangxu said that he would take his mother to have a check-up now. If she had any illness, she would not get along with Nie Qing. She said that Nie Qing was angry. Zuo Xiaojie also said that if Nie's mother was angry, she would sue him to death. We had someone above!

"Zuo Xiao, oh, not Zuo Jie, you are so brave. I really admire you." I looked at Zuo Xiaojie and mourned in my heart. It was all the dead Liu He. What a good scene I missed.

"That's, who am I? Do you know the police?" Zuo Xiaojie is now asking who knows the police, just to change her name.

"I don't know. I said that you can get a stage name like Liu He. At that time, everyone will call you Zuo Jie, and your ID card says Zuo Xiaojie. This is not alive." I drank Li Xiang's new milk tea. Recently, he began to learn how to make milk tea. We have distributed it. He drank it himself. Generally, I drank it. I can't drink it. I can't drink it anymore. Now it's much better. I don't even drink cats for the first two days.

"No, it's useless to be so insincere." Zuo Xiaojie said that she was particularly sincere. If she had been so sincere when she was in school, I would have become a doctor.

"Alas..." Nie Qing came over with a sad face.

"Are you all right?" I looked at her.

"It's nothing. Now Cixi squats in our community every day and repeatedly says that she has a fancy to me." Nie Qing fell on the sofa.

"Didn't you refund the money?" I retired with Zuo Xiaojie the other day and told them that it was illegal, which scared them. I thought it was over.

"Then find a boyfriend and pissed her off!" Cheng Yingying came in with a bad face.