The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 323 Be a grandson?

"For the original 20 places, this seat will be slightly mentioned in view of this change in the number of people." Looking around, he looked at Dongfanglu and Dongyang, who were a little nervous at this time, and smiled: "After a long time of unchanging rules, it is a little boring, so please come back. Please invite Qingyun Pavilion to discuss matters tomorrow."

After a moment of tension, Dongfangtu suddenly became happy, took Dongfang Yin's hand and smiled, "Dumb, we can finally go to that false place to explore!"

Laughter is also contagious, and Dongfang Yin should focus on the happy and selfless person at this time. Although several other people felt that they made a big fuss, they also had a smile on their faces, and even Dongfang Li, who always looked at people without emotion, eased a lot.

Tianxuanyuan, Dongfang Yin lay down and fell asleep as soon as he returned to his room.

In the dark, a dark shadow came out and looked at the obviously tired sleeping face on the bed. After all, gluttony was a little distressed. He knew that the other owner must have been too sad when he sneaked into the little girl's sea of consciousness, and he couldn't stand it.

Looking at the defenseless and quiet Dongfangyin, as pure as a newborn baby, the woman he misses is happier than others...

I can't tell who it is, and the gluttony sighed for a moment: "It's really like Bai Ran..."

When the words fell, Tao Yi listened carefully to the sound outside the house and rubbed his eyebrows: "The amazing appearance of the little girl has spread widely, and the mess of Long Yu also needs to be cleaned up by our generation!" With the helplessness of the first half of the sentence and the gritting of teeth in the second half of the sentence, Taoyi gave full play to the momentary change of face and blinked out of Dongfangyin's room.

Before leaving, the glutton stopped. I quickly pinched the decision, and the next moment I only heard a few piercing sounds flying through the air. The room is still as usual, quiet people and quiet air.

Satisfied with a glance at the dark post he had arranged, he suddenly skimmed up and went away looking for the sound of just now.

"Old boy, is it true that time has slowed your movements with the pig-killing knife?"

As soon as he saw the dragon's legacy besieged by more than a dozen people at this time, Taoyi just hugged the wall and watched, and his mouth was still full of smile.

"With the past few days, your mouth has become more and more unforgiving." Didn't you see that he was too busy?

"No, we are looking at it now. Don't drop the chain halfway... Hey! Brawler, how did you lead people here..."

At the end of the story, the glutton was easily dragged into the war by the dragon. Hearing him smile, "Old rule, whoever admits defeat first is his grandson!"

"Hmm! Take care of yourself, you are a bad guy!" Can you not be angry if you have been pulled into the water by Long Yu before you can breathe?

Seeing that these disciples on the cloud did not sleep in the middle of the night and attacked like life, Long Yu was a little impatient. If he hadn't known that Leng Xiuyan was watching from the girl, he would have solved it all in one move.

"Let's talk about the fig leaf." Taoyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I never knew that the disciples on the cloud dared to appear in time?"

A flattering and fierce satire, the attacker was just stunned for a moment and then pulled the scarf handsomely, with fierce eyes: "Hand over the black sickle of Longling!"

For these stupid disciples on the cloud who said or did something, Long Yu, who originally planned to do it by himself, really couldn't do it. He shrugged his shoulders and asked them, "Then what?" He really wants to hand himself over for fear that they will take it away.

"Nonsense, of course, I'll leave you dead." Taoyi took over the stubble and easily put it in one person, which was extremely ironic.

"Who are you?" A dozen first disciples followed the Taoyi pointed by their fingers.

"Our generation is a glutton." Approaching the stunned disciple, Taoyi smiled more and more happily on his young face and patted him on the cheek, "Do you know where the last person who asked our name went?"

Long Yubai is still selling Guanzi to follow the cute four unlikes. Liangliang dismantles the stage: "Nonsense, where else can you go except entering your foodie's belly?"

The clear slapping of his face suddenly resounded through the night sky, and the disciple was awakened by a real slap at the end. He stepped back a few steps and looked at Zheng Taiyu, trembling, "You, you..." Just now, he clearly saw that Zheng Xiaonian was far away from him, looking at him step by step, but he couldn't move his words and feet. At that moment, his mind actually collapsed long ago.

Because, from the blank look of other companions, he saw a scene that others could not see that was gradually spreading, distorted and fragmented just after this too few years... Yes, it's himself!?

Looking at the teenager's smiling eyes again, the disciple finally couldn't stand the fear of seeing himself breaking up another with his own hands, unable to drop the weapon in his hand, covering his head and hissing in pain.

The next moment, his whole body suddenly calmed down and lay on the ground, looking at the starless heavy night, showing a relieved smile. In the field of gluttony, he saw that he was finally 'totally destroyed', and the fear he had never thought of stopped...

Does the gluttony raise his eyebrows and smile so comfortably? Do you really think you are relieved?

The disciples retreated again. Some of them wanted to ask the leading disciples, but saw that he was still a comfortable smile before, and this moment was a horrible death, which was difficult to digest for a moment.

"Your torture method has not changed." The other disciples were shocked again. With the sound, he looked at Long Yu's arrival in front of the dead disciple, squatted down to check something, and suddenly smiled.

Seeing the ghosts and perverts of the two of them, the idea of wanting to seize the magic has already been forgotten at this time. Now they just want to turn around and leave, and then disappear where they can find nowhere. The death of the senior brother who hit the battle was too miserable.

First, the unspeakable pain, then a momentary relief, and then the last half of breath to make people relive the fear and destroy people's minds!!

It's really a bloodless means, but I don't know how to do it.

"This is specially designed for you."

"Real, it's a pity that I was not moved." It's a pity that Long Yu spread his hands to end his hatred for him.

Before those disciples turned around, they heard the teenager who died with a smile say such an ambiguous sentence. Hearing that their ears were stiff, they were all pale and unable to hold the weapons. For a moment, the ping-pong weapons suddenly fell to the ground, and those disciples all crawled on their sieve bodies and shouted for mercy.

touched a soft nail here in Long Yu, and the gluttony bulged Zheng Tai's face. In his ears, he felt that those begging for mercy were more harsh than the usual subtle sounds, and his eyebrows showed his unhappiness at this time.

Suddenly stretched out his hand, his five fingers were open and his hands suddenly, and those disciples rolled their eyes and twitched all over. At present, there is abnormal blue and blackness. Isn't that a symptom of being mentally and mentally turned into a fake death?

Long Yu didn't expect that the gluttony suddenly knocked them all down. He pointed to him who was laughing wildly and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Looking at the dragon's bereaved, Taoyi finally changed his angry appearance and looked up to the sky and smiled: "It seems that today this are determined!"