The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 324 The Means of Self-praise

"It's really different from the table. What you do is full of tricks!" After shaking his fingers for a long time, Long Yu just shook his sleeves and turned around to leave. He was very shameless but could not change the truth. And I really lost!

"You can't be on the table or not. As long as you can suppress your arrogant and stinky reptile, other verbal gossip will make you give way?" The condescending glan with the trembling dragon's legacy, the gluttonous nostrils turned to the sky and his sleeves were behind his hands, laughing and left. Only Long Yu stared at the fake dead man who rolled his eyes and twitched. The more he looked at it, the more angry he became. He did not hesitate to raise his palm and shake the living dead.

Suddenly there was no sound in his ear. Long Yu stared at the dead body on the ground and grinned. That look, as if you can see tomorrow morning, the four don't look like internal injury, and you feel relieved when you think about it.

It turned out that the old rules they just said were quite kind and made him pick up a... Bah. Realizing that he had "wrenched" himself with the word, Long Yuyu spat at himself. And this discovery allowed him to give the arrogant and solid stuffy stick to Taoyi, and he felt comfortable when he thought about it.

At the end, looking at the dead body on the ground is not an eyesore. He pulled a big smiling face and said to the body on the ground and said, "It's not in vain that we have been with you for a while in the middle of the night. Thank you." The wrist flipped, and the dead body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next day, the gate of the already repaired Qingsong Hall is no longer peaceful and pure as usual.

At the gate of the hall, 14 dead bodies covered with white cloth shocked the clouds upstairs. The thin and slender disciple lifted a corner of white cloth and was burying his head to carefully examine the situation of the dead body. The onlookers' eyes were sharp, and they only saw that the four people's faces were black and white. The bloodshot eyes were all exclaiming and retreating five steps away.

Bai Xin glanced at those people without a trace, and his face was obviously contemptuous. However, when he continued to stare at the dead body in a blink of an eye, the hand that raised the corner of the white cloth unconsciously tightened, and there was a suppressed anger...

The stinky reptile... dared to copy it shamelessly after damaging him and killing them. Now that the servants are dead, the 'grandson's appointment'...

got up and went to the Green Pine Hall with a gloomy face. Just thinking about seeing the appearance of Long Yu's villain later, he thought that every step under his feet was stepping on his proud face and trampling him!

In the hall, the four people who originally planned to discuss the Qingyun Pavilion and the 21 people last night were all heavy. Except for Long Yu's optimistic face, the others were relatively speechless for a moment.

There is also one person. Since this Kaiyangyuan, the only disciple broke through and became one of the 22 people. Although everyone had small words, they could not find out why Bai Xin, who had been silent in the past, suddenly became "amazing", but they also understood that no matter how many words there were, they could not match the established facts.

Yunhuang raised his eyes and looked into the depths of the empty clouds outside the hall, and his ears were full of comments from the disciples outside the palace. Although he was stopped, he could still hear subtle comments. This morning, the master Yun Queyue told him that he didn't need to pay attention to everything, as long as he appeased the disciples in the building.

Although he knows what happened, how can he appease him with the unclear explanation?

"Brother, the thread starter, there is a lot of discussion among the disciples, but you want to give an explanation?" Yu Ruofei got up and was careful to use words to remind people who squinted and meditated.

If it hadn't been for such a sitting, it would have been an hour, and no progress or reason would have been said. He was afraid that he would go on to such a stalemate, and the day passed like this.

"How about Bai Xin?" Yunhuang opened his lips, his voice was like a clear spring, and his clear voice suddenly filled the quiet relaxed hall for an hour, echoing.

Bai Xin bowed his hand and was silent. He secretly cast a sharp eye on the dragon's legacy and silently accused him of his shamelessness. In this regard, Long Yu grinned at him and silently opened and closed his lips, "Sun... son." The extremely slow and silent speed of speaking made Bai Xin's back stiff, and he suddenly found that the mockery of him last night seemed so ironic now.

The biggest irony is that his momentary investigation actually made Long Yu take advantage of the loophole and let him humiliate himself!

"Hmm~?" I haven't received Bai Xin's answer for a long time, and Yunhuang was puzzled. Looking at Bai Xin, who stared at Long Yu below, Long Yu looked back at him with a smiling face and looked at what the two were transmitting silently.

And what puzzles him is that Bai Xin and Longyu have a relationship that can't be fought. Why...?

When he recovered, Bai Xin restrained his eyebrows and sighed. Of course, he knew the cause of death of those dead bodies, more than anyone else! The next second, Bai Xinmune's voice filled the quiet temple: "Try back to the master and brother, there is a 14 dead body of the same door outside the hall, which is different from the other 13 bodies."

"Let's talk about it." Earlier, he checked and knew that there were different causes of death. It's just that he can't tell him to decide on such a strange way of death?

"The thirteen bodies should have been stimulated or seen before they died." Saying that, he took a look at the dragon's legacy, and Yunhuang was even more puzzled. Is it related to the dragon's legacy? Looking for the dragon's legacy, he just crossed his legs and stared at the tea in the tea cup.

"Shouldn't you watch it?" Yunchuan frowned, what does this mean?

"Looking at their pale faces and gray, and their eyes turned up, it can be seen that their hearts and spirits and three souls were taken away by some ghosts or evil people. After that, the seven orifices oozed blood and were slightly sticky and other impurities. It can be seen that... they were shocked and killed by people with a strong force!" It seems that Long Yu's hand was moved by him at that time. Speaking of which, isn't this he who indirectly contributed to the reversal of Long Yu's victory?

Glancing at Bai Xin's thoughtful appearance, Long Yu laughed so much that he almost suffered internal injury. After living for so long, doesn't he know that he should not be rampant until the last moment? I guess it's uncomfortable to be defeated by the opportunity given by yourself...

"What about the other one?" Yunjin urged. They all know this, and they also want to know how to explain it to the disciples. But they are curious about the death of another dead body.

Long Yu restrained his eyebrows and squeezed the tea, and the corners of his lips smiled unbearably. If he hadn't been afraid of the inconvenience of missing the bottom, he would have laughed to the ground.

"Another..." Bai Xin stopped talking. With his eyes rolling in the bottom of his heart, can he not understand the sensation caused by his own hands?

Everyone held their breath and waited. They never knew that his dull nature also had an appetizing IQ!

"Another, the strange expression on the disciple's face is a little difficult to say because of the time." It's hard to say. How can it be said that the sudden and frightened expression of laughing halfway can be said?

"Originally, if I died laughing, I guess I might be able to think of a method called 'euthanasia' in the world, but there is a trace of death with a smile in horror... I forgive my disciples."

"Puff!" Squeeze out all the tea in one breath, Long Yu looked at the strange look of the people and suddenly realized that his behavior was a little extreme.

He wiped his face with a dry smile. Long Yu sat down and said, "My disciple is timid. I was scared for a moment when I heard Bai Xin say that there was that kind of murder in the world." He was indeed scared by the cheeky way of "bragging"...