God Stick Paradise

Chapter 103 Gathering on a Desert Island

Behind the pirate ship, followed dozens of warships, all the students were stunned, and they seemed to stop thinking at this moment.

There was a silence on the rooftop of the Holy Spirit, followed by a more uproar than just now, and many students showed unbelievable.

Even in the sky, the professors in charge of the adjudication were stunned at this moment. Although they were already prepared, the moment they really saw this scene still shook their old hearts. Looking at the faint light flashed violently and collapsed blockade array, these old men suddenly shook their heads and laughed. It seems that I have become a little younger.

The pirate ship that broke through the blockade line did not slow down at all. The huge sword galloped forward to open the way for it, and all the barriers in front of it were shattered.

All this happened in the lightning, which was incredible. After the pirate ship left, the students of the war seminary showed shock and shock. They stood on the deck and looked at the pirate ship in the sky. They could still feel the loud noise of the collision in front of the square and the elemental chaos caused by the collapse of the array.

What shocked them was the power of the sword, and what they were shocked was Liu Yunfeng, who summoned this secret skill!

"Liu Yunfeng is strong enough to sweep my war seminary!"

"For good, we avoided it in time, let alone take action again, otherwise..."

"Our ship was just scratched by Yu Feng and was destroyed. If it is bombarded head-on..."

For a long time, thousands of students of the War Seminary looked at each other and took a breath. At this moment, there was a burst of fear in their hearts.

Liu Yunfeng and others marched towards the destination according to the guidance of the signal. As the map became clearer and clearer, it showed the terrain of the desert island, but it was surrounded by countless sea reefs. If it was other ships, they could only slow down and make a detour.

However, the pirate ship had a hundred-foot giant sword opening the way. The roar was earth-shaking and soared all the way. A shadow gradually appeared in front of it. It was a reef, full of a huge desert island. The pirate ship did not slow down or change its direction and rushed directly to the reef, but with a roar, it was a shock to the reef. Below, countless cracks immediately appeared, and a loud noise was directly penetrated by the giant sword! This reef is divided into two.....

Who dares to stop such power? Who can stop it?

There are still a small number of war seminary warships in this sea area, but when they got the news, they were shocked and often far away. Before their arrival, they immediately gave way! Look at the wind and escape!

In this way, the pirate ship broke through several reefs in a row and finally appeared on the coast, which was their destination, an unknown desert island, but on this desert island, there was a magic guide they were looking for.

When approaching the coast, the pirate ship did not moor, but slowed down a little, and five figures jumped from the deck. The pirate ship accelerated again when they jumped to the coast. Two small heads poked out of the stern of the ship. One of the smaller figures waved his white lotus-like arms, and the other was full of mournful little face. They were reluctant and sad. It was Crona and Yero who were left on the ship by Liu Yunfeng and others.

The pirate ship can have such terrible power, and most of the credit lies in its terrible speed. The rest is the hundred-foot giant sword projected by Liu Yunfeng. Just like the heavy armored cavalry with a long gun, when driving at high speed, it is completely indestructible heavy tanks, destroying and no one can stop it, but if As soon as it stopped, it was not as good as an infantryman...

So the pirate ship can't stay on the coast for too long. If it is reacted by the students of the War Seminary, it will definitely prevent the students from being chased and intercepted. Liu Yunfeng and others also adopted the general policy adopted by the students in previous years. They divided their troops into two ways. Liu Yunfeng, Yunna and Elia, Edward of the Elemental Capital and his knight Kudis entered the desert island to seize the magic guide, while Yero, who was in urgent need of credits, stayed on the boat with Corona to continue to 'hunt'.

After the pirate ship left, on the other side of the island, a giant seven-masted sailboat also broke through the blockade line of the war seminary. When approaching the coast, white air appeared on the sea on one side of the hull, and the sea froze rapidly and turned into a ladder to the shore. Three figures jumped down, and soon disappeared in the dense forest. Among them, they are the three Oji, the capital of elements.

Before long, there was a wave on the uninhabited coast again. A phantom appeared faintly on the open sea. Finally, it was solid, but it was still between reality and illusion, like a ghost, and a figure fell on an island reef outside the coast. He is a young man in a gray robe, with a straight figure, handsome appearance, sharp eyes and a proud face.

"Hmm!" He stared at the desert island for a while, with a cold hum in his nose, and there was also a trace of indignation on his proud face: "Received the signal, hurry up and don't want to be a step late!"

He took out a box from the ring, put it on his wrist and patted it heavily. With a bang, the lid of the box bounced open, showing the things inside, which was full of rare magic materials. With a wave of his hand, the materials in the box were blown away by the wind like pieces of paper, and the dazzling materials were scattered over the reef. They were not aimlessly scattered. Instead, it follows a certain law and takes him as the center and is evenly scattered around the reef.

He pressed his hand down, and the materials all over the sky fell like rain. In the soft sound, everything pierced the ground and disappeared, until a faint light flashed, indicating that the array had been completed. When this was finished, the corners of his mouth full of smile pulled bigger, revealing a mouthful of snowy white teeth: "You go and grab it to your heart's content! I am full of soul engravings around this island, magic guides, and will eventually be mine! The first person to reach the rooftop is destined to be me, Flanders! Hahaha..."

As the cold zone enters and the cold front passes through, the recent weather in the eastern sea is also particularly sunny. Clouds are scattered over the blue sky, swimming slowly, and the air is blowing from time to time, with some humid smell from the ocean.

Not long after Liu Yunfeng and his party entered the forest, they were attacked by several third-order warcrafts. Before Liu Yunfeng could take action, the knight Kudis split them with a few swords and directly cut the poor warcrafts in half. The blood was sprinkled, and the position of each sword was not deviated at all. Liu Yunfeng couldn't help admiring the skillful movements.

The third-order Warcraft, even if a magic crystal is formed in its body, it can't sell a few silver coins, and its fur is split into two pieces, and its value has been greatly reduced. However, it is obvious that none of them except Liu Yunfeng, the poor man, is distressed and cares at all.

The forest on this nameless desert island is lush, with birds singing and flowers everywhere, and the air is clear and natural. Since entering the forest, they have been rushing all the way, and even Cudis did not stop when he cut out those swords. The trees next to them became more and more dense, and the left and right scenes quickly passed by, and under their speed, they seemed to become phantoms.

has been running for a long time. When you meet a long-eyed warcraft or beast, you will be killed instantly under Kudis's sword. When you walk here, there is no obvious road. The surrounding environment is almost exactly the same. There is no reference that can identify the direction. It seems that there is also a low roar of Warcraft in his ears. If it is an ordinary person, there will definitely be a feeling of grass and trees and fear, but Liu Yunfeng and his party walk leisurely all the way without risk.

Until a fourth-level peak water python hovered out of a dark ditch, swallowing the scarlet snake core, and the exaggerated mouth was about to swallow Yuna directly. Unexpectedly, a jade arm leaned out of the air and accurately clasped the head of the python. Like Jiuyin white bone claws, his five fingers directly crushed a piece of skull, because Liu Yunfeng beside him clearly heard a crisp click.

The invincible and tough mature woman shook off her arm, pulled the head of the python and shook it fiercely a few times. The surrounding trees and vines suddenly disappeared, and the last one threw a thousand catties of python far away.

After doing all this, Yuna was hugged in her arms. Yuna's slender body trembled, holding Elia tightly without raising her head.

Liu Yunfeng's three men stared at the huge python with a thick bucket crossing a beautiful arc in the air and disappeared into everyone's sight. The slightly sharp hiss was still echoing in the air. After a while, they heard the sound of a heavy thing falling to the ground...

Liu Yunfeng twisted his stiff neck and looked at Elia, who was holding Yuna tightly. He remembered the scene when he had flirted with this mature woman, and couldn't help but have a cold war...

And Edward and Kudis looked at each other and saw a residual shock in each other's eyes. Although it was just a fourth-order peak warcraft, everyone present could easily handle it. But like Elia, you can crush the skull of a warcraft comparable to steel with empty hands. Even if the two of them try their best, they may not be able to do it, let alone throw the thousand-pound python directly out of the sight of several people...

Edward's eyes showed a trace of solemnness. He didn't know that this was the first time to upgrade the evaluation of Liu Yunfeng and his party, but the strength they showed broke his expectations again and again. He felt that it was necessary to modify the original plan.

"No, don't be afraid." Alia gently patted Yuna's head, full of maternal brilliance.

It took a long time for Yuna to calm down. It turned out that she was afraid of snakes...

After appeasing the frightened Yuna, their group began to march rapidly again. This desert island should be the first to approach the war seminary. After discovering the desert island, the soldiers were divided into two ways, while arraying around the sea. Another team marched to the desert island. There were countless reefs around the desert island. They did not have Liu Yunfeng. It is so fierce that it must take a detour. If the calculation is good, the team of the War Seminary should also have set foot on this desert island now. They have no time to waste...

I don't know how long it took, and finally through the mottled bushes, a blue lake loomed behind the woods, as if the skylight was swaying, as clear as a belt.

After passing through a dense forest, I finally came to the shore of the lake. The lake was clear to the bottom, and the trees on both sides swayed in the sunlight. Several small animals were drinking water by the stream. When they saw someone coming, they jumped back into the woods. The scenery was picturesque.

And according to the signal from the magic guide on their wrists, the magic guide that can guide the Holy Spirit rooftop is at the bottom of the lake...

PS: Please collect......................................................................................