God Stick Paradise

Chapter 104 The Price of Power

On the shore of the lake, the water is sparkling and the bright sunlight reflects from the lake. Through the surrounding plants, the mottled light and shadow are sprinkled on several figures.

"Is it right here?" Liu Yunfeng frowned and asked, looking at the beautiful picture.

"Yes, judging from the signal fluctuation, it should be at the bottom of the lake." Edward glanced at the magic guide on his wrist again and said, "Why don't we go down to our two colleges separately!" Time is running out. We have to hurry up."

"Ye, no problem!" Naturally, Liu Yunfeng and the other three have no objection.

But when Liu Yunfeng stepped forward, he found that it was Edward with him! Not his knight Kudis.

Youna's slender eyebrows were also slightly clustered. She was about to pull Liu Yunfeng, but she found that the other party turned around and gave her a reassuring look.

"Be careful all the way!" Alia also gave a command.

"Ye, you are the same. I guess other colleges will come soon." Liu Yunfeng paused, and then suddenly jumped up. His whole body was like a fish, jumping to the surface of the water, "Peng!" With a sound, the water splashed everywhere.

Edward followed him to the lake, but his feet were not stained with water, as if floating in the air. His wrists gently raised, pulled a spherical air curtain from both sides, wrapped himself in it, and the lake separated at his feet, and then he began to sink slowly.

The water of the lake looks quiet and quiet, but in fact it is not the case under the water. After sinking into the water, Liu Yunfeng soon has a playful world under the water. But when the fish appeared Liu Yunfeng, an uninvited guest, they dispersed. After a while, they turned back, as if they were a little curious about this kind of creature that they had never seen before.

Such a wonderful beauty gives Liu Yunfeng a novel feeling. Speaking of which, this is his first underwater journey, regardless of his previous life and present life.

When Liu Yunfeng saw Edward who slowly sank without water, a blister suddenly spewed out of his mouth. He quickly covered his mouth and nose, but his heart scolded Edward...

To their surprise, this small lake with an area of only a few dozen square meters has an unexpected depth. The whole bottom of the lake is sloped from northeast to southwest, with an inclination of more than 20 degrees, leading to a dark place that cannot be illuminated by sunlight.

Under the guidance of the signal, Edward manipulated the bubbles around him and slowly sneaked into the depths. Liu Yunfeng had to follow. As they continued to sink, the surroundings gradually began to darken, and in the end, it was dark and invisible around him. The environment becomes depressing and quiet, with only a little water noise.

Edward, who was in the bubble, snapped his fingers, and a flame ignited at his fingertips, so that they could see the surrounding scene with a radius of about a few feet. However, it was still a constant slope. Just as Liu Yunfeng felt that the oxygen in his lungs was gradually insufficient, a huge dark cave finally appeared in front of them. Unexpectedly, but unexpectedly.

There is not a drop of water in the cave, just like a boundary at the mouth of the cave, but in fact it is not, because they do not feel any elemental fluctuations, which can be seen that it is naturally formed.

Walking along the hole at the end of the cave, the surrounding environment became drier and drier, and the terrain gradually began to calm down. There was no trace of creatures in the cave, which made Liu Yunfeng a little puzzled. Logically, he had to arrange some organs or warcraft guards in this cave, but until they left. At the end, the magic guide that shimmered on the stone platform seemed to laugh at them for being too cautious or timid.

Edward picked up the magic guide similar to his bracelet. At this time, the whole cave trembled and countless sand and stones poured down.

Liu Yunfeng suddenly looked up and said solemnly, "Some people are coming. We have to go back quickly!"

Edward turned around, but put his right hand on Liu Yunfeng's shoulder and asked abruptly, "Do you know why the referees didn't set any level in this hole?"

Liu Yunfeng was not in the mood to discuss these meaningless things with him now. He asked impatiently and perfunctorily, "Why?"

"Because on the road of life, the biggest opponent..." Edward smiled carelessly.

"It's human after all!!!" Edward's voice suddenly increased! Like Hong Zhong Dalu, it shocked his mind. Even his face became a little crazy and neurotic at this moment!

Liu Yunfeng only felt that the air around him suddenly became dense, as if he had solidified, and his whole body was wrapped in cement! Just as he was about to ask, a strong wind invaded his mouth, and countless air rushed in from his seven orifices! Just as Liu Yunfeng was about to mobilize all his strength to resist, the shadow behind Edward turned into a ray of light and quickly penetrated into his eyebrows when Liu Yunfeng's pupils shrank sharply.

That's the shadow mage who has been waiting for the opportunity! Asas!

Liu Yunfeng's body suddenly shook, and the originally tight muscles relaxed, the pupils shrank into the size of a needle tip and slowly enlarged, and the color in his eyes also dimmed...

Edward pulled out a ferocious curvature again...

On the shore of the lake, Yuna was slightly distracted when she looked at the calm and waveless lake. Alia beside her saw her strangeness and touched her gently with her shoulder, which brought her back to her senses.

"What's wrong?" Alia also wrote with her fingers. Her mental strength has been spreading. Seeing that the knight Kudis was on guard duty, she didn't care too much about the two of them.

Yuna squeezed her dry cherry lips and wrote, "Edward will be bad for Feng!"

How is it possible? There is no conflict of interest between us and him!" Elia's eyes shrank slightly, and her fingers quickly crossed the track in the air, turning into words.

"What if he also has a fragment of Ronginus in his hand?" Yuna wrote in an obscurely.

It seemed that a thunder flashed through Elia's mind, which made her, who had always been calm, slightly stunned and recovered for a while. There is information about Longinus in my thoughts.

The gun of Longinus, also known as the gun of fate!

Legend has it that as long as you hold the gun in your hand, people within 120 feet are submissive and throw them to lock the enemy and penetrate the space. The higher the deity, the greater the damage, even the gods in heaven can't be exempted. Those who hold this gun can dominate the fate of the world, but the lost people will be killed on the spot. ........

In the late period of the Upper Gumoco Dynasty, this gun became a symbol of power. Many well-marrying monarchs had this gun in their hands and won countless battles in front of you.

However, after countless wars, the holy gun of Longinus was eventually broken into seven pieces. It is known that three fragments were found and rebuilt in various dynasties, so that there were three fakes. Longinus' gun is now known in the hands of the Queen of the Hilling Empire, in the hands of the Pope of the Holy See, and the last in the hands of the man of the Underworld Empire. Other fragments, whereabouts are unknown......

But of course, Elia will not fully believe this legend. She vaguely learned from Yuna that the seven fragments of Longinus represent seven energies. As long as they are implanted into the body, she can obtain the ability to use that energy, and may even stimulate energy other than seven energies. Force!

But everything has gains and losses. What you want to get, you must lose accordingly. What you get is not necessarily what you want. What you lose is also what you don't want to lose.

Implanting fragments requires a great risk. The probability of one in 10,000 is not nine deaths, which is almost lifeless!

Even if the risk is reduced by various means, it is still a shocking gamble with life as a bargaining chip!

I don't know how many people have lost their lives for this...

And in the Underworld Empire, the strongest man, who used to exclude public criticism, crazily implanted the fragment of the underworld inheritance into his seven-year-old daughter. That girl is Yuna.

She is lucky because she has acquired two rare abilities - the source of darkness and spiritualism!

It is also unfortunate that she has the ability to obtain the source of darkness. She has to suffer from the most negative energy in the world day and night. For this reason, she put on a heavy armor that ordinary people can't bear, just to engrave an inscription to suppress this horrible energy.

gained the spirit of speech, so she lost the right to speak again, even! She almost lost the most basic human being! The ability to express feelings! Even a smile is a luxury for her! And the price of using the art of spirit is the power of her life! Every time she uses it, it will speed up her aging!

At the same time, she will bear the ten-year national fortune of the Nether Empire, how heavy and sad it is for a little girl who knows nothing about the world.

After being implanted with that fragment, she once again lost one of the most precious things, which is freedom...

Is that Edward the same as His Royal Highness? But why is he unfavorable to Liu Yunfeng?

Alia's heart moved: "Does Liu Yunfeng also have a piece on her body?"

Thinking of this, Arya's heart suddenly shrank, and she thought of the time when the huge sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand collapsed in the sunset forest that day! Yuna was different at that time.

It turns out that the words of the profiteer are not all made up, because in that sword, there is a fragment that can make the world crazy. It is called Longinus!!

But she wanted to break her head and didn't figure out what Liu Yunfeng had lost...

Alia put aside those thoughts for the time being. Now the most important thing is that Edward is unfavorable to Liu Yunfeng. To be precise, Edward coveted the fragment in Liu Yunfeng's body! She turned her eyes to Yuna again.

"When using that ability, within a distance, people with fragments can sense the existence of the other party!" Yuna looked at the calm lake again, and her fingertips slid firmly in the air: "So Feng should also feel it, and I have secretly reminded him that even if he doesn't know what the connection is, he should be able to guess that Edward has a plan, so he will deal with it..."<< /P>

He will handle it...

Aria was surprised to find that her highness would have such a confident time...

PS: Please collect................................................................< /P>