Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 27 Student

Who is Fu Yunwen?

This familiar name has been heard by ordinary people, but they can't remember it in an instant. They just feel that they have heard of it and are by no means unknown.

Xiao Ruoli and Yan Qingrong immediately fell into meditation. They both felt quite familiar and couldn't help thinking about it carefully in their hearts.

Ying Yu has never heard of it at all and can't help asking, "Are you famous?"

Fu Yunwen smiled and couldn't see his expression clearly in the dark. He said, "What is fame and fortune? But it's just floating clouds. This kind of thing has no benefit except that you become well known, let others see you differently, and let others often meet about you! On the contrary, because of your reputation, all kinds of things that are harmful to you will appear one after another, and even your relatives may be persecuted for this, and in the end it will be just a lifetime of pain.

Ying Yu was stunned. He asked casually, but he didn't expect Fu Yunwen to say such a thing, as if he was deeply touched.

But he has to admit that what the other party said is indeed very reasonable. Fame and fortune can sometimes make people raise their eyebrows, and sometimes it can also bring a lot of trouble.

This is the reason why the so-called blessings and misfortunes depend on each other!

"I remember!" Xiao Ruoli suddenly shouted and pointed to Fu Yunwen and said, "You are the 76th person on the list of immortals."

When Ying Yu heard the words, he immediately looked at Fu Yunwen with tongues. He never thought that the sloppy old man who appeared in front of him had such a big background.

Yan Qingrong's eyes lit up and she also remembered. Then he looked at Fu Yunwen and was also surprised. He really couldn't imagine that such an inconspicuous old man was a powerful existence on the list of immortals.

The list of immortals represents 100 powerful beings in the world. Each has the terrible power of calling for wind and rain, and it is easy to destroy all sentient beings in one thought. He is a senior master worshipped by the world!

Fu Yunwen didn't care and smiled indifferently, "I don't know if I have the strength and integrity to ensure that you can participate in the Xuanhui in time? If there is no problem, stay and learn from me. Of course, even if you have opinions, you still have to stay according to my rules.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli looked at each other, and then immediately agreed, and their hearts relaxed.

Yan Qingrong asked, "I don't know what the seniors asked us to learn?"

Fu Yunwen smiled and said, "What does Haoran College teach? I will let you learn something. Also, don't call me senior in the future, and you can call him Fufu.

Xiao Ruoli said with a bitter face, "No way, didn't you teach us about monism? Other than that, there is nothing else for us to learn.

Fu Yunwen said, "The practice of Taoism is ever-changing. What I have learned is not suitable for you, and I don't know much about what you have learned. Everyone has their own opportunities and paths, so I can't interfere. Besides, who says that non-monmonary things are not worth learning? That can promote the spirit of the Chinese people and make people have endless memories.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli have no choice but to recognize them at this point. And it's not bad for them, at least their personal safety is greatly guaranteed.

The famous strong man on the list of immortals sits here. Who dares to be presumptuous?

Fu Yunwen dragged the bearded middle-aged man to the east, and the three people in the rear also followed.

Before leaving, Ying Yu's mind moved and turned his head to look at the thatched hut with a faint release of aura.

I don't know why he has a kind of kindness to this room, which can't help but be very strange. He knew that he had been here in the future and wandered around the world before entering the Nanshan faction, but he remembered that he had never been here.

The moment he left the courtyard, he finally looked at the hut, and his eyes flashed. He felt as if an illusion had flashed by. He couldn't help shaking his head involuntarily, and his heart was puzzled by this strange emotion that emerged again.

What secret is hidden in him? He can't even understand it himself!

In a blink of an eye, they came to a brightly lit house with many rooms and a lobby. Judging from the shadow of the light, there are many people in the lobby.

"Go in first and get acquainted with your classmates." Fu Yunwen smiled and turned away.

The three people looked at each other and entered the lobby.

This is a lobby with many tables and chairs, surrounded by murals, including feathers and cranes in the forest, green mountains and green water. During this period, it was antique and surrounded by a smell of books. Nearly 100 people were in this lobby, old and young.

Ying Yu fixed his eyes and the corners of his mouth twitched. As he guessed, these people were all monks. Without thinking about it, they knew that they were the same people as them and were forced to be left as students by Fu Yunwen. They couldn't help but feel sad.

"Wow, there are beautiful women."

"This girl is really beautiful..."

"This beautiful lady, how old is this year, whether she is married or not..."

As soon as Ying Yu came to his senses, he was shocked. Xiao Ruoli and Yan Qingrong were surrounded by many people and disturbed one after another. They all squeezed forward like wolves and tigers, looking hungry and thirsty, as if they had never seen a woman before.

The majority of monks here are men, and only one sixth of women. Except for these women and a few men, the other men rushed up and shouted.

"Have you never seen a beautiful woman!" Xiao Ruoli's delicate voice came out.

"I really haven't seen such a beautiful woman as a girl. I don't know if a girl can have someone she like."

"What does this have to do with you?" Xiao Ruoli was popular with a group of people.

"When I first saw a girl, I thought she was a fairy, and I hope to meet the girl."


On the other side, although the number of Yan Qingrong is less than that next to Xiao Ruo, it is not much better, and it is also blocked.

Ying Yu couldn't help wiping his cold sweat. He stayed with Xiao Ruoli all day and was already immune to his beautiful face. But the rest of the people are not as beautiful as him. It is rare to see beautiful women, and they naturally flock up.

"Peepy, come and help!" Xiao Ruoli shouted loudly.

The scene calmed down in an instant. Everyone wanted to see who the magnificent woman said that the voyeur was, and the funny eyes glanced around.

Ying Yu quickly covered his face and wanted to turn around and leave, regardless of this matter. But through the vision of the fingers, I saw Xiao Ruoli's delicate appearance now. She had no power to bind chickens, but she was surrounded by a group of men in the center. She really couldn't get out of it, and she couldn't help but feel inexplicable.

After thinking about it, he finally sighed and ignored the eyes of the rest of the people and rushed directly into the crowd. His eyes were opposite to Xiao Ruoli and held the other party's delicate and lubricated little hand.

He protected Xiao Ruoli in his arms and prevented anyone from touching the Yi people in his arms. He abruptly squeezed out the crowd and left the lobby.

"Who is this guy? I want to fight with him." A young man said annoyanly, and his heart was extremely unbalanced.

Almost all the men here are like this. Seeing the appearance of a beautiful woman who had never heard of, but was intimate with the rest of the men, which made them feel burned and entangled.

If Fu Yunwen hadn't said here that Haoran College should not fight without permission, and violators would be severely punished. I'm afraid that many people who are ready to move would do it directly, and some of their hearts will be depressed.

When Yan Qingrong saw this picture, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

In the dark night, the cold night wind blows, the trees sound like waves, and the branches and shadows sway under the faint light. There are ripples in the clear pool in the courtyard, and there are fish wandering on the surface of the water. Surrounded by rock mountains, there is a leisurely scene outside the world.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli have separated, and neither of them said much, and they were more silent in the silent night.

In the end, Ying Yu said first, "Little witch, remember that you can't call me like that again."

Xiao Ruoli gave him a white look and said, "If you don't call, don't you call? Isn't that lady very faceless? Don't worry, it won't be long before the whole Haoran Academy will know that you are a voyeur.

"You! It's in vain for me to save you from the tiger and wolf." Ying Yu was very angry.

Xiao Ruoli laughed carelessly, as if she was very happy to see Ying Yu angry.

Ying Yu decisively turned to practice on the spot, immersed himself in the vast world of practice, and ignored the ups and downs of the outside world.