Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 28 Don't treat each other

The sky turned bright, the clouds opened and the fog dispersed, the vast sunlight swept the earth, and the darkness dissipated in a moment.

In the morning, the sky is clear, the clouds are like smoke, and the gradually bright sunlight shines on the whole vast college.

The breeze is blowing slightly, and it is cold. The trees are swaying, the branches and leaves are trembling, the flowers are drifting endlessly, and the newly formed dewdrops are condensed on the leaves of the grass leaves, as if they are about to fall to the ground.

After one night of practice, Ying Yu felt that his heart was good, and the spiritual power in his body had grown significantly, rushing like a small river, and his whole body was comfortable.

Then he looked at Xiao Ruoli, who was still practicing to recover from his injury, and took out the sword of the king of Chu to practice the swordsmanship contained in it. At the same time, he stepped on the empty steps, two-pronged, and practiced from time to time.

I only saw the purple light flying in the courtyard, like electricity, and the sword was shouting in the wind. The body shook, as if a phantom broke out of the body, with mysterious and charming eyes.

About half an hour later, he stopped moving and felt that Kendo and footwork had increased.

Only sometimes insist on practicing diligently can you maintain your cultivation and increase your strength step by step. Otherwise, it will be like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

This truth, understood by any monk, is also one of the driving forces to urge them to move forward!

Ying Yu packed up his things and found that Xiao Ruoli was also awake. Under the hazy light, her clothes danced with the wind, and her pretty face was lazy and cute, which was really pitiful.

I just understand the woman's temperament in front of me, but I won't be so easily moved.

"Let's go, voyeur, go and see what the old man has to teach us." Xiao Ruoli yawned and got up. She stretched out her waist, which was extremely touching, and her yellow clothes moved gently in the wind.

The rain nodded, and the two immediately went back to the same road. They all know that since they can't leave here, they should stay for three months. With Fu Yunwen here, no one can escape.

Among the many floor houses, the row of long houses is very easy to find. The two approached and went to the lobby, but before entering the lobby, they heard a loud voice.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. You can kill me. Why do you want me to stay and learn from you?"

Fu Yunwen's constant laughter came and said slowly, "Shao Wu, this is your fault. Since you have entered this Haoran Academy, you must stay like this until I leave. You are very lucky. I will go to the Xuanxihui in three months, so you don't have to stay here like some people for nearly a year.

"Don't call me that! I'm already 40 years old, and you still let me learn from you. What does it look like? Even if I am not good at talent, I only have this little cultivation at this age, which does not mean that I have no backbone and would rather die than live like this.

Fu Yunwen smiled and said, "This is not good. As the saying goes, there is no religion. Even if it is birds and animals, flowers and trees, you can also listen to the sermon. What's more, you are just older than the rest of the people, which doesn't mean anything. Perhaps three months of reading can also eliminate your mental disorders and enable you to make a breakthrough in practice.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli looked at each other and entered the lobby. They were immediately shocked.

I only saw the bearded middle-aged man who came with them last night, but was unlucky enough to be knocked unconscious by Fu Yunwen.

The bearded middle-aged man's legs pedaled the earth fiercely, his hands danced randomly in front of him, and the operation of his spiritual power made a sound of breaking through the air, and the blue light flashed, extremely crazy.

But Fu Yunwen in front of him had a peaceful face and a smile. His palm stretched out on Shao Wu's head, and the milky white light flashed, forming a giant bell-like appearance.

He easily suppressed the violent Shao Wu without any effort. And he can also talk at length and educate each other endlessly, and his behavior is shocking.

"What a strange predecessor." Ying Yu said quietly to Xiao Ruoli.

In this regard, Xiao Ruoli nodded with deep thought.

"Shao Wu, think about it when you go back. Don't worry." Fu Yunwen let go and let the bearded middle-aged man in front of him leave, and then seemed to see Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli and came over with a smile.

Fu Yunwen said, "To be honest, I still don't know the names of the two classmates."

"I want to reply to Fufuzi, and the student is called Ying Yu." Ying Yu did not feel the need to hide his name. At the same time, he remembered what Fu Yunwen said last night and did not miss the name.

Xiao Ruoli looked at Fu Yunwen with a smile and said gently in a voice heard by only three people: "My name is Xiao Ruoli."

Ying Yu was not surprised at all, but Fu Yunwen seemed to understand something. He looked at Xiao Ruoli with great meaning, and there was a light in his chaotic eyes.

"Ha ha, it turned out to be Ying Yu and Xiao." Fu Yunwen smiled and said nothing more, and then pointed to the outside and said, "Room 99 and Room 100 are yours. You can rest in them at ordinary times."

After the two thanked him, Fu Yunwen left the lobby.

At the same time, many wolf-like men immediately rushed up and their eyes fell on Xiao Ruoli.

Xiao Ruoli's eyes flashed a trace of disgust and fell behind Ying Yu, so as to stop many admirers. Ying Yu had a headache, and after a pull, people left one after another.

Now it's time for class, and everyone is already sitting in their seats.

The seats here are left and half, and each seat is separated. Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli chose two empty seats to sit down.

Among them, Xiao Ruoli chose the last side against the wall and the other side by the window, and Ying Yu sat next to her, which made many people with the heart of flower protector sigh.

"I've met two people, and they are popular in Nie." Unfortunately, Xiao Ruoli must have two sides to face others. It doesn't matter if one of them has the rain, and the other is in front.

The man in blue who turned around was like a knife, with long hair scattered, and quite a prodigal temperament. A pair of eyes are very flexible, full of wisdom, and a gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Ruoli's eyes turned white and turned her head to ignore it. Ying Yu's heart moved and asked, "Brother Fengxing, is everyone staying here because of Elder Fu?"

Nie Fengxing said with a wry smile, "Who said no? Anyone who steps into Haoran Academy will be forced to be left as a student for whatever reason. With Elder Fu's cultivation, no one can resist, so gradually there will be hundreds of people.

Ying Yu said, "Then why did Elder Fu stay here? Although Haoran's magic fist may attract Elder Fu, it is advisable for Elder Fu to leave. How can he continue to stay as a teacher and forcibly leave the monks who entered the college to teach?

Nie Fengxing shook his head and said, "You don't know anything about this. Although Elder Fu is strange, he is a rare good man with a sense of righteousness. In the face of mortals, Elder Fu will not seize it. After he discovered the existence of Haoran Shenquan, he promised the dean of Haoran Academy to teach here for a year in exchange for the observation of Haoran Shenquan. It is precisely because Elder Fu is here that no one can successfully achieve Haoran God Fist.

Ying Yu was stunned when he heard the words. Compared with Xiao Ruoli, who wanted to capture it as soon as he heard "Forget Drunken Red Dust" and Haoran's Fist, Fu Yunwen was indeed a righteous and awe-inspiring person. The behavior between the two is completely an extreme contrast between the two.

"And then?" Ying Yu continued to ask, and even Xiao Ruoli paid attention to the news.

Nie Feng said, "So those of us who entered Haoran Academy with different purposes were unlucky and were left as so-called students one after another. We must wait until Elder Fu has to leave before we can leave. Elder Fu came here seven months ago, so he will be free in three months. You are fine. It's just three months. I don't have five months to live in the future. This kind of boring life is simply torment. Except for practicing, it's reading, which is really tasteless.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli took a pitiful look at Nie Fengxing. It was really not easy to hold on for so long.

Ying Yu thought for a moment and said, "According to the practice of Elder Fu, there is no guarantee that it will not affect some innocent people. After all, not everyone must come for Haoran's magic fist.

"Of course." Nie Fengxing patted his legs and pointed to the person in front of Ying Yu's seat and said, "This is Ye Fuhui's brother, who is the chief disciple of Qingyunzong. Just because he passed by this city and saw a group of monks sneaking into Haoran Academy, he came in to see what was going on, but he was left. Although Qingyunzong is not one of the top ten sects, it is also a big force on the hegemony side. As a result, Elder Fu will not give face at all. He has treated Ye Buhui brothers equally and kept them for three months.

Ye Fuhui is a tall and magnificent man with Taoist cultivation, but he can't escape the same fate as everyone. He shook his head helplessly and smiled, which was indeed very unlucky for him.

Ying Yu and Xiao Ruoli were even more surprised. Unexpectedly, Fu Yunwen was really ruthless in dealing with things and deserved to be a powerful existence on the list of immortals, with a unique style.