Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 238 Dream

The cold moon hangs high in the sky, and the surrounding stars are full of stars, sprinkling clusters of light, shining on forgetfulness.

In the way of forgetfulness, there are mountains with thousands of blades; trees swaying with the wind; flowers and plants are fragrant and pleasant.

Ying Yu stood in mid-air, looking at the distant front, stunned and a little dull.

After all, the sound of the piano that came gently with the breeze was broken, and then dissipated between heaven and earth, and there was no sound with the wind. It's like, it's never happened!

At this moment, Ying Yu felt melancholy.

Empty, as if you have lost something. A song "Forget the Drunken Red Dust" made him almost forget where he was.

"You are the bright moon, and I am the faint stars. Maybe we will meet in the endless sky, but we passed by twice and left us sad. Will we change this situation this time, or will it be the same as before? Ying Yu muttered to himself and lowered his head.

The breeze brushed, and the clouds rolled up and blew on Yingyu's body. He suddenly felt the bitter cold, which had never been before.

"Wow!" The next moment, Ying Yu's whole body was shocked, and he could no longer maintain the magic power of the three thousand worlds, exposing himself. At the same time, it swayed from mid-air, as if it suddenly lost all its perception and strength. The cold wind passed by and quickly approached the earth.

At the moment when the rain was about to hit the ground, a layer of blue light shone on his body, completely protecting him and putting him on the ground.

Around, the vegetation swaying, the flowers spread fragrance, and two figures suddenly appeared.

One of the cold and gorgeous women, with a cold look, is Qin Mengli.

Another beautiful woman with a white body and a skirt like clouds, but with desolate white hair is a light dance.

The two women came here, and Qin Mengli took action. In an instant, they controlled Ying Yu, but they had no resistance at all!

Looking at Ying Yu, Yun danced lightly and changed her face, and her eyes were sad. It seemed that there were many words to say, but she couldn't say it. In this way, she looked deeply at Ying Yu, deeply...


Suddenly, Yun Qingwu seemed to think of something and looked at Qin Mengli in horror.

Qin Mengli snorted coldly and said with a disdainful look, "I said that I won't hurt him, then I will never take action. But you must also finish what you promised me, or I will kill him at any time.

For Qin Mengli, this is also a helpless move. In fact, her actions have been done perfectly, but unfortunately, she has been exposed because of the reincarnation that has only existed in rumors. This is something she had never thought of, and she can only solve things in a roundabout way.

"Then how can you prevent him from coming to me?" Yun Qingwu squatted down, stroked Ying Yu's face and said, "Even if he is suppressed by a sword, he may continue to come to me. After all, it can only suppress emotions, not the heart.

"Well, I have my own way." A cold light flashed in Qin Mengli's eyes and said, "If you want him to take the initiative to disappear in front of your eyes, you can forget it. And he doesn't remember what you said, so that you can give up.

Yun Qingwu was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed at himself and said, "You don't understand."

Qin Mengli said coldly, "I don't understand, and I don't need to understand. As long as this method can complete my plan, I don't need to think too much about the rest.

In the moonlight, Qin Mengli walked slowly beside Yingyu, with a light in her eyes that others did not understand. Suddenly, she suddenly took action, waved a green light and fell down, converging in the body of the rain, and mysterious changes occurred.

"What?" Suddenly, Qin Mengli's expression changed and she blurted out, "How can his face be the same as Xu You used to be?"

She really saw Ying Yu for the first time, and once only heard his name without seeing him. Even in Chu Xuan's first life, Chu Xuan was stained with blood, and Qin Mengli could not recognize him.

Yun Qingwu showed a complicated look when he heard the words, but he was silent.

Qin Mengli looked at Ying Yu and said, "Since the reincarnation disk exists, will the reincarnation really exist? Or is it just a similar person?

She felt very confused, which was a situation she had never encountered before, which made him full of doubts.

"What the hell is going on?" Qin Mengli turned her eyes to Yun Qingwu and asked.

Yun Qingwu's expression was calm and said casually, "Why do you have to ask so much? Haven't you been able to master everything?"

Qin Mengli frowned when he heard the words and looked at Ying Yu, but finally didn't ask much.

A ray of green light fell on Yingyu's body and concentrated in a position, and his whole body radiated infinite brilliance.

In the endless darkness, Ying Yu suddenly seemed to have a trace of consciousness awakening, wandering in the invisible darkness, muddle-headed, and his feelings for all kinds of things are very vague.

Suddenly, a little green light lit up from the darkness, like the morning sun rising at the end of the black ocean. The green light floated and drifted with the tide, slowly appearing beside the consciousness of Yingyu and getting close to it.

In the vagueness, Ying Yu's consciousness seemed to feel bad and struggled to hide backwards. But he failed. The green light spot just rushed forward and attached to him, integrating into it and distinguishing from each other.

"Uh..." Ying Yu roared, and his consciousness flashed continuously.

Pictures passed quickly through his mind, as if looking back on the past without missing any details.

With the invasion of the green light spots, these pictures shook violently, like paper and cloth in the hurricane, fluttering. With the passage of time, the picture changes, and some scenes are captured and separated from the picture.

The green light spots are like a cage, covering scenes and constantly plundering in the memory picture.

In that picture, a woman is sad and sad!

A woman is like a cloud, gorgeous, elegant and vulgar. No one can compare with her face. She seems to have gathered all the light and light in the world!

However, such a woman was constantly deprived from the memory picture, like a moth rushing into the fire, falling into the bright spot, firmly trapped in it, leaving only a sad and peerless face.

In the end, there was no longer the figure of this woman in the memory, and there was not even a shadow left.

"Ah..." Ying Yu suddenly let out a shocking cry, rolling back and forth in the green grass, with blue light shining on his body.

He felt boundless heartache and went deep into the bone marrow...