Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 239 Don't Know each other

The past picture, the passing scene, and the woman of the past are gone forever.

"Ah..." Ying Yu shouted in pain, twitching all over, and tears flowed out of his closed eyes.

In the dark consciousness, the memory picture stopped spinning crazily and returned to a normal flow. But there is a little green light next to the memory picture, bound with scenes of the past, and everything is deprived from the memory picture.

"Wow..." Looking at the appearance of Ying Yu falling into the grass, Yun gently covered his mouth and cried, and his bright tears crossed his cheeks, as if there was a morning light shining and dripping in the grass.

"From now on, his memory* will never have you again." Qin Mengli said coldly, "In his memory, the deeds about you have been deprived by me. He won't remember seeing you or everything with you. There will be no more shadow of you in his life.

"He forgot you, and you... must also forget him." Qin Mengli said coldly.

"Wow... Why do you have to break us up?" Until the last moment, Yun Qingwu's heart was still full of strong unwillingness and sad questions.

She didn't understand why these pains must beborne by both of them.

"No matter what, it's impossible for you." Qin Meng said in a cold voice, with a trace of cold light in his eyes.

The wind blows across the grass and rustle.

Ying Yu lay there, as if he had forgotten everything, quietly closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

"He can't stay here. I can't let any accident happen. I have to leave him far away." Qin Mengli said, holding Yingyu with one hand and dancing with clouds in the other, flying high in the sky.

I don't know if a few days later, the Central Region is close to the Northern Region, in a dense forest.

The morning light shines in the sky, showing a touch of fish belly white, and a huge sun rises slowly, shining a gentle light.

In the woods, the grass is everywhere and the wild flowers are fragrant. As the breeze passed gently, the branches and leaves shook, the dewdrops fell, and a wisp of refreshing wind filled every position.

The rain fell on the grass without hearing a sound.

"I'm leaving. He doesn't remember you, and you shouldn't remember him, and you can't miss him!" Qin Mengli said coldly, with no emotion in her tone.

Looking at the rain, the clouds danced gently and couldn't help but shed tears and fell with the wind.

"From now on, you will never remember that a woman named Yun Qingwu once accompanied you and cried for you... From now on, you will no longer have my shadow when you look at the sky, and I will no longer see you... From now on, you and I will no longer be separated from each other and there will be any anxiety... From now on, you are just Ying Yu, not Xu You, not Chu Xuan..."

A drop of tears scratched the tender white cheeks and slapped the green grass leaves, like flying flowers and broken jade.

"Let's go!" Qin Mengli's voice seemed to be full of magic. She grabbed the clouds and danced and flew away far away and disappeared into the depths of the endless sky.

In place, there is only a thin body left, unconsciously shaking slightly...

As time goes by, the consciousness of the rain gradually awakens, like the light of early spring, permeating the whole body.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the light of the outside world suddenly shattered the darkness in front of him. A scene of birds and flowers appeared in front of him, and there was the sound of birdsong and the breeze blowing in his ears.

Above the woods, the fog dissipated slightly, and the sunlight projected into the rain, shining on the rain, face and eyes. He immediately shrank his eyes and fully woke up.

"Where is this?" He muttered to himself, "Why am I here?"

As soon as Ying Yu's figure moved, there was a drop of dew on a grass leaf next to him, dripping at the corners of his lips and seeping into his mouth.

"Is this a dewdrop? Why is it salty? It's really strange.

With a heavy head shaking, Ying Yu stood up and stood in the woods in a long posture, looking at all directions with doubts.

"I should have been in the capital, and then I said goodbye to Ruoli and left, and then I went..." Ying Yu frowned and thought, "Where did I go after that? Why can't I remember everything? Or, I haven't started yet, but I think it's been a long time?"

After thinking about it, it seems that only this wording can be convincing.

"Then where should I go?" Ying Yu meditated, as if there was nowhere to go, and his eyebrows frowned deeply.

Finally, he shook his head and flew in one direction at will, cutting through the space and disappearing into the sky at a very fast pace.

On the other side of the sky, clouds floated away and two women appeared.

"Woo..." Yun Qingwu did not leave, crying in a low voice, looking at the blue sky that could not be seen in the distance.

"I promised you to watch him leave. Your goal has been achieved. Now it's time to really go back." Qin Mengli said coldly.

"No." Yun Qingwu shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Qin Mengli said, and anger had appeared on her face.

"I want to see him when I want to see him in the future." Yun danced softly and said.

"You have to take an inch!" Qin Mengli shouted angrily, "Do you believe that I will kill him now so that you will never see him again?"

After becoming a forgetful Taoist, no one has ever dared to disobey her. It has always been Qin Mengli who dominates everything. The first time she saw someone constantly opposing herself, Qin Mengli's anger reached a peak.

Yun Qingwu was not afraid and said lightly, "In the future, you said you would let me know the news of Xiaoyu, but how do I know if you will secretly hurt him and then get some false news to tell me? I must be able to see him every once in a while to listen to you.

A trace of light flashed in Qin Mengli's eyes and said, "Okay, okay, you really think about it."

"You seem to want me to continue practicing, although I don't know what it means. But once the light rain hurts, I will kill myself immediately, so that you can't get anything.

Qin Mengli's face changed and immediately said, "How can this be possible! He has offended many people. In case any enemy wants to kill him, do I still have to protect him? You think so well. It's impossible."

"As long as he doesn't hurt because of forgetfulness, I naturally won't count it on you." The clouds danced lightly and looked at the sky.

"I can promise you all this, but don't forget to promise me." Qin Mengli said coldly, "You must forget him when you go back, so that the law will no longer devour you and continue to practice steadily."


Qin Mengli danced through the sky with clouds and flew to the north. This time they are really going back without any stay.