Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 374 Urgent

The chaotic airway droops, and the black and white air is wrapped around, forming a Taoist vision, and an invisible pressure fills all positions.

The forgetful love passed through the chaotic air and hit it with one palm. The chaotic air will be quickly blown away, and a blank area will appear in the center for him to fly by easily.

Not far ahead, the fairy jade world is looming and not far away.

A cold sweat appeared on Yingyu's forehead, and his heart was entangled, trying his best to urge the fairy jade world to escape in the chaotic atmosphere.

Before and after, the two sides chased quickly.

Seeing that the distance between the forgotten love was getting closer and closer, Ying Yu's heart moved slightly, imprinted the traces of 3,000 worlds in the void, and entered the fairy jade world. Suddenly, the fairy jade world became lighter and accelerated to fly across the chaotic atmosphere.

The situation here can no longer be seen by the world, but everyone knows that it must be very harsh and not beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In fact, if Ying Yu had not owned the fairy jade world and could enter the chaotic atmosphere, even Xiao Taixu, who understood the meaning of the origin of space, could not come in.

Unless you reach the fairyland and become a real fairy like forgetting love!

"Bad guy, the worse bad guy seems to be coming for Mo'er." Mo'er looked at the chaotic air and whispered.

"That's right."

"Would the bad guy give Mo'er to the worse bad guy?"



"Because you are Mo'er."

"Because foam is foam, will bad people protect foam?"

"Unless I die."

In a short answer, Ying Yu was controlling the fairy jade world with all his strength. He couldn't tell much thought at all. With sweat on his forehead, he stared at the forgetful man in the chaotic air.

And Mo'er looked at Ying Yu's eyes and was also stained with a layer of different brilliance, crystal clear, like stars.


Ying Yu and Wangqingzi were deadlocked for a moment, and Wangqingzi suddenly stopped in chaos and did not come forward.

Ying Yu projected his eyes from the fairy jade world and looked at the forgetful love.

"That's all." Wangqingzi said lightly, "Even if I catch up, it's useless to grab Yun Qingwu in a short time. What I need must be the cultivation of the Holy Land, not the virtual world.

Shaking his head, Wangqingzi continued to say to himself, "It's better to go back and thoroughly digest the underworld demons first, so as to reach the level of high immortals. In the future, it will be easier to grab the clouds and dance in the chaotic atmosphere..."

As soon as he raised his hand, he waved his palm to break the void, opened the connection between the chaotic space and the human world, went out directly from it, disappeared, and then the broken space channel disappeared.

Seeing this, Ying Yu breathed a sigh of relief and knew that there would be no more problems in a short period of time, but only in a short period of time.

At this time, he is very contradictory. What should he do in the future?

When the forgetful son digests the demon spirit of the underworld, he will definitely make a comeback and take the foam away. At that time, even if Mo'er does not have the holy way to forget love, it is useless to forget love, but forget love can naturally have a way to force Moer to practice in order to complete the idea in his heart.

This situation is definitely not what Ying Yu wants to see.

He knows what happened to the other three people who were absorbed by the forgotten love, and all of them had died and disappeared from heaven and earth.

He has let Yun Qingwu leave for a lifetime and can't hold on. Do you still want to watch Moer disappear for a lifetime?

No, he absolutely can't let this happen.

"I want to practice, I want to break through, and I want to reach the holy land."

Ying Yu roared crazily in his heart, clenched his fists, and his sharp nails broke his palms.

As long as you reach the holy land and learn the last part of the holy land practice in the fairy jade, you can absorb the golden spiritual power to compete with the forgetful son.

Otherwise, with the ability to respond to the rain today, even if all the golden spiritual power is absorbed, it cannot be better than forgetting.

Because the holy land is detached from the underworld and closest to the fairyland, the same golden spiritual power can exert more powerful power, and the effect may make Yingyu close to the higher immortals.

However, no matter how urgent it is, it can't be quickly crossed. Ying Yu can only take Moer back to the human world first and come to the place of Void Religion.

This place is almost a ruin, only one empty peak can survive, and the rest of the peaks have been destroyed.

In this catastrophe, it was also an accident that Xiao Taixu was still alive, but the death of Mingtian was a more unexpected thing, and what was even more unpredictable was the appearance of the forgotten love.

The news here, as the living people quickly spread all over the world, is destined to shock the whole world!

Seeing that the underworld was dead, Xuanzheng and Duan Wufeng said goodbye and disappeared in the distance.

However, Ying Yu did not leave. He took Moer to the Void Peak, first treated Xiao Taixu's injury with wood jade and water jade, and then looked at Xiao Ruoli.

The two looked at each other and were speechless and didn't know what to say.

For a long time, speechless, Ying Yu still left with Moer and sighed heavily in his heart.

Before leaving, he worked hard** and calculated Xiao Ruoli with the cave virtual magic to understand the past, present and future.

As a result... he knew something unbelievable.

In the past years, Li Xianfeng, Xiaoyaju...

That night, Ying Yu suddenly remembered the whole thing and suddenly realized that he and Xiao Ruoli had already had a skin kinship, and the woman's temperature seemed to recover on her side.

"I can't believe there is such a thing..."

Ying Yu muttered to himself that he didn't understand this situation at all, and the vague impression could not explain anything. At this time, he really understood the past with the virtual magic.

At the same time, he thought of the little bits and pieces with Xiao Ruoli. Why are they now strangers?

"If we leave... we don't know each other..."

Ying Yu thought of what Xiao Ruoli had said, and suddenly became refreshed and understood a little.

Such sad words express what kind of thoughts are in a woman's heart...

Flying in the sky, Ying Yu lowered his head and silently. No matter how Moer talked to him, he didn't reply, and his heart was sighing.

Then he returned to the fairy jade world with Moer and was ready to practice.

As for the world, there was an uproar in an instant. Almost all the monks did not believe that the former strong man who should have died early forgot that his love was born again and easily killed the underworld.

But such news has been confirmed, and the world is terrified.

Following, the four furnace tripods of forgetting love also spread around the world. Qin Mengli, Youyue and Mingtian, these three strong men in the holy land who died one after another, shocked the world.

In the end, the news that Moer was the reincarnation of Yun Qingwu and also the furnace tripod spread around the world, and many people were stunned.