Land Fairy Trail

Chapter 375 Holy

In the fairy jade world, peach blossoms are one after another, and the breeze is as clear as water.

The peaceful world is peaceful and peaceful, and the aura of heaven and earth is condensed.

Ying Yu sat under the peach tree, Luo Ying colorful, sprinkled on his head and body... as if it had fallen on his heart.

The intoxicating fragrance of flowers accompanied by peach blossoms was refreshing. What did the fragrance of flowers remind him of for a while?

It's hard to look back on the past...

In the past, present and future, thinking a little, Ying Yu feels like he has always been in the whirlpool. The past does not stop, the present does not come, and the future is like wind and rain.

"When can I have a really quiet day..."

Ying Yu muttered to himself, and his voice was soft, revealing what kind of helplessness, only the peach blossom heard...

In the depths of the peach blossom forest not far away, Mo'er blinked her big eyes, walked through the prohibition set by Yingyu, took out the wine of a jar, held it with a jade-like little hand, and drank it happily.

Unconsciously, she has entered the Taoist realm and came to this special realm.

Taoism is the realm where the most people exist among the monks in the world. Because no matter how stupid people are, they can practice, but if they want to break through again, they will be blocked by the sky, and no one in tens of millions of people can succeed.

But although the Taoist realm can be entered by anyone, it is also incredible that Yi Moer is now six years old. If it spreads, it will definitely shock countless people, even if she is reincarnated.

Now, I don't know when the love will digest the dark demons of the underworld, and sooner or later they will come back.

However, according to speculation, it should not be too fast, and it may take several years. But even so, can the rain break through to the holy land in a few years?

Even if he breaks through, will he be the opponent of forgetful love?

He can't think of the answer, and the cave magic can't measure the future for him. Therefore, he made a decision to leave the fairy jade world with Moer and continue to walk around the world and enjoy the scenery of various places.

In the world, there is a lot of noise, but it is also a little more alive than before.

After all, although forgetfulness is more terrible, it will not harm the vast majority of people in the world, so that people finally feel happy, like a prosperous scene.

Since the death of the underworld, the rest of the people are not worried. The slightly stronger people will be slaughtered by the strong men in the human world. No one can stay, either die or escape back to the underworld.

In the human world, there is peace, and all factions come out together to reproduce the glorious light.

Today, there are only four schools left in the top schools: Void Religion, Tianyalou, Bihai Chaosheng Pavilion and Xunxianguan. In addition, only four major sects are the front line of Qingyunzong, Putian Temple and Xuanji Garden...

In Putian Temple and Xuanji Garden, it seems that the strong people in the Holy Land are no longer qualified to be called the top mony, but it can still be regarded as a front-line sect.

Among them, the owner of Xuanji Garden is Duan Wufeng. There have been rumors of monks that he happened to see Duan Wufeng and a beautiful woman flying hand in hand.

The abbot of Putian Temple is Xuanzheng, who supported this sect again and reopened in Putian Temple, making the bodhi trees shine again.

The patriarch of Qingyunzong also changed his position and passed it on to Ye.

Among the four sects, Nie Tianya, the last owner of Tianya Tower, was killed by the forgotten love, so the current owner Nie Feng practiced day and night, and all wanted to revenge.

In the Void Religion, the position of leader was passed to Xiao Ruoli, and only she and Mo Chenyi could have this qualification. However, Mo Chenyi volunteered to be an elder and assisted Xiao Ruoli to look down on the world.

The viewer of the fairyland was passed on by Shu Yuqing to Shu Shangqing, the strong man in the underworld who had hidden a piece of news for 20 years. Yuanqing, the most talented descendant in Xunxianguan, has been blocked under the sky and is no longer qualified to inherit and inherit.

The Bihai Tide Sound Pavilion is also a similar scene. Among the talented disciples, Chen Ge laughed and drank all day long and could not break through under the heaven. Naturally, the new cabinet owner is Shen Xian.

The wind and clouds in the human world are changing. A year later, a palpitating breath came from the northern grassland. The sky and the earth were pale, the ground was full of golden lotus, and the earth, water, wind and fire appeared together, and it was colorful.

A strong man in the Holy Land was born!

The Kirin Beast has dominated the northern grassland for a long time, and now it has finally succeeded in breaking through as a strong man in the Holy Land and a new generation of Beiyuan Demon Emperor!

In the new world, the pursuit of immortals is becoming more and more prosperous, and the number of mortals is decreasing sharply. Because everyone has gone to practice Taoism and ask immortals, and become a monk who can fly and escape from the earth.

Countless small sects stand all over the world, receiving disciples, and the style of monism is extremely prosperous!

In such days, Ying Yu took Moer's hand and traveled all over the world.

When he met the suffering people, he didn't mind doing a little to help them get through the difficulties. But if he meets someone who does evil, he will not be polite and kill him directly.

Over the years, his mentality has gradually changed.

When I just got Xianyu and ran out of the Nanshan School, Ying Yu was self-centered. In fact, it has always been so. Even if the sky collapses and the world is destroyed, he doesn't think it has anything to do with him.

And now, he looks at himself doubtfully from time to time, why has changed...

"Bad guy, there is a little girl who was bullied by monsters. Go and help."

Moer's sweet voice echoed in my ears, no matter how long it had passed, it seemed to still exist, shaking the heart.

Yingyu nodded, slapped the monster to death, saved the ignorant girl, and drifted away in the shining eyes of the other party.

I don't know how many times such things happened along the way.

The change of heart has made Ying Yu have different views on many problems in the world.

Finally, when he came to the original location of Taixuan Mountain, he took out Taixuan Mountain and put it here.

Because of the legend of celebrities, many people understand the legend about Yingyu on Taixuan Mountain. With the fun, they built eight cities nearby and surrounded the whole Taixuan Mountain.

When Taixuan Mountain was taken away by the rain, this place appeared as a desolate place. Now Yingyu put Taixuan Mountain back and used some means to wait for the idle people to enter the mountain.

Standing on Taixuan Mountain, he realized something, and immediately his mind penetrated heaven and earth and buried it into the holy land.

To become a strong man in the Holy Land, even if you have the ability to break through, you still need to overcome the disaster. However, it is not easy for people who can reach this point, and it is only easy to overcome disaster.

For the rain, this disaster is not even as difficult as refining the body in the thunder pool.

After the rain crossed the disaster, he entered the fairy jade world and let Lei Chi refine his body to the limit. Then he contacted the people everywhere in Tianyalou and released the news that he would fight against the forgotten son in the capital.

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked.