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Chapter 290 The Death of the Great Army

At the gate of the hotel, Hua Shao and Caesar left with the soldiers. It would be very dangerous for Shuiyue to attract the magic soldiers, so there was only a large army around her. Shuiyue was very confident in herself, but the strength of the army made Shuiyue a little worried. Shuiyue was indeed a road idiot without a map, and she didn't know where to go. Go, it is also helpless to leave the army by your side, otherwise Shuiyue will also let the army leave together.

When everyone withdrew from the town, the town seemed empty at this moment. The people who did not leave were hiding in the house. There was no one on the street. Shuiyue stood on the street with an ordinary sword, wearing the red scarf given to her by Xiao Xue to protect herself from the cold. This is also what Shuiyue just decided to put on her neck. Well, Shuiyue will feel that Xiao Xue is here.

The army stood behind Shuiyue, also holding a long sword in his hand, but was protected by Shuiyue. The two had already calculated the route of escape. After leaving the town, the two were now holding the enemy on the road for a while, and then got into the woods to escape.

In the leading force of the magic soldiers, hundreds of people found Shuiyue standing on the street at the first time, but hundreds of people did not move, and the magic soldiers also had fear.

The army laughed and said, "The magic soldiers dare not come. They thought we had set a trap!"

Shuiyue waved his sword, "When they launch an attack, we won't run too late. Be careful yourself. The archers of the magic soldiers are very powerful, and there are many people!"

The army was not afraid and said confidently, "I was also a warrior!"

Shuiyue curled her lips, "Are you also a warrior?"

"Can't you see it?"

Shuiyue really didn't see it. She only knew that the army had destroyed the whole family in anger. What kind of hatred should it be?

"Dajun, why did you kill a family of seven?"

The army sighed, touched the scar on his face and said, "Young and frivolous, it's my fault."

"Isn't that your enemy?"

"It's not true, at least a few of this family should not die!"

The magic soldier seemed to be waiting for some assistance. Shuiyue felt the movement around her and was not surrounded, so she couldn't help asking, "Is it convenient for you to tell me your story?"

"It's all over. If you've done it, you're not afraid to say it, but now...!"

Shuiyue waved his sword, "The magic soldiers can't attack for the time being. I think they are just the leading troops, and the follow-up troops are still marching. We have to wait until all of them appear to lead them away."

"Then I'll tell you. At the beginning, I was unruly and dungry. One day, I got drunk and flirted with a girl with my brother. My brother grabbed the girl to the house and raped her. That night, the girl's brother took his brother to find my brother and cut off his lower body. My final Because of too much bloodshed and died, I didn't know it. At that time, I was still drinking in the hotel and killed my brother. These two people came to my house again. My parents were old and angry at that time, and they were beaten by the victim's family. When I returned home drunk, I found the scars on my parents. I went to settle accounts with my sword. With the help of alcohol, I killed the family. The scar on my face was left at that time. I still remember the eyes of the woman after her death. After killing someone, I went to the city lord to receive the crime. They didn't execute me and sent me to the city of Crime City. I could dream of that tragic death day and night. A family of seven under my sword.

Shuiyue took a breath of cold breath. As a listening, Shuiyue was not easy to express any opinions, and the magic soldiers did not allow Shuiyue to express their opinions. More magic soldiers just came from behind and surrounded Shuiyue in the concave arc in the city on the street.

"Hey, your story has attracted all the magic soldiers. Don't be too sad. Do people find themselves? It's just a momentary impulse. If I give you a long sword now."

"I already hold it in my hand. If I wave it once, it's just killing the magic soldier!"

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Good awareness."

The army's body went backwards, "But not now!"

When Shuiyue looked away, about 500 or 600 magic soldiers appeared. The whole street was full of black heads. All the other party arrived. Shuiyue turned around and ran away, not forgetting to say to the army, "Beware of the archers of the other party."

Seeing Shuiyue escape, the magic soldier's attack action was indeed the same as his own judgment. The archers behind him stood out from the whole team and shot at the sky. A rain of arrows chased Shuiyue and the army. Shuiyue turned around, retreated aside, and blocked all the feather arrows outside the sword. The army only ran in front of Shuiyue from the street. In front of a basket-buying stall, he picked up a basket and put it on his head and cursed.

"His grandma, this magic soldier's arrow rain is really amazing."

sou sou-

It's very scary. As soon as Shuiyue saw the army, the method was good, so he looked at a basket in two halves, usually in his hand, which could be used as a shield. The rough and simple shield was very practical to resist the arrow rain falling from the sky. The magic soldiers did not use it and shot flat. All the moon only needed to care about the sky. Gradually, the two escaped the arrows. In the range of rain, a large number of magic soldiers came from behind like a wave. The distance was relatively far away. Shuiyue and the army left the town and came to the road. Shuiyue put the long sword in the ring and continued to attract the enemy with [Yuanxuan].

The army suddenly stopped in front of him. Shuiyue looked up and saw that a team of magic soldiers appeared in front of the road, and the battle was neatly lined up.

The army said, "We are surrounded by the enemy!"

Shuiyue is not blind. He saw it, but this team of magic soldiers seemed to be not the team with the magic soldiers who caught up behind. The other party may have been patrolling here and happened to bump into himself and the army, all the secrets.

Shuiyue took out her long sword and scolded, "Damn, we hit the encirclement of the magic soldiers by ourselves. Let's kill it!"

On the sword, holding the power of [Yan Xuan], Shuiyue rushed over first. The other party stood about 100 and stood in a row on the road. As long as he could rush through smoothly, it was enough to get rid of it. The army was behind and understood Shuiyue's words, "We are so unlucky!"

The two teams of magic soldiers took care of each other, and the water moon flew by. The magic soldiers were like tigers and wolves, but the water moon was a tiger. The tigers down the mountain were still afraid of the magic soldiers. The water moon sword passed, and the three magic soldiers fell to the ground and then rushed into the enemy array. The strategy won at speed. If you are caught in the middle by the magic soldiers chasing behind, you can It's troublesome. Shuiyue killed the magic soldiers and couldn't help shouting to the army, "Stay with me and be careful."

The army agreed, but its pace was not as fast as Shuiyue. Shuiyue's body flashed, and the magic soldier's attack failed and swept a sword. The magic soldier's arm was cut off. Shuiyue kicked away a rushing magic soldier. Seeing that the army was surrounded by three magic soldiers, he reached out to pull the army, but when Shuiyue pulled the army's arm, she felt big. The army's arms are light.

"Water Moon, go, I'm afraid I can't run away!" The arm of the army was cut off by the enemy. At this moment, blood gushed out, and the army's face was full of blood. Shuiyue's long sword was inserted in the encirclement of the mountain demon soldiers. The sword front rotated, the magic soldier's arm was cut off, and the sword fell down. Shuiyue supported the army, "How do you feel?"

Shuiyue took the arm of the army and threw it into the ring.

"It's okay, but it hurts!" The painful army sweated.

Shuiyue supported the army and continued to fight. "It doesn't matter, you must stick to it."

The army shook his head, "The magic soldier has rushed over from behind. Put me down. I should have died. I deserved it. I can live so long. God only makes me atone for my sins. I'm very happy to make friends like you!"

Shuiyue was furious, "What are you talking about? If you want to atone for your sins, you don't need to die!"

The army laughed, "Don't say, the magic soldiers have come after me. Put me down quickly. I don't want to drag you down!"

Shuiyue resisted the attack of the magic soldiers for the army. It felt very difficult. In all directions, the weapons of the magic soldiers swept over. Shuiyue could only estimate the surroundings of his body. In a blink of an eye, the magic soldiers inserted a sword in the back of the army. At this time, the army's hands exerted, and I don't know where the strength came from, not only to break free from Shuiyue's hands. Moreover, the water moon withdrew far away, and the water moon relay soared into the air, stepped on the head of the magic soldier, and fell behind the demon soldier's team.